

Selene wakes up and she's alone. Well, not alone, Kate Argent is in front of her but there is no trace of Derek.

"Where is he?" Selene asks her voice weak.

"That's nothing you should worry about. Who's the second Beta?" Kate questions.

"You really think I would tell you? Torture me all you want, it's going to get you killed one way or another" Selene replies. Kate picks up a knife and throws it at Selene. It lands in her abdomen and she doesn't make a sound.

"You're a tough one, aren't you? This is going to be fun" Kate states with a smile on her face.


"Where the FUCK is she?!" Cheryl asks/yells and Scott and Stiles flinch back. "If something happens to her, it will be your fault" Cheryl yells at Scott.

"Okay, why don't you-" Stiles starts.

"SHUT UP!" Cheryl yells, cutting him off.

"Look, Cheryl, right?" Scott asks and Cheryl just glares at him. Her phone starts ringing and she sighs. She looks at the caller's ID and starts to freak out.

"We got a problem" she states.

"Who's calling?" Stiles asks.

"Selene's mother" Cheryl answers.


"And?" Scott asks after Cheryl hangs up.

"She's still out of town. I didn't tell her, which I probably will get in trouble for. We need to find her. You two go to school, cover for her. I'll find her" Cheryl says.

"Yeah? And how are you going to do that?" Stiles asks with his usual level of sarcasm.

"Careful, I don't have as much control as Selene does. Don't make me angry" Cheryl warns, her eyes glowing amber. Stiles backs off scared.

"Okay! I'm done with werewolves threatening to kill me! Hear me! Done!" Stiles yells at Cheryl. She growls and bares her teeth.


"We'll cover for her. bye" Stiles says and leaves. He mumbles to himself about 'Stupid Werewolfs and their stupid-" and so on and on. Scott looks at Cheryl and then follows after Stiles.


Having no leads, Cheryl goes to find Allison. And considering tonight is the formal, where else to go than the shopping centre. She sees Allison and some guy. She recognizes the werewolf sent but nothing else.

"Allison! You're Allison, right? I'm Cheryl, a friend of Selene. I haven't been able to reach her since yesterday. Have you?" Cheryl asks while walking up to her. She's standing with her back to the guy and in front of Allison. She flashes her eyes amber to signal she's a werewolf. Allison nods.

"Right! Cheryl, she told me about you. I haven't seen her since after she won the game" Allison replies.

"Huh. Could you help me look for her?" Cheryl asks.

"Sure" Allison answers and they walk out of the shop.

They go to Cheryl's car and Scott comes running over.

"Look, I know Selene and as much as I would like to find her" Cheryl starts and sighs. "She would want me to help you guys defeat that asshole. Scott and I are going to sneak into the school during the formal because I have a feeling something is going to happen" she continues.

"Thank you" Scott replies.

"Don't thank me yet" Cheryl says and gets into her car. She waves and drives away.

Cheryl arrives at the formal right when the whole room gets silent. Scott did a nice save when he danced with Dany. Coach tries to work his way out of this and it's hilariously awkward. After that Scott goes over to Allison and they start to be very cheesy. It's quite clear Cheryl is about to vomit.


"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Allison asks.

"No. I don't want one either. The male species is disappointing. Except for Reed but Reed is... Reed" Cheryl says and turns around. She starts to walk around the school building. A little later she hears someone growl and her eyes grow wide. She starts to run towards the lacrosse field, where the sound came from.


Peter, Lydia and Stiles are on the field.

"Get away from her" Cheryl growls and transforms in her werewolf form.

"Should I be scared?" Peter growls, his fangs bared and eyes red.

"You should get away from her" Cheryl states and kicks him in the side. "GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Cheryl orders Stiles and he quickly picks Lydia up and runs as fast as he can.

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