《Leo x Errian》Chapter 14.



It's been a couple of days and none had really seen Errian, except Leo. I would sneak into the house at night, making sure he was alright and still going strong. I still has had an awful cold. One night I walked into the farmhouse, going to catch up on Leo. I walked into the room, seeing Leo wide awake, and looking at me. He looked at me a bit confused and shocked. He gave a small smile.

"Nice to see you again."

"Sure." I said back walking up to him.

"How come you haven't been here.? You said that you were going to be by my side till I got better, but you ran off that night."

"I got busy, alright. Nothing more. I just need to check on you."

"You mean how you have been every night now." I stopped and looked at him. Blush crept on my face, making me turn around, my back facing him now.

"What's wrong.? Never thought I would know.?" I nodded my head.

"Maybe." I said quietly. Leo spatted the spot next to him, making me come and sit next to him. I still had my face turned away from him. Still blushing.

"So you know. Since your here, why not talk for a bit." I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, seeing him tapping his chin and slightly blushing. I couldn't help but smile.

"I guess. Got nothing to do." Leo smiled. Me and Leo talked for a while. Laughing and just having fun. After some bit I had to go. Not wanting to be seen by the others. I stood up and was about to walk away when Leo grabbed my arm. I turned around, seeing him hiding his face.


"Could you possibly, maybe stay for a bit more.? I'm tired, but i keep having nightmares about the same thing." I blushed a bit.

"Why should I.?" I said harshly.

"Im not going to. I can't keep my mind off you Errian. I don't know why, I just can't." His grip around your arm loosen, letting you pull away, if you wanted to, but didn't.

"Why. How come.?" Leo looked at you confused.

"Why do you care so much.?" He pulled you closer, sitting you back down.

"I don't really know. It's just when I'm around you, I can't stop thinking about how beautiful you are, or how you care so much for me even through you barley know me. I just can't help it when my heart beats fast when near you." My eyes slowly opened up wide. I had a couple of tears water up in my eyes. Leo saw this and panicked.

"Hey you don't need to cry. I was just trying to be nice." I smiled and wiped the tears away. Bringing Leo into a tight hug.

"You idiot. How do you know what to say at the right time.?"

"Don't know. Just happened." I giggled a little. I let go of Leo and pushed him in the bed and wrapping the blanket around him.

"Guess I could stay, but I am warning you, I have a small cold so you could get sick, so I'll sleep in my bed." I turned around but felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and was pulled onto the bed, being covered in the blanket.

"No." Leo said with his eyes closed.

"Leo, come on let go. I don't want you to get sick. I would feel awful." Leo tightened his grip around you. I groaned and tried to get away but failed, so I stopped trying. Slowly closing my eyes, falling asleep.

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