《Leo x Errian》Chapter 15.


||Recovery, is a bitch||

You woke up in Leo's bed, only to not see him. You looked around and still didn't see him. You looked at the clock seeing that it was 3 in the afternoon. You quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs. Seeing Leo sitting on the couch.

"Why didn't you wake me up.?" Leo looked over at you and shrugged.

""You needed the sleep. Plus sleeping helps with a cold." You rolled your eyes and sat next to Leo.

"To late now. Might as well sit." Leo smile and wrapped his arm around you. Looking up you could see a slight tint of pink in his face, making you turn into a tomato. Leo looked over and chuckled at your face. That's what it was like most of the time for his recovery. You and Leo spent almost everyday together. His leg was getting better and he could finally walk on his own without help. He also stated that his leg didn't hurt any more. Making you happy. Leo was able to move freely and train now, you were happy, but sad at the same time. He stopped talking to you or handing out with you. He acted like you were never his friend, but you couldn't get attached. They were going to leave soon. You'll be alone again. Thinking about the thought made you sad.

You were sitting in the couch. Skipping through the channels when Leo walked by.

"Hey Leo. Want to hang out.?" He stopped and looked at you.

"Sorry I have to go train. Maybe next time." With that he left.

"That's what you said last time." Your said to yourself.

"What he say last time.?" You peaked over your shoulder seeing Raph their.

"It's nothing." Raph sat next to you and stared you down.


"It's Leo isn't.?" You immediately looked at Raph, and nodded.

"What did he do this time.?"

"Oh you know nothing much. It's just ever since he got better and was able to train and walk around without my help, he seems to be ignoring me. Everyday I ask to hangout with him, but he always says maybe later, but it never happens. He starting to make me think that I was never his friend. Sometimes I wish he didn't get better. And it doesn't help that you guys have to leave soon to go back home, meaning I'm going to be alone again." You took a deep breath after ranting about your problems.

"If you want, I could try talking to him."

"It's fine. It's my fault for loving him." You stopped as you heard that slip out your mouth.

"So that's what this is about." Raph said as a grin slowly came on his face.

"Maybe." Raph laughed.

"I'll talk to him." Raph got up and walked over to Leo, leaving you alone once again.

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