《Leo x Errian》Chapter 13.


||I'm worried about you||

Nones pov:

You ran into the woods and took out the shots, knowing who they were. It was the krang, must have followed you. You took them out. One by one, but getting shot multiple times in the progress. You got deeper and deeper into the woods, trying to lead them away.

Raph and Donnie where together looking for you, while the other three were together searching.

"She's such an idiot. She could get hurt or sick." Raph said getting angry.

"I'm sure she's fine." Donnie said trying to calm him down.

The sun was rising and the brothers came back.

"Did you find her.?" Leo asked. Raph shook his head. Leo looked into the forest hoping you were ok out their alone.

You sat in the trees panting. Watching as the krang roamed the area below you. You had tons of burn marks and some blood splatter on you. Your body was weak from the lack of sleep, and you only had a tiny blade. You ended up jumping into the trees to get away; but so far if you moved, you would have gotten caught. Trying to breath steady, and trying to stay calm.

Leo hated how they couldn't find you, so being the stubborn turtle he was, went looking himself. He was slow but managed to look around for a bit. He stopped in hide when he saw krang bots everywhere.

"The one know as Errian, also known as subject 1 has not been found by krang. Krang said we look somewhere near the one names Errian house." Leo was confused on how they knew you and why they called you subject one. Leo was about to leave to look else where, when he heard someone land and the krang firing. He looked back over to see you fighting the krang bots. He saw the multiple wounds on your body. Not wearing hoodie and having left it back at the farmhouse, you had nothing to cover up with. You took them out one by one. Slicing the body in half. Cutting the limbs off, or cutting the head off. Using the trees to jump around the bots faster then they cold shot. Jumping over them and making sure the brains get destroyed, you stopped on them when they popped out, crashing them to death. When you were done you leaned against a tree, trying to catch your breath, but saw another krang not appear.


"Shit." You said under your breath. You stood up, but got shot in the leg, causing you to fall and hold you leg, keeping an eye on the bot. It didn't seem like it wanted to move from the spot.

"The ones known as krang want the one known as Subject 1 to come peacefully with krang. If not lrang have to bring you to krang it's self." You growled. Standing up and by passing the pain, you jumped at it, ripping the brain out yourself, squashing it in your hand. Still panting you get off the body. Dropping the brain. You held your side. About to walk to your house, you head something break, making you turn fast in the direction. You saw Leo walking out from behind the tree. You watched as he got closer. Finally he reached you, making you back up a little.

"I told you to stay in the house and not to leave without me knowing.!" You yelled at him.

"I was worried about you. Plus you should worry about yourself. I mean look at you." You closed your eyes and tried to stand up straight.

"I'll be fine. Your the main issue. You have a broken leg. You should get home."

"And leave you. No way.!" You looked at him and took a deep breath in, only to couch a bit. Your legs gave, making you fall to the ground. Leo slowly walked over and did his best to sit with you, even if his leg was hurting.

"Your not ok Errian. Just look at you. You look worse then me." He was talking, you could tell from his mouth, but you heard nothing. It was silent, everything around you from the animals, Leo, the wind, and the trees. No sound. You closed your eyes and shock your head. You opened them again, but only for your eyes to close again.


Leo's pov:

It was painful sitting down, but Errian need help. I tired talking to her, but she closed her eyes and shock her head. I stoped talking and watched her. Reopening her eyes, only for them to close again. Only this time she didn't open them back up.

"Sorry." Was all she said before going limp. I grabbed her shoulders and shock her hard, wanting to get her awake. With that not working I call Donnie.

"Hello d."

"Where the shell are you Leo.? You can't run off like that."

"It's ok. I found Errian, but she's not in good shape. Just coke to my location." Leo hung up and looked back at you, then at the mess. He waited for this brothers, finally hearing them in the distance.

"Leo. Errian.!"

"Guys over here.! Hurry.!" I shouted. They came running over but stopped seeing all the krang bots and brains destroyed and in tiny pieces, then seeing us. They ran over.

"What happened here.?" Donnie asked.

"No time to explain. I'll tell you later but we have to get her home. Donnie nodded. Grabbing her and running back home. Raph and Mikey walked over and helped me up. Basically carrying me home. They brought me to the shed, where Errian and Donnie was. I sat near them, waiting for her to awake.

Nones pov:

You woke up with a pounding headache. Seeing you were in the shed, you sat up. Groaning in a bit of pain, but pushed it aside. You got off the table and looked around, seeing Leo asleep close to you. You smiled and walked over. Fixing him and laying the blanket you had on over him. You walked away and sneezed. You rubbed your nose and walked out to the main house. You walked in and everyone stared at you. April was the first to get up and ran over to you, hugging you.

"I'm so glad your awake."

"It's whatever. By the way I could have taken care of myself." April let go and smacked you a little.

"Be great full." You rolled your eyes. You walked out not saying another word. You saw no sight of your wolf, thinking that she went home. You walking into the forest and sneezed again, but harder this time.

"I must have caught a cold from last night." You said to yourself. You laughed a little, only making you cough. You walked all the way home and walked through the door to see Frosty asleep. You smiled and walked to your room. Falling on your bed and getting cozy. Wrapping up in all your blankets, feeling cold and sick. Falling asleep at 10 in the morning.

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