《Leo x Errian》Chapter 11.


You woke up in the middle of the night, having another nightmare. You sat up and tried to calm down, but since this wasn't your house you can't just walk around and do what you want. You pulled out a small lamp from your bag and turned it on. You got up and stretched. Using the light you checked on Leo, making sure he was doing alright. Seeing that he was fine, you grabbed one of your bags and walked out being quiet. Going down the stairs you saw Frosty still asleep. So being quiet you walked out the house. You closed the door behind you and sat on the seining bench by the tree they trained at. Hanging the lamp on a small branch, you opened up the bag and pulled out some wood that was half way done being craved and some craving tools. You planned on finishing the crutches so he wasn't stuck sitting and waiting for people.

You finally finished the crutches and the sun was rising. You decided to turn the lamp off and leave your stuff on the chair and walked upstairs to yours and Leo's room. Seeing that he was still asleep, you placed the crutches leaning against the bed with a note. Going back downstairs to grab food.

Leo woke up with a bit of pain in his leg. He sat up the best he could and looked around. Seeing you none where to be found. He then saw the crouch's and grabbed them, reading the note.

"Finished this for you last night. Didn't want you to be sitting all day if I couldn't help it. Stayed up all night for this so you better use them.- Errian."

Leo couldn't help but smile. He used the crutches to get off the bed and walk out. His leg was hurting a little more. He made it to the stairs and realized that he was stuck, that was till you came at the bottom of the stairs. You looked up at Leo and smirked.


"Stuck.?" You said raising a eyebrow. He scoffed.

"Yes. A little help." You walked up the stairs and grabbed his crutches, letting him pit weight on you. You stubbled a bit from his weight but just pushed past it. You walked him down the stairs and handed him the crutches.

"I'm not sure if I measured them right so just let me know and I'll make you knee ones. Also you got some fresh tea in the kitchen. You already have a place to sit in the living room we're you can lift your leg up. Oh and if you want to go outside let me know and if your legs starts hurting please let me know. I could help ease the pain and if any other wound starts to hurt let me know to. I got stuff for your wounds. Ans if you get hungry let me know, I can make you food, also if frosty cause you any trouble let me know." You we're now rumbling on how low should be carful and that if he moves to let you know.

"Chill Errian. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry." You crossed your arms and looked away.

"I'm not worried for you. I'm more worried about the mental state your brothers would be in if you got hurt more." You walked away to outside with a book in your hand. Leo sighed and walked to the kitchen. You saw the tea and drank the whole thing in minutes. After he decided to go outside to see his brothers and friends. He opened the door and walked out, seeing his friends and family over by the tree training. He looked at the porch and saw you sitting down and reading on the bench. He sat down next to you, watching his family. You stayed glued to your book. Leo looked over at the book, seeing how it wasn't a normal book, it was a book on medicine and how to take care of injuries.


"How come your reading that.?" He asked.

"I'm taking a online class to be a nurse of some sort."

"How come.? It seems super boring."

"Well it's for me and Frosty. Someone had to take care of her, and me. Don't really like sitting still when sick." Leo nodded and looked back at his family. It was quiet for a bit till you closed your book. You stood up and placed your book down. The training session was now a play session and they were getting loud. To loud that you couldn't even here your thoughts. You picked up your bow and aimed at them. Leo got a bit worried.

"What are you doing.?" He asked a bit scared.

"Quieting them down." You shot your arrow, making it im hit the tree and flying pass their heads. They stopped and looked at you. Leo could see drops of sweat going down their heads. You dropped your arms and looked at them.

"One. I'm trying to study over here. Two. This is training not playing. And three. Your being to loud." They all nodded their head and went back to training. You sat back down.

"You could have hit someone." Leo said.

"But I didn't, so no game was done." You said opening your book back up. Leo just sighed and continued to watch. They were almost done training when the sun was setting. You were still reading the book and Leo was still sitting next to you.

"You haven't eaten anything all day. You should eat." Leo looked at you.

"Im not."

"Your stomach as growled over 10 times Leo. You can't lie." You looked at him and saw a small tint of pink on his face.

"You we're reading so I didn't want to bother you." You shut your book making some what of a slam. He jumped a bit and looked at you. You stood up and stood right in front of him. Pitting your hand out, you look at him and give a smile.

"You don't have to worry. I will stop time and space for you Leo. I don't mind stopping what I'm doing for you or anyone of your brothers." Leo was speechless. He gave a small smile and grabbed your hand. Standing up.

"What you want for dinner.? I'll make it."

"Let's see." Leo's brothers watched the whole thing. They were happy that Leo was warming up a little to her.

"Dudes I think I see something happening." Mikey said.

"Just shut up and don't ruin it." Raph said.

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