《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Sharing Stories (part 2)
Observation Deck
14th November 2016
9:55 am
Diana looked at Kal in slight shock and then smiled at the image of Steve Trevor coming to her mind "Steve he was...He was incredible, Funny, Heroic, Baffling at times, Brave and very dedicated to his beliefs and objectives" Kal smiled in response and then spoke "Sounds like a hell of a guy" "Oh he was my love, After (Me, My Mother, Antiope and my sisters) had interrogated him about what he had been doing before he ended up on the island, We had him taken to the healing baths so he could wash himself of the sweat and filth of his mission and the beach battle with the Germans, I then accidently walked in on him at the same time as he was getting out of the bath" said Diana.
Clark tried to stifle his laughter at what Diana had seen "You walked in on him when he was naked didn't you?" he asked "Yeah" Diana replied who now had an expression of embarrassment and was now giggling.
Kal burst out laughing "Oh my lord the poor bugger must have felt so awkward & embarrassed at that moment" "Correct my love, I then asked him if he was a typical example of a man and he replied saying he was above average, I then asked him what that was he thought I was talking about his dick but realised I was on about his watch" she replied, "Oh so you saw every bit of him" said Kal who was now struggling to get his laughter under control.
Diana rolled her eyes & facepalmed "Yes now have you finished laughing my love?" she asked.
The Kryptonian put his hands up and slowly calmed himself down "Okay I'm done now but you do make me laugh my love" she then smiled at what he had said "Steve told me how a watch tells time and how it was his father's & was passed down to him which he then passed to me before he died, I still have the watch to this very day" Kal eyes went slightly wide in shock "You still have it even after all this time?" he asked "Yes I couldn't part with it due to it being a reminder of him and the moments that I had with him" Diana replied "Tell me more about him?" Kal asked "He asked me whether he would be allowed to leave, I told him that I tried to convince them to let you go but it wasn't up to me and that if my mother did let him go he would have to take an Amazon with him in order to defeat Ares but that would only happen after the tournament was done to determine which amazon would go with him, He asked me whether I was participating in this competition and I told him no my mother has forbidden me from competing".
Superman's expression turned to one of confusion "How were you able to disguise yourself in such a way that it allowed you to infiltrate the tournament in order to take on your sisters and Aunt?" he asked "I will get to that in a minute, As I was saying Steve told me he understands why my mother forbade me, The way the war was going he wouldn't let someone he cared about take part in the fighting, I asked him why would you want to go back to it and he replied saying it is not about wanting to go but having to go back in order to try and put an end to it and that (His father once told him that if you see something wrong happening in the world, You can either do nothing or do something and well he tried doing nothing) and that his friends, fellow soldiers and his superiors will be worrying right now about why he hadn't made contact with them yet".
The amazon at that moment stopped talking and reminisced about that night before the day of the tournament she then carried on talking "To answer your question the way I got myself into the tournament was thanks to Alexa she came to my bedroom that night and told me that the only two people who could definitely take on Ares would be me or Antiope and that Alexa herself was competing in the tournament as well but she wouldn't actually be there, What she did was she gave me her spare set of armour that was identical to the one she would be wearing on the day and told me to dress in this the next day and hide myself near the coliseum she would create a fake reason for needing to step away for a moment and then come and find me so we could quickly do the switch around".
Superman smiled at hearing that "I can see what you meant when you said she has more loyalty to you than anyone else" "Not only that she was the one who instilled into my mind that not all men are bad and to never have this same mentality that my Mother, Aunt and fellow sisters have due to the horrific acts of Heracles and his men committed upon them and that it should not destroy the idea that there must still be some good in the race of men, I know that I walked away from humanity after world war one but it was due to the fact that even with me killing Ares, Mankind was still capable of being cruel" Diana replied.
Kal's hands cupped her cheeks "Hey it's okay, Like I told you before I understood why you walked away, I am happy that you had faith again in humanity to come back and help this world it needed you just as much as you said it needs me" said Kal "Beloved it is thanks to you that I came back permanently, You gave me hope & faith that despite humanity being cruel at times, They are still worth being saved and with you gone I knew it would be wrong of me to not help" Diana replied "I'm glad I was able to inspire you to make a permanent comeback my love" Kal replied.
The Kryptonian smile at her and them kissed her softly which made Diana kiss him back with equal passion for a good few minutes until the two slowly parted from each other, Kal pulled the Amazon slowly towards him and wrapped his arms around her while Diana did the same and hugged him back, Her head leaned against his chest which made her close her eyes and listen to his heartbeat "I love you Kal" I love you too Diana" Clark replied.
The two stood there in comfortable silence for awhile when Diana spoke "Kal I didn't get to finish my story about Steve for you" "Please carry on, Two questions though, Was Steve at the competition watching to see who would go with him back to London and what were the reactions when you revealed yourself after beating Artemis and your Aunt to become the champion & representative of Themyscira for Earth?" he asked.
Diana thought back to the moment she had taken off her helmet "Steve unfortunately was forced to wait in one of the dungeons cells while the competition was taking place and when I took my helmet off my sisters were shocked that it would be me who would go to mans world, My mother was furious that I had snuck myself into the competition but more to the fact that she now had no choice but to allow me to leave as champion, Artemis was furious that I was still allowed the win even though I had been forbidden from competing while my Aunt she was proud of what I had done, It showed that she had taught me very well and that I would be more than able to take down Ares and gave me her tiara as a congratulations present and that I was officially the toughest and greatest warrior of Themyscira" "Which you definitely are, You kicked Apokoliptian ass today" said Kal "So did you" said Diana she then told him about:
.The journey to London
.How desperate she was to get there quickly and end the war
.How naïve she was thinking everything would be so much better just by killing Ares and ending the war.
.How Steve felt awkward about sleeping next to her in the boat.
.Their discussion about marriage between men & women.
.Steve saying where he came from he wasn't considered average.
.Her and Steve's talking about reproduction and about the pleasures of the flesh, Diana telling him that amazons believe men were more useful for procreation instead of pleasure.
.Arriving in London and how she thought it looked hideous.
.Steve not taking her to the war straight away.
.Seeing a baby for the first time.
.Steve introducing her to Etta Candy and how she & Etta went clothes shopping so that Diana could adapt to London life.
.Her trying out a revolving door for the first time ever while also armed with her shield and sword which then was safeguarded by Etta.
.Her and Steve ambushed by Ludendorff's soldiers and how she took them down.
.Visiting Parliament for the first time and meeting Sir Patrick (a.k.a) Ares and how in that moment she accidently and unknowingly said her full Themysciran title to Ares himself when he asked who she was and how Steve interrupted her and came up with her second name prince.
.Steve lying to his superiors by agreeing to not do anything about Ludendorff when he was actually planning to do something about it.
.Meeting Sameer and Charlie for the first time.
.Trying ice cream for the first time ever and telling the ice cream seller that he should be very proud of himself for how wonderful it was.
.Meeting Chief for the first time and then witnessing Charlie have a nightmare due to the PTSD he had got from fighting in the war.
.Arriving at no mans land and Steve telling her why it was called that and how he wanted to stay on the mission.
.How she ignored him and crossed the whole of no mans land which made Steve, Her friends and British soldiers rally behind her.
.Liberating Veld from German forces with the help of Steve and her friends.
.How Steve taught her how to dance.
.Charlie playing piano while singing at the same time and how Steve hadn't heard him sing in years
.Seeing snow for the first time in her life.
.Her and Steve's first kiss
.How they were tempted to sleep with each other but Steve being the gentleman he was chose not to go through with it.
Kal eyes lit up with a smile now on his face "wow I understand now why you fell in love with him, Steve was a hell of a guy" a lone tear fell down her left cheek as she smiled in return "Yes he was, He may have been my first love but now I have you" Diana replied,
The Kryptonians finger caught her tear "You will always have me" his right hand caressed her cheek which made his sleeve loosen as it fell down his arm & revealed his blue Thanagarian cuff bracelets, Diana's eyes caught sight of it which made him then look at it "What is this?" she asked "Wait" he replied and then pulled his left sleeve down which revealed the other bracelet.
The Amazon read the hieroglyphics "Kal-El of Krypton, The killer of Onimar Synn" her eyes then locked with his "Where did you get these from Kal more to the fact who is Onimar Synn?" she asked.
Onimar Synn's killer turned to face the window his right hand still intertwined with her left "I got these from a planet called Thanagar, A planet that when I arrived was in the middle of a very vicious, brutal & bloody civil war, Two sides locked in battle, On one side were militants led by Fell Andar & Corla Tavo who had enough of being ruled by King Hro Talak & Queen Paran Dul and believed that their reign needed to be ended and to secure the safety of Thanagar new future would be to resurrect the ancient demon Onimar Synn which they were able to do with them believing he should be the one to lead them into a new era while on the other side King Hro and Queen Paran were willing to listen to the militants demands but the moment Onimar Synn was resurrected all negotiations were off the table and now it was civil war, They would rather die fighting than to allow that psychopath to sit on their throne and rule Thanagar".
A question came to Diana mind "Kal when you arrived on Thanagar, How bad was it?" she asked, Clark turned back to face her "It was bad Diana, The city was 70% destroyed, Corpses everywhere, Severed limbs that had been left lying about with some of the flesh rotting while various animals, rodents and bugs took the opportunity to have an all you can eat buffet, Blood so much blood, A lot of death and destruction" Kal replied "Gods what made you want to go there and take part in this civil war?" "There is this news channel in the galaxy called the galactic news channel that reports on any & all major events that happen in the galaxy, In fact some people recognised me due to the GNC broadcasting the war between me taking on Zod and his loyalists, The GNC also broadcasted the stuff that was happening to me last year (People questioning whether I was actually a menace to Earth, My true motives, The court hearing then the explosion, The clone doomsday fight, Me sacrificing myself), The whole galaxy watched everything that concerned me between 2013 & 2015 last year, A few planets I went to people were shocked to see me alive and well".
Diana smiled at hearing that and then spoke "So my sexy kryptonian looks like you had a bit of a reputation out there in the galaxy" he smiled at her words "Well a slight reputation but in a good way, The GNC had been covering the civil war since it started also a friend of mine named Yalan Gur (A former Green Lantern turned Blue Lantern) had told me that with me being out here in space visiting & aiding various planets, I could stop off at Thanagar and try to put an end to this war because from watching the news, Their civil war was just going back & forth with neither side's victory in sight, He told me that before going to Thanagar, I should learn the history of the planet and the current important players that were on the individual sides of the civil war and in his opinion that it would be best for me to side with Hro Talak because from what he knew and heard about Onimar Synn is that he was insane and boy was Yalan right about him" "Who is Onimar Synn my love?" Diana asked "In order to learn about Onimar, I will need to tell you a story of events that happened before Thanagar when the universe back then was young if you don't mind it is quite a long story" said Kal.
Wonder Woman nodded her head in response as he then began to speak "18 billion years ago during the first world when the universe was still young, There were only a few planets that existed at that time but at the heart of the galaxy was the Godworld (a.k.a) Asgard with it's ruler:
.Wotan (a.k.a) Odin and his Queen Freya
.Their sons Thor & Balduur.
.Their adoptive son Lokee the god of discord & evil.
.Arzaz (Odin's oldest friend and commander of his army).
.The nameless one (An old friend of Arzaz & Odin who turned enemy and sided with Lokee).
.And last of all Gog (A god who chose not to side with either of them, Instead decided to watch the war of the old gods from the sidelines).
While beyond Godworld there were other old gods of the universe as well that decided that they would not get involved either and instead would let the Asgardians duke it out between each other" said Kal "Which gods were those?" Diana asked.
Superman took a deep breath, Letting it out he carried on talking "Your ancient Grecian titans, The ancient gods and demons of what would be the planet Thanagar and eventually the country of Egypt, Yuga Khan & his wife Heggra (Mother & Father of Darkseid and Highfather Izaya), Steppenwolf (Brother of Heggra & brother in law of Yuga Khan)" "Wait the grecian titans and the ancient gods of Egypt existed all the way back then" said Diana "Yeah that's how ancient they are my love which also makes your current gods of Olympus members of the old gods as well" Kal replied
Wonder Woman at that moment remembered something that Steppenwolf has said during her fight with him "Actually now that you mentioned it when I was battling Steppenwolf, I used one of my divine powers against him that sent him backwards, Moments after he said unbelievable you have the blood of the old gods in you, Now I know what he meant...Please carry on your story Kal" "Where was I...Now I remember so thirteen billion years later the first world of Asgard slowly evolved into the second world which would be the final era of Asgard and one day out of the blue, The oracle of Asgard came to Odin & Freya and told him that she has seen the future which showed that this incredible world of theirs was fated to die and to prepare themselves because there would be no way of stopping it, Odin refused to believe her even though she tried her hardest to convince him that the death of Godworld was approaching and that he should prepare their people for the impending doom that was coming" said Kal.
Diana at that moment facepalmed at hearing of Odin's ignorance "Odin you idiot, How stupid could you be, Didn't his Queen Freya try to convince him that the oracle could be right?" she asked "No because Odin told her and everyone else that was in the room to not believe the Oracle and that she was a liar he then stood up from his throne in order to kill the Oracle so he could silence her permanently and not let her spread the word to his people that the end of Godworld was coming but Lokee who had been in the room as well sensed an opportunity for power and quickly stopped Wotan from killing the Oracle and convinced his father to allow the Oracle to be put in the dungeons, From there Lokee quickly guided the Oracle out of the room but he didn't take her to the dungeons instead he took her to the outskirts of the city"
The Amazon's mind caught onto something "This story is about to take a dark turn isn't it?" Diana asked "Correct you are my love, Making sure no one would see the two of them Lokee began to interrogate the Oracle about the approaching death of Godworld, Once he had finished the interrogation Lokee knew that ragnarok could not be stopped but him and his huge ego decided that when it does come he would make sure that history had him as the last & rightful king of Godworld he then enforced his plan and used a spell that allowed him to absorb and transfer the powers of the oracle to himself, With that done he killed her and made sure to obliterate her corpse then seconds later it began" said Kal "What began?" Diana asked
Superman went silent for a brief moment and then carried on where he left off "Since the oracle was a being of pure light and kind heartedness her powers were normally used for good intentions but now with her power in the hands of someone who was evil and always had bad intentions, Lokee dark heart corrupted the light of the oracle into darkness and in doing so enhanced his dark powers to such a level that it was able to transform him into his new true form of being the god of evil and with his new power it would allow then him to enforce his plan to gather an army & wage war against his adoptive father Wotan for the throne of Godworld" he then went silent "One second I need a drink from talking so much, Would you like one as well?" he asked "Yeah" Diana replied.
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