《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Sharing Stories (part 1)
Observation Deck
9:00 am
Diana walked into the room followed by Kal behind her the room was used as a place if JL members wanted to get away for a bit and have time for themselves the room had a very large rectangular window which showed the earth below it. What was also in the room was a dark blue velvet sofa, Two blue velvet chairs (one either side of the sofa), A white carpet that was in front of the sofa while a blue velvet footrest rested on top of it & last of all in one corner of the room was a water cooler "This room is nice" said Kal "I know this room is used for JL members when they want to be on their own for a bit" Diana replied she turned the dial next to the door which locked it so the two of them could have their privacy and not be interrupted "I am guessing you used this room a lot over the past year?" Kal asked.
Diana turned to look at him "How did you?" she asked "There was sadness in your voice when you said it is used for people who need to be on their own, I am sorry Diana, I was such a selfish asshole for just leaving without telling anyone, I hurt you deeply the amount of times you went to my grave and gave prayers to your gods to heal the pain in your heart while also praying for my spirit to go the heavens when in reality it was an empty grave, I am so sorry at how selfish I was" said Clark.
Her hands squeezed his affectionately "Kal my Beloved I have already forgiven you, Do not punish yourself for this, If anything my wish got granted, My wish of you returning to me one day and you did my love, You came back" he then smiled at her "Rao your kind forgiving heart is just so wonderful" "Well I am Wonder Woman" she replied "That you are my love, You are a woman full of wonder" he kissed her knuckles and led her to the sofa. The Amazon sat down while he carried on holding her hands and went down to his knee's before her.
Kal took a deep breath, Letting it out slowly he looked into her eyes "My love during my trip in space there was a planet I went to called Almerac, I went there for a personal reason" "And what reason was that Beloved?" she asked "A friend that I lost his name was Aaron, He got stabbed by this evil bastard named Despero and was close to death his last wish before he passed was to see his wife & child one last time, I promise I will tell you how I met him after we get Krypto out of the phantom zone and not just that I will tell you everything that happened to me during my space vacation".
Diana stared into his eyes "That is fine but the whole truth you promise" "I promise now where was I...Ah that's it yeah so me, Aaron and a friend of ours were able to get him to Almerac, The wound could have been sorted but the knife Aaron was stabbed with had been coated in poison so the three of us knew he was inevitably going to die, The friend who took us to Almerac couldn't stay and had to leave quickly so he could inform his soldiers that he was still alive so he said his goodbyes to Aaron and I and from there he left the planet. I took Aaron to his house where he finally was able to reunite with his wife Sarina and his son Zaisho after 9 years of being away, He was able to fight the poison back for an additional hour but inevitably he died" said Kal letting his tears fall.
Diana expression became one of sadness "Oh Kal I'm so sorry" her hands pulled him up to sit on the sofa she then let go and wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him gently into her chest with the kryptonian now crying from the pain of losing his friend "I'm here for you" said Diana "Thank you...We then took Aaron's body and buried him in a graveyard dedicated to soldiers of the Almerac kingdom, He was a general in it and from there I took residence in a hotel and stayed on Almerac for 2 weeks & while I was there I kept visiting Sarina & Zaisho just so they wouldn't have to grieve alone and because of course I was a close friend of Aaron while also helping other people and that is when she learned of my presence on her planet" "Who Kal?" asked Diana
Kal broke out of her embrace gently but carried on holding her hands while still looking into her eyes "Queen Maxima she had found out from a guard that a Kryptonian still existed and was currently on her planet helping her people. The moment I met her I knew there was something off about her, You know how sometimes when you meet someone new and you get that uncomfortable feeling that they can't be trusted" said Kal "Yeah I know what you mean" said Diana "That is what I felt with her even being near her I felt tense and uncomfortable she wanted to get to know me more but it was like my mind was telling me don't tell her anything true about you, Give lies she cannot be trusted, So I gave as little information about myself to her while she in return started flirting with me which if anything I found really annoying you need to know I had no feelings for her, My mind was always thinking about you, Whenever Maxima would talk I would tune her out simply because I found her voice annoying as well, You are more beautiful than her not only on the outside but on the inside as well, Maxima I could tell was one of those women that as a child she was and still acts like a spoilt brat, Trust me when I say after being near her the lady is one of those you can tell is a right fucking lunatic at times" said Clark.
Wonder Woman laughed at those words "Sweetheart you do make me laugh and don't worry my Beloved I believe you when you say that you had no feelings for her" she cupped his cheeks and touched her forehead to his "I will tell you what made me leave Almerac is when the hotel manager gave me the invite she had left them to give to me to come pay her a visit at her palace, It was at that moment I was like fuck that I am leaving this planet, This crazy woman is not going to leave me alone if I stay and it was a good thing I left, Alanna told me that Maxima only flirts and seduces certain men when the man has something that she needs, Once she gets what she needed from them she tosses the man aside and jumps onto the next one" said Clark.
The amazon princess expression turned to one of disgust "She's supposed to be a Queen yet she acts like a whore, What did she want from you Kal?" Diana asked "Her objective was to bed me since almerac dna works with kryptonian dna if I had gone to her palace she would have tried to seduce me just so I could give her a child to carry in her womb and then throw me aside once the job was done but like I said before the only woman who has my heart is you and only you get to have me, I love you Diana" said Kal "I love you too Beloved" said Diana.
Clark at that moment told her about meeting Lara in his dream and how she was happy that he & Diana had found each other and how beautiful the connection was between them and that she, Jor & Jonathan would be watching over them to see how their relationship progresses "So your mother Lara approves of me" said Diana "Yes she thinks we are good for each other she also said that at some point in our relationship we will argue but by working through our problems together it will eventually strengthen our bond and love for each other and that we must keep to our promise of sharing our burdens" said Clark "Your mother is a wise woman, I agree with everything she said to you about us, Your father Jor-El was lucky to have her by his side" said Diana "They were lucky to have each other and when it comes to the two of us we're both lucky that we have each other" Clark replied "We are each other's shelter from the storm" said Diana.
The Kryptonians face lit up with a massive smile at what she had just said "Awww Kal you really are adorable" she then started giggling "Diana my love, May I just say I love your smile" her lips touched his which made the Kryptonian react quickly as he then kissed her back with equal passion & pulled her into his lap, The couple carried on kissing for a few minutes more until they were forced to part in order to catch their breaths "I love you" said Kal.
Diana spoke "I love you too Kal also i have a story that I need to tell you, It is about what happened on Themyscira while Hera had my mother in her captivity" the Princess told him how the Amazons took sides on giving Hippolyta another chance.
.How a civil war nearly started between both sides.
.Antiope taking Bana and Themysciran Amazons to Egypt so that a civil war would never happen and leaving to form their own kingdom.
.Them rejecting the Gods of Olympus teachings and switching to worshipping the ancient gods of Egypt.
.Zeus being angered at knowing that he couldn't do anything about it.
.Rao showing up onto the island with a severely wounded Hippolyta in his arms.
.Hera leaving Olympus for New Genesis where she is now part of the council that works for Highfather Izaya.
.Zeus arriving on New genesis to try and get Hera's forgiveness.
.Hera rejecting his apologies.
.How he attempted to take her by force and was stopped by Rao & Highfather who told him that to get to Hera he had to go through the both of them.
.Zeus knowing that if he even attempted to fight the duo they would not hesitate in teaming up to put a definite end to him.
.The King of Olympus choosing to walk away and leave New Genesis but not before telling (Rao, Highfather & Hera) to never set foot in Olympus again to which they agreed as long as he stayed away from her.
.How Athena told her that with Hera leaving Zeus the former Queen of Olympus had slowly changed back to her old self where she is now more kind & compassionate.
Kal was stunned at what he had just heard "Rao unbelievable all that happened just because your mother slept with Zeus" he said "Yes Kal even I was shocked at being told all that, My mother didn't act like a Queen when she slept with Zeus she acted like a whore and what makes it even worse was that Hera considered my mother her closest & best friend and the fact that she paid visits to Themyscira during my mothers pregnancy & after I was born, My mother was a complete bitch to Hera to look her in the eye and act like you haven't stabbed your friend in the back in one of the most fucked up ways possible while being a hypocrite at the same time by saying all men are bad, What possessed her to want to sleep with a philandering piece of shit who is known for spouting lies to women just so he can bed them, I'll tell you what Zeus is he is a male prostitute for women not only that he is a walking std".
The killer of Onimar Synn laughed out loud at hearing that "I'm serious my Beloved all these diseases that humans get from unprotected sex I bet you they most likely all originated from that selfish asshole, He killed Kronos because he was evil & cruel and then became exactly like him, (Like father, Like son) and that is where Heracles got it from when he and his men hurt my mother & sisters, Good thing the council of Olympus forced Zeus to punish Heracles for what he had done" Kal expression turned to one of shock "Diana are you saying that Zeus had no intention of punishing Heracles and his men for what they did but was forced to by his fellow Gods?".
Diana nodded her head in response "Yes Kal he didn't want to punish Heracles because the way Zeus saw it was that his son saw something he wanted and took it just like Zeus did with Hera when he violated her" the Kryptonians heat vision lit up enraged at what he had been told while his body shook in anger "Kal my love please calm down, Breathe sweetheart breathe, I felt exactly like you did when I found out the truth from Hermes the day he came to me and told me what I am it made me run to the toilet to throw up at the thought of Zeus being my father which made Heracles my brother which made me throw up even more that I was a sister to my mother's rapist" she stood up from his lap and walked to the window, Crossing her arms she looked down at Earth "The thought of it stills disgusts me to this very day but I know that I have no choice but to live with it being a daughter of Zeus can be a heavy burden at times".
He calmed down immediately & stood up from there he walked up behind her as his hands intertwined with hers with their arms now aligned he wrapped both of them around the front of her waist, Pulling her back gently into his chest he kissed her cheek "You're not alone, Just remember that you have me, Mom, The League and your other family members in Olympus who are not like Zeus & Heracles and hopefully you will get to reforge the former connections you once had with your mother & sisters when they vote in favour for you to be allowed back home" said Kal "You think they will vote yes for me to come home?" she asked "What was their reactions when you defeated Steppenwolf & his Parademons?" Kal asked "They kneeled before me and celebrated our victory, I think all of them were happy that I had come back" she replied "Well that for me confirms that you will be allowed back, If that was their reaction then that means they missed you dearly" said Kal "You have a lot of faith in my sisters Kal" Diana replied "I trust them to do the right thing, I just hope I haven't fucked things up for you by accidently showing up on the island with you when we were fighting Darkseid" he replied.
Diana saw the worried expression that had formed on the face of the killer of Onimar Synn using their reflection on the window "Well I know one thing Alexa has more loyalty to me than any of my other sisters knowing her she won't tell them who you were and what your relationship is to me also my sisters must have seen you working alongside me so that rules you out as an enemy of Themyscira" "I'm still a man Diana what if your sisters try and use that to vote against you being allowed home?" he asked "If they vote no, It would hurt deeply but I would have to accept it but I also take solace in knowing that I have a home in you, Your mother and the League, I love you my Beloved" Diana replied "I love you too my beautiful Amazon" said Clark.
The two stood in comfortable silence both thinking about their future together "This is nice, Just us two alone together, Me holding you in my arms like this" said Kal "I know right it is peaceful as well, If anything we are meant for each other" Diana replied "Two halves" said Kal "One whole" said Diana the two of them giggled out of pure happiness that they had found each other "Kal do you have any other questions that you would like answered?" she asked.
A question came to his mind at that moment "What did Ares do that got him kicked out of Olympus?" he asked "The war of the Olympian Gods" Diana replied "Ares went to war with your fellow Gods" said Kal "Yes Kal it happened about 4 months after my mother slept with Zeus, The story began with Zeus & Hera leaving Olympus to go visit the cosmos a little holiday for the both of them" said Diana "A holiday you can't be serious after sleeping with your mother he decides to have a holiday with his wife as if he hasn't done anything wrong" said Kal "That is Zeus for you he has a set of fucked up morals, As I was saying Zeus had assigned Apollo the task of sitting on the throne of Olympus while they were gone this decision annoyed Ares that his father trusted Apollo more than him his first born when it came to the throne of Olympus but Zeus has always been cautious of Ares due to him being the god of war & that Ares deep down had one objective in his life and that was to be King of Olympus but Zeus knew if his first born ever sat on the throne of Olympus not only would it enhance his powers to a more lethal level, Chaos would be unleashed upon the world" said Diana.
Clark expression was one of slight fear & shock imagining at what Ares could have done just by sitting on the throne of Olympus "So with Hera & Zeus gone, Ares took his time in plotting the demise of Apollo so he could grab the throne for himself the first step he took was forging the sword known as Godkiller, The very sword that sits on the table in the JL meeting room and currently belongs to my mother with that done he waited it out for a few days so that Apollo would be either on his own or if there were a few of his fellow gods that were with Apollo well that would be their own fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, The latter situation happened Ares walked in first thing he did was launch a blast of thunder directly into the chest of Apollo with that happening he then got on with the task at hand and slaughtered the following gods:
.Attis: God of vegetation & fruits of the Earth
.Artemis: Goddess of the hunt and twin sister to Apollo
.Caerus: God of opportunity, Luck & favourable moments
.Dionysus: God of vineyards & wine
.Eris: Goddess of strife & discord
.Eirene: Goddess of Peace
.Morpheus: God of dreams & sleep
.Plutus: God of wealth
.Triton: God of waves & calm sea's (Son of Poseidon & Amphitrite)
Kal's jaw dropped in shock at what he had just been told "What happened after Ares killed them?" he asked "Apollo stood to his feet and battled it out with his brother but seconds later Athena, Eros, Hermes, Hephaestus, Heracles and Hecate ran into the throne room to see what was going on and in doing so were greeted by the corpses of their fellow gods. Ares seeing them enter blasted Athena, His son Eros & Hermes with lightning which hurt them and confirmed to the six of them that Ares was the one who killed their fellow gods. The six of them teamed up with Apollo & went to war against Ares but due to it being a war" said Diana
The realisation hit Superman "It strengthened Ares & his powers" he said "Yeah it took time for him to knock them out individually but Apollo refused to stay down & surrender which left the two of them to fight it out even more, Hell their battle wasn't just fought on Olympus it ended up with the two of them taking it to Themyscira" said Diana "You serious?" Clark asked "Yes my Aunt Antiope and my sisters tried to help but Apollo told them not to interfere he didn't want them losing their lives over a battle that was between him and Ares" Diana replied "That was noble of him" said Clark.
Princess Diana smiled at those words "I agree he most likely knew he was going to die and decided to go out in a blaze of glory & honour, Apollo died a warriors death" said Diana "He died on Themyscira?" asked Clark "No they fought for a good hour & a half on the island and then took their battle back to the throne room of Olympus, Apollo that day gave every bit of his strength to try and beat Ares but the God of war eventually found the opening he needed and forced the godkiller sword into Apollo's stomach. Apollo fell to the floor slowly dying at the feet of Ares who now stood victorious but it was what happened next that Ares didn't prepare for" said Diana "What happened?" Clark asked "A rage filled vengeance driven Poseidon & a now pissed off Hades attacked him and then double teamed him in doing so they beat the living shit out of him for what he had done.
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Ollowyn’s Life began unlike any other. Born with snow-white hair, he was brought into the woods to die according to age old traditions. Left to the will of the gods, the helpless child waited for his death. However, the gods showed mercy. A young wolf cub, lost and cut off from its mother, stumbled over the young Ollowyn. Half frozen to death and dead tired, it snuggled to the warm body. When it was found by the mother just hours later, Ollowyn already smelled like one of her own. Adopted and cared for he grew up among wolves. He learned to live after the rules of the pack, continuously fighting to survive. As the years went by, he grew stronger than his brothers and sisters, hunted with different means. But even though he loved and adored his family, he noticed more and more that he was different. No fur, no claws and as much as he tried, his teeth would never find prey by themselves. What made him different? The urge to find answers grew with every day, until he set out aged seven to find them. But after days of searching hunger and exhaustion brought him to his knees as he collapsed on a dusty road. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- German Version can be found on RR as well. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/19996/sword-of-ending-german. But it isn't written as well and only serves as my own template for chapters. For those of you that would like to join my Discord: Discord: Florean Fortescue Feel free to join, to ask questions, favours or interact with other readers. Enjoy reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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