《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Paying Respects
Smallville, Kansas
Smallville Cemetary
14th November 2016
6:45 am
Superman landed down in front of the two graves, Looking at his own and then at the one next to it "Hi Dad it's been a long time" he went down to his knee's & placed his hand on Jonathans gravestone "The last time I was here was just after I opened my own coffin and flew out to space and what a journey it has been, My vacation in space has changed me Dad, I am not the same man I was a year ago, I saw the beauty & darkness of the galaxy but you already know this since you have been watching me from the heavens alongside Mother & Father, I have also fallen in love with a new woman named Diana she is incredible Dad, Honestly I have never met anyone like her before she's (smart, funny, very kind, Beautiful, Her voice is that of an angel, Her personality is incredible), This woman understands me Dad, She truly understands what I go through and the burdens that I have had to bear because she has gone through the same sort of problems & knows what it is like to hide your true self while still trying to fit in with society, To have godlike powers while knowing that you're will never be like other people, This woman has walked into my life and now has a special place in my heart, She is my other half and I can't wait to experience more tender moments with her".
Clark looked up to the sky knowing that she was up there waiting for him "Even now at this moment I miss her, When it comes to Diana I can be vulnerable with her and she will be there for me & I will definitely be there for her when she needs me, Me & her were just two lonely souls looking for each other, I will never break her heart that is the last thing I would ever want to do, We promised each other that we would share our burdens and to always be there for each other, Yes most likely we will butt heads over issues and there will be moments where we will have arguments but if I stick to what my biological mother Lara said about me & Diana working through our issues together, We will definitely come out stronger together because of it, I love Diana so much, The love I have for her is the same sort of love that you had for mom".
The image of his mother Martha appeared in his mind "When it comes to mom she is always there for me, Honestly I don't know what I would do without her, Last year she kept telling me that everything that humanity was saying about me is wrong and that this is not a job I have to do, I could have chosen to just be Clark & not Kal-El but during my time in space I have become proud of the two sides of me especially the Kryptonian side, Mom always had faith in me Dad & so did you but last year I finally understood why you were so afraid for me during my childhood, Because you knew this would be one of the reactions I would get from the people of Earth if I had revealed my existence earlier in my life, I wish you were still here Dad, I miss you, I know you are proud of the man I have become but I wish you were here watching me become that man, I love you Dad and I always will" he took his palm off the gravestone and stood to his feet "Until I next see you Dad" flying off into the sky he headed for home.
Meeting room
The league sat there waiting for the Lantern, Martian & Kryptonian to arrive, Batman & Zatanna were at the computer console watching people's reactions to Superman return on the monitors, Mera was helping Arthur put bandages on his wounds, Kyle & John were examining the Parademon guns that they had acquired from the Brutes, Dinah & Beatriz were playing with Arthur Jr, Kent Nelson who had now taken off the Dr Fate helmet had decided to kick back and pick up where he left off on Stephen Kings the dark tower novel, Green Arrow had earphones in which he was using to watch an episode of the wire on his phone, Cyborg & Shazam were in the corner of the room stood opposite each other as they threw an american football back & forth to each other.
Flash was on his phone laughing at the comments that he was receiving on the video of Hal getting his ass handed to him by Darkseid he had got the video from Victor & decided to upload the video onto (The Justice Leagues Twitter, Facebook & Youtube account) with that happening the video had gone viral onto the internet and was now the 2nd most popular trending topic on social media.
The top most popular issue was the return of Superman and his new friend J'onn "Oh my dayz this is brilliant, These comments are killing me, Listen to this one comment I think we can all agree Green Lantern did not got this, Another says this proves Green Lantern is a dickhead, I got another one here that says this Green Lantern would be more useful if he wasn't a Justice League member at all okay that is kind of harsh, I got another one that says what a jackass, I got one more that says (What a tool, Serves him right, That is what happens when you get cocky)" "Which Green Lantern?" asked Kyle "Hal, Look what happened when he tried to take on Darkseid" said Barry who passed the phone to Kyle who watched it alongside John.
The two of them burst out laughing at Jordan's stupidity, They rewatched the video three more times which made them laugh even harder "Barry you need to put this clip on a usb stick or something, We need to show the whole of Oa this" said Kyle who was now wiping tears from his eyes "Wait till Kilowog see's it, I can't wait to see his reaction" said John "Hal is so going to kill me for this, Too bad he'll never be able to catch me when he tries too" said Barry.
Diana sat at the table in silence staring at her tiara and Godkiller sword she had also untied Kal's cape and was now using it as a blanket for the front of her body, Every couple of minutes she would look to the door waiting for that moment when he would walk through "I know he is at home and is going to be coming but by the gods I'm actually missing him right now" she thought to herself.
Mera took a seat next to her and talked quietly with her "Hey he is going to be here, You're missing him I can tell, The waiting is the hard part I know what that is like" said Mera "How did you know?" asked Diana "I have been watching you glance at the door, What you are feeling right now, I know it all too well when Arthur sometimes goes out on patrol, I stay behind on the odd occasions to keep things running smoothly in Atlantis and the moment he leaves I start missing him, Just hold on a bit longer and he will be here" said Mera "So what I am feeling isn't weird you reckon?" Diana asked "Nope if anything it is kind of normal" said Mera.
Diana quietly giggled at what Mera had just said "Thanks Mera" "You're welcome my sister" said Mera.
Kent Farm
7:00 am
Martha wiped her tears after watching the video on the tablet "You need to show this to Clark" "I will once we are up there in the watchtower, We still have one last mission to do and we will need the Justice Leagues help" said J'onn "What mission needs to be done?" asked Martha, J'onn explained to her about the phantom zone and about Krypto being put in there by Jor & Lara so that he could survive and that he had been communicating with Kal throughout this past year and how he made an appearance on the Gotham-Metropolis bridge "Will this Krypto be like Clark seeing as he is from Krypton as well?" asked Martha "Yes due to Earths yellow sun, Krypto will have the exact same powers as his Master, All the stuff that Clark can do, Krypto will be able to do" said J'onn.
Martha started to laugh "My god Clark is going to have a massive job on his hands when it comes to a super powered dog" "Now that you mention it" said J'onn who then started to laugh as well.
Clark landed in the front garden and knocked on the door which then opened with the kryptonian being greeted by the sight of Lana Lang who was now crying at seeing him "Hi Lana" "Hi Clark" she wrapped her arms around him & hugged him with Clark hugging her in return "You're alive my best friend, It is so good to see you alive" said Lana as she then cried even harder "It is good to see you too Lana" said Clark "We thought we had lost you again when you collapsed in your fight against that creature" said Lana "Not going to happen, I have no intention of dying again" Clark replied.
Lana interlocked her hands with his "Good I'm glad you came back, You & Diana together huh, I am very happy for the both of you, You two will be good for each other" Clark chuckled "Thanks Lana".
Hal at that moment spat out his water at what he had just heard and was now coughing "No way you & Diana, When, How, More so you lucky guy" "I'll explain in the watchtower but please don't blurt it out, Me & Diana would rather tell the league together" said Clark "Hey fine by me, Just do me a favour don't tell Batman that me & Zatanna have been hanging out a lot outside our superhero duties for the past couple of months, Bruce & Zatanna have known each other for a long time and I know he would try to kick my ass if I hurt her which I never will besides Zatanna is a sorceress her magic can be quite scary at times" said Hal.
Clark & Lana's expressions were ones of surprise at what Jordan had just said "Deal and good for you two" said Clark "Well we're not together in that way right now, We're still in the friends zone but I am willing to take my time with this and hopefully it develops into something bigger but that depends on if she eventually will come to feel the same way about me" said Hal "Hope it works out for you buddy" said Clark he then picked up his backpack, Opening it he searched and then pulled out one of many black cubes that were the size of a rubix cube.
The cube had two buttons on top while the front of it had the word mom written in a white marker on it, He zipped the bag up and walked out to the back garden, The moment he opened the door his mother walked up the steps and hugged him "Thank god you're alright, You silly boy you scared the hell out of me when you collapsed after fighting that soldier of Darkseid's, I thought I had lost you again" he then hugged her back "Not going to happen mom, I have no intention of dying again" Clark replied.
J'onn walked up the stairs and back into the house to leave them to talk "Mom I need to tell you something" taking her hand in his he led her to the bench that sat on the porch as they then sat down, Clark grabbed both of his mothers hands and looked into her eyes "Mom I didn't tell you the whole truth about my trip in space, I didn't tell you about the bad stuff that happened to me, The things I did that still haunts me to this day, The horrors that I witnessed, The wars that I took part in and the friends that I lost who are now looking down at me from the heavens, All this stuff that happened has changed me Mom, I have seen darkness, I encountered real evil out there at various times" said Clark he took a deep breath and let it out from there he began to tell her everything.
Martha expressions were ones of (Shock, Horror, Despair & Sorrow) her eyes had tears falling from them at the things that Clark had experienced during his time out there. The kryptonian did not cry because he knew he would have to stay strong in order to tell his mother his story and the fact that he would need to tell his story again to the JL this time "Oh my god Clark, How did you get through all that, My boy now I know what you meant when you said that you're not the same person, Everything that you went through that would change a person but know this I am not angry at you, Not everything that happened was your fault, The stuff you did in battle on the Blackest Night you had no choice, You are not a monster my son and try to not let this get to you okay, I love you my beautiful boy and I always will love you" squeezing his hands she kissed him on his forehead "Thank you Mom, I was scared that you would be disgusted with me but to know that you still have faith in me, Thank you" said Clark.
Clark at that moment remembered that he needed to let Martha know about a few other things "Mom there is three other things you need to know, The first is that Lex Luthor's dead, One of Darkseid's soldiers got into his prison cell and killed him for lying to them about me being dead" said Clark "So he's dead, What an idiot for getting involved with that sort of evil, He has definitely gone to hell for what he's done" said Martha "That you would be correct about" said Clark "What was the other thing you needed to tell me" he then told her the story of the real Doomsday and what the creature does when it goes to each individual planet and how it could never permanently die "So there is another behemoth out there more powerful than the one Luthor created" said Martha "Yes and maybe one day he will show up on Earth and I will battle it out with him to stop him but when that time comes it won't just be me, Diana & the JL will be there to help and we'll stop him together, He has killed one million Green lanterns in total as well" Clark replied "One million Green Lanterns isn't that the organisation that your friend in there Hal Jordan is part of" said Martha "Yes" said Clark "My god this Bertron was a monster" said Martha "A monster who liked creating his own monsters" Clark replied.
Martha sat in silence while deep in thought at the same time and then spoke again "When the day comes that you face Doomsday again, Please don't die Clark I can't lose you again" said Martha "I promise you I am back now and I will not do that to you again" said Clark "You better not young man" said Martha.
Clark burst out laughing "The way you said that just then, It reminded me of that time when I was 12 you caught me eating those chocolate cookies that you made which I was supposed to have after dinner" Martha started to laugh "Your reaction when you turned around and saw me standing there behind you" said Martha "I was like oh crap how long have you been standing there watching me but then again I wasn't just taking it for myself, I wanted to give Lana a few next door, I had been telling her that you make really good chocolate cookies which you do" said Clark "Yeah that is what got you a free pass from a telling off" said Martha "Well you & Dad taught me to share and it was because she was my best friend" said Clark "Who you ended up really liking but you decided that it was best to not try for anything and you both went your separate ways" said Martha "Yeah we did" Clark replied.
Martha looped her arm around his "You had one more thing to tell me, What was it" she asked "When I collapsed after my fight with the Parademon soldier, My mind started to dream of Krypton, In the dream I woke up in the House of El citadel my home on Krypton, I turned around and there she stood, My biological mother Lara Lor-Van, I finally got to meet her she said that the dream I was having was the only way she would get the opportunity to talk to me" Clark replied "You met Lara" said Martha "Yeah she was truly beautiful Mom, We got talking she told me that her, Father and Dad have been keeping a close eye on me from the heavens, They said it pained them greatly to see me have such inner turmoil last year due to Earth turning against me and Luthor's attempts to make me look I was evil she then talked about you"
A surprised expression appeared on Martha's face "Me what did she say, All good things I hope" said Martha " Oh yes a lot of good things she said that you are a remarkable woman and that she was glad that it was you & Dad to be the ones who found me & took me in as your own, She was happy that yours & Dad's prayers for a child of your own were answered and that you both did an amazing job in raising me to be the good man I am today, Mother also said that she loves your feisty attitude especially when you told Zod to go to hell and the way you kept reassuring me last year that whatever the people of Earth were saying about me was wrong, That I am not a threat and that I didn't owe this planet a damn thing but most important of all she told me to tell you thank you so much for taking me in as your own and being there for me through the good times & the bad" said Clark.
Tears came to Martha's eyes she was truly touched by Lara's words and the high opinion the kryptonian woman had of her, Martha looked up to the sky "Lara, Jor thank you for sending him to this planet, Your child was the answer to my prayers, I love this boy very much and I will always be there for him" said Martha "I love you too Mom" said Clark.
Martha went onto the tip of her toes and kissed him on the cheek "I got one last thing to show you Mom" he then picked up the black cube "These are storage cubes, I got it from an alien merchant that I became friends with on the Planet Rimbor, Alien technology, All the gifts that I got for you are in here, I know what you ae about to ask how could everything I got for you fit in that, Just watch" he placed the black cube onto the ground and clicked the blue button.
The cube grew in size in the blink of an eye and was now very, very large "wow that is amazing" said Martha.
Clark turned the dial on the front of it which unlocked it and then lifted the top of it open as Martha looked inside and saw what he had got her "This red dress & this blue dress I got for you from a tailor on the Planet Tamaran, I told her about you & what your favourite colours were and then she got to work on both of these herself, This painting here I got from an artist on Okaara it is of the monastery where the warlords live and trained me, These (silver & green diamond bangles & these set of blue crystal earrings) I got from Almerac, These two white cuff bracelets with the golden Egyptian hieroglyphics I got from Thanagar. The hieroglyphs translate as follows Martha Kent, Beloved wife of Jonathan Kent, Mother of Kal-El the Superman, The Jeweller asked what I wanted it to say and that was the first thing that came to my mind" Martha looked at him in awe and then back at the cuffs "Oh Clark it's perfect, Thank you I love it" she took the cuffs out of the small box that they had been stored away in and fitted them onto both wrists which fit perfectly "And best of all it will never rust and the gold hieroglyphs will never wear down" said Clark.
Clark opened another little box that had a silver necklace with a sapphire heart shaped diamond in the centre "This I got from a jewellers on the Planet Terminus but the necklace originates from the Planet Zamaron" Martha's eyes lit up in amazement "It's beautiful" said Martha "It's yours mom" the kryptonian replied she took the box out of his hands "You didn't have to get all this for me Clark" "Yes I did mom, No way in hell was I going to come back empty handed" he replied "I think out of the all the gifts you got me, I like the Thanagar cuffs the most" said Martha she then put everything back in the storage box and saw some of the other things as well inside the box as well, Her son had definitely gone to great lengths to make sure that he had brought enough gifts for her from the planets he had visited.
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