《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Victory of Planet Earth
Kent Farm
14th November 2016
5:00 am
Inside the Kent house celebrations were now afoot as the 4 of them cheered that Earth had won against Apokolips "WE WON, WE WON!" said Adam "EARTH 2 APOKOLIPS 0!" said Lana.
Planet Terminus
The man lifted his arms and yelled in excitement at what he had just witnessed for the 2nd time in his life Earth had beaten Apokolips again "TAKE THAT YOU APOKOLIPTIAN SON OF A BITCH, YOU LOSE AGAIN DARKSEID!".
Poseidon, Amphitrite wife of Poseidon, Eros, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite and Hephaestus rejoiced that Darkseid had lost as they celebrated except for Zeus & Heracles, The two of them carried on looking down at the pool and watched as the Justice League & Suicide Squad celebrated, Zeus at that moment realized something "He must have been watching this battle as well" he thought to himself.
Hermes clicked his fingers making a parchment paper appeared along with a feather & ink on the table, He then wrote a message onto the paper and snapped his fingers again which sent it to Themyscira.
Healing Isle
A few candles were lit up on a bedside table next to the bed of Hippolyta who was now left alone in the healing isle, Epione had gone to bed and now the Queen of the Amazons was just staring up at the ceiling with her thoughts keeping her awake "Who was that man, He clearly was not an enemy because he helped Diana against Darkseid more so what is his relationship to her and the power he wields from what I saw he is clearly more powerful than Zeus himself, The only other person I know of who wields power of that magnitude is Rao" it was at that moment she sat up in horror as a disturbing realization hit her "No she wouldn't, Diana would not be that stupid to get involved in that sort of way with someone like that, Not after what I did".
Hermes scroll dropped into her lap she then unrolled it "Dear Hippolyta war is over, Darkseid loses again from Hermes messenger of Olympus" she then smiled "Praise the gods that this world is safe again from that evil tyrant".
Kahldur'ahm walked down the hallway to his bedroom with the intention of having a shower and then going to bed when at that moment Neol's voice came through on his earpiece "Hello Neol, Yes I can hear you loud & clear, How's the war going...Wait it's finished, Earth won again" he then jumped into the air and let out a scream of excitement at hearing those words "But there was a price to pay for the victory Kahldur, The Trench are all dead, They gave their lives defending Earth, What I need you to do is tell Tula to bring our army and ships to the Gotham-Metropolis Bridge so they can take the corpses of the trenches for burial & tell them to bring something that they can use to clean up the remains of what was the dead kings sceptre" said Neol "It will be done" Kahldur replied.
Gotham-Metropolis Bridge
14th November 2016
5:15 AM
The Suicide Squad who were now grouped together stared down Flash, Green Arrow & Batman "Never thought we would team up with criminals but you all did good work today" said Batman he then stretched out his hand to Deadshot, The greatest marksman in the world looked at the hand and then looked Batman in the eye and shook his hand "We made a hell of a team you & I, Maybe one day we'll team up again" said Deadshot "Maybe" Batman replied "All of you are criminals and should be rotting in prison" said Oliver.
All of them looked at him including Batman & Flash who were stunned at what he just said "Dude you have to give them respect, They stepped up and helped us win you don't need to be a dick" said Flash "I wasn't finished speaking as I was saying but on this day you were heroes each & every one of you" said Oliver "Don't call us heroes that sounds even worse" said Killer Frost "We are more like government operatives, We do the dirty missions that the Justice League won't do" said Captain Boomerang.
Aquaman, Mera, Neol, J'onn, Cyborg and the three Green Lanterns were now gathering the bodies of the dead trench "Rest well trench" said Arthur "We should have a statue made for their leader and have it placed amongst the statues of allies who have aided Atlantis throughout history" said Mera "I agree" Arthur replied, There was one other thing Mera wanted to say to him as she took a deep breath and breathed out slowly "Arthur" he turned and looked at her and saw that she was upset about something, The King grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes "Mera what is it that has you so sad?" he asked "I am so sorry Arthur for what I did to you in our fight against each other, I hurt you badly, Hell I nearly killed you, My other half and father to our beautiful little boy and I nearly took your life, I am so sorry Arthur please forgive me" she was now crying.
Arthur pulled her into his chest and hugged her "Hey please don't cry it wasn't your fault, Don't you even think about blaming yourself okay, You weren't in control of your actions it was that evil bitch Mary she is the one to blame for making us fight each other, I forgive you anyway besides I can never stay mad at you, I love you too much my Queen" he wiped her tears and kissed her with the Queen now kissing him back with equal passion "I love you Arthur".
Superman & Wonder Woman landed on the bridge, Shazam who was now in total fanboy mode while also nervous at the same time, He wanted to say hello to Superman but wasn't too sure on how to approach him, Zatanna handed him Superman's coat "Go say hello and give him this he'll want it" "How did you know?" Shazam asked "I can tell from observation how nervous you are, Be calm Billy and say hello" he looked at Superman who was looking around examining the damage from the invasion while Diana grabbed the godkiller and went to hang out with Mera.
Shazam took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the Kryptonian and stretched out his hand "Superman hi I'm" "Shazam right nice to officially meet you, How you doing buddy" he then shook his hand "Superman is shaking my hand and is happy to meet me, This is officially the coolest day ever, I am your biggest fan man like when I'm doing my heroics in certain situations I would always think to myself how would you deal with it and follow your example, Oh by the way here is your jacket" said Shazam.
The Kryptonian took it out of his hands and put the jacket on "Thanks man I'm happy that I inspired you my friend, So I am guessing this is the first time you have dealt with an alien invasion?" Kal asked "Yeah man crazy stuff right" said Shazam "You get used to it Brother, If anything you did a really good job today man and not just you, All of us" "Thanks Supes that means a lot coming from you, If you don't mind me asking how did you survive, Weren't you supposed to be dead?" Shazam asked "I wasn't dead my friend instead I went into a regenerative coma, Once I had fully healed I woke up and climbed out of my grave and then headed for space where I have spent a one-year vacation exploring the galaxy and helping various planets" Superman replied "Really man what was it like out there?" Shazam asked "It was incredible being out there it changes you as a person, I am not the same man I was a year ago, I have seen a lot out there Shazam, Now care to introduce me to the others behind you" said Superman "I would be happy to Buddy" said Shazam.
The two of them walked towards the group of Zatanna, Black Canary, Fire, Dr Fate and Catwoman "Guys & Gals may I introduce all of you to Superman, Superman meet Zatanna Zatara, Dinah lance a.k.a Black Canary, Beatriz da Costa a.k.a Fire, Kent Nelson a.k.a Dr Fate and Selina Kyle a.k.a Catwoman" Superman put his left palm over his right fist and bowed slightly "Ladies pleasure to meet you and Dr Fate it is nice to meet you as well", Shaking hands with the sorcerer.
Zatanna & Dinah eyed him up from head to toe "He is gorgeous" both of them thought "Nice to see that you're alive and kicking ass Big Blue" said Dinah "How long have you been alive?" asked Catwoman "A year Miss Kyle for one whole year I have been out there exploring the galaxy while also trying to gain some peace for myself" he then pointed upwards to the sky "Well it's good to have you back and I see you brought a friend with you as well" said Fire who gestured towards J'onn "Yeah J'onn J'onnz he's a Martian from Mars and was a close friend of my biological parents" Clark replied "That's nice" Fire replied "I wonder how humanity now feels with my return" said Superman.
Catwoman saw the worried expression on his face "They should be fucking grateful after all you have done for Earth but if they give you shit instead just know you have friends here that will back you up" said Selina "I felt so sorry for you last year you took so much shit, The way people, politicians & Lex were trying to find any mistakes you made & flaws that you have and used it against you to make you look like the bad guy but you still helped the people of Earth by taking a killing blow so that humanity could live" said Fire "Didn't expect that my death but not dead would end up creating the Justice League" Superman replied "Well Earth needed heroes with you gone and so far it has been really awesome" said Shazam.
Mera saw Diana approaching them and held back her laughter at the fact that Wonder Woman was wearing Superman's cape she began to talk very quietly with the Amazon "So wearing his cape now I see" "Well we fell into the water and him being the gentleman that he is gave me it to wear so I could dry off & because he also thinks I look amazing wearing this, This material is incredible he used his heat vision on it to make it warm & cosy for me" Diana replied "Did he now" said Mera who was still trying to hold her laughter back.
Aquaman was about to grab the corpse of the trench leader when he turned and saw Superman already carrying the corpse in his arms "Thanks Brother I was just about to go grab him" he took the corpse out of Clark's arms and placed it amongst the other corpses "No problem Arthur, I know what it is like to lose friends in battle and then have to bury them, I experienced that a few times when I was out there in space" said Clark "Sorry that you had to experience that, Who did you lose friends wise" Arthur asked.
Kal-El closed his eyes as he recalled the deaths of those who had died fighting alongside him (Red Lanterns Bleez, Fury-6, Ratchet, Razer and Zilius Zox), (Indigo Lanterns Munk, Kreaven and Slorg the Slayer) these eight Lanterns had been killed by Black Lanterns Nekron & Black Hand in the Battle on the Blackest Night he then thought about Wraith who had sacrificed himself fighting Mongul while Aaron had died from a knife wound which he had acquired from Despero.
Superman opened his eyes and saw the looks of concern from the small group of heroes, He had a lump in his throat and was on the verge of letting his tears fall he tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out "Kal" said Diana who was now very worried for him, Kal looked at her, Mera and then back at Aquaman "Shit man I am so sorry, I can tell it is still too painful for you to think about" said Aquaman, Clark nodded his head in response "I need a few minutes to myself please" he then floated up into the air & away from the bridge with his back now facing them he started doing a breathing exercise that was taught to him by Master Shoxx to calm himself down.
Diana watched on with a sad expression while holding her own tears back and thinking to herself "Gods Kal my love what happened to you out there more so what kind of horrors did you witness" J'onn then spoke "Whatever he saw & experienced out there it has had a massive effect on him from what I could tell with him nearly crying, The memories still haunt him to this very day" "How did you?" Diana asked "Forgive me but I read your mind" J'onn replied "It's fine, Actually would it be possible to read" Diana replied "I know what you're about to ask, No Diana I am not going to do that and don't think about using the lasso on him either those are his memories, His nightmares, His burdens we shouldn't delve into that if anything he will tell us when he is ready" J'onn replied.
Four huge dark blue Atlantean ships broke through the surface of the water with 2 lining up sideways on one side of the bridge while the other 2 were now doing the same on the opposite side of it, The exterior design of the ships were lifelike imitations of a blue whale but on the insides it had the lot such as (Weapons, Bedrooms, Medical rooms, Storage area, Relaxation room, Kitchen) and last of all the entire mouth area of the whale was actually the bridge where all the controls for the ship were.
The doors of the ships opened while walking ramps mechanically came out & stopped just a couple of inches before the destroyed concrete road, Atlantean soldiers began to walk out & headed towards their King, Queen and Lieutenant Neol "HAIL OUR KING & QUEEN" an Atlantean soldier shouted "HAIL" all of them shouted with them now going down to one knee, Bowing their heads and put their right fists to their chests "RISE LADS!" said Aquaman they stood to their feet "YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR TASK IS?!" Mera asked "YES QUEEN MERA!" they replied "Then we'll leave you to it fellas" she replied.
The soldiers then got to work taking the corpses of the trench & cleaning the golden remains of what was the dead kings sceptre.
Tula walked out of one of the ships while in her arms she was carrying her 3 year old nephew, She walked towards Arthur & Mera and placed Arthur Curry Jr down onto his feet he was brown skinned like his father, His blue eyes he had inherited from his Mother, His dark brown hair he had gotten from his Father, His lips formed upwards into a smile just like his Mother's, The little Atlantean prince was dressed in grey cotton trousers, white t shirt, dark blue hooded jacket that had a white symbol of Atlantis on the back of it and to finish it off dark blue boots.
Mera went down to her knee's "Come here my beautiful little boy, Walk to Mommy" her arms stretched out as the little toddler walked slowly towards her with Tula following close behind to make sure he wouldn't fall over and hurt himself.
Arthur Jr turned his walk into a run and jumped into his mother's arms with Mera wrapping her arms around him she stood to her feet and held him as he leaned against her shoulder she kissed him on his forehead "Love you Mommy" "I love you too my little Arthur, So what have you been up to while we have been busy out here?" Mera asked "Playing with toys and then sleeping in yours & Daddy's room" Arthur Jr replied "He was in yours and Arthurs bed I found him asleep in it, When I approached the bed he started to wake up and told me he went there because he was missing you two, I then told him I was coming here to help you two he asked if he could come and well I didn't want to say no to him" Tula replied "Well thank you for bringing him" said Arthur "No problem" said Tula "Can you take this back to Atlantis" Arthur asked "I can do that" he handed his quindent to her and took Arthur Jr out of Mera's arms, Lifting his son up he placed the little boys legs either side of his neck and carried him on his shoulders.
Superman finished his breathing exercise and had finally calmed himself down but knew that when he heads back home he would have to tell his mother what happened to him out there and the fact that he would have to then retell his story to Diana & the JL, Clark turned around & watched on as the Atlanteans took the bodies of the trench and that is when he noticed the boy on Arthur's shoulders "They have a kid" he thought to himself. Clark floated back down onto the bridge "Are you alright now Kal?" asked Diana "Yeah I should be fine, You didn't tell me they had a kid" Kal replied "Forgot to mention it" said Diana "How old is he?" asked Clark "3 years old" Mera replied.
Aquaman noticed Supes watching him carry Arthur Jr & walked towards him "Superman meet Arthur Curry Jr, Arthur my boy meet Superman" said Aquaman "Hello Superman" said Arthur Jr "Hello Arthur it is nice to meet you" he then shook the little boys hand.
Batman & Catwoman walked next to each other towards Superman "He told me that he has spent the past year in space helping various planets, The guy basically faked his death so he could have a vacation from Earth, I don't know why but I actually find that really funny" said Selina who was now laughing "That is what he has been doing, So he just let us believe that he was dead" said Batman "Bruce Honey can you really blame him, The man needed to get away for peace of mind as well, Look how they turned on him last year, I bet you that out there he got more praise & gratitude from helping people on the various planets he visited than what he got here from Earth, He may be Superman but he is still a person with feelings and emotions and don't you dare give him shit for leaving, Be grateful that he decided to come back" said Selina "Fine" said Batman.
All of a sudden both of their earpieces beeped "Alfred" the both of them said "Master Wayne, Mrs Kyle we have a situation" "What is it Alfred?" asked Batman "Master Wayne to make a long story short, Lex Luthor has been murdered in his cell" said Alfred "LEX LUTHOR'S DEAD!" said Catwoman.
Superman and everyone else turned their heads at those words, Supes used his super hearing to listen in on Bruce's conversation "How?" Batman asked "Some woman was able to get into his cell she was armed with an axe & a sword, Killed Luthor and quickly escaped via a portal, The guards got to the cell seconds later and were greeted by the sight of Lex's arms & legs, Master Damian & Master Grayson are already at Arkham helping Gordon investigate it" Alfred replied.
Batman looked at Cyborg "Vic access Arkham Asylum's camera system, Lex's prisoner number was AC23-1940, I want to see who killed him" "Got it" Vic replied utilizing his cybernetic abilities he downloaded the footage with that done he lifted his right arm up with it now projecting a holographic scene.
Supes, J'onn, Tula, Neol and the league watched the footage they saw the portal form and the woman walk through it "Lashina" said Superman, J'onn, Aquaman, Tula, Neol & Mera.
The Atlantean Queen in that moment used her water powers to lift herself up off the ground, Her hand quickly covered Arthur Jr eyes so he wouldn't see what they would see as they watched Lashina kill Lex, Dismember him and then leave "Damn that was brutal" said Flash "I am surprised it wasn't another prisoner who did it, Him being the rich bastard that he was I was expecting that to make him a target for the other prisoners" said Green Arrow "Who was that woman?" asked Dinah "Lashina she is the leader of Darkseid's furies, An all-female group of highly trained killers who have one objective to subjugate innocents and kill anyone who rebels against the will of their Master" said J'onn "Why would they want to kill Luthor?" asked Kyle.
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When Quinn finds an experimental superpower-granting costume in their parents’ attic, they didn’t expect to be drawn into a web of superhuman intrigue, but their discovery serves as the catalyst for that conspiracy to slowly unravel. At it’s heart, Paternum is an extended coming-of-age story for the main character as they become a superhero, in a world with more reasonable stakes and less powerful heroes than many superheroic worlds. Themes include what art means to different people, and what it means to be a patron, whether as a sponsor, a parent, or a supporter. I consider Paternum‘s primary influences to be the various versions of Spider-Man, J. C. McCrae’s own superhero story Worm, and Drew Hayes’ story SuperPowereds. I hope that fans of such stories can find something to enjoy in mine as well. Paternum is primarily hosted on my website (thevoidwrites.com) where it updates weekly in groups of scenes totalling approximately 2000 words. Here on Royal Road, it will update once daily with one scene at a time, but only after each act is completed on the home site - the next batch of updates is scheduled to begin on February 5th. There is a discord channel for discussion (discordapp.com/invite/QFMM6yA), and you can vote for Paternum on topwebfiction (topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=paternum) as well. Finally, you can buy the first book of Paternum, The Swift Uplifting Rush, in a couple different ways - as an ebook through Amazon, or directly from me for a discounted price, or as a physical paperback from Amazon. Buying the book will give you access to Drawing Hands, an exclusive arc that won't ever be published on either my site or Royal Road.
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Amber's Writer Room
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