《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Darkseid Falls
Metropolis Park
2:15 am
Aquaman swam up and slowly stuck his head out while his eyes saw the effect of Darkseid's attack everything around the park was on fire, Concrete walkways were completely destroyed, Tree's, Flowers & Grass burned as smoke formed from the fire's "What the hell kind of attack was that" his palms reached out onto the surface as he then pulled himself out of the lake & went onto his knee's, The King stood to his feet and walked slowly through the now burning park "Where are you" Arthur whispered he lifted his hands, Clenching his fists he carried on walking "Hiding is futile you son of a bitch" "I'm not hiding" said Darkseid.
Aquaman at that moment realized that Darkseid had been floating behind him from a distance the whole time "MOTHERFUCKER!" he turned around as Darkseid left hand enclosed around his throat and proceeded to choke him, Uxas lifted the king off his feet and launched brutal right punches into Aquaman's stomach with the King coughing up blood from the force of the hits, Aquaman retaliated by landing kicks into Darkseid's torso, One of his right kicks landed onto the Apokoliptians belt by doing that a boomtube activated behind Darkseid who was now being sucked in "NO!" Darkseid shouted, He let go of Aquaman while his right hand was now heading downwards to click the button in the middle of his belt so he could deactivate the boomtube.
At that moment Wonder Woman & Superman flew at him with the duo now punching him in the face together "Target his torso while I smash his face in" said Superman "Got it" Wonder Woman replied.
Floating downwards she used both her swords to repeatedly stab the Apokoliptian in the torso, Aquaman jumped onto Darkseid and took over from where Wonder Woman left off by helping Superman in punching their opponent in the face.
The three worked together in weakening Darkseid who was now being forced into the boomtube but the lord of Apokolips was not one to back down he launched a right punch which collided with Aquaman who was sent crashing away again at great velocity, Wonder Woman stopped stabbing him and switched her attack by floating onto her back and launching multiple kicks into his now wounded torso.
Superman threw a right uppercut which knocked Darkseid's head backwards "WONDER WOMAN BACK AWAY THIS INSTANCE, I AM GOING TO END THIS!" she flew backwards slightly while Superman pulled his fist back and launched a right punch that landed directly into Darkseid's face who was now forced into the boomtube completely "IF I AM TO FAIL, YOU ARE COMING WITH ME KRYPTONIAN!" his left hand quickly reached out and pulled Superman through with him, Diana reacted quickly and wrapped her arms around Kal's ankle which pulled her in with them as the boomtube closed.
Aquaman looked on in shock & horror "SHIT!"
Healing Isle
Hippolyta opened her eyes gently and saw the familiar ceiling of the healing isle "I'm alive" she spoke "My Queen you're awake and yes you lived thanks to the combined efforts of Athena and me" Epione replied "Diana where is she, Is she alive?" Hippolyta asked "Yes she's alive, Me and her doubled teamed Steppenwolf and killed him she has now returned to man's world to help her friends take down Darkseid, Even though we won one of his soldiers got the motherbox back for him" said Artemis who was in the bed next to Hippolyta's and was currently bandaging her left arm "Let's just hope Diana and her friends win" said Hippolyta, At that moment they could hear Phillipus shouting in a panicked tone, The three of them went to the balcony to see what was going on "Oh no an Apokoliptian portal" said Hippolyta.
The Amazons had finished gathering their dead and had nearly finished with the clean up when a boomtube formed high above the island "AMAZONS DRAW YOUR WEAPONS NOW, THEY HAVE RETURNED TO DESTROY US!" Phillipus shouted, The Amazons lifted their weapons and readied themselves for battle they then heard three screams of rage echoing from the boomtube but it was what happened next that was a truly incredible sight.
Superman & Wonder Woman held Darkseid by the throat together as the duo worked together by launching punch after punch into the Apokoliptian face, Hippolyta saw Diana attacking Darkseid & immediately saw the man that was assisting her daughter in taking down Darkseid with the three now hurtling towards the forests of Themyscira.
The Amazons in the courtyard and healing isle watched on in shock, fear & awe at who this man that was helping their Princess "DIANA!" Hippolyta shouted "WHO THE HELL IS THAT MAN WITH HER!?" Artemis asked "I'm about to go find out" said Hippolyta she turned around and went to her bed, Placing her winged sandals on her feet, She took off the blanket had been wrapped around her & grabbed her black robe, Using it to clothe her bandaged naked body, After doing that she grabbed Steppenwolf sword & flew out from the balcony and headed for the forest "HIPPOLYTA NO!" Epione shouted.
At that moment Athena, Hermes and Eros teleported onto the courtyard "WE NEED HORSES NOW!" shouted Eros, The Amazons quickly detached the horses from the carts that had been used to gather the Parademon corpses, Athena and Eros got onto their individual ones while Hermes took flight "AMAZONS FOLLOW ME!" Athena shouted as the large group headed for the forest as well.
Forest of Themyscira
Wonder Woman and Superman forced Darkseid downwards into the Themysciran forest, The 3 of them impacted with the ground and in doing so made the entire island shake and various tree's fall, Darkseid was flat on his back while Diana & Kal were sent rolling forward violently as their bodies knocked down more trees in the process, The duo eventually stopped rolling as Diana back impacted with another tree but it didn't knock it down while Kal was now lying on his stomach he floated up into a standing position and landed on the ground, From there he quickly approached Diana and helped to her feet "You okay?" he asked "Yeah what about you" she replied "I'm alright" Kal replied.
Wonder Woman looked around and recognised where they were, Her expression changed to one of fear "Oh no Kal we are on Themyscira, This is the forest of Themyscira" said Diana "We're standing on your home, The boomtube whatever Arthur did to activate it the location must have been set for here instead of Apokolips...Oh lord I can hear your sisters approaching" Kal replied "DIANA!" Hippolyta shouted "That is my mother's voice" said Diana "Your mother" Superman replied "Crap they must have seen us arrive and are now coming to help, Kal we need to stop them from entering here" said Diana.
Darkseid sat up and stood to his feet he turned around as his eyes saw Superman and Wonder Woman "DIE!" he shouted and fired his omega beams, The power couple saw Darkseid attack coming towards them, Kal pulled Diana behind him he roared and unleashed his heat vision which collided with the omega beams, The two powers again struggled to get the advantage over the other which formed a small ball of fire in the middle that grew larger by the second.
Diana watched on and in that moment she knew how to help and what needed to be done for her plan to work, She flew upwards into the air so she was above the forest while below Kal was still locked in battle with Darkseid, Lifting her arms up and crossed her bracelets, Grey storm clouds began to form above her and Themyscira with the clouds now firing their thunder onto her bracelets as she then controlled and channelled it.
Hippolyta saw what her daughter was about to do "NOOOOOO DIANA!" but it was too late Wonder Woman roared in anger and brought her arms down which were still crossed and launched the powerful lightning burst at the Apokoliptian which hit him making him scream out in pain but carried on firing his omega beams at Superman's heat vision, The large ball of fire exploded seconds later with it now decimating everything that was in it's vicinity and made the island shake violently.
Hippolyta and Diana screamed as the explosion blasted the two of them away from each other to the ground.
Athena, Eros Hermes and the Amazons were nearing the forest when the explosion detonated, The horses bucked which sent Eros and Athena to the ground and in doing so made the horses run back the way they had come while at the same time the blast radius had now reached the entrance of the forest and sent the three gods and the amazon army flying backwards with such force.
The smoke slowly dissipated revealing Kal-El and Darkseid, Both of them laid out in a large crater that had formed from the explosion, Darkseid bled heavily with his blood now forming a pool underneath him while Superman bled from his (head, eyes, mouth and torso) which had also formed a pool underneath him.
The Kryptonian sat up slowly and saw the devastation that had been caused from his & Wonder Woman power clash with the Apokoliptian "Rao what have we done" he then spat out blood and floated up again into a standing position "Diana" he listened out for her heartbeat which was coming from behind him, Turning around he flew to her and saw that she was lying unconscious on the ground and saw the two burning tree's that were about to fall on her.
Flying quickly he grabbed her into his arms bridal style & flew up into the sky, Looking down at her she had wounds & bruises on her body while blood was now spilling out of her forehead and mouth he then shook her awake ever so gently "Hey Diana, Wake up my love" she began to stir and opened her eyes "Kal did we win?" she asked "Can't confirm that right now, How are you feeling?" he asked "Slightly drained from what I just did but I can still fight my Beloved" said Diana replied, A smile formed onto her face, Kal smiled back at her and then realized something "Your mother we need to go see if she is alright, Which way was she coming from before the explosion hit?" she pointed south west of the now destroyed forest.
The man of steel flew where she had pointed while still carrying her in his arms, The two of them landed as Kal put Diana down onto her feet & used his super hearing to try and detect another heartbeat which most likely would belong to the Queen "I think I know where she is, I can hear a heartbeat coming from that way" said Kal, The duo hovered to the location and saw the Queen lying unconscious in front of two large doors that were part of a large mountain "Mother" said Diana.
Kal looked on in awe at the Queen "Now I know where you got that beautiful face of yours Diana, Your mother is stunning...Okay that just sounds really weird saying something like that" "Kal I know what you meant, Just do me a favour please and stop talking" Diana replied "Yes Ma'am" said Superman.
Diana went down to her knees and checked for Hippolyta's pulse which was still there "She's alive" "That is good, Quick question, What are these doors for?" he asked "It is called Dooms Doorway it leads directly to Tartarus, On the odd occasion the doors are broken open from the inside by the monsters that roam it and then those monsters take the opportunity to attack Themyscira every time" said Diana "Wait these doors leads directly to hell itself, The very kingdom of which Hades and Persephone rule" "Yes" Diana replied "Holy shit" said Kal who's eyes were now wide and his mouth open in an O shape.
Wonder Woman bit back her laughter at Kal's expression and focused on her Mother she shook Hippolyta gently her eyes opened slightly "Diana" she whispered but immediately closed them right after, Clark super hearing picked up a voice that was coming from a distance and realised that Darkseid was waking up "My love I need to go back, Darkseid is regaining consciousness" he flew away while Diana grabbed Steppenwolf's sword, Gently picking Hippolyta up she flew her mother to the entrance of the forest.
Once she had reached her destination she left Hippolyta & Steppenwolf sword with the three gods and Amazons who were still unconscious as well and flew back into what used to be the forest so she could find her sword & Godkiller, After that she would be able to give help to Kal.
Superman saw that Darkseid was standing he flew even faster and tackled the god midwaist while Darkseid retaliated by landing his elbows into the Kryptonian's back he then kneed him in the stomach, Grabbing the cape he threw Kal aside onto the ground with Superman now on his back, Darkseid's left foot landed on the Kryptonians chest and held him down in place "I'll crush you like a nut, I am a god you are nothing compared to me" said Darkseid "Really I am nothing yet me, the King of Atlantis and the Princess of Themyscira have been the ones who have been beating the hell out of you" replied Superman "I am Darkseid, Conqueror of worlds, I have waited 30,000 years to have my revenge and I will not be stopped by YOU, THE AMAZONS, THE ATLANTEANS OR THOSE FOOLS THAT CALL THEMSELVES THE JUSTICE LEAGUE, THIS PLANET BELONGS TO ME KAL-EL OF KRYPTON AND YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE BY MY HAND!" "NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!" said Diana who flew at high velocity and launched a right kick that landed onto the side of Darkseid's head which knocked him away from Kal who was now able to stand up "HE IS MINE YOU TYRANT AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!" said Diana.
Superman & Wonder Woman stood side by side "Diana may I borrow one your swords?" she handed him her sword as he held it in his right hand while Diana was now holding Godkiller in her left "I am surprised that he still wants to fight even after us two and Arthur have Kicked, Punched, Stabbed, Used your Heat vision, My Thunder blast and still he carries on" said Wonder Woman "You have to respect his tenacity he has waited 30,000 years to have his revenge and has taken a brutal beatdown from trying to take over this planet again but still refuses to give up" Superman replied "Is that respect I hear" said Wonder Woman "Yeah but only slight respect" said Superman "This world will fall like all the others" said Darkseid.
The duo lifted their swords while Darkseid lifted his fists at the same time, The two ran at him as he then charged at them in return, The duo went down onto their knees and while sliding past him their swords cut through his armour which wounded him on both sides of his body making him cry out in pain.
The power couple stood to their feet, They spun around and were now facing Darkseid's back "Shoulders next" said Diana, The two took flight & flew past his face either side while at the same time they drove both their swords into his shoulders and pulled them out immediately.
Superman left arm and Wonder Woman's right arm hooked around the front of the Apokoliptians neck and brought him down onto the ground face first in-between them making him groan in pain.
The Amazon and the Kryptonian both floated into a standing position with Kal now getting an idea of what to do next "I need your sword now" she handed him Godkiller, Kal then drove each sword into the left & right calf muscles of Darkseid's legs with the Apokoliptian now screaming in pain while Superman made sure that they had gone completely through by pushing both hilts so that they were now stuck into the ground and by doing that he had now immobilised Darkseid "Lasso" said Superman which she handed him, He grabbed both arms of the Apokoliptian and placed them together onto the back into a reverse arm fold (Positioning them in the same way that Morpheus from the Matrix trilogy would have them whenever he walked) "I'll hold him down you tie his arms as tight as you possibly can" which she then proceeded to do.
Superman and Wonder Woman grabbed Darkseid by both shoulders and lifted him onto his knee's "I WILL KILL THE BOTH OF YOU!" he fired his omega beams while the kryptonian and the amazon walked behind him so casually in order to avoid them "Kal you genius" said Wonder Woman she grinned at how he had immobilised Darkseid "Now you get it, So please ladies first" said Superman who grinned in return "A gentleman, I like that" said Diana "My Father raised me to be one" Superman replied while Darkseid had now finished firing his omega beams.
Wonder Woman took position in front of Darkseid who looked at her beaten, bloodied and defeated "Just get on with it but know this I won't surrender this invasion" said Darkseid who now mentally prepped himself for the beating that he was going to receive from both of them.
Diana cracked her knuckles and launched a left hook & a right hook immediately after she uppercutted him, Grabbing his head she brought his face down to the right knee that impacted with it he reeled back in pain while Wonder Woman quickly did a backwards cartwheel with the tip of her boots impacting with his chin which knocked his head backwards he started to fall onto his back when Superman quickly kicked him in the back of the head to prevent him from falling in doing so Darkseid's head rocked forward from the impact allowing Wonder Woman the opportunity to land a roundhouse kick across Darkseid's jaw "Your turn Kal".
The two swapped positions Superman looked at Darkseid and launched 5 quick punches into his opponents face he then kneed Darkseid in the stomach which made the Apokoliptian bend over in pain, Superman uppercutted him & placed his left hand on the Apokoliptians shoulder and launched repetitive right punches directly into Darkseid's face he then elbowed him across the jaw "Together Diana".
Wonder Woman walked around to stand alongside him, The duo looked at each other "Stronger" said Superman "Together" said Wonder Woman, Their gazes locked onto Darkseid bloodied face as the two took this opportunity to beat the living shit out of him, The power couple threw multiple left and right punches directly into his face, They then brought his head down to their knees again that impacted with his face.
After that the duo flew away from him. Once they had gained some distance they immediately flew back towards him, Kal left leg and Diana right leg were stretched out as the two kicked him into the chest with great force which made him cough up a lot of blood and fall forward onto the ground.
The two of them took the swords out "Surrender now and call off this invasion" said Superman. Darkseid who was now disoriented felt the power couple lift him onto his knees.
Wonder Woman backhanded him across the face which woke him up completely "Surrender this invasion now" said Diana "I won't yield you amazon whore" Darkseid replied "You idiot now you have made it worse for yourself" said Superman, The two of them lifted him up to his feet and kicked him in the chest which sent him slightly backwards they then kicked him again which winded him as he gasped for breath, The duo landed multiple punches and elbows into his torso once that was done they finished him off with repetitive left hooks across his jaw.
Superman grabbed Darkseid's head and unleashed his heat vision directly into his opponents eyes which made the latter scream, He then let go as Darkseid fell backwards onto his ass and looked down to the ground defeated.
The power couple looked down at him "You lose Darkseid" said Superman "By the gods" a voice was heard from behind them, The kryptonian and the amazon turned around and were greeted by an amazon that was 5 foot 5, green eyes, dark red hair and was dressed in red amazon armour, white cape on the back of it and black boots "Alexa" said Diana.
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