《Justice League : War of the Motherboxes》Sharing Stories (part 3)
14th November 2016
10:35 am
Observation Deck
The killer of Onimar Synn looked down at their interlocked hands and then looked Diana in the eyes "What Ra didn't count on was that thousands of years later his son Egyptian god Set had spotted him visiting the location of the hole in order to check if the seal was still intact which it still was, Set then hid in a spot and waited for his father to leave, Once Ra had left, Set checked to make sure it was all clear & approached the hole, He placed his hand on the sand & concentrated slowly and was then able to feel the power of the hexagram spell resonating from below as it travelled upwards and knew that his father Ra was the only one of them who could wield magic on that sort of level" said Clark "So I am guessing Set decided to investigate further as to what was down there that it needed to be sealed away with high powered magic?" Diana asked.
"Correct you are my love, Set at that moment used a spell of his own to transform his own physical body into that of a ghostly form & walked a few metres away from the hole and descended down into the ground & eventually was able to feel that he was nearing the core of the planet, Stopping his descent he flew in a forward direction as he phased through rocky walls, dirt and stone to eventually be greeted by the sight of a large dark grey tomb made entirely of Nth metal" "That must have confused & shocked the hell out of him" said Diana.
Kal nodded his head "Yes it did, Set walked up towards the door and used his magic to blast it open, He then realised before entering that this place could have traps in it to kill anyone who might try and investigate, Set stayed in his spirit form in order to protect himself from being physically harmed by any traps that could potentially be in it and then got to work on exploring the tomb in order to find out what his father was trying to hide & after much exploring while dodging traps at the same time he finally discovered the room that held the corpses of the ancient demons" "The truth finally revealed" said Diana.
"Yes, At first Set was confused by what he was looking at, Reverting back to his physical form he approached the first sarcophagus & used his strength to push the lid off which revealed the corpses of one of the demons which after all those years was still preserved, I think due to the mystical nature of the demons their corpses didn't deteriorate into a skeletal form, From there Set got to work in opening the rest of the sarcophaguses and began to examine a few of the corpses and recognised that the burns & injuries that they had suffered was definitely the handiwork of Yuga & his father Ra" said Clark "Did he go to confront Ra straight after?" Diana asked "No because Set investigation was not done yet, He needed to know what exactly happened on that day, Set approached the corpse of Onimar he placed his left index & middle fingers on the head of Onimar while his right hand he placed on the chest, Using a spell he was then able to use his two left fingers to enter Onimar's skull and let them travel down deeper so that his two fingers would be inside the demon leader's brain" Clark replied.
Diana felt disturbed & creeped out at the fact that Set had put his fingers inside of Onimar's brain which made her feel slightly nauseous, The princess picked up her cup of water and drank half of it to calm her nausea down "I know my love even I had that expression when I got told that bit of the story" said Kal "I feel slightly sick at what Set did with his fingers" Diana replied "I'll be honest, I threw up after hearing that bit" said Kal "Did Set get the answers he seeked?" Diana asked "Yes see what Set did was access the last memory of Onimar in order to see the last moments of the demons life, Set using his magic was then able to witness everything including what led up & the whole murder itself through the eyes & perspective of Onimar as he then saw Yuga & his father Ra execute the demon leader, Set brought himself back out to the real world & accidently made the biggest mistake ever that would ultimately cost him his life" Clark replied.
Kal's story had heightened Diana's curiosity she had only known a bit about the Egyptian gods through the books & scrolls that she had read during her lessons but this was all new to her and the fact that what she had been taught about them was not their entire backstory but this was not the fault of her teacher, The amazon who was called Mnemosyne because she didn't know the real truth about the Egyptian gods either "What did Set do?" Diana asked "When he returned back to the real world he was still trying to process what he had just witnessed and in doing so was not concentrating, His right hand which he had placed on the chest of Onimar before had then in that moment accidently transferred some of his own powers & lifeforce into the corpse which jolted the demon leaders heart back to life" "Oh fuck" said Diana "Exactly, Set began to back all the way up to the wall while at the same time made things worse when his left hand caught itself on a sharp bit on the coffin which cut it and made his hand bleed out, With the blood quickly being absorbed into the now resurrecting Onimar".
"Poor Set, That day was not his day" said Diana "Definitely agree with you on that one, Set watched the resurrection process knowing he couldn't stop it due to his magic combining with Onimar's and the fact that he couldn't run back to the heavenly sky temple where he & his fellow gods resided knowing that Onimar would eventually find them, The resurrection process lifted the corpse out of the sarcophagus and repositioned the corpse into an upright position which made it hover in the air, Onimar arms which were crossed then broke apart & stretched out, The demon opened his eyes a split second later and was greeted by the sight of Set which put real fear into the Egyptian god" said Kal.
The man of steel at that moment recalled in his mind the rest of the story that Katar & Hro had told him "Set in that instance lifted his hands in an act of surrender so that Onimar wouldn't kill him, Onimar responded to the surrender by using his left hand to cast a spell to hold Set in place and used his right hand to fire a devastating blast directly at Set that weakened the god and brought him down to his knees, Onimar then interrogated Set on what just happened and everything that had happened after he & his fellow demons had been murdered, Set gave the answers that Onimar wanted and told the demon leader that he could go ahead & kill Ra for his betrayal but in return have mercy by sparing him and his fellow gods because they had also been deceived by Ra" said Kal "Did he take the deal?" asked Wonder Woman.
Kal shook his head sideways "He was considering it but then he turned around and saw the other sarcophaguses and remembered how hopeless & weak he had felt that day watching his fellow demons being murdered by Ra & Yuga and how they laughed him off when he said that he would return to get his revenge and now the day had finally arrived, Onimar approached each corpse of his fellow demons and told them that he wouldn't be able to bring them back but he would avenge their deaths, The demon leader looked back at Set and walked towards him, Crouching down to look the Thanagarian in the eyes, Set asked him what he was going to do and if he would consider taking the deal that he offered, Onimar replied saying that there would be no deal and that he was going to kill him but first he would make him suffer" said Kal.
"Suffer, Let me guess he tortured Set?" Diana asked "No, What he did was use a spell to create a large enough barrier that surrounded both of them & released Set from the hold he had over him" Superman replied
Wonder Woman expression turned into one of complete bafflement at Onimar actions "Why do that?" she asked "So they could fight Diana, He released Set in order to challenge him to a one vs one fight" Clark replied "Well from what you have told me so far, Set didn't really have a choice but to accept his challenge due to him not being able to escape the barrier, I am guessing" said Diana "Correct you are my love, The two of them battled it out as they used everything in their arsenal to try and kill each other, What Set didn't realise was that Onimar was playing the long game where the fighter tires himself out" said Kal "Like Muhammad Ali (Rope a dope) technique that he used against George Foreman" Diana replied "Yeah exactly like that, Nice comparison by the way, Set had exhausted himself by going all out early on in the fight, His movements now slower he threw a punch which was caught by the demon leader who retaliated by breaking the Egyptian god's hand and then got to work as he beat the living fuck out of him until he was inches away from death, Onimar told Set that Ra was the only one to blame for this beat down, Consequences must be paid for acts of betrayal".
Wonder Woman felt horrible that Set was forced to suffer the consequences of a despicable act that had been committed by his father & Yuga "Didn't anyone notice that Set had been gone for so long?" she asked "Yeah they did but Set was known for disappearing for long periods of time due to long walks that he would take or sometimes had business of his own to attend to" Kal replied "What happened after Set was defeated?" Diana asked "Onimar grabbed him by the top of his head, Squeezing it with such force he forced the now defeated Set to teleport him to the sky pyramid where he & his fellow gods lived" said Kal "Ra must have shit himself when Onimar showed up" said Diana.
Superman nodded his head in agreement to Diana's question "The gods of Thanagar saw Onimar holding the defeated Set by the throat and got up to try and attack him but they stopped when he told them that the only reason Set got this beating was in retaliation for what Ra did to him, The gods were confused about what he was on about and asked him to explain, Ra tried to shut Onimar up by telling them to not believe his lies but it was futile as the demon leader told them that the Ra they knew & respected was a complete façade to what he was really like, Onimar told them how Ra & Yuga betrayed & murdered him & his fellow demons, How Yuga & Ra covered their act of treachery up, Osiris was shocked at what he had been told, Looking his father Ra in the eyes he asked him if Onimar's words were true, Ra struggled to even form words and then tried to justify what he & Yuga had done, Osiris couldn't believe it, With that confession the respect that he had for his father was shattered, He couldn't believe that his father, A man he had so much respect for was actually a psychopathic murderer who would preach to him about mercy & fairness when he didn't even do that himself, Ra was a liar & a hypocrite".
Both elevator doors on the other side of the hall opened up as Hal walked out holding Barry in a headlock "So my idiotic friend this proves that given time I can catch eventually catch you" said Hal "That is because I let you" Barry replied "Let me, Keep telling yourself that Barry" Hal replied "It's true, Anyway you got to admit you getting knocked out by Darkseid was hilarious" said Barry "For you guys it was funny, It goddamn hurt when he punched me" Hal replied "Did it hurt more than that time in that bar when that woman kicked you in the balls after being accidently knocked backwards into her & your hand ended up touching her ass because you were trying to regain your balance at the same time because that was hilarious" Barry replied as he laughed out loud "You promised to never mention that" said Hal who then let go of the Flash.
The duo were about to walk back into the meeting room when Hal took the opportunity to slap Barry upside the head really hard "What was that for?" Barry asked "That's for uploading that video to the internet" Hal replied "Hey in 20 to 30 years we will look back on that video and laugh, Also me uploading that video was payback for you leaving me on my one to deal with Gorilla Grodd" Barry replied "I was saving that woman's life" Hal replied "Yeah and getting her digits at the same time" said Barry "She gave it to me voluntarily" Hal replied "After you used your stupid Hal Jordan charm on her" Barry replied "Hey it is not my fault that lady dug the manners of a gentleman such as myself and the good looks that I definitely possess" Hal replied "Gentleman & good looks, Wow keep telling yourself that you moron" said Barry.
Observatory deck
"What happened after the Thanagarian gods found out the truth of what Ra & Yuga had done?" Diana asked "Osiris attempted to offer the same deal to Onimar of trading Set's life for Ra's death, Onimar responded to the offer by letting his actions do the talking, The demon's grip held Set by the top of his head and began to apply immense pressure to the skull of the Thanagarian god and ended up crushing it with such force that Set's head exploded, A split second later before the gods even had a chance to react to Set's demise, Onimar got to work on finally getting his revenge as he took them all on at the same time, This was his hour, He tried playing nice when he agreed to share the planet but he was not the same demon that he once was, Ra & Yuga's act of betrayal had created (A rage filled, Cold hearted, Vengeance driven monster whose methods & future actions would now be ones of remorseless brutality)" said Clark.
Diana hands covered her mouth out of shock "What happened next?" she asked "They tried to fight Onimar and lost, The Demon decimated them, It was literal annihilation of the gods of Thanagar, Osiris who was laid out on the floor (Bloodied & Beaten) like the rest of his fellow gods quickly teleported all of them down (Except Ra he was left behind so that Onimar could kill him) to the planet itself, They crashed down onto the floor of the palace throne room which surprised the hell out of the then King & Queen of Thanagar and their guards who quickly helped them up to their feet and asked them what had happened to them, Before Osiris could answer Horus came to a realisation at that moment and told Osiris & their fellow gods that even if Ra is killed, Onimar would not stop until they were all dead, Osiris looked at the King & Queen and began to apologise repeatedly, Telling them that they had no choice for what they were about to do and hoped that one day they could forgive them" Kal replied.
An expression of concern formed on Diana's face "What did they do Beloved" she asked, Kal turned to face the window while his right hand was still interlocked with her left hand "They ran Diana, They abandoned Thanagar by running out of the palace and took the royal transport ship that the king & queen would use for space travel, Just before they ran out of the palace Horus took off & threw his claw gauntlets into the hands of the King, Telling him that when the time comes the king would know what to do, As they were launching off the planet, Ra now (Bloodied, Beaten & Broken) had been able to quickly teleport himself at the last second onto the ship with the entire group of Thanagarian gods now flying away from Thanagar while at the same time abandoning their people to the brutality of Onimar Synn, What made it worse was the gods never went back to Thanagar after that" said Superman.
The princess of Themyscira then clocked onto something "They went to Earth, Settled in Egypt & started all over again by ushering in the era of the Ancient Egyptians, If I'm correct?" she asked "That most likely is what happened after but what I & the Thanagarians don't know is what happened when the Gods of Thanagar arrived on Earth, Did they kill Ra or just punish him for what he did, Did the gods ever tell the people of ancient Egypt that they had abandoned their first set of followers, Makes me wonder as well with your Aunt Antiope & the Bana Amazons now worshipping the gods of Egypt, Do they know about the true past of their gods" said Kal "That is a good question Kal, It does make me wonder if they know the truth or not, Beloved what happened after the gods ran away?" Diana asked.
Kal answered her question "Onimar stood in the throne room of the sky pyramid, Enraged at the fact that he hadn't been able to kill Ra & his fellow gods and that they had all got away he destroyed the throne room out of anger and then stopped when noticing the large observation circle that showed the people of Thanagar carrying on with their day unaware that their planet had been left defenceless with no gods to protect them, Onimar looked down at the circle and observed for a few minutes and that is when a very vicious idea came to his mind" "What did Onimar do Beloved?" Diana asked.
The killer of Onimar Synn lifted his hands, Demonstrating what the demon did "Onimar stretched his arms out & brought forth the combined demon/god magic that he had acquired from the now late Set who had helped resurrect him, Waving his hands in various directions his newly acquired powers began to break the entire pyramid, Once he had taken apart the pyramid, The demon hovered in the air with the large blocks of what was the pyramid spinning around him like a tornado with him in the middle of the vortex, Onimar then spoke, Making his presence known by echoing his voice across the whole of Thanagar he told everyone who he was, Told them how he defeated their gods who have now left the planet & abandoned them, That this planet belonged to him now and that he hoped those that survive remember this moment & that Ra was to blame for what is about to happen".
Clark drank the rest of the water from his cup and then carried on telling his story "Onimar lifted both his arms, Letting out a loud roar of anger he launched the large blocks of the sky pyramid down towards the city & royal palace like a meteor shower, In committing this action he killed 75% of the planet's population" "By the gods those innocent people all dead because of Ra & Yuga Khan act of treachery, Didn't the King & Queen of Thanagar try and rally their army to protect their people and kill Onimar at the same time?" Wonder Woman asked
Kal at that moment crossed his arms "They tried but it was futile due to Onimar easily wiping out any soldiers that tried to attack him, Also the soldiers that were assigned the task of saving civilians died due to blocks of the pyramid landing on them & chunks of the ones that broke upon impact ended up hitting them as well, While also factoring in Onimar purposely targeting and killing Thanagarian soldiers & citizens that were trying to save each other, Once the chaos ended Onimar stood tall and declared himself God/Ruler of Thanagar, While the remaining survivors (Including the King & Queen) were forced to kneel before him, Thus ushering in the era of Onimar Synn as ruler of Thanagar which lasted for 35 years".
The emotions of (Shock, Anger and sadness) came forth as Diana's thoughts processed what Kal had told her "Those poor people, Abandoned by the ones they worshipped, Attacked by a psychopath that only became that way due to the despicable actions of Ra & Yuga then to have 75% of their population wiped out by Onimar and finally be enslaved for 35 years, What happened during his era?" she asked.
Kal then told her what went down during the era of Onimar:
.Onimar rebuilt the palace to suit him.
.Had the citizens build statues and artwork of himself to solidify his era.
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