《Mindlessly Wandering (Shinso x Reader)》Chapter 5
I was woken up by the sun peeking through the shades.
"What a weird dream..." I say as I sat up and looked around.
"Where...am I?" I sat puzzled and looked down at my arm which was still in a cast.
"Wasn't a dream, did you sleep better kiddo?" Aizawa asked me as I looked at him standing in the door way.
I nodded my head as I got out of bed.
"Breakfast is almost ready, go ahead and wash up. Then get dressed, today are the entrance exams for UA." He said.
"But, how am I supposed to participate? I can't exactly do a whole lot..." I trailed looking down at my feet.
"You don't have to participate, you got in already based on recommendations remember?"
"Oh...r-right..." I paused for a moment, "but it seems unfair to the others."
"Don't worry, there are two other kids just like you who were brought in on recommendations as well."
"But aren't they participating?"
"Yes, they are. You only really have to do the written exam. The school knows about your state and what's been going on. You can demonstrate your quirk later." Aizawa explained.
"Okay...so then, am I going to be home alone today?" I asked quietly fiddling my fingers.
"Well initially I thought you'd want to come with me, but if you want to stay you can."
"Mm, I want to go with you." I said looking at him. He had black eyes, just like my father, but...his eyes seem trusting.
Aizawa let out a sigh and I saw a slight smile of relief on his face.
He must be nervous like me...
"Alright then, go and get ready." He said as he left for the kitchen.
I quickly came back from washing and changing my clothes. The clothes I had were very baggy, but I was thankful nonetheless.
All we had bought were white t-shirts, black pants, and some new underwear for me. We also got a new pair of shoes for me.
I stood in the kitchen not sure if I was allowed to sit down or not, and Aizawa gave me a weird look.
"(Y/n), you don't need my permission to sit down, make yourself at home here." He said.
I nodded and sat down at the counter as Aizawa placed two plates down.
"What did you make this time?" I asked curiously as I looked at the weird food in front of me.
"Bacon and eggs." He said as he grabbed two cups. He poured a weird orange substance into mine and into his I assumed coffee.
He finally sat down and placed the orange liquid next to my plate.
"Don't tell me you've never had orange juice before."
"I mean, I know of it...but I've really never had...anything..." I trail.
"Then I guess you'll just have to try everything." Aizawa said as he began to eat.
I grabbed the cup and sipped on it.
What is this on my tongue!? How do I describe it?
I felt my face scrunched up together.
"Haha, sour?" Aizawa laughed as he watched me. I nodded my head and sipped it again, only this time it was less sour.
"Now it's...uhm..."
I feel so stupid for not knowing these things.
"Y-yeah...!" I said while placing the glass down. I began to eat my breakfast, starting with the bacon.
Oh my goodness...I never knew this would be so good.
"Thanks for breakfast Aiz-..." I stopped myself, "dad..." I said quietly.
"Mhm, hurry up though, I need to be there in ten minutes." He said finishing his coffee.
I finished breakfast as fast as I could and cleaned up.
"Want me to do the dishes so you can get ready?" I asked him.
"Oh, sure you got it with one hand?"
I nodded. Aizawa left to go get ready and I started on the dishes.
It was a little difficult at first, but I managed to figure it out and finished.
"Ready to go?" Aizawa asked.
"Mhm." I hum as I nodded my head.
"Alright then, let's go kid." He said as he massaged my shoulders.
At first I tensed up not ready for the contact, but then loosened up.
He's not going to hurt me...
We hopped into the car and drove off to UA.
Aizawa gave me a few instructions on what to do when I get there, as I still had to go through with the entrance assembly and written exam.
"So, just follow everyone else?"
"Yes, there will be lots of kids trying to get into the hero course this year, and they'll know what to do, probably better than I know." He said.
"What is it?"
"I...just still feel guilty that I can't do the physical part of the exam..."
"Like I said, it'll be fine. Just, for me, don't go behind my back and do the physical exam. I promise I'll let you do your own little physical exam when you're arm is better."
I hesitantly nodded my head then looked out the window again.
Aizawa left me to go to where he needs to be. Here I was standing in front of the school not knowing what to do.
He said there'd be a lot of kids here...yet I don't see anyone...
I nervously looked around to see if anyone would pull up. I then noticed a kid walking up to the building.
He had fluffy purple hair and tired eyes just like Aizawa's.
Guess I'll follow him.
The kid noticed me through the reflection of the doors and stepped to the side to let me in first.
"Th...thank you..." I said quietly as I walked in and waited for him.
"Mhmm." He hummed tiredly and walked in himself.
He paused when I didn't keep walking.
"Are you gonna go?" He asked. I froze up at his question.
"Uhm...I..." I kept stuttering and couldn't get my words out. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.
"How are you going to do the exam if you're arm is in a cast? Will you be okay?" He asked.
S...so many questions...
"N..no...I uhm...mm.."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intimidate you. I have that effect on people..." He said kind of sadly. I jerked my head up.
"Y-you didn't! I'm just..." I looked him in the eyes for the first time, he had beautiful soft purple eyes.
"You're just what...?" He waited for me to continue.
"I'm...just...I don't really know myself...nervous?" I averted my gaze back to my feet.
"Don't worry, I'm nervous too. I let you in first cos I thought you'd know where to go..." He admitted.
"I thought that too!" I gasped.
The purple haired boy let out a small laugh and then spoke again.
"Guess we should ask about where to go now then huh?"
I nodded my head and followed him again.
"So, what's your name?" He asked me.
"Oh, my name is (y/n) (l/n-" I stopped myself.
"Sorry, I didn't really catch that last part."
"Uhm...you can call me (y/n)." I said looking at the floor and twiddle my fingers.
"I'm Hitoshi Shinso." He said. I just nodded my head, I really didn't know how to interact with others.
Shinso asked someone where we were supposed to go and we were directed to the room where a lot of kids were.
"Oh wow." I said under my breath.
That's a crap ton of people...
I didn't notice that Shinso had already left to go find a seat, leaving me alone again. I felt myself grow more nervous.
It was getting louder, and it felt as if everyone's eyes were on me the longer I stood there.
I looked around for an empty seat and found one next to a kid with messy green hair and freckles.
I can't tell if he's nervous or excited...maybe both?
The lights went dark and then we heard speaking below us.
"What up UA candidates! Thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ! COME ON A LEMME HEAR YOU!"
I looked to see a lanky man with tall blonde hair and glasses.
There was nothing but silence as we waited for him to continue.
"Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine I'll get straight to the main show, let's talk about how this practical exam's gonna go down. ARE YOU READY!?"
The written exam got done pretty quickly and the rest of the students began to make there way to the fighting grounds. I only went out there to see if I could find Aizawa.
Right before I made it to the door someone tapped on my shoulder.
I turned around to be met with Shinso.
"Oh...hey." I said looking down at my feet.
"How are you supposed to fight?" He asked looking a bit concerned.
"Oh, I'm not doing the physical part of the exam yet, I was just going out to look for Aiz-...I mean...my dad." I explained.
"Isn't that kind of unfair?" He asked which made me feel really guilty.
"Oh sorry, I've got to go." He said making his way outside, leaving me alone in the middle of an empty building.
Until Aizawa walked in looking for me.
"There you are, I was looking for you out in the grounds." He said. I stayed silent looking down at my feet.
"What's the matter kid?" He made himself my height and put his hands on my shoulders.
I shook my head as to tell him it was nothing. He wasn't having any of it.
"(Y/n), I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on. I know it's not nothing, I'm not stupid. I'd really like us to build off of trust, so I want you to be honest with me, and I'll be honest with you."
I nodded my head in understandment.
"Someone just said that it was unfair I wasn't doing the physical exam today...and I agree with them." I explained softly.
"Remember what we talked about? You'll have your own physical exam later."
I nodded my head again and looked at my arm that was in the cast.
I wish this was gone.
"Is the cast bothering you?" Aizawa asked.
"A little bit...yeah..." I admitted.
Aizawa was silent for a moment and then told me to come with him.
We entered a room and he told me to sit down in the chair and wait. A couple minutes later, a familiar tiny old woman walked in with Aizawa right behind her.
"Nice to see you again (y/n), how's your arm?" She asked.
"I think it's okay..." I said quietly. Recover Girl began taking the cast off which freaked me out a little bit, so I looked up at Aizawa.
He just gave me a tired smile, which looked more creepy than anything but it was a try.
"It looks like the disintegration has stopped and healed, it's just the broken part yes?" She said looking at the still very disfigured arm.
I made the mistake of looking at my arm which sent terrible memories back into my head.
I remembered how dark it was, the pain I was in, how hopeless I felt. I remembered the hell I went through.
My breathing became quicker and shorter as I remembered what happened. The images came back so vividly it felt like I was re-living them.
"(Y/n)!" Aizawa shouted. He was right in front of me with a concerned look on his face. My breathing went back to normal as he spoke again.
"W-what?" I said confused as I tried to shake off the bad memories.
"You had a panic attack and wouldn't snap out of it." Recovery Girl said.
"(Y/n), I don't know how I feel about you going out to fight in this state." Aizawa added. I shook my head frantically.
"I can do it...I need to do it. I want to show you just how strong I really am." I said pleading.
"I know you're strong, you are one of the strongest people I have ever met. I think you need a break from everything to clear your head."
I looked down at the floor and nodded my head.
"I'm sorry kid, but I don't want you to get hurt or feel unsafe while you're out there." He apologized.
I held back the tears in my eyes as he continued to speak to me about how I need to have a stable mind in order to be a hero. Which makes sense, but it doesn't change the fact that I still feel weak.
"Even heroes need to take time for themselves, (y/n). And I want you to be the best hero you can be." He said lifting my chin up and wiping away the tears.
I nodded my head again even though I was still a little upset. I know he means well, and I think a part of me deep down really knows that, but my head tells me otherwise.
You're weak...he doesn't believe in you, he's just embarrassed to have you as his daughter. He only adopted you out of pity.
I tried my best to shake off the thoughts and gave a small smile to my dad.
"Would you still like to have your arm fixed up?" He asked. I nodded my head and Recovery Girl went on using her quirk.
When she was finished, I moved my hand around.
"It's...not broken...thank you." I said to Recovery Girl as she left.
"Would you like to go watch the other kids with me?" Aizawa asked.
Aizawa got up and held the door open for me as I followed him down the hallway.
She smiled again...but it wasn't happy...(y/n) I really hope you'll feel happy again someday.
She followed behind me as we went to watch everyone else.
I opened the door for her and walked in behind. Everyone's eyes were on her which made her feel a bit uncomfortable. So she hid behind me.
"Who's the kid?" Midnight asked.
"She's my daughter."
Everyone gasped a little too dramatically.
"You have a kid!? W-who's the mother!?" Present Mic yelled.
"Calm down Hizashi, I adopted her a few days ago."
"What made you want to get a kid?" Midnight asked.
"I just wanted to alright? Now focus on what's happening out there." I sighed and walked up to the screens. (Y/n) was standing next to me now also looking at the screens.
"So...I have a niece now?" Hizashi asked.
"We're not related Hizashi." I answered. He walked up to (y/n) anyways and started talking to her.
"You can call me Uncle Hizashi! Don't listen to this tired creep. We're basically brothers." He whispered to (y/n).
When she didn't answer Midnight spoke up.
"She's not very talkative is she, Shota?"
I rubbed my eyes as Hizashi and Nemuri kept pushing (y/n) to answer questions. I could tell she felt uncomfortable, she was looking at her feet.
"What's your name kid?" Nemuri asked.
"(Y-y/n)..." She answered very quietly.
"You gotta speak up! This way your uncle can understand you!" Hizashi said.
"I-it's...(y/n).." She said a little louder.
"Back off guys, you're making her uncomfortable." I said still watching the screen. I watched as a boy with purple hair stepped up to a robot, then turned away in frustration.
Does he not have a quirk that can physically do damage?
Out of the corner of my eye I saw (y/n) step up next to me and stare at the screen.
"It's that kid..." I heard her mumble.
"Alright (y/n), are you ready to go?" I looked over where she was slumped over on her seat. She's probably bored.
"Yeah." She said quietly as usual.
"Alright come on then." I gestured her to follow me. She waved goodbye to Hizashi and Nemuri then followed me out.
"You doing okay kiddo? You seem a little more down than usual."
"I'm...I'm fine."
So she's not okay.
I hopped in the car and put my seat belt on and she did the same.
"What's on your mind (y/n). Really."
"I don't know...I guess I'm just upset over what that Shinso kid said to me. I'm not upset with him...but with myself."
"Hmm, and why's that?"
"I just felt weak today. I agree that it was unfair for me to not participate in the physical."
"Well guess what, you had an injury, and you're still recovering mentally. Listen, I may not be your biological father, but I'm still legally your dad and as your dad, I'm supposed to give fatherly advice. So take it easy. Take time for yourself to enjoy and just focus on you for sometime." I paused to think.
"And you don't have to feel bad about the physical exam, (y/n) I already know how strong you are and so does every teacher at that school. Look at what you've come from, and look at where you are now. So please, don't be upset over a little entrance exam when you've already proven yourself worthy to become a hero."
(Y/n) looked at me with the same dead expression, then focused her gaze forward as I drove us home. It was silent for a long time til I broke it.
"Bet you've never had ice cream."
"Huh? Oh. I've never had it before."
"Well, we just so happen to be near a very good ice cream shop."
I said as I drove and parked by the curb.
"Let's go get you some ice cream."
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