《Mindlessly Wandering (Shinso x Reader)》Chapter 4
The second we got to the hospital I called up Recovery Girl to come heal (y/n) as best she could, then immediately I had to go to the police station.
"So how long have you been abusing your kid." I asked Aisen.
"I wasn't abusing her, I was teaching her a lesson."
"Hitting and starving your kid doesn't count." I folded my arms.
"Don't tell me how to parent my kid." Aisen spat angrily.
"She's no longer going to be your kid. With evidence of you abusing her, you lose your hero license, and parenting rights over (y/n)."
Aisen smirked.
"Yeah? Then where else is she going to go? Her mother died and her family cut off all ties with our family, and my parents both died off a couple years ago. She doesn't have anyone. And with her age, I doubt she'll stay in one home."
I grit my teeth as he just smiled and played it off as if hurting his own daughter was nothing.
"Then she can stay in my home for as long as she wants. I'll give her the parental love she hasn't ever had."
Aisen's eyes grew cold as I said that.
"Good luck with her. She's a disappointment. A pathetic excuse for a daughter. I should've left her outside instead of giving her the kindness I wasted on her."
I stood up and punched him sending him flying out of his chair.
"Kindness? You son of a bitch, you call that kindness!? Kids aren't something you can use to live your life through!" I shouted and grabbed him by the collar
I would've done more than that, but the police had restrained me and I wasn't allowed near Aisen anymore.
I walked into another room and talked to another officer.
"You really want to do that? Adopt the kid?"
"Yeah, what do I need to do to make that happen."
"Kids are a lot of work you know, and one with a background like that will be even harder." The policeman said.
"I don't care. I'm going to take care of her. I live a good enough life to care for another person other than myself. I'm a pro hero for crying out loud. I'm going to adopt (y/n) (l/n)."
After a load of paperwork and talking to more people than necessary, I finally got the adoption papers for (y/n). All I had to do now was go and talk to her about it.
I walked into the hospital and checked in, but was stopped by a kid with purple hair that seemed to stick up.
"Excuse me sir, are you Eraserhead?" He asked. He had similar tired eyes to mine.
"Yes." I said.
"Can I...get your autograph?" He asked a little nervously.
"Sure." I agreed as he handed me a pen, I quickly signed his paper and made my way up to (y/n)'s room.
What am I even supposed to say...how do I even bring this up?
. . .
Holy fu- I'm a father now.
I saw two nurses standing just a bit off from her room and overheard them talking.
"She's so quiet, she hasn't said a word or touched her food." One whispered.
"It's like she's a ghost, or robot, I don't like being around her, she's creepy." The other said.
I rolled my eyes.
Some people these days.
I thought as I walked in. (Y/n) was staring off into space with dull eyes as she slowly turned her head towards me.
"Y-you...want to be my guardian?" I asked staring at the bowl.
"Yes, at least until you think you don't need me anymore. I promise to give you a good home with decent sized meals and maybe even a pet if you feel up to it." Aizawa explained.
"Pet? What's a pet?" I asked quietly.
I genuinely did not know what a pet was.
"A pet is like a little furry friend to keep you company when I'm out on patrol, or just for pure entertainment." He explained.
I was silent, and I felt my body begin to shake.
"Y-you're not..gonna hurt me...like him a-are you?" I asked as tears began to fall down my face.
I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
"(Y/n), I will never hurt you. Ever. I promise to try and keep you happy, to give you a life worth living." He said.
"Then...okay..." I said hesitantly, "please become my guardian."
I felt his arms wrap around me as I cried into his shoulder.
Is this...what they call a hug? Is this feeling...what safety feels like?
If so...I don't ever want to go back to my old life.
For now...I'll keep living...
I was finally discharged from the hospital. Though I'm still extremely underweight they let me go home with Aizawa.
Before that, we had to go and pick somethings up at the store. I got some new clothes, toothbrush, hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, deodorant and other basic necessities.
After that we started the drive to Aizawa's house.
"What's going to happen...to...my dad?" I asked looking out the window.
"All I know, is that he's going away for a very long time. And you don't have to see him ever." Aizawa said
We pulled up to an apartment complex that was four stories tall.
"We live on the third floor, up the stairs we go." He said as he helped me carry everything.
"I'm sorry I can't carry much." I apologized.
With my arm in a cast and my arms being so weak, I could only carry one bag at a time.
"Don't worry about it, I just want you to go and put your stuff in your room." He said unlocking the door.
When we walked in, I smelt the aroma of coffee. It was a small apartment, but it was cozy.
I walked further inside and saw the living room which had a nice sofa with lots of pillows and blankets, in front was a nice TV.
I've never even watched TV before
To the right was the kitchen and dining area with an island counter that had two stools to sit on. There was also an actual table which could hold four people.
"It's not much, but it's home." Aizawa said bringing in more bags. "Wait what's wrong?" He asked.
I touched my cheek.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know why-"
"Don’t be sorry, a lot has happened. It's okay to cry." He said
I wiped my eyes and nodded.
"Your room is down the hallway and to the left, mine is on the opposite side. The bathroom is the room right next to you." He said pointing everything out.
I took the bag with my clothes in it to my bedroom."
When I opened the door, I walked in and saw a big bed towards the corner of the room. There was also a desk that had mirror connected to it. Next to my bed was a night table with a lamp.
To the right of the room was a closet. What caught my eye most was the big sliding glass door that led to a balcony with a view of the entire city.
"This...this is my room?" I asked.
"Yep. This is it."
"In my old room, I didn't even have windows...it's just hard to believe that I can live here..." I said mesmerized by the view. The sky had turned into warm yellows and oranges as the sun set.
It's beautiful...
"I'll let you put things away as you want them, I'm going to go make us some dinner." Aizawa said putting the rest of the bags down on the bed and exiting my room.
I moved everything off and jumped into the bed being as careful as possible with my cast.
It's so soft
I nuzzle my face into the bed as I got used to everything.
Maybe...heroes aren't all bad...
I finished putting everything away and layed down staring up at the ceiling.
I always dreaded coming home...but this home...I don't want to leave.
I took a deep breath in.
Something smells really good.
There was a knock at my door.
"(Y/n), dinner's ready." Aizawa said as I got up and followed him back into the dining area.
He handed me a plate that had a big squishy yellow sponge. I looked at it kind of weirdly.
What is this...? I was expecting some bread and carrots...that's what I usually had at...wait...things are different now.
"What are you thinking about? It's a rice omlette, it's not going to kill you." Aizawa teased a little bit.
"It's just, I've never seen something like this." I said poking at it.
"It's rice, ham, green pepper, onion, soy sauce, all wrapped up in an egg." He explained.
I looked at the dish and dipped my spoon in. I brought back to my mouth when I had a spoonful and ate it.
It's...it's good...!
I guess Aizawa noticed my expression, I could feel him smiling at me.
"It's even better with ketchup." He said.
I tilted my head as he put ketchup in a little happy face on my rice omlete.
I tried it.
It is even better...!
I finished my meal quickly and drank the cup of water he gave me.
"Th-thank you...this was my first real dinner...and it was delicious." I said.
"I'm glad you liked it, now go take a quick shower and put your pj's on. I'll bet you've never watched TV." He said. "Oh and be careful of that cast. It's not good when water gets in them."
I nodded and put on the best smile I could, then ran into the bathroom.
She smiled...but her eyes didn't...they're so full of hurt and betrayal...I'm going to help bring the light back into her eyes.
(Y/n) got done with her shower and came out. Her pajamas were a bit too big on her but she's a small kid. So it was fine.
She stood awkwardly and fiddled with her hands as I sat on the couch.
"(Y/n), you can come sit down over here with me." I said. The girl perked up and made her way over here.
She sat herself down next to me and I turned on a movie.
This is her first movie...it's got to be a good one...Disney is always good...anything but Frozen...how bout Tangled? She can relate to Rapunzel...right?
"What's...Big Hero 6?" (Y/n) asked.
"Hmm? Oh, it's this movie about a super smart kid and his robot friend."
"That big white thing is a robot?" She asked.
"Mhmm, do you want to watch it?"
She looked at me with her dull but curious (e/c) eyes.
"C-can we?" She asked.
"I'll go make some popcorn. Would you like anything to drink?" I asked.
She shook her head 'no' but I'll grab some water for her anyways.
As I waited for the popcorn to finish, I noticed (y/n) looking at the big blankets. I smiled and thought about wrapping her up in a little sushi roll like my parents did to me.
The popcorn finished and I came back to set the bowl on the table along with some chips and other various snacks.
I set down a cup of coffee for me and a cup of water for (y/n).
"Oh, thank you." She said.
"Popcorn is pretty salty, thought you'd want some water."
I looked over and grabbed one of the blankets. I placed the blanket over the both of us and grabbed the popcorn.
"Ready for your first movie?" I tried to hype her up a bit, but it came out as tired once again.
She nodded her head as I pushed play.
A couple minutes in, and (y/n) was already crying.
"He...he died?" She said with tears in her eyes. "But he was so nice.." she said rubbing them.
"It's alright, things will get better soon." I say sipping my coffee.
Mmm caffeine.
Soon we met Baymax, and (y/n) immediately fell in love with him.
"He so huggable...cute." I heared her mumble to herself.
We met the rest of the characters and slowly the plot starts to come together.
(Y/n) pulled the blanket up to her nose when Hiro took out Baymax's healthcare chip and went crazy.
I could hear audible gasps from her.
Finally we got to the end of the movie and (Y/n) was crying again.
"What...? Baymax too?? Why!" She sobbed.
"Just watch." I said as I ruffled her hair. (Y/n) flinched at the touch. I took my hand off her head as I scared her.
A wave of guilt rushed over my head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you kiddo." I apologize. She shook her head.
"It's okay, I just need to realize that you aren't going to hurt me...Baymax is back!?" She gasped. I smiled at the kid as she happily looked at the TV, but it was also a sad smile as there was still no light in her eyes.
We'll get there soon.
The movie ended and I talked about it with (y/n) for a bit.
"I'm happy you liked the movie. It was a good first choice." I said. "Now then, go brush your teeth, I don't want you getting addicted to the television and fry your brain." She nodded her head and got up to do so.
I cleaned up the living room and fixed everything up.
(Y/n) came back out and I told her to go to bed. I still had some work to do so I needed to stay up.
"Goodnight, Aizawa..." she said as she walked into her room.
"Goodnight kid." I said as I shut her door and turned off the light.
About an hour and a half goes by and I was finished preping for entrance exams. I stretched and got up to walk to my room.
I stopped when I heard sniffles and soft whimpers come from (y/n)'s.
I walked in and saw her sitting up in her bed crying.
"(Y/n)? What's the matter?" I said as I sat on her bed. I swept her (h/c) hair out of her face.
"I just...I had a dream that my dad came back and took me away..." she sniffed.
"I'm sorry that you had a bad dream, do you want to come in and sleep in my room?" I asked her. She slowly nodded her head and I grabbed her hand to walk her to my room.
We both layed down on opposite sides.
"Goodnight again, (y/n)." I said shutting my eyes.
"Goodnight again, Aizawa." She said.
I thought for a second.
"(Y/n), you can call me 'dad' if you want to...you don't have to call me Aizawa...I adopted you after all."
It was silent for a moment before she spoke up.
"Goodnight d-dad..." she said before falling asleep.
"Goodnight." I said doing the same.
I can't believe I have a kid now...
I smiled at the thought and fell asleep.
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