《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 12


June 13th, 6:34 PM, Jennie and Jisoo's Brownstone

"I hate Haein," Jisoo muttered as she crossed her arms defiantly as Jennie looked through the white binder with a pen in hand. "I told him no party, and what does he do? Go gets God knows how many kegs and a shit load of strippers."

"I thought it was my job to complain about you getting drunk and having naked women dancing in front of you," Jennie said with a smirk as she checked off 'dresses'.

Jisoo opened her mouth to reply, but instead she sneezed into the tissue she hastily pulled out of a box on the nightstand "Sorry," she said as she wiped her nose before throwing it into the wastebasket next to her bed, "but I don't want to get completely drunk and come to the wedding completely hung over. Plus not to mention I'm a slutty drunk and I don't want Seokjin to see me like that," Jisoo muttered.

"No one is gonna be forcing you to drink, Jisoo," Jennie said over Jisoo's sudden coughing as she checked 'church'. "Just have a beer or two and you'll be fine. You're thirty six, you know your limits. And did you call the reception hall and confirmed us for tomorrow?"

"Yes as well as the DJ, caterers, and flower place, although I still hate the flowers she picked out for us, and they said they'll all good, but aren't you supposed to be like," she sneezed into another tissue once more," sorry, "but aren't you supposed to be protesting me not to go? Like saying it'll be wrong if I go and what not?"

Jennie shrugged as she made several more checkmarks on the list still not looking up at her, "I don't care if you go out and have fun as your last night as a single woman. Just as long as you show up sober and clear headed tomorrow, I'll be fine. And are you getting sick? You've been sneezing and coughing a lot lately."

Jisoo shook her head as she coughed once more. "I'm sure it's just all this dog dander finally getting the best of me, no big deal. I'll take some Tylenol and be fine by morning."

"Good, because I don't want anything ruining tomorrow," Jennie said as she looked down at the list frowning. "I want it to be absolutely perfect. And did Haein say if all the tuxes were picked up or not?"

"Yes, he said they'll all good, and I promise you it will be absolutely perfect," Jisoo coughed as Jennie made another checkmark. "It is going to be everything you ever wanted and then some."

Jennie looked up from her binder for the first time in an hour and smiled at her. "As long as you're there, I know it will be."

Jisoo chuckled, ignoring the tiny painful sting in her throat. "You're lying, but thanks for trying to reassure me."

Jennie smiled and moved in to kiss her but was interrupted when the door slammed open.

"Stop it," Chaerin said shortly as she came in and sat down on the bed in-between the two women, holding something in her hand.

"Care to join us, Chaerin," Jisoo said rather dryly, grabbing another tissue and sneezing into it, throwing that one away into the waste basket as well.

"I care to join Jennie Ruby Jane alone, so if you wouldn't mind leaving, I would really appreciate it."

Jisoo raised her brow in an annoyed fashion, but Jennie shook her head, silently begging her not to get into it once more with her mother so close to the wedding.


Jisoo shrugged in indifference. "Fine, I have to go get ready anyway."

Getting up from the bed and muttering loudly, letting out another cough, Jisoo left the room, leaving the two Jane Kim women alone.

"Mom, you promised not to be mean to her anymore," Jennie scolded as Chaerin sat beside her.

Chaerin scoffed in disbelief as she rolled her eyes. "When on earth have I ever been mean to that woman?"

Biting her tongue, Jennie allowed Chaerin to continue. "And anyway, it's the day before your wedding. I believe I'm entitled to a few minutes alone with you, am I not?"

Jennie raised her own brow in confusion as Chaerin took a deep breath and handed the tiny wrapped package that was in her hand to her.

"What is it?" Jennie asked as she took the package from Chaerin.

"Well if I wanted to kill the suspense, I wouldn't have bothered wrapping it would I?"

Withholding a heavy sigh, Jennie quickly un-wrapped the package, pulling out a flat square black velvet box.

Opening the black box, Jennie gasped lightly when she saw what was inside the box.

"Oh god, Mom," Jennie breathed as she ran her fingers lightly over the string of shiny white pearls, her eyes widening at the shear perfection of the tiny jewels.

Chaerin took them from the box and sat behind Jennie.

"These particular pearls were given to my great grandmother as a wedding gift by her mother," Chaerin explained as she moved her hair over Jennie's shoulder, "she wore them once, on her wedding day, as have all the women in our family since then. She gave them to my grandmother on her wedding day, and she gave them to my mother, who gave them to me, and I in turn am giving them to you."

With a tiny click, the pearls locked in place and Jennie gently ran her fingers across the necklace, the smooth beautiful beads lying softly on her chest.

Jennie bit back tears as she turned to Chaerin who amazed Jennie at having her own tears in her eyes. "I thought... I thought you didn't like Jisoo. Why would you give me this if you don't support the marriage?"

Chaerin took a deep breath and ran her hands through Jennie's hair. "You're my daughter, Jennie Ruby Jane. All I've wanted for you, all I've ever wanted for you, is for you to be happy. I've learned these past few weeks that Jisoo does make you happy. When you're around her, you practically glow, and the way you look at one another... not even Romeo and Juliet could have a deeper love than what you two have.

I may not like Jisoo personally, and I'm not gonna lie, I don't like a lot of things about her just like I'm positive there's things about me she's not fond of, but she loves you Jennie Ruby Jane, and you love her. And I can't ask for anything more than that from the person you choose to be with... even if she is a Democrat. And if you can be half as happy as me and your father are, and last as long as we have in the day and age when divorces are given out like candy, then you'll have truly made something out of this relationship."

Jennie looked down at the string of pearls for a moment before she looked back up at Chaerin whose tears were now freely flowing down her care worn face, her age truly showing.

"I love you, Jennie," Chaerin whispered, for the first time since before Jennie could remember, using her nickname.


Letting out a sob; Jennie wrapped her arms around Chaerin's neck, burying her face in her neck, Chaerin hugging her just as tightly.

"I love you too, mom."

They continued to hug for several moments before they finally pulled apart.

Chaerin quickly wiped the tears away from her eyes and let out what sounded like a sob mixed with a laugh. "Oh good lord I'm blubbering like a child."

Jennie looked on in silence as Chaerin took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment before turning to Jennie once more. "Well I'm uh... I'm going to make sure my outfit is all put together for tomorrow. You should do the same, alright? Heaven forbid you show up to the church without the right shoes."

Jennie let out a chuckle and nodded. "Alright, as soon as Jisoo leaves I'll pull out my dress and make sure I have all the pieces."

Chaerin gave her another smile and pushed the hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind Jennie's ear. "I truly am happy for you, Jennie Ruby Jane. Even if Jisoo and I don't get along, I'm proud of you for finding someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved."

Jennie bit her lips to keep the tears from falling once more as Chaerin wiped her eyes with yet another tissue and stood up.

"Well, I'll leave you to continue organizing. If you excuse me."

With a tiny nod, Chaerin left the bedroom leaving Jennie looking after her.

Meanwhile, in the next room, Jisoo had to bite back her own tears as she looked up at the ceiling thinking only one thing, "god I miss you, mom."

June 13th, 9:47 PM, Haein's Apartment

"To Jisoo!" DongGo slurred as he held onto the end table, holding up his seventh glass of seven and seven, the sounds of ACDC in the background almost drowning his words out. "May she and Jennie have lots of hot angry sexy lesbian sex, and may I be there to tape it all!"

"And you better be sure to give my ass a copy," Fin said as he too raised his drink, Haein nodding eagerly in agreement.

"Good luck with that," Jisoo said with a laugh as she raised her own drink, nearly spilling it when she coughed violently once more.

"And to Haein," DongGo continued still holding his glass aloft, "for convincing her to come and get completely thrashed as her last night as a single woman!"

"Considering she's only had half a beer in the entire hour she's been here, I don't think 'getting thrashed' is the right word for it," Haein said with an eye roll.

"I don't want to be hangover tomorrow, I mean one of my bridesmaids already is," she said as she motioned over to DongGo who had just said a cheer for 'god for creating lesbians'. "And I just-."

She sneezed again and groaned as she leaned back into the chair, closing her eyes and rubbing her temple with her hand.

"You alright?" Minho asked as he took a drink of his seltzer. "You've been sneezing and coughing since you got here."

"I'm fine, I just got a bit of a headache," she assured him, thinking that 'little' was a big understatement.

"Do you want me to turn the music down?" Haein asked as he put his own drink down on the table.

Jisoo shook her head as she took another tentative bite of the pizza in front of her, the food burning her throat the entire way down and settling uneasily into her stomach, "no, I'll be fine. I took some Tylenol before I left so I should be fine in a little bit."

Reassuring them, she took another drink of the beer, that too stinging her throat, unable to withhold the wince as her throat burned even more.

Haein opened his mouth to ask her again as he saw the wince she gave when she took a drink but was interrupted by three loud knocks on the door.

"Wonder who that is?" Haein asked to no one in particular as he went over to the stereo and turned off the music. "I'll get it," Haein offered as he practically ran over to the door.

He opened it and Jisoo looked over at the door and had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes when she saw a very good looking woman in her early twenties dressed in a blue and black leather corset with a very short blue and black leathered skirt with what looked like six inch black heels, a boom box in her left hand and a police hat on top of her wavy caramel colored hair that flowed down her back.

"Excuse me," the woman snapped as she shoved by Haein and stormed into the apartment.

"Is there a problem, officer?" Haein asked the woman, to Jisoo's surprise, with a completely straight face.

"Yes," she said as she looked around the tiny gathering of people, her dark green eyes landing on Jisoo. "There have been complaints that there's a party going on here." She walked over to the chair where Jisoo was sitting, swinging her hips the entire way before she kneeled on either side of Jisoo's legs, her chest right in her face as she ran her long nailed fingers through Jisoo's hair. "And there was no police supervision," the stripper said with a smug grin, her voice going from stern to sultry.

Jisoo raised her brow as she looked past her to Haein whose straight face had disappeared into a full blown smile. "A cop, really? You not only completely disregarded my wishes to not only not have a party but not have strippers, but you had to make a mockery of our profession in the process?"

Haein shrugged as the stripper got off the chair, making sure that her chest was on Jisoo's body until she got off of her completely before she bent over, her ass in Jisoo's direction before pressing play, and 'Cheery Bomb' by Warrant began playing.

The stripper quickly stood up and faced Jisoo, taking her hat and throwing it away from her, long wavy caramel colored hair falling down her back as she made her way to Jisoo, a smirk never leaving the strippers face, her eyes never leaving Jisoo's no matter how much Jisoo tried to look away.

Seokjin cleared his throat as he downed the rest of the beer, a red hot blush appearing on his face. "I think that's my cue to leave."

He tried to make his way off the couch, but Fin grabbed him and pulled him back down.

"Dude, an incredibly hot lesbian is about to get a strip tease from an equally hot stripper. How can you not want to see this?"

"That incredibly hot lesbian is my sister."

Fin thought about it for a moment before he nodded. "Alright, go away."

Seokjin got up from his chair, set his drink down and left the room.

The stripper ran her hands through her hair before she hastily turned around, her head snapped back towards Jisoo, and Jisoo swallowed hard as the stripper very slowly unzipped the shirt, still moving her ass before she shrugged her shoulders so it slid down her arms in one fluid motion.

"Oh god," Jisoo groaned as the stripper took off the jacket one arm at a time, the remaining men in the room cheering her on as she held the jacket up with both hands.

The stripper turned back around to face her again, the jacket covering her chest, before she removed it with one hand revealing a black leather bra with gold police shields on either breast before she let it drop to the floor.

Jisoo ran a shaky hand through her hair as the stripper ran her hands over her chest and down her stomach before resting on the zipper and slowly unzipped it before she turned around once again, looking over her shoulder she bent down and stuck her ass high in the air before she removed the skirt in one smooth motion, stepping out of it and turning back to Jisoo, now wearing nothing but the leather bra and a leather thong with handcuffs on the front of them.

She strutted over to Jisoo smirking as she stepped onto the arm of the chair where she was sitting, running her hands slowly up her leg and thigh before making their way over her stomach, her breasts and finally running through her hair before she stepped off of the chair and slowly walked backward, maintaining eye contact the entire time.

Facing her, she put her hands on the bra straps and shrugged them off slowly before she turned around so her back was towards Jisoo once again.

A smug grin on her face, her hands went around to the back and undid the bra, still holding it over her breasts.

She turned to face Jisoo once more, a suitable wicked expression on her face and with one arm across her chest, holding the bra in place, she used her other hand to pull the bra out from beneath her breasts nice and slowly.

She dropped the bra but still hand her other arm covering her breasts before she slowly moved her hand away, stroking her fingers across each breast as she went.

"I gotta go," Jisoo muttered as she got off of the couch and ran into the bathroom.

The stripper raised an eyebrow in confusion as she looked over at a very confused Haein, both hands covering her breasts now.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked, her voice no longer sultry but now soft and confused.

"No," Haein said as he turned off the CD player, hearing Jisoo emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

"Guess she can't hold her liquor," Fin said with a smug smirk as he took another drink of his own beer.

"She had half a beer," Haein mused, "it takes at least thirteen bottles for her to get drunk, and trust me if she was drunk, the strippers clothes wouldn't be the only ones lying around. I'm gonna go see if she's okay."

Leaving the group and making his way into the bathroom where Jisoo was kneeling in front of the toilet, groaning loudly.

"Chu, you alright?"

Jisoo groaned loudly and shook her head. "I'll be fine," she moaned before she gagged and threw her head back into the toilet and Haein rushed over and held her hair back as she puked once more.

"Oh god I feel horrible," Jisoo muttered as she leaned her head up against the cold toilet bowl.

"Maybe it's just nerves?" Haein offered as he rubbed her back.

Jisoo shook her head, "I've been feeling crummy all day, and I don't know what the stripper is wearing, but the smell of it is just so overwhelming, it just-."

But she was forced to stop again as she puked into the toilet once more.

"Its strawberry body crème," a voice called from the doorway.

Haein and Jisoo looked to find the stripper, now wearing her shirt and skirt again standing in the doorway looking concerned. "But it's not my scent that did it. I mean my scent was a contributing factor but that's not why you're sick."

"What do you mean?" Jisoo groaned as the stripper walked in and bent down next other, taking her face in her hands, looking her over.

"Your lymph nodes are obviously swollen. Say ahh," the stripper instructed.

"Ahh? What are you a doctor on the side now?" Haein scoffed in disbelief.

"Medical student in my last year at NYU majoring in Infectious Diseases before I begin my residency, actually," she said not taking her eyes from Jisoo. "Say ahh, please."

Jisoo moaned in annoyance before she opened her mouth and the stripper looked inside for a few moments before she pulled away from her and put her hand against her forehead and held it there for a second before she pulled away, looking at Jisoo with a dead serious look on her face.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this but.-"

"What?" Jisoo asked, the words causing her almost unbearable pain, her eyes wide with panic. "What is it?"

"You have gastroenteritis."

"Which is...?"

"The stomach flu."

Jisoo groaned loudly and shook her head. "No! I can't have the flu! I'm getting married tomorrow at two PM and off on a two week honey moon trip in Florida with tickets and a very nice and expensive hotel room that are all non refundable!"

The stripper shook her head. "What you need is rest and fluids. Sorry, but there's not a snowball's chance in hell at you getting married tomorrow."

Jisoo glared at the stripper for several moments. "Do you know the kind of shit I've had to go through these past two weeks? The mother in law I've had to endure? All to get told by some stripper-,"

"And med student."

"And med student, that I can't get married tomorrow?"

The stripper shrugged before she stood up. "I don't know what to tell you unless you want to torture yourself tomorrow, don't do it."

She looked at Haein and held out her hand. "Can I get paid now? Tuitions due in two weeks."

Without looking at her, Haein got out his wallet and pulled out three hundred dollars and handed it to her.

"Thank you, you were amazing, and sorry it ended like this."

"It's fine. I just hope you feel better," she added with a smile towards Jisoo before she left the bathroom, her heels clicking on the linoleum floor.

Jisoo groaned once more before she thrust her head back into the bowl letting loose once more.

"I'm going," she gasped, breathing heavily, "to be married tomorrow. I don't care what she says!"

"Well Jisoo, if you're sick then maybe you and Jennie can reschedule."

Jisoo shook her head frantically, a sheen of sweat breaking out on her forehead. "No! I'm getting married tomorrow come hell, high water, or the stomach flu!"

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