《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 13


June 15th, 10:47 AM, Jennie and Jisoo's brownstone.

"Jennie Ruby Jane! Jennie Ruby Jane, wake up this instant!" Chaerin's voice practically screeched as she slammed the bedroom door open, Jennie shooting up in bed.

"Whasgoinon?" Jennie muttered as she rubbed the tired from her eyes, Chaerin all but running to the side of the bed and grabbing her by the arm and pulling her out of bed.

"Oh good heavens, I should have known better then to allow you to manage your time today!" Chaerin snapped as she practically dragged the still half asleep Jennie to the bathroom.

"What time is it?" Jennie asked groggily as Chaerin pushed her into the bathroom.

"Ten minutes to eleven!"

Jennie came to a dead stop and whirled Chaerin around to see her. "What? What the hell do you mean? Jisoo was supposed to wake me up before she left to go over to Haein's at eight AM!"

Chaerin scoffed in disbelief as rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Jisoo never came home from Haein's last night."

Jennie shook her head. "No. I mean she promised me she wouldn't be getting that drunk!"

"Maybe she decided to save time and just sleep over there, which sounds like a good idea considering we're running very late!"

"Her dress and shoes is over here. Why the hell wouldn't she come home last night?"

"I'll figure that out, you go get washed! I'll make sure your dress and shoes and whatnot is all good. We have to be to the hairdresser by eleven thirty five, Jennie Ruby Jane, for the love of god, hurry!"

Pushing her into the bathroom and slamming the door, Chaerin all but ran back into Jennie's room and grabbed her cell phone, about to dial Jisoo's number before it rang.

She quickly answered it and brought it to her ear. "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim's phone, this is CL Jane Kim," she spoke as she rushed over to the closet and grabbed Jennie's wedding dress from the closet and laid it flat on the bed before doing the same with the veil

"Hi, CL, this is Richard Diverge, an employee at San's Bakery. I'm afraid I have some bad news regarding the cake."

Chaerin groaned as she rushed back into the closet and grabbed the shoes from the closet floor and threw them on the bed next to the dress. "What's wrong?"

"Well, we delivered the cake, and it appears the employee who input the shipping address for the cake put in the address wrong."

"So deliver it to the right one," Chaerin said hastily as she got the stockings and garter and tossed them next to the bed before grabbing the already packed suitcase and groaning slightly as she rolled that next to the bed. She would have Seunghyun bring it down stairs and put it in the car later.

"Well we would, but the address caused us to undercharge Jennie the shipping and handling of the cake, and we're short ten dollars and thirty eight cents, and until we get that, we can't deliver the cake to the reception hall."

Chaerin stopped dead and looked at the phone for a moment before putting it back up to her ear. "My daughter's wedding is at two twenty, we're already running horribly late, and you're telling me for a lousy eleven dollars, you're not going to deliver the cake?"

"Um... yes."

"You listen to me, and you listen well!" she shouted at the man as she went over to Jennie's bed side stand and got out her earrings and the pearl necklace and laid them gently down on the bed as well, "I swear on all that is good and holy, that cake had better be at that reception hall at the designated time or trust me you will never work in this city again! My husband is a politician, my daughter is an Assistant District Attorney, and my future... son in law is a detective in the Special Victims Unit, and trust me, Mr. Diverge; hell hath no fury like the mother of a bride on her daughter's wedding day!"


Chaerin listened for a moment before she heard the man on the phone clear his throat. "I can always just, you know, have the server collect it from someone at the reception."

"I think that is a very sensible idea," Chaerin practically growled into the phone before she flipped it shut.

Taking several deep breaths that did nothing for her nerves, Chaerin threw the phone down on the bed and practically rushed out of the bedroom, nearly crashing into someone.

"Still ashamed to say you're getting a daughter in law?" Haein spat as he glared at Chaerin.

"What on earth do you want, Mr. Jung? As you can see I'm very busy!"

"I'm here to get Jisoo's dress and stuff."

Chaerin crossed her arms, cocking an eyebrow at him. "And why couldn't Jisoo come get this stuff herself? As a matter of fact, why on earth didn't she come home last night?"

Haein was silent for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck, following Jisoo's threat of death not to tell either Chaerin or Jennie she was not only sick, but had gotten worse since last night and the mere thought of riding in a car made her vomit. "She... she didn't want to risk seeing Jennie on her wedding day. Its bad luck, after all," he lied convincingly.

"Someone should explain to her that it's only bad luck if the groom sees the bride before the wedding, not if the bride sees the bride before the wedding. Anyway," she said as Haein glowered at her remark. "All of her stuff is stacked neatly in the closet, thanks to me, and you can bring her suitcase down to their car as well."

"Thanks," he muttered as he moved past her into the bedroom.

Chaerin took a deep breath and was about to go into the guest room before the bathroom door opened and Jennie stepped out, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Go get dressed in a T-shirt and jeans and meet me in the car, and bring your veil with you, I'll get the rest of your stuff. After the hair appointment, we go to the reception hall, make sure everything is okay there, then we'll head over to the church."

"But I still don't know where Jisoo is!" Jennie protested as she ran her fingers through her still damp hair.

"Haein said she didn't want to see you the day of the wedding, she believes the old wives tale about it being bad luck. He's in your room getting her stuff to take over to his house now."

Jennie looked a little apprehensive as she bit her bottom lip. "Then why didn't she call me?"

"Who cares? God lord, Jennie Ruby Jane, we're in a hurry! Now go!"

Withholding a glare, Jennie nodded before going into bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

Chaerin shook her head and forced herself to take a deep breath.

"Oh god in heaven, save my sanity," she muttered as she walked into the guestroom to get ready herself.

June 15th, 11:42 PM, Haein's Apartment

Jisoo groaned as she applied her makeup, wanting nothing more than to close her eyes as the bright bathroom lights almost caused her physical pain.

She winced in pain as the sound of someone running up the steps echoed in her pounding head.

The bathroom door opened and Haein stepped in, offering a truly sympathetic smile.

"How you doin'?"

"I want to die," she moaned as she applied her mascara. "Did you get my dress and shoes and junk?"


"Even had Jennie double check I got everything, it's in the car all nice and neat. Chu, are you sure you don't want to post pone the wedding for a week?"

Jisoo shook her head. "No. I told you I'm-."

She stopped short and took several deep shaky deep breaths as she forced the contents of her stomach down once more. "Fine," she whispered in a shaky breath, wiping her brow.

Haein raised his brow in disbelief as she turned back to the mirror, putting her lip gloss on, forcing her hand to be steady.

Finishing with a bit of blush, she turned around and looked at Haein.

"How do I look?"

"Like you're ready to pass out."

Jisoo rolled her eyes before she turned back to the mirror and looked at herself for a moment and forced a smile on her face. "I, Kim Jisoo, take you, Jennie Cab-,"

Pushing Haein out of the way, she ran to the toilet and got down on her knees and threw up for the tenth time that morning.

Haein went over and held her hair away back, rolling his eyes.

"Jisoo, you're sick," he pleaded softly when she had finished.

"I'm okay!" she protested, and he swore he heard tears in her voice. "I promised Jennie the perfect wedding, and that's what she's gonna get!"

"She'll understand if you're sick, sweetie."

"I can't let her down like this."

Sighing heavily, Haein nodded and helped her stand up.

"What time do you get your hair done?"

"Twelve twenty."

"Go get dressed. I'll meet you in the car, alright?"

Jisoo nodded as well before she hugged Haein around the neck.

"What's this for?" Haein asked as he hugged her back.

"For being my best friend."

Haein chuckled and rubbed her back. "You never have to thank me for that, baby, I promise."

Holding onto one another for several more seconds, they finally released and Jisoo truly smiled for the first time all day at him.

Her smile quickly disappeared and she vomited into his toilet once again, Haein continuing to hold back her hair.

June 15th, 2:13 PM, St Mary's Protestant Church.

"Stop fidgeting, Jennie Ruby Jane!" Chaerin scolded as she zipped up Jennie's dress. "I swear you're worse than a child!"

Jennie ignored her as she picked up her phone and called Jisoo again, receiving no answer once more.

"I'm worried, mom. She hasn't called me once," Jennie reminded her as she put her phone away in her purse, and its fifteen minutes until it's time!"

"She's probably just as busy as you are; now stop moving or you're grounded!"

Jennie let out a huff of annoyance but none the less stopped moving as best she could as Chaerin made sure every detail about Jennie was perfect.

Jennie's dress was bright white and strapless, tightly fitted around the chest but the skirt part flowed out like a bell and reached the floor, with the subtlest hint of white and silver beading all throughout the dress, the pearls Chaerin had given her last night hanging around her neck.

Her hair was now full of soft waves that hung down, with just a few pieces in the back pinned up., the veil flowing nicely down it.

Even with the bruises left over from the attack, she looked absolutely breathtaking.

Jennie turned to Chaerin whose own hair was pinned up underneath a light blue hat, wearing a flowy floor length light blue dress with the same colored jacket, a white corsage pinned to her collar.

"How do I look?" Jennie asked as she spun around, Chaerin looking her over, almost cringing at the question, expecting some form of harsh criticism.

Chaerin looked her over for a moment and bit her bottom lip. "You look beautiful, Jennie Ruby Jane."

Jennie smiled at Chaerin for a moment before the two women hugged one another.

"I love you, mom," Jennie whispered, feeling tears in her own eyes, letting out a sob.

Chaerin pulled away and handed Jennie Ruby Jane a tissue from her bag. "Don't you dare ruin your makeup, I spent an hour on it," Chaerin said as she dabbed at her own eyes.

Jennie let out a small laugh and nodded as she gently wiped away the tears from her eyes. "Alright, I promise I won't."

There was a knock at the dressing room door and Chaerin cleared her throat before she called out.

"Come in."

The door opened to someone Jennie never thought she would see again.

"Good afternoon, Jennie Ruby Jane," Kai said dryly, glowering furiously at her.

Jennie and Chaerin glared at him as he came into the dressing room, his eyes narrowed at her.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" Jennie shouted starting to go over to him, but Chaerin stopped her.

"I was just driving by, when imagine my surprise to see on the announcement board right outside, 'Jennie Jane Kim and Kim Jisoo Wedding: 2:30 PM'. I thought to myself, there has to be a mistake, there's no way my Jennie Ruby Jane is some low life devil worshipping fag! Your roommate I had suspensions about, but you?"

Kai shook his head as he got closer to her. "You disgust me! You and that ugly dyke you're 'marrying'!"

"Don't you dare insult her!" Jennie snapped.

Kai chuckled cruelly while still glaring at her. "Trust me, me 'insulting' her is gonna be the least of her problems."

He got closer to a now truly frightened Jennie who refused to back down. "I'll see you around, fag."

Raising a hand up to caress her cheek, Jennie pulled away.

Looking her up and down he turned on his heels and left. "If you ever want the experience of being a real woman, let me know!"

Jennie took a shaky breath before turning back to Chaerin who shook her head in disgust. "What on earth did I ever see in that man? I'm sorry for ever saying he would be a good match for you, Jennie Ruby Jane. I honestly didn't know he was pure evil underneath the good looking façade."

Jennie took a shaky breath before she nodded, forcing a smile on her face again.

"It's fine. I'll just be sure to tell the guards to be on the look for him and throw him out. A disgusting low life like Kim Jongin is not going to ruin my wedding day."

"Good. I paid too much for him to ruin it.

Turning her around, Chaerin began to fix her hair.

Giving a hopeful smile, Jennie pulled out her phone once more and dialed Jisoo's number again, her smile disappearing as it went to voicemail again.

"She's still not answering!" she said as she thrust the phone back in her purse.

"Now really, Jennie Ruby Jane!" Chaerin cried, clearly exasperated, trying to make sure every piece of Jennie's hair was in place. "I don't understand why you're so upset over such an insignificant detail like this when there's so much more that could go wrong today!"

"Because Jisoo is missing!" Jennie shouted, twisting away from her. "I'd say that petty little detail could be, you know, kind of important!"

A look of fear took over Jennie's face, realization dawning on her. "You don't... you don't think he would do anything to hurt her, do you?"

"I think Jisoo is more than capable of defending herself against him if he was stupid enough to try anything. God knows the woman is butch enough," she added, gaining a glare from Jennie. "And just think of it this way. If she doesn't show up, you get a free cake out of this whole ordeal."

Jennie simply looked at Chaerin for a moment before she pulled out her cell phone from her purse. "I'm calling her again," she muttered, storming away from Chaerin, fear and worry obvious in her face.

Jennie sighed as she began to walk, her eyes on the lookout for Jisoo, Haein, or anyone who could be of any help in telling her where Jisoo was before she turned the corner and ran right into the DongGo.

He nearly fell and had to hold onto the wall to keep from falling to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Jennie asked as he attempted to straighten himself out.

"Don't shout," he groaned as he turned to her, his eyes evidently bloodshot even through his sun glasses.

Jennie raised an eyebrow in confusion, "I didn't think I was. Are you okay, and shouldn't you be ready to go down the aisle with Donnelly in about," Jennie looked at her watch and groaned, "five minutes?"

DongGo moaned and shook his head. "I had a bit too much to drink last night."

Jennie sighed in annoyance as she crossed her arms. "So you're telling me you hand a hangover when you're part of the wedding party?"

"I plead the fifth," he said as he tried, and failed, to straighten himself out once more.

Jennie shook her head. "I can still smell the booze on you, DongGo! What did you guys do last night?"

DongGo thought for a moment before he spoke. "I remember a sexy cop giving Jisoo a strip tease... Seokjin left, and Jisoo ended up puking at the end of it. I fell asleep and it looked like Jisoo had a pretty nasty hangover this morning, I didn't stick around to ask."

Jennie's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "Jisoo... Jisoo drank so much she got hung-over?"

"Massively hung-over," DongGo corrected. "That's why she didn't get her stuff this morning or come home last night; she was still puking out the remnants of last night when she had to go, and decided to spend the night in Haein's bathroom praying to the porcelain god.

Jennie shook her head in annoyance and disbelief. "I can't believe her! Is that why she's not answering her phone?"

DongGo nodded. "She got a call about eleven last night and she had such a big headache that she just turned the ringer on silent."

"I can't believe her!" Jennie shouted, gaining a loud 'shh!' from DongGo. "She promised she wouldn't get drunk! Where the hell is she now?"

"Last time I checked, she was in her dressing room."

Storming away from DongGo, Jennie walked over to the other dressing room.

Not bothering to knock, Jennie slammed open the door, not seeing Jisoo but hearing someone throwing up in the tiny bathroom.

Jennie went over to it and all but kicked the door open, her anger heightening at what she saw.

Jisoo was on her knees, vomiting into the toilet, in her wedding dress, while Haein n his tux bent down behind her holding her veil away from her face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jennie snapped as Jisoo groaned lowly and both she and Haein turned to Jennie. "You promised me you wouldn't get drunk! You promised me you wouldn't show up hung over today!"

"Leave her alone, Jennie," Haein demanded, but Jennie ignored him.

"I mean seriously, Jisoo, was getting crocked last night more important than getting married or do you just not care about getting married or being sober for today? Do you realize what my mother is gonna say when she sees you completely hung over at the ceremony?"

"Jennie!" Haein shouted, causing Jisoo to groan once more, as he got up and walked over to her, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her away from the bathroom.

"Get off me!" Jennie shouted as she pushed him away narrowing her eyes in anger at him.

"Don't fight," they heard Jisoo plead, followed by the sound of the toilet flushing.

"Don't yell at her!" Haein told Jennie, ignoring Jisoo's plea. "You have no idea what's going on with her!"

"Yes I do! She got drunk and-."

"Wrong, she has the stomach flu!"

Jennie raised her brow in confusion as she turned to Jisoo who sighed in annoyance at Haein but ultimately nodded.

She turned back to Haein and crossed her arms. "DongGo said she got cocked."

"DongGo was completely cocked himself and probably only remembers Jisoo being sick. I swear on my life she had half a beer and drank that in a two hour period. She doesn't have a hangover, she's sick."

Jennie's face softened considerably as she turned back to Jisoo again.

"It's true," Jisoo spoke in a shaky whisper, her throat hurting her too much to talk any louder as she stood up and walked over to them. "The stripper is a med student and diagnosed me with the stomach flu."

Jennie raised her eyebrow as she went over and placed the back of her hand to Jisoo's forehead and gasped when it nearly burned her skin.

"Oh god, you're burning up, Chu!"

"104.3 A hour ago," Haein admitted. "She won't let me take her home."

Jennie's eyes widened as she turned back to Jisoo. "Jisoo, you could die with a fever like that! You have to go home! We'll have the wedding another day, we'll post pone it."

"I swear I'm fine, Jennie," Jisoo whispered, every syllable causing her unimaginable pain in her throat, the pain in her head pounding, the bright lights in the dressing room making her want to go vomit again.

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