《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 11
Jisoo sighed as she entered yet another church, almost knowing in her heart what would happen when she told the Reverend she was getting married to a woman.
They would tell her they didn't perform those types of marriages and say sorry but they couldn't help her, just like the other 7 churches that Chaerin had approved that she had visited over the past five days.
Glancing down at her watch, she let out an audible groan.
She had a final dress fitting at 3:00, and the dress shop was more than 45 minutes away. Even if she sped, something she had hated doing since her crash, she still wasn't going to make it even if the church did agree right away. Then she had to go to the bakery and approve the final version of the cakes, as well as call the reception hall and confirm their reservations. Then if the church actually agreed to perform the service, she still had to call the flower place as well as all of their guests and tell them that they would be at the church instead of at the Country club Jennie had joined just so they could have the wedding there, as well as cancel the service there, run down there, and get their deposit back.
To say the least it would be a hectic day for Jisoo.
With a heavy sigh, Jisoo opened the large double doors and let out a low whistle as she turned around to look at it from every angle.
It was a large building that reached up towards the heavens ending with a point made up of white marble stone with highly polished wooden pews with a crimson aisle that ran down the center and along the two outer walls, the various stained glass windows displaying scenes and people from biblical events that even an Atheist like Jisoo had to marvel at.
She turned back towards the front of the church and as she looked down the aisle she couldn't help but smile as she imagined herself in four days standing at the end of it, Jennie by her side, her beauty outshining Jisoo's as they promised to be with one another forever, to love one another forever.
Suddenly, all of their squabbles and arguments they had over the last few days didn't seem that important.
Taking a deep breath she walked to the front of a church where a young looking man with short brown hair and steely gray eyes who was dawned in a white and gold robe stood in front of one of several marble statues talking to another man dressed in a business suit.
Jisoo waited until the Reverend had finished talking before Jisoo went up to him.
"Reverend," Jisoo said with a smile, "I was wondering if I could talk to you."
The Reverend turned to her and smiled as well. "Of course. What can I help you with, my child?"
"Well I'm getting married in four days and me and my fiancée didn't plan on getting married in a church until my mother in law came and said she really wanted the wedding to be in a church, so we decided that we were going to, for the sake of not hearing an argument, get married in a church."
The Reverend let out a low whistle. "Four days... that's-,"
"A little on short notice, I know, but could you help us?"
The Reverend looked at her for a moment before he nodded. "Of course. Like the good lord, I will be more than happy to help you in your time of need. It will be a very sad day when a Sheppard turns away from one of his flock who is in need."
Jisoo's face broke out into a large grin. "Thank you, Reverend, so much!"
The Reverend chuckled and took her hands in his. "Of course, Miss... what did you say your name was?"
"Kim Jisoo."
"My dear Jisoo, will you please come with me into the office so we can go over the paperwork and fee?"
"Yes of course, thank you so much."
Jisoo practically held her breath as they walked into the office, her heart pounding. She was so close to booking it, she could almost taste it!
"Please have a seat," the Reverend said as he closed the door and sat down on the other side of the desk.
"Thank you," Jisoo said as she sat down across from him, putting her purse on the ground beside her.
The Reverend took the mouse and clicked a few times before he turned to her once more, "now you said your name was Kim Jisoo?"
"Middle name?"
"Very pretty. Now your fiancée's name?"
Jisoo thought about it a moment before she answered. "Jennie Jane Kim."
"Is the name on the birth certificate Jennie or Alexander?"
Taking a deep breath she answered. "It's um... It's Jennie Ruby Jane RosalieCabot."
The Reverend stopped writing to look at her for a moment. "Please tell me your future in laws were particularly cruel when it came to naming their son."
"It's their daughter," Jisoo admitted.
Jisoo saw him click something before he turned to her, and Jisoo had a sinking feeling he had just clicked the little X on the form.
"I'm sorry, Miss. Jisoo, but the church of Saint Michael does not perform Homosexual marriage ceremonies."
"Please," Jisoo pleaded, "it means so much for my in laws and my fiancée that we get married in a church and you're the only Protestant church left in Manhattan!"
"I'm sorry, but we don't allow-,"
"I'll pay extra. My fiancée's a lawyer, her Reverend is a judge, and we can afford any price you want! Just let us be married here, please!"
The Reverend sighed heavily as he looked at her. "It is not a matter of money, Miss. Jisoo, I assure you. It's a matter of... principle.
"Please," Jisoo hated that she was practically begging this man for something she didn't even want in the first place. "My fiancée and her family will be heartbroken if we're not married in a church. You can't put aside your convictions for one day?"
Jisoo was astounded to see both sorrow and despair light up in the Reverend eyes. "It's not my own convictions that are holding me back, Miss. Jisoo."
The Reverend flipped around one of the pictures that had dawned his desk around to face her.
"My... close and single roommate for all intents and purposes," he told her as Jisoo looked, now wide eyed at the picture of the Reverend wrapping his arms around a good looking man who looked his age.
"Do your bosses know?"
The Reverend shook his head as he turned the picture around to face him, looking down at the picture with a sad smile. "No. I just say he's my single, straight, Christian roommate when they ask. I love him with all of my heart and soul and how I pray to God that someday we're able to join together as husband and husband in the house of God. He hates it, and I know it hurts him, but... I can't lose my job or my respect of my peers. I'm supposed to be a man of God, and if the bishops found out I was a homosexual, I would be shunned."
Jisoo sat in complete silence as she remembered a very similar conversation not even six months ago.
"I am supposed to be the 'perfect' women. Perfect job, perfect house, marry the perfect man with the same qualities as me and have a perfect child who's supposed to repeat the entire God damn perfect freaking process. And so far, I've gotten the first two down, and since I'm a lesbian, that disrupts the entire cycle. If my parents found out that I'm doing that, then they'll hate me."
Jisoo sighed heavily as she nodded, understanding the man's words more then he knew.
"I'm truly sorry, Reverend. But I'm sure your boyfriend knows just how much you care for him, and how... how much your job means to him, even if he has to suffer for it."
The Reverend smiled at her and gave her a teary smile. "Thank you, Miss. Jisoo. I'm... so sorry I'm not able to help you. I assure you if I could perform the ceremony, I would in a heartbeat, and I am ashamed that I have to turn away from you in your time of need."
Jisoo gave him a small smile. "It's no problem, and thank you, Reverend..."
"Anthony. Christopher Anthony."
They both stood up and the Reverend held out his hand. "Pleasure meeting you Miss. Jisoo."
"You too, Reverend Anthony."
Jisoo gave him another smile as she made her way through the church, trying to erase the images of her and Jennie being joined together here.
Once outside, she pulled out her phone and dialed a soon to be memorized number.
"Did you get the church?" Chaerin's voice rang out, not even wasting a breath on 'hello'.
"He agreed to do it-."
"Until he figured out it was a homosexual ceremony."
Chaerin sighed heavily and Jisoo heard a low thud. "What's the next one on your list?"
"There are no more. That was the last Protestant in Manhattan."
"Jisoo, come on now!"
"It's not my fault they're not agreeing to do it. I begged him to do it, Chaerin, and he wouldn't, so there's not a whole lot I could do. I'm sorry," Jisoo added, remembering Jennie's threat.
"You could have threatened to arrest him."
"I tried that with the fifth one I visited."
"The guy said he would rather be arrested. And it wasn't this guy's fault; it was the ministers running the church. Look, Chaerin, we're four days away... don't you think we should just have it at the venue? I mean some of the churches even said they would do it if it wasn't so close to the date."
"No! My daughter is getting married in a church! I've kept my end of the bargain, and you have to keep yours!"
"I am! I'm letting you be involved, but, Chaerin, even you know how difficult this is getting to be!
Chaerin sighed in contempt and Jisoo was sure that Chaerin was having flashes of a wedding in a show floor in Vegas.
"Alright. I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to handle this. I have a little something up my sleeve."
"What?" Jisoo asked; dread filling the pit of her stomach.
"Just a little backup plan. Now what time is your dress fitting?"
Jisoo glanced at her watch and groaned. "It's now!"
"Jisoo, you're ten minute away from the dress shop. I'm sure if you drive, you'll be here well within reason."
"Me and Jennie got our dresses at different stores. We didn't want any chance of jinxing the wedding. Jennie got hers at Golds and I got mine at David's Bridal."
There were several moments of silence on the other end of the phone call. "You're meaning to tell me my daughter is marrying someone who is getting their dress from the Wal-Mart of Wedding Dresses?"
"I couldn't... I couldn't afford any other place," Jisoo admitted, a hot blush breaking out on her face.
Chaerin scoffed in disbelief, and Jisoo could picture her rolling her eyes to the ceiling and back again. "Amazingly enough, that doesn't really surprise me. How much did you end up spending on your dress?"
"450. Chaerin, are you okay?"
Jisoo's eyes widened in fear as she heard Chaerin cough and gasp for breath, her breaths wheezing.
"450 dollars?" she finally managed to gasp out. "You only spent 450 dollars on your dress?"
"Yes. It's a really pretty dress, Chaerin. It's-"
"It's probably made from a table cloth!"
"It's beautiful," Jisoo snarled, "and I'm sure Jennie, the woman I'm marrying, and the only person whose opinions I care about, will love it."
"Of course she will. Who wouldn't like free drapes? Is it at least white? Or have you decided to be truthful and go with a blood red?"
Jisoo glowered into the phone for a moment before she snapped it shut, turning it on silent and thrusting it into her purse.
Jisoo sighed heavily before she looked back up at the church in sorrow for a moment before she turned away from the marble church, a long frown on her face.
David's Bridal, June 9th, 3:45 PM,
"I can't believe you're making me do this with you," Haein grumbled as he waited outside the changing room.
"You're my Maid of Honor-," Jisoo's voice sounded from inside the small room.
"Best Man!"
"Whatever you are, it's your duty to help me with the dress, and I need your advice on the final product."
Haein sighed loudly as he put his hands behind his head and leaned back in the chair. "Speaking of Best Man duties, don't make any plans on the thirteenth. You, me, Fin, DongGo, Minho, Seokjin, two kegs, and a huge cake with a stripper coming out of it at my place."
Haein chuckled as he heard Jisoo groan.
"I told you I didn't want a bachelorette party!" Jisoo reminded him with another, even louder, groan.
"And I told you I didn't care," Haein reminded her with a smirk. "I'm your Best Man, your best friend, and your partner. I'm duty bound to get you cocked and put hot dancing naked chicks in front of you the night before your wedding, just like you're going to do for me when I get remarried. Plus it's your last night being a single woman. You should enjoy it."
"I want to enjoy it without alcohol and without hot dancing naked females who are probably half my age!"
"But alcohol and dancing naked strippers are just so much fun, plus I'm kind of hoping you'll get drunk and make out with one of the strippers."
"Don't count on it," she said, and Haein could hear the dryness in her words. And you think it's a little creepy we're gonna be enjoying girls your daughter's age stripping and dancing in front of us?"
Haein glowered at the closed door in front of him for a moment. "Why do you have to ruin everything?"
Jisoo chuckled from inside the room. "Because you know I'm right, and I love proving that to you. Now shut up and tell me how I look in this."
Haein groaned loudly as the door opened, rolling his eyes to the heavens. "I really don't see why you couldn't get one of your female friends to help you with this. I don't know how,-"
And he stopped dead.
Jisoo took a step out of the room, grinning sheepishly as she smoothed out the silky smooth dress. "Well? Honest opinion."
Haein looked over the dress, his mouth becoming slightly agape.
It was white and made of a silky material that flowed down to the floor. It was held up by two thick straps, showing just the right amount of cleavage, not overly tight in any place but it showed off just the right amount of her curves, ending with a small of train at the bottom.
"Do you like it? Jisoo asked as she twirled around, the dress clinging to her like a glove. "I'm not sure how I'm gonna have my hair done yet, but I'm thinking I'm gonna have it down just because Jennie said she was thinking of having hers pinned up. And the shoes are just basic white heels."
Haein looked her over once more, swallowing hard. "Jisoo," he finally spoke after several seconds. "Are you sure you're not attracted to men?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Because I want nothing more than to rip that dress off and have you right here on this floor."
"Not gonna lie, that's kind of creepy. But it looks good then?"
"It looks perfect. You're beautiful."
Jisoo blushed a deep crimson as she turned to look at herself in the mirror, smoothing out the fabric once more.
"I'm gonna look like shit compared to Jennie," she muttered as she twirled in front of the mirror, looking over her dress from every angle.
Haein rolled his eyes and walked over to her. "You're gonna look amazing, Jisoo, even next to Jennie."
Jisoo scoffed in disbelief as she turned to him. "You're lying, but thanks anyway."
Haein shook his head in disbelief as he chuckled. "Why do you think she's so much more beautiful than you?"
"Look at her, Haein," Jisoo said as if the answer was obvious. "She's perfect, and I'm... not."
"And please, pray tell, what makes her 'perfect'?"
"She's young. "
"Youth doesn't last forever, and 37 isn't exactly a spring chicken."
"She's blonde."
"She obviously dyes it."
"She beautiful."
"You're more beautiful then she could ever be."
Jisoo raised an eyebrow and took a step back from him. "Haein, did you lose your vision again? She's beyond beautiful and then some. How can you compare her to me?"
"Because you ARE beautiful, Chu. Even if you don't want to see it."
They looked at one another for a few moments before they turned away from one another again.
"Alright, we need to stop with the awkward moments."
"Totally agree."
Both partners were silent for a few moments before Haein cleared his throat.
"So, Jisoo... you wanna go get a beer or something?"
"Sounds good, Haein. Let me go get dressed, pay, and we can go do... friendly cop partner things."
Not looking at one another, Jisoo gave a curt nod and walked back into the changing room, quickly stripping out of the dress.
Jisoo and Jennie's Brownstone, June 9th, 5:37 PM
"I'm not telling you that."
"Why not? I told you mine."
"Because I'm not. That's over the limit.
Jisoo scoffed and rolled her eyes as she took another sip of beer as Haein wrapped his arm tighter around her. "And asking me if I ever ate Jennie out was a totally appropriate question. Just tell me when you lost it."
Haein glowered playfully at her for a moment.
"Why do you want to know so bad?"
"Why are you so ashamed to tell me is the question you should be asking?"
Haein sighed heavily before he threw his hands up in defeat. "Fine, fine. I was eighteen when I lost it."
Jisoo's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she looked up at him.
"Eighteen? What the hell took so long? I lost mine when I was fourteen!"
"I wanted to wait until I found the right girl. And I thought Inna was the right one.
Jisoo shook her head. "You are unbelievable. I didn't know people still thought like that. I mean that's like... ancient."
"Well thanks for making me feel old, Jisoo," Haein said dryly.
Jisoo scoffed in disbelief. "Feel old? What are you thinking, you are old!"
"Oh you should talk! Is that a few gray strands I detect."
"Nope, and you wanna know why? Because I just dyed it three weeks ago."
Haein chuckled as he sighed and leaned back against the couch, Jisoo moving closer to him. "Who are we kidding, Chu? We're ancient."
"Last time I checked 45 and 47 is not 'ancient'. Close to middle aged maybe, but not ancient."
"Please. You had your mid life crisis, I'm pretty sure mines coming up..."
"Yeah but I got a hot smoking 37 year old at my side so I automatically lose like five years off my looks."
Haein shook his head, a smirk growing on his face. "No that just makes you look like a cradle robber."
"Shut up," Jisoo laughed as she gave him a gentle push, nearly spilling her beer. "You're such an ass sometimes, you know that?"
"Yeah but you love me for it."
Jisoo smiled as he kissed the top of her head she laid back in his embrace, a comfortable silence surrounding the two partners for a few moments before someone banged on the door several times.
"Who the hell-?" Jisoo began as she moved out of Haein's arms to answer it, but it slammed open before she could get off the couch, and both she and Haein jumped up, Haein forcing Jisoo behind him as the intruder stormed in.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Haein snarled, missing Jisoo's groan of annoyance when she saw the man.
"That's my question!" Taehyung snapped as he stormed over to them, an angry glint in his eyes. "I was just informed by my client, who was finally allowed his phone call from JAIL! That you beat the hell out of him!"
"What client?" Jisoo asked as she tried to get from behind Haein, but Haein pushed her back again, seeing a bulge in Taehyung's pocket.
"Kim Jongin! The man who was supposed to take your place! The man who's a thousand times better for Jennie Ruby Jane then you'll ever hope to be!"
- In Serial32 Chapters
The New God’s Representative
I was given a one-a-trillion chance opportunity to reincarnate into a fantasy world by a god. The actual chances are probably even lower — I mean, how would you even calculate the chances of being in my frankly ridiculous situation? In any case, the deal we made seemed pretty good; at least hope so, seeing as I’ve forgotten most of it along with the memories of my past life. Now, I’m a baby bird monster in a world with magic. I can see my Status as if I were an RPG character. And running with the RPG theme, my main Quest in this world is to become its strongest entity or titular God. I have a couple thousand years to do it or else the laws of reality itself will erase my existence. But, hey. That’s exactly what I signed up for, right?
8 114 - In Serial48 Chapters
Ascension: The Coming Storm
Ascension; two souls sharing the same vessel. While most idolize this rare ability the ones that have experienced it know of its possible dark nature. Tristal is a land with magic coursing through the ore underneath the citizen's very feet letting most enjoy the use of magic at every corner. Ascension releases something much more volatile, Etherea. Lifting a finger with magic could create a small gust of wind, doing the same with Etherea could wipe out an entire forest, if used in the right hands. This power comes at a heavy price, mentally and physically, but it's the only thing that can help humanity survive the onslaught of an army of Demons. Kingdom Map found here Dates are included in the book, all dates shown will follow the format of (Day/Month/Year). I am currently in the middle of a surge of late nights and early mornings, most of my time being spent studying. I promise this book is not abandoned, university has just eaten my free time.
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The First Half
"Kyran Hall, the Goddess Sada bestows you this gift." With those words, his life changed dramatically. He was granted a System, unique among all others, and abilities unseen before in the world. Granted boundless potential, he and his party would soon rise to prominence, becoming some of the greatest adventurers the world had ever see- *Ahem* Sorry, I've been told by the MC to say he's just an average guy. Nothing special about him. A traditional fantasy story with a (hopefully) new twist on the magic system. There's adventure, combat, monsters, magic, banter, and of course: pork belly. I'm new to writing fiction, and still learning to be more efficient in my brainstorming and editing process. If you have any feedback or suggestions, let me know! If you see any typos, mock me as much as you want because I should feel bad about it.
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