《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 10
I'm so sorry for the long wait.
Mercy Hospital, June 4th, 2:30 PM
Jennie sat up in the hospital bed as she nursed a bottle of water, her blanket wrapped firmly around her as she surfed through the channels, landing momentarily on one of her favorite actor's faces.
"And in entertainment news," the perky blond said, a large, beaming smile on her face, although Jennie was sure the only reason she was smiling was because she couldn't change her expression due to the Botox. "Johnny Depp has been rumored to have broken up with new flame, Helena Bonham Carter. When asked about how Helena was handling the split, she replied that she didn't even know they had broken up with long time boyfriend Tim Burton, much less that she had started dated and was then dumped by his best friend."
Jennie let out a bored sigh as she flipped through the channels once more, going around twice before she finally switched off the TV.
She looked over towards the door, wishing that Jisoo would be getting back from the cafeteria soon so she could have her company again. Even after one day in the hospital, she was already bored out of her mind.
Jennie laid down on the hospital bed, the pillow surprisingly soft, and she soon felt her eyes become heavier.
She was just about to drift off to bed when she heard a sound she prayed was in her head.
"Excuse me, where can I find room 216? Chaerin's pretentious voice rang out.
"Right behind you, Ma'am," a voice told her.
Jennie groaned loudly but she quickly plastered a fake smile on her face as she saw Seunghyun and Chaerin walk into her room.
"Hi, mom; hi, dad
Chaerin hadn't looked at her for half a second before she burst into tears.
"My poor baby!" Chaerin cried as she ran over to her, hugging her tightly.
Jennie gasped loudly and gently pushed on Chaerin's shoulders. "Cracked ribs! Pain! Can't breathe!"
Chaerin at once let go of her and took a few steps back.
"I'm sorry, Jennie Ruby Jane," she told her as Jennie sat up in the bed breathing heavily.
"It's fine," she managed to squeak out. "It's just... kind of painful."
Seunghyun came up to her, and Jennie could see him biting the inside of his mouth to keep from laughing. "So how are you feeling besides the whole 'my mother just tried to crush me' thing? You look like you went a few rounds in the ring."
Jennie chuckled, and was surprised at how much that hurt. "It's not as bad as it looks. There's a lot of bruising and scratches, but really I just had two cracked ribs, a concussion, and my wrist is sprained. But my headaches almost completely gone, the doctors said I should be out of here by tomorrow, and the splint comes off my hand on the tenth."
Chaerin shook her head and took Jennie's unbroken hand in her own, and Jennie was astounded to see tears shine in the hard woman's eyes. "It could have been so much worse, Jennie Ruby Jane," Chaerin whispered, biting her bottom lip. "Those muggers could have..."
But Chaerin broke off and took a shuddering breath, wiping away the tears in her eyes with the back of her sleeve.
"She's fine," Seunghyun told her as he came up and rubbed Chaerin's back, looking down at Jennie, tears appearing in her own eyes. "And we're very fortunate that nothing more did happen."
Jennie had to keep her own tears at bay as she nodded in agreement. "I know, trust me, I know it could have gone worse. But it didn't, and I'm gonna be fine."
Chaerin sniffed and nodded once more, giving Jennie a teary smile. "I just thank god that Kai was there to protect you."
For the third time in her life, Jennie thought for sure, without a doubt, that her mother was completely and utterly out of her mind.
"What?" Jennie breathed, thinking for sure she had heard wrong. "Did you just say, 'thank god Kai was there to... protect me'?"
Chaerin nodded, looking at Jennie in alarm. "Don't you remember, Jennie Ruby Jane? When those muggers came into the alley, Kai pushed you behind him and tried to fight them off. It wasn't until they knocked him out that he stopped fighting for you."
"Luckily for him, he just got a pretty bad hit on the head so not much bruises or scratches. He was the one who told us about the mugging," Seunghyun said with a comforting smile. "I guess I misjudged the boy."
Jennie whipped into a sitting position, ignoring the pain in her ribs. "No you didn't! Kai didn't protect me! He pushed me in front of him and ran off to save his own skin!"
Chaerin shook her head, "no, darling. You must have hit your head pretty hard and not remember it."
"That's not true! That's not true at all!" Jennie cried, tears appearing in her eyes. "Kai used me as a shield and ran off!"
"Jennie, sweetie, maybe you should get a doctor to look at you head again," Seunghyun said softly as he held her hand, but Jennie wrenched it away.
"I'm telling you the truth!"
"But Kai told us-"
"He was lying!" Jennie cried, a sob mixing in with her words. "Because you want to know what I was thinking when Kai was holding me there against my will while that mugger had that knife to my throat? I was thinking that Jisoo never would have let those guys get their hands on me, that she would have done whatever she could have to protect me, to defend me, that she would have died trying to save me! And the only thing I wanted right then was for her to be there because she would have made everything okay!"
Seunghyun and Chaerin both turned to look at one another before they turned back to Jennie who was brushing away the tears as fast as she could manage.
"You're sure about this?" Chaerin asked, her voice suddenly ice cold. "You're positive that Kai didn't try to protect you even in the slightest?"
Jennie nodded. "I didn't hit my head that hard, mom. I know what happened."
Chaerin's icy blue eyes narrowed and both Jennie and Seunghyun could have sworn they heard a low growl escape her throat.
They all suddenly heard a pair of footsteps walk towards the room, and Jennie glowered at the figure who appeared in her doorway.
"Jennie Ruby Jane!" Kai greeted, flashing a pearly white smile as he entered the room, going right up to Jennie's bedroom, missing the death glares sent to him by Chaerin and Seunghyun as they stood behind him. "I'm so glad to see you're alright! I was in the hospital as well, and I told your parents about the accident, after I asked how your welfare was of course. You hit your head pretty hard, so don't be surprised if a few details of last night is a little jumbled," he said with a nod, his smiled growing even larger, almost as if he were begging her to tell her parents the same lie that he had.
Jennie glowered at him and he winked at her, a sly smirk on his face.
Jennie closed her eyes for a moment as she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before she opened them again. "Kai," she began, as calm as a woman could be in her situation. "I'm going to ask you this as calm as I can manage. But-"
"YOU LOWLIFE SCUM FILLED PRICK!" Chaerin shrieked as she grabbed his arm and forced him around to face her.
To say Kai was shocked at Chaerin's words would be an understatement. But what she did after had made her out burst look perfectly normal.
Chaerin wrenched back her hand, and before Kai could even duck, Chaerin had slapped him so hard that made him fall onto the bed.
Kai tried to distangle himself from her bed, but Chaerin reached out and as hard as she could muster, kicked him in the shin.
Jennie's eyes widened as she looked at Seunghyun who looked just as amazed as Jennie, only once having seen this side of his wife, and she was stark raving drunk at the time.
He grabbed onto the bed rail and had to hld himself up as he tried to right himself. Chaerin grabbed him by the shirt collar and turned him around.
"Chaerin!" Seunghyun shouted, but Chaerin ignored his outburst.
"You insignificant little... little worm!" she snarled, as she reared back to hit him again. "You let my daughter almost die just to save your own skin!"
"No!" Kai pleaded, his hands raised in the air in surrender. "I swear, CL, all I did was help her!"
"Liar!" Chaerin screamed as she slapped him again, almost sending him to the floor again.
"Chaerin, stop this!" Seunghyun told her, but the blonde woman in front of him looked like she was in no mood to listen to anyone.
"Jennie Ruby Jane was perfectly coherent during the entire robbery and after! But you! You used her as a shield and then ran away from her! What kind of man does that?"
"She's confused!"
"Do not lie to me!" Chaerin shouted as she slugged him again, making Kai take several steps backward, but she was on him again just as quick, slapping him between every word while he raised his arms up covering his face but not restraining her. " You lowlife," SLAP! "no good!" SLAP! "piece!" SLAP! "of!" SLAP! "garbage!"
Chaerin raised her hand to hit him again, and Jennie gasped as she saw a trickle of her mothers blood run down her hand, one of her perfectly pedicured nails chipped almost all the way off.
"What the hell is going on?" a voice from the doorway demanded and Jennie groaned loudly as she looked over and saw Jisoo looking in the room in utter confusion.
Jisoo cast her eyes around the room before she finally landed on Kai, and Jennie groaned once more as Jisoo's eyes narrowed dangerously at him.
Jisoo stormed in the room, and even Chaerin in all of her fury knew to not stand in the way of her.
Jennie looked between Kai and Jisoo and her sense of fear heightened, not for Kai, but for Jisoo, who she knew Kai would have no qualms about hitting back if this were to turn ugly.
"Jisoo ,just calm down," Jennie pleaded as Jisoo stormed up to him, but she refused to back down.
The two stared one another down, and Jennie had to admit that Kai had bravery in this at least, because Jennie had herself faltered at the same look in a much less minor degree.
"Get out of her room," Jisoo snarled, visibly shaking. "You are not to talk to her, you are not to look at her, you are not to even think about her again, do you understand me?"
Kai chuckled slyly as he took a step forward, leaving no space in between the two bodies. "And what the hell do you think a little bull dyke bitch like you is going to do to stop me? Arrest me? Go right ahead. I'll be out and have your badge faster then you can say welfare"
"You ever come near her again, and me arresting you will be the least of your problems."
Kai glowered at her, his eyes trailing down her body before meeting her eyes once more.
Kai narrowed his eyes at her, his fists balling. "Do not threaten me, you little bitch."
Jisoo stood her ground. "Or what?"
Without warning, Kai pulled back his fist and as hard as he could, punched her in the face.
"Jisoo!" Jennie screamed as Jisoo stumbled away from him, but the look Jisoo gave Kai after she had regained her footing was more terrifying then anything she had ever seen before.
Kai was about to rush over to her, rearing his fist once more, ready and willing to hit her again. Jisoo charged him, putting all of her weight into slamming into him with her shoulder, making them both smash into the wall.
Kai tried to hit her again, but Jisoo was quicker this time and rammed him with her own fist, but Kai followed through with his own punch to her eye.
Jisoo couldn't help but cry out in pain as Kai hit her as hard as he possibly could in the chest, and Jennie could see her eyes go wide as she struggled to breathe as Kai hit her in the face again. Grabbing her by the arms and throwing her into the wall, rubbing up against her.
"Leave her alone!" Jennie pleaded as she looked at Chaerin who looked absolutely terrified at the exchange of an actual fight to Seunghyun who ran to the door and shouted out of it.
"I need security in here now!"
Seunghyun's shout distracted Kai just long enough so that Jisoo could get enough of her breath back to hit him in the face, making him stumble back from her.
Kai wasted no time as he ran back over to her, this time grabbing her by the forearms and trying to push her back against the wall again, his thumbs grazing the outsides of her breasts.
"Don't you ever touch me like that!" Jisoo growled as she kneed him directly in between the legs and pulled away from his grasp.
Kai let out an scream of pain and doubled over, clutching himself as he shook violently from the pain.
Jisoo grabbed him by the back of the head, and with a loud cry, she collided her knee with his face with a sickening crunch that echoed in the room.
Without another word, Kai fell to the ground, his eyes closed.
Jisoo went over to the wall and leaned against it, taking deep breaths, her eyes closed as well.
Jennie at once tried to get up from her bed, but Jisoo put a hand out and shook her head. "I'll be fine," Jisoo told her, but the blood and bruising covering her told a different story. "Just give me a minute... God, I'm getting to old for this," she moaned softly as she massaged her bruised arms from where Kai had grabbed her.
Right then, a doctor and two security officers rushed in the room, looking at Kai to Jisoo who had blood running down her face and her left eye had already turned a nasty shade of black.
"What happened?" the security guard asked as he held his hand on his night stick, looking from Chaerin whose hand was now practically gushing blood, to Jisoo who looked like she had just been in a cage match, to Kai who remained still on the floor.
No one spoke for a moment before Chaerin cleared her throat and walked over to the security officers being none to careful to step over Kai.
"I want that man arrested," she said standing in front of the guard, crossing her arms, looking at him as if to say 'I dare you to say no'.
"No one's getting arrested until we figure out the story here."
"And everyone gets proper medical treatment," the doctor added with a nod towards Jisoo who shook her head.
"I'm fine. I just got the wind knocked out of me, I'll be fine," she assured him, and even now her breaths were becoming less haggard.
"I'll tell you exactly what happened, officer," Chaerin said as she pointed towards Kai. "That man almost killed my daughter!"
"And how did he do that?"
"Last night me and him were mugged," Jennie explained. "He pushed me in front of him and used me as a shield and then ran off and left me alone. The muggers kicked my ass, and left me unconscious in an ally."
The guard shrugged, "as cowardly as that is, it's not really a crime."
"She could have been killed," Jisoo told the guard as she walked over to Jennie, limping slightly, her hand on her stomach. "She could have been raped or kidnaped or-"
"But she wasn't," the guard told her. "And I'm sure you care for your niece very much but-"
"Niece?" Jisoo interrupted as she held out her hand to stop him. "What the hell do you mean 'niece'?"
The guard looked from Jennie to Jisoo. "Aren't you two related."
"Oh dear god in heaven above no! " Chaerin cried as is he had personally insulted her.
"Not yet," Jisoo said with a flashing glare towards Chaerin.
"Oh... are you the mother of the groom? I mean usually when people say that, there's a wedding coming up, and since she's the blondes mother, I assume-"
"How old do you think I am?" Jisoo interrupted.
The guard looked her over for a minute before he shrugged.
"53!" Jisoo screamed, her voice going up several octaves, and Jennie had to bite back a laugh. "I'm 45, and she!" she motioned to Jennie, her eyes wide as saucer plates "is my fiancee!"
The guard looked at them for a moment before he nodded. "Oh, okay. I get it now. But like I was saying before, that man committed no crime last night. Who threw the first punch?"
Chaerin's 'I did' was mixed in with Jisoo's 'he did'.
The guard sighed in annoyance and Chaerin and Jisoo met Chaerin's eyes, her brow narrowed in confusion. "I'm going to ask you again. Who threw the first punch?"
"Well it was more of a slap," Chaerin admitted, blushing furiously red.
Jisoo's mouth parted in confusion as she looked back at Jennie who nodded before she turned back to Chaerin.
"You actually slapped him?" Jisoo asked in awe.
Chaerin nodded, the blush on her face growing even more pronounced. "And kind of spit on him."
"Did he hit you back?"
Chaerin shook her head and the guard nodded before turning to Jisoo.
"And what happened to you?"
"I told him to get out of her room, he whaled off and hit me, he came at me, and I was merely defending myself."
" He also sexually assaulted her," Jennie added and Jisoo groaned in annoyance, not wanting that on the record at all.
"So you were defending yourself?" the guard asked Jisoo, and both her and Jennie nodded in agreement.
"And you just kept slapping him as well as spit on him?"
Chaerin swallowed hard and nodded.
The guard nodded before he got out his handcuffs.
"Now wait just one moment!": Chaerin said as she took a step away from the guard. "I can't go to jail!"
"You assaulted him."
"I'm a sixty eig- sixty fiv... 62 year old woman! What damage could I have possibly done to him?"
"It was still assault."
The guard walked behind her and grabbed one of Chaerin's wrist and pulled it behind her and cuffed one of them into the hands.
"Seunghyun, do something!" Chaerin ordered, her usual look of determination and wealth replaced by one of fear. "I look horrible in orange!"
Before Seunghyun could say a word, Jisoo walked over to the guard and reached in her pocket.
"Officer, wait," Jisoo told him before Seunghyun could open his mouth, pulling out her badge and showing it to him.
"It was just a couple slaps," she said as the guard took her badge from her hands to look at it. "And from my stand view of a detective, much less a SVU detective who deals with a lot of assaults, I can give you my word that what she did to him was not assault. The blood and bruises, that's all from me. She did no real damage."
The guard looked from the badge to Jisoo's face and back down again before he handed back her badge and uncuffed Chaerin.
"Thank you," Jisoo said with a genuine smile, ignoring Chaerin's look of confusion. "But if it makes you feel better, you can arrest that guy for assaulting a police officer as well as sexually assaulting a police officer," Jisoo told him with a not so gentle nudge with his foot. "I wouldn't object to that."
"Of course, detective."
The doctor left the room and within a few seconds came back with a stretcher, and the two security guards as well as Jisoo picked him up and dropped him down on it.
The guard who had threatened to arrest Chaerin cuffed one of Kai's hands to the bed post and he was wheeled out of the room.
There was silence in the small hospital room for a moment before Chaerin cleared her throat.
"Thank you, Jisoo," Chaerin said. "You didn't have to do that for me, and I appreciate it."
Jisoo turned to look at Chaerin and surprised all by glowering at her. "I didn't do it for you, I did it for her," she spat as she motioned to Jennie.
Chaerin scoffed and took a step back. "Well what on earth are you so mad about?"
"This is all your fault, Chaerin. Jennie being in the hospital, being mugger, everything of hers stolen. That's all on you!"
"How on earth do you figure that?" Chaerin demanded.
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