《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 9
Jennie slowly blinked her eyes open, feeling the most tired she ever had been in her life. But when she opened her eyes, she expected to see the New York City sky, feel the dirt and grime of the city floor beneath her.
What she didn't expect to see was a bright white light while she lied on top of something soft and comfortable, a feeling of warmth surrounded her and she wanted to stay like this forever.
She closed her eyes, blocking out the harsh light and listened for a moment, expecting to hear the voice of the one person she knew would make this the perfect place.
Jennie opened her mouth to call out to her and it seemed like she was moving in slow motion.
"Jisoo," she called, her words soft and barley loud enough for her to hear them, and she received no answer. "Jisoo!" she cried, louder this time, hearing a distant voice call back to her, but not the one she wanted to hear.
At once, Jennie began to panic. She didn't want this, not without her. "Jisoo!" she screamed as she closed her eyes, blocking out the light, letting out a sob.
"Mam, calm down!" a voice told her forcefully, this time getting clearer. "You're in the hospital!"
At those words Jennie's eyes shot open again and this time she allowed them to adjust to the bright light, and she could make out ceiling tiles and instead of silence, the sounds of various beeping and speaking slowly grew.
Jennie looked over at her side and saw a female doctor in light blue scrubs and a lab coat at her in confusion.
"Mam, are you okay?" the doctor asked her as she slowly took a step towards Jennie.
"What's going on? Where am I?" Jennie asked the doctor making sure that the words she had heard before was correct.
"You're in Mercy General ICU. You have a concussion, two cracked ribs, and a sprained wrist," the doctor informed her. "A woman found you bleeding and unconscious in an alley way with no ID and called 911. Do you remember what happened?"
Jennie thought for a moment before she nodded. "We were mugged. They took my purse. Kai... he pushed me in front of him, used me as a shield. Then he ran off and left me with them. They pushed me down on the ground and just started kicking and hitting me. How long have I been out?"
"911 services got the call at around nine; it's a quarter past ten right now."
"I left the restaurant at seven twenty," Jennie remembered, fear suddenly taking over her. "That's an hour and a half that I was unconscious on the streets."
Jennie took a shuddering breath, tears making their way down her face, her breathing labored. "Wa- was I ra- raped?"
The doctor shook her head. "No. We ran a rape kit when you were first admitted and we found no evidence of semen, spermicide, tearing, or any other sign of rape or sexual trauma."
Jennie let out a relieved breath and felt tears of joy run down her face, and felt a huge weight being lifted off her shoulders. "Thank you," she breathed.
The doctor smiled at her. "Of course. Now is there anyone you would like us to call?"
Jennie nodded, "yeah. Could you please call Kim Jisoo at 315-555-5782?"
"Absolutely, and what is your name, mam?"
"Jennie Jane Kim."
The doctor nodded and left the room, leaving Jennie alone once more.
Jennie took a deep breath and rested against her pillow, letting tears fall down her face.
She knew that Jisoo would never have let her be used as a shield against an attack, she would have stayed with her, protected her, and she would have given up her purse and then some if it meant that Jennie was out of danger, Jennie doing the same for her in a heartbeat.
Jennie let her mind race for a moment, hating Kai for leaving her at the mercy of two armed men and caring more about his money then her life, hating her mother for telling her to be with Kai knowing that she disliked him, hating Taehyung for setting her up with Kai knowing she was a lesbian, but most of all she hated herself for pushing Jisoo away, for not making her want to stay with her, for not being there tonight to protect her, knowing that getting kicked a few times was the very least of the damages that could have been done to her.
Jennie took a deep breath and felt her tiredness over take her. She closed her eyes, and she once again fell under.
June 3rd, Estate, 10:14 PM
Jisoo laughed along with Soojoo as the two women made their way out of the bar, smiling at one another.
"So after I get him down on the ground, arms behind his back, he says that he knew I liked it rough with the handcuffs, and I tell him, 'I might be gay, but even your ass is too girly for me'."
Jisoo laughed once more as they stopped at the curb where Soojoo's car was parked.
"You took the cruiser?" Jisoo asked with tiny grin as she looked over the marked police car.
Soojoo shrugged. "I'm a lieutenant, perks of being in charge."
"You're lucky. My boss hands my ass to me and my partner if the gas tank on our car gets more than half empty."
"Well maybe I could talk to him for you, get him to give you a little break."
"We've tried; he's about as stubborn as they come."
"But he hasn't had to deal with the powers of my persuasion though," Soojoo said with a smirk taking a step closer to Jisoo.
Jisoo felt her heart beating louder, more intense as she stepped closer to Soojoo.
"But just how good are those powers though?" Jisoo asked as she looked into Soojoo's eyes, the gray green of them drawing her in.
Soojoo wrapped her arms around Jisoo's neck, and Jisoo forced herself to breathe once more. "You'll find that what I want, I usually always get."
Jisoo tried to move her hands, to talk, to do something besides stand there, her breathing becoming heavier with every breath.
"And right now," Soojoo whispered softly, causing Jisoo to strain to listen. "I want you."
Jisoo saw her close her eyes, lean forward just a hair, before her lips met Jisoo's.
A thousand different thoughts ran through Jisoo's mind, all containing a blond hair blue eyed ADA looking at her with betrayal.
"You left me!" Jisoo screamed at herself as she wrapped her arms around Soojoo and forced herself to kiss her back. "I'm broken up with you; I'm allowed to do this!"
But as Soojoo gently ran her tongue over Jisoo's lips, asking for entry, which Jisoo gave her, she felt a million different things that she thought she would never feel.
She felt muscles instead of softness; the hair she ran her fingers through was too thick, too curly, the taste of wintergreen almost took over her senses instead of the citrus she was so used to tasting, the strawberries and cream scent that could turn Jisoo on in a heartbeat replaced by vanilla and honey. She took more control of the kiss then Jennie ever had, almost fighting with Jisoo for dominance.
With a sigh, Jisoo pulled away, looking down at the ground, shaking her head. "I'm sorry," she whispered softly.
Soojoo looked at her in confusion. "You're Sorry? For what?"
"For this," Jisoo told her, still not making herself any clearer.
Soojoo raised an eyebrow. "You have nothing to be sorry for." A smirk overtook Soojoo's face once more. "Trust me."
Soojoo went in to kiss her once more, but Jisoo put a hand out to stop her, shaking her head. Don't. I just... I can't do this."
"Can't do what?" Soojoo asked trying her best to withhold the annoyance of her date speaking in riddles as she finally stepped back from Jisoo, letting her arms drop to her sides.
Jisoo sighed and looked up at her. "Soojoo... you're an amazing woman. You're brilliant, funny, amazing, sexy as hell, and I would love nothing more than to kiss you again."
"What's stopping you?" Soojoo asked, with a tiny smile, although both women could see it was forced.
Jisoo shook her head again. "I just can't."
"Jisoo, please tell me what's going on," Soojoo asked, a hint of pleading in her voice. "If it was something I did, just tell me."
Jisoo groaned, hating the fact that she was causing Soojoo pain, knowing that she didn't deserve that. That she was just an innocent party in this. "It's not you, Soojoo, I swear, it's not even me. It's... its something else; something that is going to haunt my love life the rest of my life."
Jisoo took a deep breath and was about to speak before her cell phone went off, causing both women to groan.
"It might be work," Jisoo explained as she explored her purse and pulled out her phone.
Without so much as looking at the caller ID, she hit the tiny green button. "Jisoo," she answered.
"Is this an Kim Jisoo?" the female voice on the other end asked.
"Yes it is. Who's calling?"
"Ms. Jisoo, this is Doctor Horner from Mercy ICU. A patient gave me this number as her point of contact."
"What's the patient's name?" Jisoo asked, preparing herself to hear a victim's name.
"Jennie Jane Kim."
Time almost seemed to stand still for Jisoo as her eyes widened and took a step back.
"Ar... are you sure it's her?"
"After she woke up, she told us to contact Kim Jisoo at 315-555-5782."
"What's wrong with her?"
"A woman found her unconscious, bloody, and with no ID in an alley way and called 911. She has a few cracked ribs, a concussion, and a sprained wrist."
Jisoo bit her bottom lip to keep the tears from escaping. "This is all my fault," she whispered, her lip trembling.
Soojoo walked over to her. "Jisoo, are you alright?"
Jisoo barley heard her as she forced herself to ask the next question. "You said she was unconscious and bleeding in an alley right?"
"Yes mam. She said that she had been mugged."
"Was... was there um... was there any signs of sexu, sexual assault?"
In the half second it took the doctor to answer, Jisoo felt an entire lifetime and then some go by, praying for the first time in years for the answer.
"No. We ran a rape kit when she was first admitted and there were no signs of any sexual trauma."
Jisoo let out a cry of joy, the tears running down her face. "So is she going to be okay?"
"Besides being in pain for the next few weeks and the concussion, she should be fine."
"Thank you! Thank you so much, doctor. I'll be there as soon as I can."
Without waiting for another word, Jisoo hung up the phone, and turned to Soojoo, a huge smile on her face.
"Are you okay? Who's in the hospital?" Soojoo asked as Jisoo stuffed her phone back into her purse.
"I'm fine. My... my friend got mugged and she's in ICU at mercy," Jisoo said, unable to hide a grin plastered on her face.
"Then why are you so happy about it? I mean if I got a call saying one of my friends was mugged, I'd be pretty upset."
"When you've worked in SVU for as long as I have, you'll find just getting beaten and left there, not to mention left alone by others, is probably the best things that could happen to you in a violent mugging."
Soojoo looked at her for a moment and chuckled and shook her head. "Wow. I never looked at a mugging and beating in a good way. But to each his own, I guess."
Jisoo let out a tiny laugh and both women were engulfed in silence, the smile on Jisoo's face disappearing, the two looking anywhere but at one another.
After a moment, Soojoo cleared her throat and looked at Jisoo, and gave her a small smile. "Do you need a ride to the hospital?"
Jisoo whipped her head around to face her, her eyes wide. "You... you would do that for me?"
Soojoo nodded. "I'm sure your friend wants you there, and I have sirens and lights on my car."
Jisoo opened her mouth to say yes but ultimately shut it again. Soojoo was offering a ride to the hospital so she could be with her ex fiancée, on their first date.
Jisoo gave her a sad smile and shook her head. "No thanks. I'll take a cab there."
"Don't waste your money. Trust me, it wouldn't be the first first date where I've had to take a date somewhere. One time I actually had to talk my girlfriend out of jail the first night one time."
"Cop dating a felon, nice," Jisoo said with a smirk.
Soojoo chuckled and shook her head. "Trust me, it's not as 'Romeo and Juliet' as it seems. She borrowed her roommates debit card, and he thought it was stolen so he put out a report on it that day. Low and behold, she goes to pay for the date and next thing we know, she's in handcuffs by the security guards and my cops are on the way over to arrest her."
Jisoo laughed and the two women smiled at one another.
"Come on," Soojoo said with a jerk of the head. "I'll give you a ride over."
Jisoo took a deep breath and finally nodded as she got in the police cruiser.
"What's your station?" Soojoo asked as she too got into the car.
"Anything but country," Jisoo answered as Soojoo flipped on the sirens.
"Good choice. I can't stand country music."
Jisoo couldn't help but chuckle and lean her head back against the seat as Soojoo drove off into the night.
Mercy Hospital, 10:37 PM
Jisoo walked into the hospital, Soojoo following close behind.
Jisoo walked over to the receptionist and cleared her throat.
"Can I help you," the receptionist said as she looked up at Jisoo.
"I'm looking for Jennie Jane Kim's room," Jisoo told her, momentarily forgetting who was behind her.
"Give me one moment," the receptionist told her as she began to look through the multiple files.
"Jennie Jane Kim?" Soojoo said a hint of anger in her voice.
Jisoo groaned at her own stupidity and turned around to face her,
"As in your ex fiancé Jennie Jane Kim?"
Jisoo took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah."
Soojoo looked at her for a moment and opened her mouth to say something before the receptionist returned. "She's in room 113. Straight down that hall and the third on your left."
Jisoo went to take a step towards the hall where the receptionist had told her, but then stopped dead and turned around.
"Soojoo, I'm... I'm sorry. I know this is hardly how you wanted to spend the date, but-"
"No, it's fine," Soojoo said with a smile, but the bitter sadness on her lips was clear. "Go be with Jennie. I'm sure she needs you more than I do right now anyway."
Jisoo stood there a moment, her heart torn between going to Jennie, and staying with Soojoo.
Soojoo gave a nod of the head. "Go on. I'll be fine, I promise. I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"
A true heartfelt smile lit up Jisoo's face. "Thank you."
Without another word, Jisoo left for Jennie's room.
Jisoo walked down the hall, her heart fluttering nervously as she reached Jennie's room.
She looked in there and felt a rush of tears come on at once, but she forced herself to hide them.
Jennie was dozing off in the bed, the TV on a low volume, fiercely blinking her eyes so they would stay open.
Jisoo took a shuddering breath and the sound roused Jennie to look towards the door where Jisoo stood.
Jennie's face broke out into a painful smile as her eyes filled with tears. "You came." She spoke so softly, Jisoo had to almost strain to listen.
"Of course I came," Jisoo said just as soft as she entered the room.
They were both silent as Jisoo walked over to her, looking her over, the tears appearing in her eyes.
"What's with the dress?" Jennie asked as Jisoo sat down.
"It's nothing," Jisoo lied as she looked her over more closely.
"How bad does it look?" Jennie asked as Jisoo landed on a particularly bad looking bruise on her neck.
"Not too bad," Jisoo said as she looked away from Jennie's eye.
Jennie laughed, and Jisoo couldn't help but smile at the sound of it.
"You never were the best liar."
"What can I say, I can try."
Both women chuckled softly before it faded to silence. Jisoo was silent for a moment before she spoke. "The doctors said they found you in an alley unconscious and bleeding. You told them you were mugged?"
"Yeah. I was trying to get away from Kai and instead of walking the two blocks-"
"Hang on. You mean Kim Jongin? That dick we met back in December? Why were you with him?"
Jennie shrugged and looked down at the white sheet. "It doesn't matter."
Jisoo opened her mouth to push it, but ultimately closed it and nodded. "You're right. What matters is you're safe now. But why were you trying to get away from him? Jennie, did he hurt you?" Jisoo asked with a fierce look in her eyes.
"No. Well, not directly anyway," Jennie said with a trembling lip.
Jisoo moved the chair closer to the bed. "Tell me what that bastard did to you, and tell me now," she growled.
"He... he followed me into the alleyway, and when the muggers showed up, he forced me to be his shield, refused to give them his wallet, pushed me into one of them and ran off and left me alone with them."
Jisoo's breathing became heavy as she looked over Jennie's various bruises and cuts, from the cast on her arms to the bandages around her ribs.
With an almost frightening crash, she stood up, sending the chair backwards. "I'll kill the fucking bastard."
"Jisoo, don't do anything stupid!" Jennie pleaded as Jisoo began to pace the room. "He has connections."
"And I have a gun, tell me which is more deadly," she snarled.
"He didn't really do anything though; you have no cause for arrest."
"Wanna bet?" Jisoo snapped as she went back over to Jennie's bedside. "Jennie, you could have been killed, or raped, or kidnapped, or tortured or god knows what else! Alright, you and I both know that a few cracked ribs and a sprained wrist is the very least of what could have happened to you!"
"But I wasn't any of those things. I'm going to be fine."
"What if you weren't though," Jisoo said, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "What if you had been my next case, all because that bastard was too much of a coward to go for help, or to protect you? What if instead of a hospital, you were laying in Sungwoo's morgue right now?"
"Jisoo, that didn't happen though," Jennie said softly as she reached over and took her hand. "I'm here, with you, alive and safe."
Jisoo looked down at Jennie's bruised and bloodied hand before she enclosed her hand around Jennie's. "I know you're here. I just... the thought of losing you like that because of someone like him is... I can't even imagine what I would do to him if you had been murdered or worse."
"There's nothing worse than death," Jennie said softly, barley above a whisper. "Because even if those two guys had kidnapped me, raped me, tortured me... if I had lived, I know you would have found me. But if I had died, we both would have been alone, and I can't picture a life without you, even for a moment."
Jisoo looked down at her, their eyes locking before Jisoo closed her eyes, leaned down over the bed, and they kissed.
Jennie reached up and ran her hand through her hair, their lips melting together; wanting to get as close to the other one as the bed would allow them.
Jisoo kissed her more hungrily, eagerly. The taste, the smell, the movement of her lips against Jennie's; everything about her just seemed so right, so familiar, so perfect. Their arguments and fights lay dormant and forgotten.
Only when a small gasp was heard from the doorway did Jisoo finally break the kiss.
Jisoo looked up, and the joy from kissing Jennie disappeared at once as she looked at Soojoo standing there, looking both hurt and angry. "Forgot your purse in the car."
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