《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 9
My clumsy words
Are proof that I like you
Do I look nervous right now?
Then will you hold my hand?
-How nice it would be, Lunafly
Chaeyoung gasps out loud as she walks in the theatre, and the first thing she sees her Wangjanim kissing someone right there on the stage.
Chaeyoung rubs the back of her head as Lisa and Wendy practically wrestles her out before she disturb, the two "practicing" their kissing scene in the theatre.
"What the heck is that about, Chaeng?"
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I was supposed to say Omo but I accidentally added the H for emphasis after what I saw... did that thing really happen? Is there a Jensoo now?"
The three slowly pop their heads one by one, sighing in relief as the two were still caught up in each other. The three tried sneaking in for a better look, crawling like the Asian ninjas that they are as the hid behind the bleachers.
And yup... Jensoo's lips are still glued to each other.
"Are they making out?"
"No... doesn't look like it... they're so innocent, they need to byun it out..."
"You guys just stop..." Lisa hush the two, while checking back on Jensoo (yes... that's there couple name, Jensoo)
Even from afar they could still see how bright Jisoo's smile is. The two weren't kissing anymore but they're just gazing at each other, as if letting the effect of their kiss just take over. Jisoo leans closer once again, but this time just rubbing her nose on Jennie's before kissing Jennie's lips again.
"Hrrrr... Hrrrrr... Hrrrr..."
Wendy and Chaeyoung turns to Lisa who is starting to silently laugh, like the evil scientist that she is.
"I did it..."
"Did what?"
"Help those two got together... omo... I'm like a cupid, only instead of bows and arrows, I get trigger happy with their hearts."
"You scare me sometimes..." Chaeyoung admits softly.
Lisa the evil genius that she is, decided to taunt the other failed cupid.
"Unlike you, Wendy... how is Irene and Seulgi? Looks like nothing is happening..."
Wendy just narrow at her eyes... "I'm doing it slowly..."
"So slow, even turtles ROFL with how slow you are..."
"Yeah right..." Wendy scoffs at Lis's face "like you could do any better..."
"What do I get when I finally get the two together?"
Wendy raised her perfectly threaded brow, she didn't know that playing cupid needs to have a reward? But this sound interesting, and Wendy likes interesting things like her.
"What do you want?"
"I'll think about it..."
"Lis... are you sure bout this?!" Chaeyoung cups Lisa shoulder and look down at Lisa's hair since Lis's so short to stare at her eyes.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"This is Irene Bae were talking about..."
"I know..." Lisa's face curved into a devilishly sinister smile "The harder the better... kekekeekkeke"
What should I say?
Should I say it now?
Will you say it too?
Will you say it to me?
Words that were left unsaid
It seems to Jisoo that she's more comfortable holding the kid's hand when they're around strangers, who can't say anything about them or when they're all alone.
Jisoo felt a tinge of guilt building inside of her, casting a worried glance at the other girl. But Jennie doesn't look the least bit affected, she still has that wide grin in her face while swinging their hands together.
It's not like she doesn't feel anything for the other girl, actually she does. Much more than she felt for other people who tried winning her affection. It seems like Jennie was the only one who stick even if she pushed them away, and the only one who does the sweetest things to sweep her off her feet.
But what exactly is the right word for what she feels? Is it still like? Or is it bordering into something else? Something much more?
But right before when Jisoo could figure out the answer, here was Jennie still the monkey that she is, making slashing sounds as they walk to the fruit aisle in the grocery store.
"Behave for once... will you?"
Jennie quickly has that childish pout, like the ones little kids have when they get scolded. When Jisoo turns her back, Jennie let out a hissing slashing again and when Jisoo throws her a scowl, Jennie just responded with a goofy smile.
"I have a girlfriend now... I must behave..."
"You should behave for yourself, not for anybody else..."
"No... just for you..." Jennie points to Jisoo.
And Jisoo just shakes her head, despite the feeling of gushing inside.
"Do we have to walk like this?"
Jisoo groans as Jennie have happily been holding her hand since that night in the rooftop.
"Yes. That's what girlfriends do..."
"Oh... really?"
"Ah-huh" Jennie nods like the expert in love that she is...
"You know what other things girlfriends do?"
Jisoo asks wondering how far Jennie's innocence really is...
"Of course!"
"Like what?" Jisoo asks curiously.
"They kiss..."
"And what else?"
"They ummm..." Jennie pouts thoughtfully, tapping her chin as she thinks... "I know! They go on dates! Speaking of dates!"
Jennie takes out her handy dandy kkuma notebook from her backpack, and scribbled with her kkuma pen.
"We have to go out on a date..."
"Do you even know what happen after dates?"
"They go home?"
Jisoo searches Jennie's face, trying to figure out if she's just faking this innocence. But there is none, those cat eyes were just so wide eye and full of innocence. And it made Jisoo chuckle, before tugging on Jennie's hand as they continue to grocery shopping.
Jisoo starts to playfully pretend throwing a fruit in Jennie's way, and Jennie starts slashing it.
The real fruit ninja...
The whole world shakes me up
Even my friends stir things up
Saying that you and I
We look good together
It's weird that no matter how loud Lisa's voice is or how loud Chaeyoung's munching is or just how loud that Cafeteria is that lunch hour, Jisoo couldn't even make out a single word. It was like she was shut out from the world, and her only company was being with Jennie... Why is that? She wonders...
"Hey girl..."
Jisoo turned away from her salad and up to Wendy. She knew Wendy too well and it's obvious from the tone of Wendy's voice that she needed something.
"Well... buddy" Wendy flashes her that I-need-something-from-you smile on her face.
"Just get straight to the point Wendy..." Jisoo sighs exhaustedly.
"Ok... ok... you know I'm sorta dating this guy."
"Wendy... It's either you're dating a guy or not dating a guy... you can't be in between."
"Exactly.... For example Jisoo is DATING Jennie."
And why do her friends have to remind her of that...
"Hush..." Jisoo frowns.
"So, are you and Jennie finally a thing?"
"I don't know..." Jisoo just shrugs, taking a bite of her apple.
"But the two of you were- OOOMPH!" Chaeyoung ended up chewing on the bread, Lisa stuff in her mouth instead of finishing what she's trying to say.
"Why is that?" Lisa asks Jisoo... "Don't you like her?"
Jisoo just take a heaving sigh before pushing the lettuce around her plate.
"I just... she's just... she acts like a kid all the time and she walks... no skip around, with that kkuma backpack of hers. I feel like I'm babysitting more than dating someone."
"Do you like her though?"
"Do. You. Like. Her?" Lisa stresses out every word to knock it inside that hard head of Jisoo's.
"I ummm... I think... Can we change the subject here?"
"Finally..." Wendy was glad that the attention got back to her "I'm in this getting to know you phase with this really awesome guy who has a band..."
Lisa and Chaeyoung exchanged knowing looks....
"Oh no... is it Suho and his stripper buddies again?"
"Yes...keke... those boys just like to grind on furnitures..."
"Dude... they just like to grind on air..."
The two started howling in laughter as if it's the most hilarious thing they ever heard.
"No..." Wendy growls "FYI, Sam, that's his name, has a band and he plays a musical instrument and guess where he came from?"
"Since you know him... Hmmm... he came from the bar?"
"No..." Wendy growls but quickly regains her composure and eyesmile "He's not... he's decent and hot... let me give you a clue, he came from the same place as Harry Potter..."
"Ohhhhhh... I know... I know..." Chaeyoung raises her hand enthusiastically "He's from Hogwarts..."
"No... God! Why am I even friends with you guys? But anyways..."
"Cut to the chase, Wendy..." Jisoo had enough of this nonsense banter.
"Fine... well, you know for our Valentines dance, and you're like looking for a great band to perform. I want to recommend them. Trust me, Chu... they're really good..."
Wendy bats her lashes, hoping to charm Jisoo... But it didn't work, the only one that does the bat her lashes would work for Jisoo is Jennie.
"I don't know... last time you did that, Sehun's big eared friend starts ripping his shirt off on Stage. And you know what happens when girls from an all girls academy sees Guy's 6 pack, it's utter chaos."
The girls just shake their heads at that traumatic event, the girls were like zombies trying to eat him alive.
"No... no... that won't happen again... His band... Somifly...
"Somifly? They sound like a girl group..."
Shut up. Or you know what, you'll shut up when you hear their band... Like even I have to admit it, like first time he was talking about his band, I just acted like I give a crap, just so he would ask me out. But after I heard them I'm like wow..."
"Hmmm... Chu... can I offer a suggestion?"
Wendy wished that Jisoo won't even hear Lisa...
"Since you're so busy with your presidential duties and stuff... Why don't me and Chaeng..."
"Oh no..." Wendy quickly objected before Lisa could even finish what she's trying to say. "No... no... oh my God... no!"
But Jisoo didn't hear her.
"I think that's a good idea... I have to go..." Jisoo quickly pulls herself out of the table and started walking away.
Wendy sometimes wonders why the world was constantly mean to her, then she remembers, she's like Cinderella and Chaelisa are the wicked step sisters, out to ruin her happiness. She just needs to pull through a bit more, before her prince charming come galloping in carrying her glass shoes (or Jimmy Choos...)
As soon as Lisa was sure that Jisoo wont hear a thing. It was time to work her magic, and let Wendy in on their little quest.
"Wendy we need your help for something..."
"Oh... I knew it... you two want something from me..."
"Well... isn't that what friends are for?"
"What do you two need from me exactly?"
"We know that behind that gorgeous looks is make up..."
Wendy stabs her fork on the poor defenseless, lettuce, her eyes turning red and her nose flared up. Nobody.. and Wendy means nobody messes with her money shot.
"You two get out of my sight now..."
"Hey wait! You didn't even let us finish... What I mean is you're really good with make up and stuff..."
"If you're asking me to give you a makeover, give it up Lis, your face is hopeless."
Not for me! For somebody else!"
Wendy stops to think...
"And who would that be?"
Jisoo let out an exhausted sigh while slouching down on her seat. She was the president of the student government. While the rest of her officers have already went home, she's still there trying to organize for the valentines dance. Everything was already set, but the perfectionist that she is wanted everything to be perfect.
She decided that a few minutes of shut eye wouldn't hurt, so, she closes her eyes and the first thing she saw was the cat eyed girl popping inside her head.
Ring. Ring... ring...
They always say that if you think of the person hard enough, you will see them soon... Well, Jennie wasn't there... but a phonecall was pretty close.
"I miss you..."
Even from the phone, Jisoo could picture that cute pout in Jennie's face and those cat eyes blinking so cutely.
"What do you mean? We just saw each other earlier?"
"Yeah but still... I miss you... Don't you miss me?"
"Maybe..." Jisoo does... she just doesn't want to admit it out loud.
"I want to go there and give you a hug..."
"No..." Jisoo says flatly...
"Pretty please?" Jennie begs cutely
"I'm hanging up the phone..."
"Pretty please with a strawberry on top?"
"Goodbye Jennie..."
Knock... knock...knock...
Jisoo gets up from her chair and just mechanically opens the door, without even thinking who's behind it.
Jennie was trying to scare Jisoo. But instead she look like a baby cub, wanting to act like a lion.
"Did I scare you?"
"Yes..." Jisoo said coldly "The size of your mouth scared me..."
Jennie frowns angrily... "I'm mad at you..."
"You are?" Jisoo answers coldly.
"Yes.. and you have to hug me so I could forgive you."
"No thank you..."
"No.. You're required to hug me."
Jisoo almost fell to the floor as Jennie gives her a huge bear hug, as if they havent saw each other for years....
"Jennie..." Jisoo ends up patting the girls head, who was now nuzzling on her neck.
"Can I stay here?"
"What if I say no?"
"I'll still stay..."
Jennie drags a chair and invades every personal space that Jisoo has by sitting way too close to her. And Jisoo just let out a defeated sigh, it's not like she doesn't like it.
"Ok... but you have to be quiet..."
Jennie puts a finger to her lip as if promising Jisoo she'll behave. Jisoo starts to work on the paperworks again and Jennie just takes out her kkuma cased IPAD and starts playing.
"You know what?" Jisoo covers Jennie's monitor with her hand...
"HEY!!!!!" Jennie says annoyingly...
"Why don't you use this free time to study instead of playing games?"
"Dontwanna..." Jennie mutters under her breath.
"What did you say?"
"I will... I will..."
Jennie takes out her books from her bag and starts to study and in a few seconds she was already getting doozy... Her books were like cure for insomnia...
"Okay... break time..."
Jennie excitedly reaches out for her IPAD but Jisoo was quicker and swipes it away...
"That wasn't even 5 minutes..."
"But it's boring..."
"Deal with it..." Jisoo pulls away the IPAD and put it inside her bag. "You wont see it, until you're done."
"HEY! You're taking my IPAD as hostage... no fair..."
"I'm sorry... but I like a smart girlfriend."
"I'am smart..." Jennie pointed out.
"No... you're a smartass..." Jisoo corrected her "There's a big difference."
"Fine..." Jennie takes out her book, and pretended to read...
"You know Jennie, I'm always busy, I can't just be with you all the time like this. I have this dance, the drama coming up... And in the valentines dance, I won't have time with you... I'll be busy running around the place making sure everything is okay..."
The coming valentines dance is going to be special for Jennie. But unfortunately, Jisoo made it clear how she feels. It was their first dance and valentines together, but probably for Jisoo it was just a checkmark on her things to do.
"Oh... okay..." Jennie said in disappointment and Jisoo quickly pick up how Jennie was feeling with her voice. But what can Jisoo do? Forget about her responsibilities for the sake of spending time with Jennie?
"It's okay... as long as I'm still your date..."
"I will... but I will be a lousy date..."
Jennie's chair make a screeching sound on the tile floor, as she drags it closer to Jisoo.
"Says who? I think you will be an awesome date..."
Jisoo didn't realize how close they truly were, until she turns and she was nose to nose to Jennie. Jennie thought Jisoo was playing a game, so she leans closer, affectionately rubbing her nose against Jisoo.
Jisoo never thought she will be this kind of girlfriend. Someone who enjoys affection, just like how she and Jennie were right now.
She cups Jennie's cheeks and kiss Jennie on the tip of her nose, before pressing a light kiss as the two started sharing sweet kisses. Jisoo decided to take another step forward, but this time, she's more brave about it, softly tugging on Jennie's lower lip as if pleading to deepen their kiss.
This was the kind of kiss that when she sees it on TV, her unnie makes her close her eyes. But now she's not just watching it, she was about to do it. Jennie felt so nervous, but she loves Jisoo too much and for her, she'll do anything.
"D-do you want to?"
Jisoo asks embarrassingly. It would be humiliating if Jennie would turn her down, but she would rather deal with that than force Jennie to do something she wouldn't want to do.
"We don't have to if you don't want to."
Jisoo just turns away, trying to hide her embarrassment by pretending to focus on her work. But she froze when she felt Jennie pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.
She turns around and she could see the sincere expression in Jennie's face. She tugs the loose strands of Jennie's hair behind her ear. Jisoo cups Jennie's cheek and started laying sweet kisses in Jennie's face...
On that wide forehead...
On that cute nose...
On those sweet cheeks...
And finally in her lips.
"I want you to be my first everything Jisoo..."
Jisoo have to lean close, she wasn't use to Jennie's voice being so soft. And with every kiss, Jisoo express what she feels... those three words that always seem to jumble in her throat... I love you... I love you... I love you...
Jennie could feel her heart about to beat out of her chest as their tongues finally met. Every sense of nerve starts fizzling out each second of their kiss. She realize she have nothing to worry about, she was kissing the girl of her dreams.
Their tongues continue to dance in each other mouths, playfully teasing as both would let out shy giggles before returning to each other's lips once again.
This wasn't the girl Jisoo thought she would be. She should be working on the projects right now, but here she is, her arms wrap around her sweetheart, both of them breathless as they kiss.
But that didn't stop them, even if they have just one single breath left, they'll use it in their kiss.
And in their kiss, Jisoo prayed that Jennie could feel and know those three words that was only meant for her.
I love you...
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