《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 8
Your sharp nose seems like it could cut me
Your electrifying eyes make me melt
Your copper-toned skin looks sweet
I want to thrillingly approach you and steal you - Orange Caramel, Lipstick
"Hold on a second..."
It worried Jisoo that the second Jennie pulled away, the girl was running hurriedly to the other side of the rooftop. It made Jisoo wonder if she was going too fast...
But unknown to her, the second Jennie was in the other corner... Jennie started dancing excitedly, flailing her arms in the sky while hooting...
"We kiss... we kiss...oh yeah...oh yeah...oh yeah!!!"
Jennie was so happy, she was doing the crab dance, leg dance and cobra dance all at once..
She quickly clears her throat and runs back to Jisoo.
The two blushingly look away from each other and it was Jennie, who stepped closer until they were toe to toe.
To say Jisoo wasn't nervous is an understatement, she tries to recall what to do on this situations. She tries to dig her brain and try to remember from every romantic movie she watch, romantic novels she read.
What do lovers do at the time as this?
She was about to wrap her arms around Jennie's shoulders, but stop... Wait... that's what girls do... But they're both girls. So, she should do it? Or Jennie?
But while she's racking her brain for an answer, here was Jennie, taking Jisoo's arms and let it wrap around her shoulders.
Jennie dipped her head, smiling as her lips softly touch Jisoo's own. Her arms wrapping slowly around Jisoo's waist.
And Jisoo never realized how beautiful Jennie truly is, until she was that close...
"You're so perfect..."
End of flashback...
"Chu? Chu? Chu?!"
Jisoo's soft grin quickly disappeared into a deep frown when she sees her three bestbuds staring curiously at her.
"What is it?" Jisoo immediately put up her usual angry birds look on her face.
"Nothing dude..." Lisa was the bravest one to spoke up, while the two others back away. "It's just that you have this weird thing going on in your face..."
"It's called a smile, Lis..."
"Oh yes... that's what it is... keke... it's just that we hardly see it on your face, that were like weirded out."
Jisoo now looks like a very angry angry bird.
"Not that it's a bad thing... we love it..." Chaeyoung quickly wave her arms, trying to appease the girl.
"Why are you smiling, Jichu? Is it because you're going to be my prince?"
Jisoo raise her brow, confuse to what Wendy is trying to say.
"What are you talking about?"
"Dude!" Chaeyoung drapes her long arms on Jisoo's lean shoulders "I think you're forgetting that we go to an all girls school. You're like the closest thing these girls have to a dashing prince. Don't you know like girls nickname for you?"
ManChu, Prince Chu, Kim Seobang, Chu oppa,
Yes... Jisoo is quite familiar of each of one of those. She just doesn't pay much attention to it. Although ignoring it didn't help, her fanbase just seem to grow each second.
"Okay, okay..." The teacher grabs their attention. "That's enough talk ladies... now it's time to discuss the different roles. Of course, for the prince, as expected we have Kim Jisoo..."
There is almost that automatic squeal from the fangirls... And Jisoo just stilled her facial muscles, not wanting to talk or even show any reaction to it.
"And our snow white will be... no other than..."
Wendy could feel the applause now, no other person deserves the role of someone so pure and beautiful. She is the epitome of snow white. It's like the fairy tale is written about her... Oh yeah, she's going to rock snow white...
She stood up, ready to thank her fans with her beauty queen wave.
"Park Chaeyoung..."
And Wendy immediately sat back down...
"HU-WHAT?!" Wendy's eyes looks like they were about to pop out of their sockets because of how large they suddenly got. "Wait her?!"
Wendy points to the lanky, dark skinned girl who was also too stunned that she stop munching her chips.
"She can't be snow white!"
Chaeyoung frowns at Wendy...
Wendy just rolls her eyes "DUH! Cause you're not white!"
"RACIST!" Chaeyoung points a shaky finger at Wendy.
"They call it snow white for a reason, Chaeng... if you're going to be the lead, they might as well call it snow black..."
"Are you blind? I'm not black..." Chaeyoung corrected her "My skin is the color of caramel..."
"Of course food... why am I not even surprise?"
"It will be okay Wendy, as you may know you are going to play an important role too..."
The word important fit Wendy well and quickly got her attention.
"Yes... you're going to be the evil queen..."
"Are you kidding me? This face?" Wendy points to her money shot "This angelic, fell from heaven face? An evil queen?"
"You just seem like you could play the part well..." Their teacher quickly move on, leaving Wendy with so many questions... "And for the role of the mirror, no one fits the role perfectly as Lisa Manoban."
Lisa starts waving her hand...
"And for our dwarves we have..."
"Irene as Sleepy, Joy as Bashful, Seulgi as Dopey, Somi as..." The teacher kept on but Seulgi wasn't paying attention anymore...
Seulgi sinks in her chair deeper, completely embarrassed of her role.
"Oh god... of all the dwarves, I have to be the stupid one..."
That's a unique bouquet, Jen..."
Yeri says amusingly as she sees Jennie carrying a bouquet of strawberries. That's right... unlike the typical way of getting your someone special a bouquet of flowers, what Jennie has on her hand is a bouquet of Strawberries.
"Yes... did you know Yerim? That strawberries are part of the rose family?"
"It is?" Yeri sounds surprise that Jennie would know something informational.
"Yes..." Jennie nods proudly.. "And I think my sexy bear would like some fruits rather than roses... Although roses are more romantic... Hmmm?"
Jennie starts to pout thoughtfully... thinking if she should just get roses too...
"OMO!" Her thoughts quickly went poof at the sight of her sexy bear with her bear friends. There is tall bear, pretty bear and genius bear. Jennie was just about to run over Jisoo when she saw something that made her stop.
Jisoo opens her locker and just as expected a flood of valentines card almost drowned her. Tons of admirers both secret and blunt just waiting for their chance to be Jisoo's date for the most special day of the year.
"Ohhhh... Chu, if you have extra chocolate... you know who's your girl..."
Chaeyoung bobs her brow, having no problems just pointing to herself.
"Here comes the fangirls..."
Lisa calls out as she sees three excited schoolgirls coming over to them.
"Jisoo- sunbaenim..."
They bowed down and Jisoo just tilts her head, like the cool person that she is.
"Hello..." Jisoo said in her cool voice that made the girls spaz like kyaaaaaahhhh!!!!
"Sunbaenim... we heard that you got the role of the prince for our valentines day theatre and we have to say, nobody fits the role better than you..."
Jisoo just replies with a polite nod.
"We were just wondering, who would Prince Chu be taking as her date for the valentines after party?"
"Yes..." The girls ask their eyes filled with hope...
Jisoo just scoffs playfully before answering them.
"My date is a fruit ninja."
On the other side, Jisoo's fruit ninja and her sweet potato sidekick just observe everything that have happened from the corner.
"Jen?" Yeri asks sympathetically as she sees the sad look on Jennie's eyes.
"I forgot how many admirers she has..." Jennie says sadly...
"But you're the one unnie agreed to be her girlfriend..." Yeri coos her sad bestfriend "So, that makes you special, right?"
Jennie bats her lashes hopefully.
"You're right... I have an edge against those others... Now I must go!"
Yeri ends up SMH as she just watches Jennie run out of the school.
"Hi unnie..." Jennie says excitedly as her downtrodden sister walks into their kitchen. "How was your practice, does Jisoo look so cute? Hmmm? Hmmm?"
Seulgi sigh heavily, sitting on the stool on their kitchen counter.
"What you doing?"
Seulgi asks as she sees their whole kitchen like a tornado just struck it, a tornado name Jennie.
"I'm making some sweets for Jisoo, we need food while were doing it"
Omo! Now they're using props?
"Food? Why would you need food?"
"Unnie... don't you get tired and hungry after doing it so much?"
Jennie was talking about fruit ninja, Seulgi obviously wasn't...
"Look... Jennie we need to talk."
"About what?"
Seulgi stops her sister from stirring the batter.
"About stuff..." Seulgi clears her throat, mutters a silent prayer and looks at Jennie. She didn't want to do this, but now she has no choice... it's time to give her sister, the dreaded sex talk...
Her sister only ends up blinking cutely at her.
"Jen, when two people are in love, they often use their hearts instead of their minds."
"Agreee... agree..." Jennie nods.
"So, sometimes they do things that they don't think about, just because at that very moment it just feels right."
Jennie is confused to where her sister is going with this conversation.
"So, again, when two people are in love, they do things, physical things."
Physical? Oh now Jennie gets it... her sister is talking about kissing... It's a good and weird thing that Seulgi want to demonstrate it with the use of two ladles.
"For example... this is You and Jisoo..."
"Kekekeke..." Jennie laughs amusedly like a child watching cartoons... "The brown one is Jisoo..."
"Yes..." Seulgi clears her throat "Hey Jen..." Seulgi tries to talk in Jisoo's deadpan voice "You want to ummm... go somewhere and ahhh... do things?"
Jennie watch seriously...
"What things?" Seulgi starts to talk in her Jennie voice.
"I'll show you..." Seulgi talk in her Jisoo voice...
Seulgi then bump the two ladles together as if they're kissing, confusing the innocent minded Jennie...
"Are you getting hot in here" Seulgi continues in her cold Kim Jisoo voice "Do you want me to take off your clothes?!"
"Wait..." Jennie stops her unnie "I'm confuse, they're ladles, they don't have clothes..."
DERP. Why does her sister have to be so innocent?
"Were just pretending, remember?"
"Omo!" Jennie gasps "Are they going to make babies?!"
YES!" Seulgi could sing hallelujah now that her sister got it... "Yes... they're going to do that..."
Seulgi watch in confusion as her sister got up and run to the drawer taking out spoons and little spoons.
"What are you doing?" Seulgi asks as Jennie puts two spoons and a little spoon beside the ladles.
"These are their kids..."
Jennie is too innocent sometimes, and now she thinks her sister is playing with her.
"And this is their baby..." Jennie raised up the little spoon...
Seulgi have wanted to argue back, wanting to shake some sense into her sister, maybe even shout at her too... Scream something that love isn't enough,
Jennie... you have to think too...
But then she looks at her sister, and people might argue that she was just being too overprotective. But what do you do? When you see your sister heartbroken from loving too much, Would telling her I told you so at the end of it all helps? Or would you just end up regretting that you didn't do what you have to do?
Maybe that's what Jennie needs to see things her way, instead of shoving ideals about love in her face? Because as far as Seulgi knows, looks like Jennie knows more about it than her.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest one of all?"
"It sure ain't you, beyotch."
"Misssssssss!!!!" Wendy says in a whiny tone, like a kindergarten tattle telling "Lisa is being mean... I mean the mirror is not following the script..."
"Well I'm trying to add more flavor to my character, you know more soul... instead of the monotone..."
The teacher is trying to referee the two bickering leading stars...
Seulgi can't even focus on the rehearsals. It was nearing Valentines and instead of worrying about the matters of her heart, she ends up worrying about
She gazes over Jisoo's direction. The prince is just sitting in the corner, reading her lines. And Seulgi just have to admit that there is something just so yummy
about Kim Jisoo, even if she's just sitting there reading, it was like watching a CF...
Seulgi shakes those thoughts out of her head and took a deep breath. She wasn't going to be intimidated by Kim Jisoo's awesomeness, she's going to talk to the girl.
"So, Seul..."
Seulgi was so caught up with Jennie's situation that she forgot that Joy has been badgering her like this.
"Isn't Irene so amazing?"
Seulgi looks up and sees Irene just sleeping while standing up by the stage.
"Ahhh yeah I guess..."
"She's playing her part so well... Nobody can play the role of sleepy as good as her."
"I guess..."
"By the way, are you game about it?"
"About what?"
"Me asking Irene out on valentines?"
Seulgi want to answer but it's a good thing she has self control and nods. That very second, she couldn't figure out why an easy task like nodding felt so hard to do.
"Ummmm yeah... I guess..."
"KYAAAAHHH!!!" Joy bounce excitedly while clapping "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to serenade her and you're going to help me"
"Serenade her?"
"Yes... I mean... isn't that romantic? Isn't that what every girl wants?"
Seulgi just shrugs.
"What does that have to do with me?"
"You're going to serenade her..."
"Yes... since you have this golden voice, you should do it..."
Seulgi felt like she was suffocating at the moment, she stood up and tries to walk away from Joy.
"Why don't you do it?"
"Well... here's the plan as you sing, I will come from behind carrying some flowers and give it to her while I ask her... romantic right?"
"We'll talk later, Joy... excuse me..."
Seulgi thought a walk would help but unfortunately it didn't... she needs to think of others things and Kim Jisoo was her diversion.
Wow... Seulgi thought, even the way Jisoo says hi sounds so cool.
"Ahem... ahem... I know who you are... this hotshot most popular girl in school, but it doesn't mean I'm going to let you take advantage of my dongsaeng like
"What do you mean?" Jisoo didn't even seem unphased of Seulgi's presumed threats.
"What you and Jennie did? During your sleepover"
"I don't know why you're so upset about it..."
"Of course I'm upset! How can you just take advantage of her like that?"
Jisoo thought Seulgi is talking about her beating Jennie in fruit ninja, Seulgi think she made her point clear bout talking about s-e-x.
"I didn't take advantage of her, in fact she was the one who taught me things..."
"What?" Seulgi gasps, and here she was thinking that she have shielded Jennie from the byunness of the world. "That can't be..."
"Yes, she did... she even showed me some videos on the internet... and it helped... After that, I kept beating her..."
Omo! Seulgi covers her mouth as Jisoo mentioned the word beating. What does that mean? That her sister is into the 50 shades of grey kind of stuff?
"But she keeps beating me too..."
Seulgi covers her ears shaking her head as she couldn't take anymore of this.
"She wouldn't do that..."
"She told me you're even the one who introduced it to her." Jisoo says in a matter of factly.
"Yes... she told me you're like the biggest addict..."
"I'am not..."
Seulgi stomps her feet, turning around to hide her embarrassment.
"I'll go ahead..."
Seulgi walks away, not wanting to talk about this anymore.
Seulgi turns around and saw that she is head to head (more of head to shoulder) to Jisoo.
"What is it?"
"I understand how you feel, I have a kid sister too... But ummm... I guess we just have to realize our kid sisters are not babies anymore, they're grown up, and they're going to fall in love, and they're going to get hurt and there is only so much we can do."
Seulgi nods painfully...
"I just want to tell you this, before anybody else... even before Jennie even knew..."
"W-what is it?"
Jisoo took a deep breath, her gaze going everywhere and for awhile there, Seulgi thought that Jisoo, the cool Kim Jisoo looks flustered and nervous.
"I think I'm beginning to like your sister more than I thought I would..."
Jisoo tries not to go berserk as she sees Chaeyoung acting like a demure princess as she prepares for her role. Right now Chaeyoung is twirling around,
singing while flapping her arms like a butterfly.
"See Jichu...see?!" Wendy demanded "That's the girl you're going to kiss..."
Jisoo just gulps...
"Chaeyoung would fit better as the huntsman... But me... I'm like a girl out of a fairy tale... you know... just like Irene is like the real life version of Sleeping
The two turns to Irene who's sleeping on Snow white's pretend glass coffin.
"Ok... now it's time to rehearse the kiss... Ummm... Ms. Bae, you need to get up."
Their teacher nudges Irene and Irene got up and started growling...
"ok... ok... calm down, Ms. Bae... it's time to go practice..."
"Wow... she can be both sleepy and Grumpy"
Irene gets off the coffin... and Chaeyoung plops down...
"Hey. This is comfortable..." Chaeyoung starts to snore...
And Jisoo gulps once again just thinking of kissing, even though it was fake,
"Come on Chu, give it to me..." Chaeyoung puckers her lips, ready to kiss Jisoo with her duckface.
"Ummm... ahhh... well... ahhhh..." Jisoo says in hesitation...
"You know like GG said... Ahhhhhh...a nae wahngjanim! eonje i momeul kuhareo wah jushil tenkayo?" Now with Chaeyoung singing IGAB, that song will never be the same for Jisoo.
"Ah, my prince! When are you gonna come save me?So, come save me, prince Chu... save me with your kiss..."
Chaeyoung puckers her lips once more...
"Ummm... " Jisoo raises her hand , ready to excuse herself "Sorry I need a break."
After everybody left the theatre, Kim Jisoo was still there, reading her script, practicing her role, listening to her voice out loud.
Jisoo looks over to the door and sees Jennie with a bright smile, carrying a picnic basket with her.
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