《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 7
Seulgi was usually used to her sister having too much hype even in the mornings, but today she just reached an unbelievable high.
"I guess you had fun in your sleepover with Jisoo..." Seulgi points out while spreading peanut butter on her bread.
Jennie was nodding her head so hard, she looks like one of those bobbleheads you see on a car's dashboard.
"IT'S THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!" Then Jennie pouts thoughtfully "Actually it's the best night... but it's soooo good that it beats out the best day of my life!"
"What's the best day of your life?"
"When Jisoo agreed to be my girlfriend..."
"You mean when you tricked Jisoo to be your girlfriend?"
"HEY!' Jennie frowns at her unnie. "I think she's just saying she couldn't stand me, but deep inside, she's secretly in love with me..."
"Oh she is?" Seulgi answers in a deadpan tone, taking a bite of her breakfast...
"Yes... you should have seen her last night... she kept me up all night..."
Those few words knock the hell out of Seulgi. But maybe she's just misunderstanding things, right?
"What do you mean?"
Jennie plops on the kitchen stool and start slabbing an Ungodly amount of Peanut butter on her piece of toast.
"Me and Jisoo were so busy last night, I run out of energy..."
This time Seulgi finally gave her full attention to her kid sister.
"I never saw that side in Jisoo, you know, she's always so calm and cool... but she's... kekekekeke..." Jennie giggles.. "She's is quite wild and energetic..."
"WILD AND ENERGETIC?!" This time Seulgi was off her feet.
What do two hormonal teenagers do that can make someone wild and energetic? Seulgi doesn't even want to know...
"Yes... it's like everytime it's my turn, she just screams out my name... it's distracting but I kept on going even when my fingers are hurting..."
Seulgi covers her face feeling like a complete failure. Why didn't she given her sister the "speech" about the birds and the bees? And now her sister just... just... just...
"But I guess it's only fair, I was screaming my lungs out when it was her turn, especially since she wants to be on top all the time..."
"On top?"
It was too much information for Seulgi...
"Yes... and she did... my gosh... she was so good with her hands..."
Seulgi have now covered her ears, shaking her head as she was unwilling to listen anymore.
"Yes... she's so fast but still so good... that I can't help but scream everytime she's done..." Jennie sighs dreamily as she remembers last night with her sexy bear "I cant believe that was her first time... but in a way, I'm so proud that her first time is with me..."
Jennie then bounce up the stool after wolfing down her toast...
"Oh well... I have to get ready... Jisoo promise me we'll do it again this lunch and probably after school too!"
Seulgi tries to shake some sense into her sister.
"Mmmmm... yes I am... I never realized it was this fun... now I know why people just can't stop once..."
Jennie left her sister glued there, her jaw dropped all the way to the ground.
"So, why do people have sex?"
"UH MEEEE!!! I know!!! I know!!!"
Park Chaeyoung is rarely participative in class, as a matter of fact, Park Chaeyoung is rarely awake in class. But the Old Park Chaeyoung seems to be gone along with 2012. Cause here she is, the better Park Chaeyoung of 2013 raising her hand so eagerly at the professor's question.
"It's because they're hornnneeeeeyyyyy...."
The rest of the class starts snickering. Jisoo and Lisa shifted uncomfortably as far away as possible from the tall girl to be saved from this embarrassment.
"Ehhhhh...." Their professor made a poor impression of a buzzing sound.
"Wrong... this is the only time that religion and science comes hand in hand... PEOPLE... no matter what the media tries to put in your heads... the reason why people are supposed to have sex is so they can procreate... Our lesson for today is blahblahblah..."
The excitement in the room has now fizzled out as their professor starts talking about the technical matters of procreating...
"Pffft..." Chaeyoung snorts in disbelief. "What century is he living in? Does he think a bunch of 18 year olds think... oh let's hump each other so we can have babies.... Geez..."
"Chaeng... has a point..." Lisa agreed. "Do you think that's what they were thinking when they were doing each other in fifty shades of grey? I mean c'mon..."
"No pain... no gain."
Lisa and Chaeyoung highfive. Jisoo presses her cheek on her palm, ignoring her friends queries and focuses on taking notes.
"How bout you Chu, what you think?"
"Bout what?" Jisoo replies blankly.
"Why do you think people do it?"
"People do it for different reasons..."
"How about you?"
Jisoo gasps at Chaeyoung's implication "I don't do it..."
"I mean not you doing it, what would be your reason?"
"If I love the person..." Jisoo murmurs softly.
Love... People throws that word around way too much that it ends up being insincere or worse as an excuse. But Lisa and Chaeyoung knows that when Kim Jisoo mentions the word, she takes the meaning to heart.
But does Jisoo even know what it means? Like really means?
"Does it matter if it's a boy or a girl?"
Jisoo narrows her eyes and don't like what Chaeyoung was trying to imply.
"I don't like what you're trying to say..."
"I'm not saying anything..."
"But you're thinking it... if I want to do with that kid..."
Jisoo growls before turning her attention to her teacher who is demonstrating about the male swimmers.
"Dude... why can't you ju-"
Lisa grips on Chaeyoung's shoulder before the girl could say anything. Chaeyoung turns back and Lisa gives her the eye...
The kind of look that says... not yet... it's not time yet, let Jisoo realize it herself...
"Wends..."Chaeyoung asks through the noodles in her mouth... "Are you going to eat that?"
"Just give it to Chaeyoung, Wendy-yah... you don't need the extra..."
"Extra what?!" Wendy snaps "Finish that sentence... finish it... I dare yah..."
"I'd rather not..."
"Why not? C'mon... come at me bro!" Wendy starts to taunt Lisa.
"If you're not giving it to me, I will show you my ridiculous aegyo..."
Lisa covers her mouth before she could even puke at the sight of Chaeyoung's aegyo...
"Fine..." Wendy surrenders and pushes her plate to Chaeyoung. "You know that's all I'm going to eat for today... as you may know my body is a wonderland I need to treat it with respect."
"Wonderland? do you mean amusement park? Where everyone can take a ride in it?"
"HEY! You two could be such jerks sometimes... Jichu..." Wendy coddles on Jisoo's arm. "Jichu?"
The three girls turn and looks at Jisoo. The girl was quieter than usual, but without the creased brows and deep frown, instead it's like she's in deep thought.
"You okay?"
"Ummm yeah..." Jisoo then smiles as she took the orange in her hand. It made her friends look in wonder... Did the orange just made stoic Kim Jisoo smile?
"I got to go ahead... here Chaeng..." Jisoo gives Chaeyoung her extra lunch but took the fruit with her. "I'll see you guys later..."
"Mom? Dad? Yerim?"
Jisoo's jaw drop as she saw her parents and her sister right there, with a suitcase like they're about to go somewhere.
"Ummm... yeah... yeah..." Jisoo's mom tries to look for an explanation... "Me and your dad and sister are ummm staying on this place for the night..."
"But you can't come..."
"Why on Earth are you doing this to me?" Jisoo's voice is starting to crack in irritation and desperation. She felt like she's the butt of all jokes.
"Well... I'm pretty sure you'll have fun with Jennie, right?"
Jennie starts nodding her head, like a bobblehead.
"See? So, have fun you two!!!!"
"Let's go Yerim..."
SooRi's mom pushes the clueless Yeri out the door...
"Bye!!!" Jennie waves happily before turning to Jisoo... blinking her eyes cutely at the other girl. "I'm hungry... what's for dinner?"
Jisoo just ends up groaning...
"What we have in the fridge..."
"How about I cook us something?"
Jisoo raised her brow in surprise. If she lives with Jennie, she wont even let the girl near the stove.
"You know how to cook?"
"Yes..." Jennie nods before hopping to the kitchen, and starts digging inside the fridge, taking out an armful of food.
"What are you going to make?"
"Just sit there and relax my princess. I'll make you something awesome..."
The kitchen was in an utter mess, but Jennie looks like she knows what she's doing. Slicing and dicing vegetables and meat, warming up the frying pan and putting in the different ingredients.
"TADA! Omurice!!!"
Jisoo's lips lifted in a smile when she sees her omurice with a heart drawn with ketchup...
"Taste it... taste it..." Jennie says eagerly, her eyes beaming with pride at her. "So?"
"Mmmmm... it's pretty good..."
"I cant believe I would actually sleep in your room..."
Jennie's nonstop blabbing waa obvious of how excited she was.
"Well... you can sleep in my room... I'll sleep in Yerim."
The excitement in Jennie's voice have quickly disappeared.
"Just cause... good night Jennie..."
Jisoo turns the doorknob but found it lock. She turns it again and again, finally realizing that it was lock.
"Fine... I'll just sleep in my parents room..." Jisoo walk over to her parents room. "What the?!"
"They did this on purpose! they seriously did this on purpose!"
"So, you'll sleep beside me tonight?" Jennie starts batting her lashes, hoping to charm the fuming girl.
"No... I'll just sleep in the couch..." Jisoo smirks in fake apology before walking to the living room.
Where on Earth have their couch went? They are probably the only family without a couch in the living room. There is no other one to blame but her parents. Her very own parents? Her family?! How could they do this to her?!
"I guess I have no choice but sleep with you..."
Jisoo just sighs in defeat.
Jisoo armed with pillows have created a boundary in the bed between the two. But from the bedroom, she could overhear Jennie from the bathroom.
"Yes unnie... I brush my teeth and no I promise I wont make a mess here... Good night unnie!"
Jisoo finds her smiling at how innocent and just kind hearted Jennie seem to be...
"Your turn!"
Jennie says excitedly...
Jisoo walks into her bedroom and shamelessly gasps as she saw Jennie sitting on her bed. She knew the girl was pretty, but right now, with her long hair cascading down as she's brushing it, wearing the white nightgown she lend her, the girl was almost ethereal...
"Ummm hi..." Jisoo says almost shyly, sitting as far at the edge from Jennie as possible.
"Are we going to sleep now?"
"Ahhh yeah... good night, Jennie..." Jisoo scoots closer to the edge, making sure she's not close to Jennie.
This was going to be the start of their long night as Jennie keep on tossing and turning...
"Why aren't you asleep?"
Jennie nuzzles her head deeper into the bed... "I cant sleep without hugging my nini..."
Gawd... what a kid...
"You can borrow my mickey mouse..." Jisoo hands Jennie the stuff toy, before settling in bed. But her eyes widen when she sees the mickey mouse flies out.
"Did you just throw it?!"
Jennie was pouting too "I don't want to hug him...He got big ears..." Jennie sat up and flutters her lashes to charm Jisoo
"Can I hug you instead?"
Jisoo growls and looks away as Jennie flutters those cat eyes some more...
"Nooo... You see this boundary?! That's what it's for! So you stay in your spot."
Jisoo huffs and turns away, but obviously the boundaries were broken, when she felt Jennie's head on her back.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
"I'm getting cold... so I'm feeling the warmth of your back through my forehead..."
"OWWWWW!!!" Jennie holds her forehead as Jisoo smacks her hard.
"Now you feel it?! You feel the heat?!!!"
"I didn't know you like it rough..." Jennie grumbles teasingly...
"Why you?!" Jisoo jumps on Jennie, smacking the other girl with her pillow. Jennie was scrambling around like the baby monkey that she is, but suddenly just stop.
The baby monkey looks like a dead baby monkey.
"Jennie?" There was now a hint of worry in Jisoo's voice as she starts poking the seemingly unconscious Jennie. "I know you're just playing me... get up..."
Jisoo nudges Jennie but the girl still won't move...
"Hey... this isn't funny... get up... Jennie? Jennie?"
Jisoo was starting to get filled with uneasiness...
"Jennie?" Jisoo cups Jennie's cheek, tapping it softly but she still wouldn't budge. "C'mon Jennie... Jennie..."
Gone now was the uneasiness and was replaced by dwindling hopelessness...
"Jennie..." Jisoo whines in a hopeless tone.
Jennie flutters her eyes slowly.
And Jisoo growls as soon as she realized she got duped.
"Why you little br- ACCCCKKKK!!!"
Jennie have now trap Jisoo in an embrace...
"You care for me?"
"I was just about to do the 911 on you... don't take it personally..."
But Jennie was convinced that it was something more than that, maybe she finally break through Jisoo's wall.
"Ok..." Jennie loosen her hold on Jisoo and she was surprised that Jisoo didn't seem to squirm out.
"I'm going to sing you a lullaby...
Jisoo growls and plops on the other side of the bed.
"fine... suit yourself..."
Jisoo was about to fall asleep when suddenly...
"What the?"
Jisoo widens her eyes and gave Jennie an are u kidding me look.
Yeah yeah sijakhae bolkka?
O-mo! Yae jom bwara yae
Museun iri isseotgillae meoril jallatdae? Eung?
"Are you seriously going to sing me I got a boy to sleep?"
"Oh... well...ok, another song? A more mellow one?"
"Just go to sleep, Jennie..." Jisoo grumbles so hard, pounding her pillows in frustration. This girl is going to be the death of her.
"Can I play my game?"
"You know how some people read books to help them sleep? I play fruit ninja to help me go to sleep..."
Jisoo starts shaking her pillow and wonder if she could suffocate herself with it...
The very next minute Jisoo could hear the sound of the blade slashing through some fruits while Jennie is singing along to B.A.P Warrior...
"What the hell? Do you have to sing along too?"
"Well... I need some badass music while I'm slashing my fruits..." Jennie reasons out.
"You're a fruit ninja for God's sakes! There is nothing badass about that..."
"Hmmm... you just say that because you can't do it..."
Jisoo sits up from her bed, this girl is obviously taunting her and Jisoo would not lose.
"Excuse me...?"
"I dare you.." Jennie taunts her some more...
Jisoo practically yank the kkuma cased IPAD from Jennie's hand. Jennie scoots closer and sees the determine frown in Jisoo's face.
"You lose..."
"Wait..." Jisoo pulls the IPAD away from Jennie "There was a bomb in there..."
"That's the point of the game to avoid the bombs..."
"No... it was my first time... let me do it again..."
"I can do this...yes,I can! Jisoo fighting..." Jisoo was prepping herself, rolling her shoulders back as if getting ready for a battle.
"What so funny?"
"You're talking to yourself."
"You won't be laughing when you lose..."
"Me?! Lose?! Oh please..."
The entire night the two battled it out, trying to outdo each other by slashing as much fruit as they can, avoiding bombs until their hands hurt.
"Hmmm..." Jisoo answers while her mind is concentrated on slashing the fruit.
"Am I your first girlfriend?"
Jisoo didn't know if Jennie ask that on purpose, just so she would lose.
"Well... in a way you are..."
"Did you ever like someone?"
Jisoo wonders why Jennie would even ask her that. Doesn't that hurt when you find out that the one you like, likes somebody else?
"Ummm... actually I did..."
"What happened?"
Talking about him felt like a band aid being ripped open. You thought you're healed but truth was, the scar will always be there.
"Well, ummm... actually there is this guy who was you know trying to woo me. But I guess it was my fault too because I was being too picky... and well... he gave up and ummm... you know..."
It hurt Jennie hearing that and she wondered why she even ask. But in a way she was thankful, at least she knew.
"If he really liked you, he wouldn't give up."
"Some people have their limits..."
"I would never give up on you..."
Jisoo just nodded, not wanting to unearth pass hurts anymore.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
Jisoo almost dump the IPAD to the ground after she heard Jennie's question. It didn't make sense to her, but come to think of it... Jennie almost never made sense.
"What are you talking about?"
Jennie quickly bounce off the bed, taking Jisoo's hand on hers.
"I know what happened between us was just some random luck, that in a way you were force into it."
"So, if you let me, if you give me a chance. I'll prove to you that you're worth the wait, that you're worth the effort. I'm not like that guy, I'm not like anybody else."
"I know..." Jisoo smiles tenderly.
Jennie smiles back, before taking the IPAD back from Jisoo.
"How about you, Jennie? You ever like somebody?"
"No... just you..."
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Paradigm Shift - New Beginnings
The known universe is facing an invasion from a foe that can rewrite the natural laws and that will destroy everyting we know. Derrick is ripped from his world and sent to the newest incursion point of an enemy he doesn't even know exists. He is the hail mary or kitchen sink of the universe and it will be up to him to adapt to his new world and become strong enough to survive and to save the universe. ********* Author's Note ********* This is my first published book so feedback would be appreciated. A couple of caveats. First this story is about the details, if you don't enjoy reading and finding the easter eggs or just like to speed read through the chapters you will probably not enjoy it. Second for those that do not like the Harem tag I just want to state that this is going to be a matriarchal society and the women will outnumber the men 5-1. That being the case and because of the culture that I imagine would arise from this I felt it fair to put that tag out there. However, the main character isn't going to be picking up women left and right. This is not a typical harem story. Image was googled so I have no rights to it
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