《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 6
"Jen... what did you break this time?"
There was an exasperated tone in Seulgi's voice as she asks. But before Jennie could even reply, Seulgi found out the answer right there, broken on the floor is Jennie's pink piggy bank. It's not a piggy bank anymore.
"What happened here?" Seulgi asks as she sees her sister trying to count money.
Jennie looks up and flashes Seulgi the world's biggest grin.. Jennie's face was the picture of happiness...
"Me and MY" Jennie emphasize the word by pointing to herself "girlfriend are going on our first date..."
"And you're paying for it?"
"Yes... since I invited her."
"Well... what do you have in mind?"
Jennie runs to her rilakkuma bag and rummage inside before pulling out excitedly her kkuma notebook. She leafs through a couple of pages until she found what she was looking for.
Ahem... ahem... she clears her throat as if she was ready to recite a poem in class...
"First I will pick up Jisoo in a horse carriage..."
"Wait?" Seulgi quickly stop her sister right there. "A horse carriage?"
"Yes...you know a carriage that has a horse..."
Jennie sure knows how to explain words well.
"I know what a horse carriage means. But c'mon, why not just use a car?"
This time it was Jennie who let out an exasperated sigh as she reasons out with her sister.
"Unnir... Did the fairy Godmother turn the pumpkin into a mercedes benz?"
"Well... no... but I don't think there were cars during those days..."
"If she's a fairy, doesn't she have the magic powers to make cars? Hmmm? Hmmm?" Jennie taunts her sister cutely.
Seulgi immediately curse herself when she finds herself arguing back against her sister's skewed logic.
"Fine... fine... you want a horse carriage, then where are you going to go?"
"Then, I will take her to the park, where we can have a picnic under the stars..."
Jennie was sighing already just thinking of how beautiful her princess would look underneath the sparkling sky.
"And then, I will take her hand and ask her to dance with me..."
"Where? in the club?"
"No... no..." Jennie shakes her head in horror... "I don't like people lusting over my girl..." Her face scrunch up in an adorable frown. "But instead I will bring my IPOD and we will dance under the stars."
"Look, Jen... I don't want to burst your bubble here..."
Jennie looks at her with a blank expression on her face.
"I don't have a bubble..." But then Jennie points as she thought of something "I do have a balloon..."
"No...no...no" Seulgi shakes her head once again "I meant... I don't want to rain on your..." Seulgi stops when she realizes her sister might take her examples too literally, she decided to slow it down.
"I don't want to be so negative, Jen but maybe you need to tone it down a bit. You know start slow, like take her out for coffee, maybe? Or movies?"
Jennie gives her unnie an eeehhh look. She was disappointed of how she was super duper romantic and her unnie is so bland and un romantic...
"What's wrong with my plans?"
"Well... it's too..." Seulgi starts waving her arms, wishing to find the right words or at least actions to express what she's trying to say. "You know... it's too much?"
"But isn't that we girls want? Someone to make us feel like were princesses in our own fairy tales?"
Seulgi hated that her sister had a point.
"Ok... ok..." Seulgi raises her hands in defeat. "If that's what you think, it's up to you..."
Seulgi was about to step out of the room, but not without leaving a piece of advice to her sister.
"But you know what makes it more romantic, Jen?"
The smile in Seulgi's lips weren't wide, but it was still the picture of happiness.
"It's the person you're with..."
"Oh by the way... here..." Seulgi says excitedly, showing something in her phone to Jennie.
"Oh you got a picture of Irene?"
"It's not a picture, it's a GIF... she just moves too slow, it looks like a picture..."
And the two stared at the phone, waiting for the Irene GIF to move...
Omo! Here they are...
Talks and whispers were suddenly flooding the school gym as the dubbed flower four in their school walks in through the double doors. Yes, if their school was the k drama boys over flowers then Jisoo and her crew are the flower four.
There was Chaeyoung and Lisa, the two more carefree ones laughing behind the other two. Wendy was ahead of them a bit, pre occupied with her own face...
And of course walking at the very front, the school's own version of Lee Minho is Kim Jisoo. But Jisoo runs their school, without the bullying part, but the same amount of respect and admiration.
"I wonder who their Goo Hye Sun is..."
One college girl whispers to her perky friend.
"I have been hearing stuff, that Jisoo sunbaenim is involved with a freshmen..."
"A freshmen?" The girl was both shock and at awe at what she just heard. A freshmen? Kim Jisoo could have anybody she likes and she would end up with just a freshmen?
Kim Jennie was the type to march to her own music, even in her PE class. So, while everyone goes right, she goes left, when everyone spread their arms, she raises her up.
Their PE teacher used to reprimand her about it. But realizing that there was no used arguing, she stops. So, she ignores Jennie, letting the girl do what she wants.
Jisoo was walking on the bleachers and she knows everyone's attention in the gym is at her, and she hated it. She hated being in everyone's radar, despises being put under the microscope but she accepted that it all comes with her status. That's why she always have the cold façade, hoping that it will put a boundaries between her private life and the people trying to pry on it.
She tried to walk away from everyone's attention's as swiftly as possible, But the moment she had the cat eyed girl in her line of sight, her steps slowed down. Jisoo turns around, lips slowly forming into a soft grin as she watch in amusement how Jennie was in her class. The choding has the moves, she just do it at her own pace.
And it amazes Jisoo sometimes how Jennie just seem so carefree of it all, like it doesn't matter to her how people sees her as. Jisoo could blame it on the immaturity maybe, but part of her is jealous that Jennie have that guts.
But it's as if Jennie has a special sensor for her sexy bear, because she immediately looks up and saw Jisoo right there.
Jisoo quickly stiffen up and look away, when Jennie spotted her looking. Getting caught watching Jennie? This was embarrassing for her. But her eyes slowly gaze back to Jennie, slowly that Jennie won't catch her once again.
But when she looks back...
Jennie squeals out, her arms forming a huge heart...
Jisoo stiffen once more, heat rising to her face as she feels a blush forming. From behind she could hear her friends snickering amusedly in her expense.
"Hush..." she grumbles before looking away from the kid.
Lisa looks down and realizes that her plan are all falling in the right place, just two more steps and she knew this step is going to be the critical one. It will either make or break them... but she have to take the risk.
"Ok... ok... nice work everybody..."
Their teacher applauds her students...
"I have an announcement to make due to some unfortunate circumstances, our performance would have to be moved this Friday..."
One person sure wasn't pleased with that...
"You have a problem with that, Jennie?"
Jennie wriggle herself from the back of the crowd trying to get closer up the front.
"Ummm this Friday?"
"Yes... this Friday..."
"B-but..." Jennie look so defeated. "I have a date..."
Her classmates hoots teasingly while Jennie bats her lashes like a bashful cat...
"Why don't you invite your date to the competition?"
Omo! I will be nervous if my sexy bear would be watching me... I wonder if she would want to go?
Nowadays, Park Chaeyoung's head is caught in the clouds... well, not because she's so tall that her neck get stuck in it, but because as she proudly says...
Park Chaeyoung now has a crush...
Now everytime somebody sees her she has that goofy grin in her face and her eyes are like hearts popping out of her sockets.
"Unnie! Chaeyoung unnie!!!"
Chaeyoung landed back on Earth and saw Jennie waving her hand on her face...
"Oh yoh! hey Jen..."
"So yeah unnie... you think Jisoo would be all mad at me if I move our date to another day?"
Chaeyoung looks up and couldn't help but awww at how worried those pair of cat eyes looks.
"Well... I don't think-"
"Of course she would!!!"
Lisa plops in between the conversation of the two girls...
"Jisoo is the busiest person in this school! Heck! She's the busiest girl in this world! Her whole day is on a tight schedule, so one messed up plan, her whole day gets messed up..."
"Omo..." Jennie turns away, trying to hide her teary eyes...
Chaeyoung, the more compassionate one, glares at Lisa before patting Jennie's heaving back.
"Hey... it will be okay... I'll talk to Jisoo about it, I'm sure she doesn't mind... or you could take her out after your performance, how's that?"
Jennie just nodded feebly, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.
"Thank you unnie..." Jennie bows down so low...
"You know what you need to do, Jen?"
"Invite Jisoo to your presentation..."
A bit of hope starts to glimmer in Jennie's eyes...
"That's like the perfect way to show her that you're not a lil kid anymore... that you're a grown up..."
"Ummm... but I think I will be nervous if she's there..." Jennie blushes...
"Well..." Lisa pats Jennie on the shoulder "It won't be easy, but Jisoo is worth it, right?"
Jennie blinks her eyes thoughtfully at Lisa.
"Yes! Yes she is... if she's watching that means I have to try much harder..."
"Yup! There you go!"
Jennie nodded, putting her gameface on like she's ready for a battle.
"I have to go and practice!!! Thanks unnie!" Jennie does her breakable bow again before running off...
"So, ummm... by the way are you going to help me out with my crush?"
"Of course I will! What are buddies for? But before that I have to assess how you act around him... then, well see how we can work you two out together..."
Chaeyoung cackled confidently...
"I have my own way of charming men, Chaeyoung style... OMO!"
Chaeyoung suddenly look like she was about to have a seizure soon...
"What? Oh him... Calm down... Chaeng..."
"I should..."
"Ok... then go approach him..."
"What?" Chaeyoung looks so appalled "Why would I do that?!"
"So, I'll know... now go!" Lisa shoves Chaeyoung to her chocolate abs man. But Chaeyoung remains frozen in her spot, in fact, she clung to Lisa like a pre schooler clinging to her mother on the first day of school.
"Can't I just watch from here and admire him from afar?"
"don't be a chicken! C'mon what were you planning to do when you see him?"
"I googled some pick up lines..."
Lisa raised her brow. "Pick up lines? Sheesshhh... Chaeng... but hey... we could use to your advantage, Guys like funny girls so I need you to use your lamest pick up lines and you know it's all about delivery Chaeng... So, you have to say it in a both teasing yet flirty manner... ok, now go..."
"You won't leave me, right?"
"No... I'll just be right here..."
"Ok... ok..." Chaeyoung inhales sharply and began rehearsing her pick up lines as she walks closer to him. "Ummm heeeeeyyy..."
"Oh..." He raised up his thick brow "How you doing Chaeyoung?"
"Hey... ummm... Boy, you must be a charmander..."
"Because your tail is on fire..."
Lisa didn't wait for a reply and speeds out of there before she's even connected to the dork that is Chaeyoung.
"Are you looking for somebody, Jisoo-shii?"
Jisoo didn't realize she was being obvious. She just stepped out of a student council meeting, and felt a bit surprised maybe that Jennie wasn't there to take her home.
"Ummm... no, I'm not..."
Jisoo unconsciously checks her phone...
From: Baby Monkey
Hey my sexy bear J Sorry I can't walk u home today. I got stuff to do. I'll visit u later, can I? Can I? Hmmm? Hmmm?
Jisoo just deleted the message...
"I'll see you later..."
Jisoo stuffs her phone back in her pocket then walks ahead. Before, she enjoys the solitude but after being with Jennie for quite some time, she realizes it's a lonely feeling.
"Thanks for helping me practice Yerim..." Jennie bows politely as she walks Yeri to her home.
"Anytime Jen... you'll be alright on Friday."
"I'm not usually like this, but I feel so nervous."
"You're a good dancer..." Yeri pats Jennie on the shoulder. "I'm sure unnie would love to see you..."
"WEEEEEEEE" Jennie squeals excitedly, jumping on Yeri in happiness.
Meanwhile that sight of Jennie embracing Yeri didn't feel any good for Jisoo.
She ends up shutting her blinds hard.
She slouches on her seat, annoyed with what she saw.
She starts browsing through her books, but is still too annoyed to study.
A very annoyed Kim Jisoo just got more irritated at the fact that she didn't know how she ended up with this feeling.
Tok. Tok. Tok.
Yeri opens the door and slowly peeps in, from the sound of her unnie's reply its obvious she was pissed off over something.
"Jennie wants me to give you this."
Jisoo snorted...
"Just put it there..."
"Ok..." Yeri knows better than to mess with a pissed off Kim Jisoo and put it on her sister's bed.
As soon as the door closes, Jisoo races to her bed and grabs the heart shape card.
Dear Sexy Bear,
Would you like to go to my performance on Friday?
A. Yes
B. A
C. A and B
The frown in Jisoo's face quickly disappeared turning into a smile, that she hadn't wear for hours... until now...
The same person who made her frown, is the same one who makes her smile so effortlessly...
Chaeyoung could punch Wendy's face for laughing at her embarrassing ordeal. The girls are in the gym, soon to be spectators of Jennie's performance.
"Yeah, right like you can do better?"
"Of course... I can..."
"Oh yeah..." Chaeyoung munches loudly on her popcorn. "What pick up line are you going to use?"
"Oh please... I'm Wendy Son... I don't need a pick up line... my face is my pick up line..."
While ChaengDy are caught up with their little quarrel, Lisa decides to work on Jisoo. Jisoo with her usual constipated look and arms cross across her chest.
"Aren't you excited to see Jennie dance?"
Jisoo just shrugs, pretending like she didn't care. But the second Jennie's class walks on stage, Jisoo loosen up a bit, craning her neck to take a glance of the cat eyed girl... Lisa notices it, but decides not to say anything. She knew it would be more effective if Jisoo figure it out for herself.
"Where is she?" That question came out louder than Jisoo would have preferred.
"Why is Jennie exposing too much of her abs?" Jisoo tries to sound authoritative but instead she ended up sounding like a whiny girlfriend...
But then Jisoo saw her and she felt her inside just turns into a mush. Jennie was there with her hair down, a bit of make up that accentuated her beauty more and her abs, so that's what's underneath all those school uniform.
Lisa starts smirking to herself, if she could pat herself for a job well done, she would already have.
Jisoo clears her throat, wondering if Jennie have always look this pretty or there was something wrong with the lighting.
But there is obviously something wrong with Jennie. She doesn't seem so bouncy and even looks like she's in pain as she tried to dance.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean if you ask Ms. Hoang I think she can let you pass since you just hurt your ankle."
Jennie turns to look at her bummed foot...
"I just tightened up the bandage... I could last for 5 minutes I think..."
Jennie smiles hopefully at Yeri... Then, looks up, smiling as she saw Jisoo.
"Ok... I can do this... Yerim fighting!" Jennie pumps her fist.
Ayo GG!
The whole crowd cheers as Jennie's class starts to perform. Jisoo expected to see troll Jennie, the girl who likes to dance on her own pace. But right now, she's the one who's stealing everyone's attention, the one who's shining while the rest are behind her like shadows.
And Jisoo gulps a huge lump on her throat when Jennie starts doing her cobra dance. The sensual yet playful way Jennie's body just sway to every beat of the music just caught Jisoo.
"You ok, Chu?"
"Ummm... ahhh..." she clears her throat before turning away. "Yes..."
Jisoo's eyes starts to narrow as she sees something that doesn't appeal her again. Lisa notice it and decided to make a profit out of it.
"Oh Look Chu!" Lisa turns Jisoo making sure that she face Jennie who's talking to what looks like some fan girls... "Awww... that's so cute... Jennie have fans..."
"Whatever." Jisoo snaps back before getting up.
"Where is Jennie?"
Instead of replying, everyone in Jennie's class froze as the leader of their school, the super awesome Kim Jisoo asks them.
"T-there... Sunbaenim..."
All the girls points to the corner of the backstage...
"Thank you..." Jisoo says quietly and walks to the back.
Even if Yeri was her sister, Jisoo didn't like that somebody else was tending to Jennie other than her.
"JISOO!!!!" Jennie wants to jump up but cringes and sat back down again...
"What happen?"
"She twist her ankle while we were rehearsing... I'm going to..."
"No... I'll do it..." Jisoo took the ice pack from Yeri's hand and kneels down in front of Jennie.
"Ok... I'll go ahead... see you later..." Yeri walks ahead...
"Seriously Jennie? Dancing even with your bummed foot?" Jisoo reprimanded...
Jennie turns her gaze down, she was hoping she have impressed Jisoo but obviously Jisoo doesn't seem to be.
"I'm sorry..." Jennie mumbles in apology.
And it made Jisoo stop and think a bit. Why was she so hard on the girl?
"You have nothing to be sorry about..." Jisoo says "I'm just worried... I don't like you getting hurt..."
"I'm sorry we have to spend our first date on the clinic, Jisoo."
The two girls have waiting in the clinic for almost an hour but Jennie has not been tended to yet.
"I could call Seulgi unnie... you don't have to-"
But Jennie's words trailed away, as she was suddenly speechless when Jisoo wraps her hand around her
"I want to..." Jisoo turns her head to Jennie. "I want to be here with you."
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