《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 3
"I MISS YOU!!!!"
Those were the first three words that Jisoo heard that fateful Monday morning. For almost two weeks straight, Jennie have been faithfully walking her to school. And now that Jennie holds her pinky all the time, she regretted giving the choding a pass to hold her.
"We just didn't see each other for the weekend... get over it..."
Jennie's ponytail swish left and right as she shakes her head.
"Never!" She said with such conviction "Being apart from you is something I will never get over."
Jisoo ended up exhaling sharply before walking ahead of the kid, somewhere in their two week "relationship" Jisoo have learned to never argue with the girl.
"While we are apart I was busy doing something..."
Jisoo glance at Jennie, the girl tries to reach open her kkuma backpack with her free arm but has a hard time doing it.
"Just let go of my finger so you could open your backpack?"
Jennie answers right away, trying to dig in her bag with her one hand. Jisoo just sighs exasperatingly and reaches out and hands the notebook to Jennie.
"Thanks girlfriend..." Jennie smiles brightly. "I realize that we two don't have a nickname for each other..."
"A nickname?"
"You know like baby, sweetheart, darling... cupcake, muffin, honey..."
Jisoo let out an exasperated sigh and halts before Jennie could say anymore disgustingly fattening sweet food.
"Ok... I get your point..."
"So, I research in the internet about the different cute ones..."
But before Jennie could even say anything, Jisoo cut to the chase.
"Hmmm... I think I will call you brat..."
"Brat?" Jennie wonders.
"Yes... because that's what you are a brat..."
Jennie wrinkle her nose annoyingly but decided to shake it off, she loves Jisoo but she's not gonna drop down and not fight back.
"Oh... oh... okay... I think you are what those American people call a beach..."
Jisoo narrows her eyes... "You mean a b*tch?" Jisoo says putting emphasis on the right syllable.
"Yes..." Jennie nods "So, you call me brat, I call you b*tch..."
Jisoo just growls but decided to stop herself before it ruin her entire day. It so early in the morning and the girl is already pissing her off. But Jennie wasn't done with her...
"I love you, b!tch..."
"You can't just throw those three words around!"
Jennie tilts her head to the side and wonders "What three words?"
"I love you." Jisoo answers Jennie easily.
Jennie started blushing and starts giggling cutely...
"I love you too..."
"What?" Jisoo's eyes widen as she realize what Jennie just made her do. "I didn't... I...mean...I... ahhhh...."
Jisoo finally realizes that she lacks the right words to say and express it the best way she knows how.
Jisoo tries to walk away but ended up dragging Jennie along with her as she tightly clench into her pinky.
Jisoo growls again and tries to yank Jennie off but Jennie seems to have superhero strength because she can't shake the girl off.
"Let go..."
"I won't my sexy bear..."
"What did you just call me?" Jisoo takes an intimidating first step closer, if it was other people, they would be shaking in their heels but not Kim Jennie...
"Yes... I think I just found the perfect one... Sexy... because you're so sexy and bear because I want to hug you all the time..."
Jennie wraps her arms around herself, imagining it was Jisoo in her arms.
Jisoo have a lot of things to spat at Jennie... so many words... it was so early and she was growling already. But instead of fighting back, she only said the one thing she have been saying lately.
She growls walking ahead, dragging Jennie along with her.
That's the sound of Joy squishing over her not so pleased BFF...
"What?" Seulgi growls, before trying to hide what she have been writing in her dookong notebook.
/N: For those who don't know what is dookong and rilakkuma. Dookong is the peas and rilakkuma is the bear)
"Ohhhh... what's this?" Joy yanks what Seulgi is writing "Awwww... Seul... is this for Wendy?"
"No..." Seulgi yanks the piece of paper away "It's for my creative writing class... it's not for anyone..."
"But this is so sweet..." Joy coos, her eyes sparkling as she reads the letter. "You know what? when I read the letter I felt like every sentence of it is about Irene..."
Seulgi usually does an awesome job masking her true feelings, but right now even she can't even hide how she feels. It's a good thing she couldn't figure out what it is, and it's also a good thing that Joy was too caught up with the letter to notice.
Joy then turns over to her bestfriend and smiles.
"I wonder how Irene would feel if I send her something like this? what do you think? Seul?"
Seulgi wished she had something to say but unfortunately she lost her train of thought an hour ago
"Aigoo Chu!"
Chaeyoung plops her lanky self in the chair besides Jisoo who was writing so furiously on her notebook.
"What's up with you dude? You look like Light Yagami trying to write in his death note."
Chaeyoung got startled when Jisoo have slam her notebook shut.
"I already deal with all this cartoons with that immature brat, do I have to deal with it with my friends too?"
"Immature brat?" Chaeyoung raises her brow in confusion "Oh you mean your girlfriend..."
Jisoo snorts lightly and turns away. "Shut up..."
"If she irritates you this much, just break up with her..."
Instead of hearing a smart remark, Jisoo ended up being quiet. And Jisoo's silence made a lot of sense for Chaeyoung. It's not what people say that matters, it's the things they didn't say.
And Jisoo not saying anything prove that maybe she really don't want to break up with the kid.
"What are you writing by the way?"
"That kid just give me a nickname... I want to find one that's worse than what I have."
"Why? What nickname? Did she gave you?"
Again Jisoo fell quiet, but this time Chaeyoung notice something that she rarely or almost never see in her bestfriend's face.
She swore to God, she saw a tinge of pink blush sprouting on Jisoo's cheeks.
Wendy shakes her gorgeous head around as she steps into the coffeeshop.
"I can do this... I'am a born actress..."
She takes a deep breath. Her plan on Irene's winning Seulgi's heart is about to begin. She perfectly devise a plan on how Seulgi could stop liking her and go to Irene.
Wendy even wrote a script that she and Irene are going to perform right now. Irene is waiting on a table, ready for her cue.
"Excuse me miss..." Wendy demands from the barista... "But I didn't order whip cream with my Frappuccino..."
"Yes you did miss..."
"Excuse me..." Wendy gives the waitress her oh no you di-int look "Are you calling me a liar?"
Seulgi who works on the coffeeshop approaches the two.
"Excuse me... I'm the manager here... what's happening?"
"Oh that's why this place is screwed up because a kindergarten is running it. Do you have anybody older than ten here?"
"Excusemeissomethinggoingonhere..." The robot Irene intervened...
Wendy's jaw drop when she heard the way Irene's talks... She didn't know that she has to rehearse their script too.
Wendy looks over at Seulgi and she could see how Seulgi has the "what the hell is going on" look on her face. Could she blame her? Irene is acting so frigid!!!
It's up to her Wendy Son to save this hopeless situation.
"What does this have to do with you, Bae?"
Wendy believes that she said that so awesomely she deserves an award.
"Ummm...ahhhh..." Irene tries to think but forgot her lines. Good thing she brought her script.
Irene raises her hand to stop Wendy, before trying to get something from her pocket. Wendy wonders what it is... until...
Wendy covers her face in humiliation... Irene just pulled out her script that Wendy specifically wrote for this situation.
"Yes.I.have.a.problem.with..." Irene stares intently at the piece of paper "What is this, Wends?" Irene points to a word she couldn't read.
This is the end of Wendy's career as a matchmaker. But Wendy has to salvage whatever is left of their pride.
"Ahahahaha!!!" Wendy starts clapping "Great job... everyone... This is a rehearsal for my performance... thank you everyone for helping me..."
Wendy starts blowing kisses, while trying to pull Irene out of the exit.
And as soon as the two girls left, everyone was left to wonder.
"What the heck happen?"
"Do you play basketball, Jen?"
"YES!!!" Jennie nods her head.
Chaeyoung and Lisa smirks knowingly before dribbling the basketball on the ground.
"Good... This making Jisoo fall for you thing is easier than I thought..."
But Lisa's thought of hoping her plan would work stops when Jennie continues talking.
"I play Oklahoma thunder for NBA2k13... Because of me, we were able to crash the Heat... Lebron got nothing on me..."
Jennie puffs her chest in pride for her accomplishment.
There was a chorus of facepalm for both Lisa and Chaeyoung, followed by a shake in the head. The girl is just such a kid, they would have a hard time converting the girl to Jisoo's dream girl.
Good thing Lisa had another idea...
"Look Kid..." Lisa cups Jennie's lean shoulders and stared deeply into those pair of innocent doe eyes "Do you know why me and Chaeng are helping you?"
"Because I'm very cute? and me and Jisoo will be a good match?"
"No... gosh... no... Me, Chaeyoung and Wendy... we have met most of Jisoo's admirers and all they want to do is try to impress her, they want Jisoo but they don't give a crap about what Jisoo wants... But you... you want to make her happy, right?"
Jennie nods happily. "That's my life goal..."
"We know... that's why were helping you out. In order to win Jisoo, you have to do the little things that make Jisoo happy. And Jisoo loves basketball... Were going to surprise her... she's going to see you're in the court and then you would wow her with your basketball skills."
Chaeyoung starts clapping slowly.
"Your genius just amaze me sometimes Lis..."
"I know... I amaze me too... ME and Chaeyoung are part of this local girls team, so, we won't have a problem letting you join. Here... show us what you can do..."
Lisa hands the ball to Jennie... Jennie's eyes widen like a child receiving a Christmas present, she starts dribbling the ball.
"Not bad... not bad... Try to pass it to Chaeyoung."
Jennie throws a good chest pass to Chaeyoung.
"I'm a tensai like Hanamichi Sakuragi..." Jennie squeals out excitedly.
"Yes... yes... you are... now try to shoot."
Ok... perfect stance... perfect position but too bad the ball flew over the court.
If Jennie was playing baseball, she would be an awesome pitcher.
Left, right, up, upside down...
Jennie is trying to find a good sleeping position but she can't...
She let out a huff of frustration, spreading her limbs on her bed...
Tomorrow will be her first game and she doesn't know if it's the excitement or her nerves that is keeping her awake.
Jennie reaches out for her phone and just stares at the Jisoo wallpaper she has. And her pout turns into a smile, until out of nowhere she lets out a squeal.
"She's so beautiful..."
Seulgi growls as she is hearing bouncing noises in her home that late... she stomps toward the window ready to give that person a piece of her mind. But then she sees Jennie outside, at almost the break of dawn just practicing basketball.
It amazes her that no matter how childish or immature her sister is, she just does this things for the one she loves.
And here she was, loving Irene for almost three years, didn't have the guts to even say hi.
It was their first game and Lisa approaches Chaeyoung who was trying her shots.
"Where is the kid?"
"I don't know..." Chaeyoung shrugs before shooting a mid range jumper. "Don't worry she loves Jisoo so much, there is no way she would miss..."
Lisa pointed out to Jennie's neon green shoes... It was shining so bright, it look radioactive.
"My shoes? Don't you know? Neon is the best way to get attention?"
"I told you girl..." Lisa wraps her arms around Jennie's lean shoulder "We are going for subtle... subtle..."
"Well... too late now... Jisoo and her family are here."
Jennie's eyes beam at the thought of Jisoo... Jennie turns around and sees Jisoo sitting on the bleachers with her BFF Yerim and their mom.
"Where you going?!" Lisa asks...
"I have to greet my family..."
Lisa just let go and let Jennie run to the bleachers to Jisoo.
"Mom... what's this?" Jisoo wonders as her mom is passing out posters.
"I made this for my daughter..."
"Daughter?" Jisoo raised her brow.
"Yes... Jennie..."
Jisoo grits her teeth, making sure she's not going to explode.
"Jennie is not your daughter mom..." Jisoo corrected her mom.
"She would be... when you two get married..." her mom says casually, while waving her poster out. "She will be the mother of my future grand kids..."
Yeri could feel her sister trembling in anger beside her, being the good dongsaeng just pats her unnies' back hoping to make everything feel better.
"OMO! Don't tell me this is the reason why you want to watch the game?! To see Jennie?"
Her hopeless mother covers her mouth and starts to giggle.
"Ahihihihihi... ahihihihihi"
Jisoo could only growl... To make matters worse, Jennie have now hop over to them waving her hand happily.
"Hello my sexy bear..."
Yeri could only gasps, fearful of what her unnie is going to do her bestfriend.
"Sexy bear?" Jisoo was fuming, trying to calm herself before she shoots Jennie into a basketball ring.
"See?" Jennie points out to the number in her jersey "I got number 21... because when I add our birthdays... 1 plus 3 and mine is 1 plus 16... guess what?"
"It's 21?"
"Yes... it's like destiny sexy bear..."
"Stop calling me that..." Jisoo growls.
"That should be the date of your wedding August 21..."
"Mom please..." Jisoo pleads for her mother to stop.
"I'm sorry we have to cancel the dinner, Jen. Their dad has to go to a last minute business trip and he really wants to meet you."
"That's okay mommy... We could wait until daddy comes back." Jennie gives her thumbs up to her mother in law...
"Mommy?!" Jisoo stands up in front of Jennie's face.
Yeri yanks her unnie back in the seat before she could clobber Jennie. "I don't even call my mom, mommy..."
"Jennie come on!!!"
Jennie got save by the bell.
"I have to go! Wish me luck my sexy bear... You heard of Linsanity... now get ready for Kimsanity..."
Jennie flex her biceps to show off her strong arms.
Jennie starts hopping down to the gym. Jennie sits down at the bench, clenching her fist in triumph.
"Kim Jennie fighting..."
But after three quarters...
Jennie can't hardly look anywhere but down the floor, it just feels so embarrassing for her. The love of her life is watching the game, but she's so deep in the bench, she's not even sitting on the bench anymore. Lisa and Chaeyoung could feel Jennie's pain, their plan is not working right now...
It's up to genius Lisa to concoct a plan...
Lisa then pulls Chaeyoung closer and whispers...
The whistle blew and after a few seconds of the girls running around... Chaeyoung just ends up falling to the floor.
Her booming scream echoed throughout the gymnasium making everyone break up in a chorus gasp...
A gasp like this...
Chaeyoung yells out while clutching her ankle...
Lisa just asks Chaeyoung to pretend to get injured, not pretend that she's dying. But Chaeyoung thinks that every opportunity is golden to showcase her acting prowess and now she's right there in the gymnasium floor, crawling to the bench, reaching out for the coaching staff to save her from her "misery".
"Damn it... who are we going to play?"
The coach looks at the pathetic bench... the girl shaped like a ball, the girl who got glasses as thick as soda bottles, the girl who looks like she's about to hyperventilate soon or maybe the cute kid can play.
"Me?" Jennie points to herself...
"Go out there and show us what you can do"
Jennie quickly turns back to look if Jisoo was seeing her in her glory. Jisoo has her arms cross and her brows knitted but still she was looking at her.
Jennie waves at Jisoo making Jisoo just narrows her slit eyes more.
"Awwww... honey... your Jennie is so cute..." Her mother cues...
"She's not mine..."
But the moment Jennie steps into the court, she just froze up...
"Jennie... stop her!"
And when Jennie got back to her senses, she immediately tackled the ballhandler from the other team.
The shrill whistle breaks down and the referee points at Jennie.
"Number 8 foul..."
"What?" Jennie quickly turns to see if Jisoo sees her, looking so disappointed to be fouling like this.
And after 5 minutes...
"6th foul for number 8..."
"B-b-but..." Jennie looks so disappointed as she saunters to the bench.
Jisoo didn't know why but she felt horrible seeing the usual so happy Jennie, sulking like a kick puppy in a corner.
After the game... Jennie even if she was so sad for her embarrassing first game, she knows it's her duty to walk her sexy bear and her family back home.
But SooRi's mom has other ideas.
SooRi's mom pulls Yeri to the back to let Jisoo and Jennie walk ahead of them. Both girls were quiet...
"Ummm... Yerimiee?"
"Yes mom..." Yeri says politely...
"Come with your mom to the grocery store, will you?"
"Ummm sure?" Yeri answers unsurely
Jisoo and Jennie turns to, thinking they are coming too...
- In Serial29 Chapters
The Trespasser
Synopsis Following his di—instincts, David finds himself in a weird situation; the next thing he knows, he's in a different world, dying, and manhandled by a big-ass alien. When the Source comes to his aid, granting him the access that—like every other sapient—he's due, David barely manages to get out of the fight with his life intact, but is that enough? Of course it isn't. The very Source giving him powers is also poisoning him to death. Oh, there she is, the petite female alien. Will that be enough to save him? Of course it won't. If he wants to be saved, he has first to save himself. The only way to do so is by getting to know the world around him, but even before that... Why the bloody hell did I have to be called Deviant!? *** Blurb? Blurb. The Trespasser starts slowly, I believe I've written a decent world, and I want you to find out what it's all about, won't just throw it in your face because of *levels*. I do not like stories that don't make sense. David is not a murderhobo, he respects life and answers to the world and the weird situations thrown at him with irony and sarcasm; so you are looking for easy killing streaks, you will not find them here. So, a man finds himself into the wild? It's a different world, and yet he can breathe its air? Finds himself in a lucky-low-level zone? Oh, look at that, people speak English—how likely is that? So, nope, not for me, gentleman. You won't find anything of the likes here. Again, a man finds himself in a new world but only thinks about the system? Yeah, that's not exactly how it works. David will try to find out what it's really all about, what the aliens want, how they work, why is that Fay really helping him? You can kill somebody to get levels, and yet there is not even a form of police? Not gonna happen here. Man becomes suddenly overpowered in a world where people can live for thousands of years by having enough luck to face only lower-level people? Hahaha—nope. Lastly...Spaceships and fantasy with LitRPG... say what!? Well, what's wrong with that? Let's make it happen, shall we? *** You want even more info? Really? Alright... David will start from the very bottom of the food chain, so there will be a settling arc—it's inevitable. David will find true companions, with personalities and backstories, and they will have a life of their own. There will be enemies, and those enemies will have a life of their own, too; there will be no evil just because. The world-building will have true depth; it will not exist just because the protagonist visits it. There will be both Fantasy and (Soft) Sci-fi—yeah, you heard that right. There will be rationality to every action taken, as long as the characters are aware of what is going on. There will be a godly system. You will come to read because of the world-building, but you will stay for the characters. The dead stay dead, and you will weep for them. There will be no action without a reaction. Lastly, there will be laughs. Are you still up for it? Then get in but fasten your seatbelts because it's going to be a wild ride. *** Release Days: Twice a week Release Time: ~09:00 PM UTC Words per chapter: ~3000 This web novel is also available on other platforms.
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Toàn thân đều là gai - Tác giả: Trúc Diệc Tâm
Nguồn: kinzie3012.wordpress.comGiới thiệu vắn tắt:Thỏ tử cẩu phanh, có mới nới cũ.Đế quốc nguyên soái Thích Vanh tại thành công diệt sát Trùng tộc sau, bị vu hãm mưu phản,Tuyệt cảnh lúc, chỉ có hắn chán ghét nhiều năm bạn lữ ra tay cứu giúp.Trùng sinh sau, Thích Vanh quyết định muốn đau sửa tiền phi, đối Bạch Cận hảo một chút, lại hảo một chút.Hắn cảm giác, Bạch Cận nhất định ăn rất nhiều khổ.Nhưng mà......Tại Bạch Cận này khỏa xuyên việt xương rồng trong mắt, kịch tình căn bản không phải như vậy được rồi !Đây là một trùng sinh công bao giờ cũng là não bù lại nhất thế bị hắn sai đãi chịu khổ tình không được, các loại đau lòng.Trên thực tế, đó chính là một đóa Bá Vương hoa, không, là tiên nhân chưởng.Lục ý dạt dào, cả người mang gai, ai chọc đâm ai, sống được so với hắn thống khoái nhiều cố sự.Tô thích vô ngược, các loại sủng sủng sủng.Công trùng sinh thụ xuyên việt, thụ là tiên nhân chưởng thành tinh.Nội dung nhãn: Cơ giáp trùng sinh cường cường Tìm tòi mấu chốt tự: Nhân vật chính: Bạch Cận, Thích Vanh ┃ vai phụ: Đoan trang, Mạc Thiếu Khanh, An Ca, Tần Y Y, Trịnh Nhàn đẳng ┃ cái khác: Tinh tế, xuyên việt, trùng sinh, yêu tinh, cơ giáp đẳng
8 67