《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 4
Chaelisa cupid plan vs. Wendy's cupid plan.
Wendy didn't want to admit it, But it seems like Chaelisa, those two knuckleheads has more luck trying to pair up, coldhearted Kim Jisoo and ADD child Kim Jennie, than her with Scary Irene and drunken Seulgi...
She could only blame it on one thing... She was just too beautiful that Seulgi can't get over her that quick.
But she had to for the sake of her beautiful face, if not Irene would make a canvas out of it.
So, right now, as she and her friends are doing some Christmas shopping, she observes and takes note what the two do to melt the heart of one icy Kim Jisoo.
Chaelisa's cupid plan: The more you love, the more you hate.
Annoy Jisoo with countless teasing of Jennie, until Jisoo is unconsciously thinking of Jennie.
"So Chu..." Chaeyoung nudges Jisoo with her Cheetos stained finger "Why so quiet dude?"
"Do you miss your baby?" Lisa troll peeps out, bobbing her brow.
"I don't miss Jennie..." Jisoo instantly snaps back.
"Jennie? Who said anything about Jennie?"
"Yes... I was saying do you miss your baby sister, you know Yerim..."
Jisoo looks like she was caught by her parents reading smut. Her face bright red and she remained still. But it was too late, her friends already caught her expression and Chaelisa have mentally highfive each other for their success.
"Don't mess with me... Jisoo snarls back "I know you two meant Jennie..."
"No we did not... we weren't even THINKING of her..."
And Lisa just had to snicker inside as she saw the stunned look on Jisoo's face.
"Well... ummm.... Ahhhh..."
"Whoah..." Chaeyoung says in wonder...
The rest of the girls turn and sees a chicken mascot dancing gangman style in the middle of the mall. But if that's not enough, the chicken was now doing the worm. and people were starting to gather around, videoing him or her. This chicken is going to be a youtube sensation and put Psy gangnam style to the gutters.
Then, out of nowhere the chicken starts jumping up and down happily at the sight of them.
"Did it just got excited out of nowhere?"
"Maybe it realize that it's a chicken and she's about to get fried anytime..."
"Or her kids... those poor eggs... didn't even have the chance to see the light of day..."
Lisa and Chaeyoung shakes their head, pitying the poor chicken.
Jisoo quickly shakes her head when the over excited chicken somehow reminded her of someone. A certain someone who seems to be so busy nowadays...
Hmmm... maybe Jennie have finally realize that all her feelings for Jisoo was just a childish crush and move on to annoy somebody.
But somehow that thought didn't mesh so well in Jisoo's head. But isn't that what she wants to happen? For Jennie to move on and leave her alone?
Jisoo just groan as she continue to have debate internally. She turns her attention to the display on the window, hoping it would shake off the thoughts in her head.
She was concentrating so hard on the dress on the window that she didn't notice a giant chicken was now bouncing towards her...
Boing... Boing...Boing... Is the sound of the giant chicken hopping over to her.
And Toink... Jisoo goes down as the chicken mascot just bumps her in the hip.
"What the?" But before Jisoo could snap at the chicken she knows she would look totally ridiculous if people sees her arguing with a chicken.
"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" The gigantic chicken waves her equally gigantic wing at Jisoo. "Did you miss me?"
Jisoo should have known... there can only be one person in the world who could be this bouncy. The chicken mascot took off her head and what do you know... Jisoo's guess was right...
"Jennie..." Jisoo growls her name...
"Hi Sexy bear..."
"Pffft... sexy bear?"
The three friends gave each other this playful teasing look that Jisoo doesn't find amusing.
"You guys hush... Why are you in a chicken suit?"
"I took a part time job for Christmas break." Jennie announces proudly "I'm saving for our future..."
Jennie bats her lashes cutely, and the sight of that reminds Jisoo of this old cartoon of a skunk who tries to romance this cat.
"F-future?" That word sure stunned Jisoo
Jennie might not charm Jisoo but she sure charm the other girls.
"Yes... never too early to start... so where are you guys going?"
"Christmas shopping..."
"I'll come with you!" Jennie says hurriedly trying to grab Jisoo's hand with her wing.
"Remember our deal..." Jisoo quickly pulls her hand away...
"Yes I do... but our deal is we can't hold hands, not that we can't hold my wing"
The three girls turn their gaze down, not wanting to point to their friend about her loss.
"Don't you have work?"
"It's my break... so come on... time's a wasting..."
"You're such a kid..." Jisoo shakes her head before turning to her friends.
Her friends that she swore were here a few minutes ago
"God Damn it..." Jisoo grabs her phone off her purse and starts texting her friends in ALL CAPS.
To: Wendy, Lis and Chaeng
But she needs answers quick, and waiting for a text is not cutting it. So, she hurriedly dial their numbers.
"Damn..." Jisoo growls as no one from the other line picked up. "Damn it..."
"So, I guess it's just you and me now..."
Jisoo turns around and stomps away, followed by Jennie skipping beside her.
Unknown to the two girls there are three others keeping a close watch on them. They could practically see the steam blowing off Jisoo's ears as she walks with the chicken.
Why is this situation with Seulgi so hard for Irene Bae?
Oh yeah... she almost forgot... She was so used to people just groveling at her feet, but not this time. Seulgi won't even look at her, unless of course she's giving her coffee. That's why Irene is always there, ordering coffee just to have that split second moment with Seulgi.
And even with Wendy's help it seem like nothing is going right between the two. So, today, Irene swore that would change.
She red it in a magazine say something positive... it brightens up a person's day and by the end of the day, people remember the good thing that someone said to them.
And that's her goal.. to make Seulgi remember her...
So, right now as she was standing by the counter. She needed to say something positive... She looks around what is positive? She don't know anything positive...
Hmmm... the coffee? Seulgi? Seulgi is positive...
The coffee is good? Seulgi is good? What? What?"
"Here's your coffee..." Seulgi hands the coffee cup to Irene...
"Thanks" Shiz... Irene cursed inwardly after missing her chance. "Ummm... Seulgi..."
"The ummm... ahhh..." Irene looks around for something to compliment. "Your cash register look cool."
Cash register? Really Irene?
"Oh... I never heard anybody talk about our cash register... that's... that's cool... thanks..."
Irene walks away, hoping her positive action works.
Usually nothing stops Irene but Irene turned back anyway.
Seulgi, being the manager of the coffeeshop, needs to do damage control before anything.
"Call for help!" Seulgi commanded one of the barista as she jumps out of the counter to do something.
"Oh no you di-int..." Irene growls, her eyesight darkens as she sees Seulgi giving the person a backhug.
Seulgi was giving the person a Heimlich maneuver.
"OH NO!! He lost consciousness!"
Seulgi's brain is getting rattled, but she had no choice but to give the person a CPR...
A CPR that for Irene looks like a kiss...
Irene jumps in before Seulgi could even try anything. She elbows the guy on the gut, making the biscotti spew out of his mouth.
The unconscious guy gave one big gasp until he starts coughing...
Irene looks and the girl pointing at her with shaky fingers.
"You save his life..." She says thankfully.
And before Irene could say anything people are standing up giving her a standing ovation, clapping slowly...
"Ahhh well..."
"People are looking at you..." Jisoo growls in embarrassment as everyone just have to turn and look at her and the giant chicken. "Go to the bathroom and take off that ridiculous suit."
"I can't..."
"And why not?"
Jennie leans closer, looking cautiously as if careful not to reveal her secret.
"I got too hot so I took off my clothes, I only have my undershirt and boxers on..." Jennie whispers, followed by her fluttering of eyelashes... This was one of her unconcious habits, that Jisoo couldn't help but admit was pretty damn cute.
"God..." Jisoo says irritatingly... "You should have at least change..."
"But I don't want to waste another second without you..." Jennie pouts... "Would you stay if I change?"
"I might..."
"No you won't..." Jennie grumbles "You might leave me, I don't want u to leave me..."
Jennie shakes her head and frowns at that thought.
"I won't..." Jisoo growls...
"Yes you would..." Jennie stomps her chicken feet like a child
"Fine! Stay like that! Stay like a chicken in a freaking mall!"
It was the third store that she and Jisoo went in. Jennie wasn't really much of a shopper, instead she uses her allowance to buy food and videogame, never clothes or anything girly like that.
So, when Jisoo walk in to the third clothing store that for Jennie felt like the same kind as the other two, Jennie was immediately bored.
"Were going to have a Christmas party for the student government as the president I need to look presentable... And if you don't want to stay, then go..."
Jennie wanted so bad to whine, but she shuts up, knowing she might annoy Jisoo and Jisoo might shoo her off.
"I don't think it matters what you wear."
"Because you will always look beautiful."
"Pfft... You just say that..."
"No you are... like yesterday in class, there is these two girls talking about how pretty you are..."
Jisoo turns and looks at Jennie who looks excited to say the story.
"I raised my hand and told them... You're my girlfriend..."
Jennie frowns as she remembers what the other girls reactions were. "They laugh at my face...Said I was delusional..."
"What you say?" Jisoo asks in amusement, although its feels kinda rude to laugh about the younger girl's misery.
"I told them that's okay but they shouldn't expect that they're going to be invited to our wedding."
Jisoo just ends up pursing her lips to stop herself from laughing.
"And I gave them a headbutt... They werent' talking anymore after that..." Jennie scoffs confidently.
"After you find a dress, can we do something fun?"
Jisoo don't really seem to agree about Jennie's idea of fun.
"Maybe... but you have to change first..."
"A dress?" Jennie doesn't approve of it.
"I don't like dresses..."
"But I'm paying for it so you have no choice..."
Jennie quickly frowns, she likes her hoodies and track suits, not the girly things like this. Her frown only got worse when Jisoo picks a flowery dress... it so not her style.
"Here... go to the dressing room and try it on..."
Jennie scoffs before crossing her wings together "No..."
"What? you would rather wear a chicken suit than a dress?"
"Well... ummm... it would take too much time if I change..."
Jisoo thinks that Jennie was just a kid who enjoys wearing costumes and now she had enough of dealing with her.
"Fine... stay that way..."
Jisoo walks away fast, purposely ignoring Jennie.
"Jisooooo... let's race!"
Jennie grabs on Jisoo's hand and excitedly drags Jisoo to the arcade. Jisoo havent been in one for years and has no planning going inside, especially with a chicken.
"But it's fun... c'mon I will let you win..."
Jisoo spun around and narrowed her eyes at Jennie.
"Come on... come on..." Jennie says excitedly "It's so cool... you can design your own car..."
But Jisoo remains glued to her spot, looking so annoyed.
"C'mon... please?" Jennie says pleadingly...
"Don't talk to me you overgrown bird..."
Jisoo stares and could see that Jennie started to get all teary eyed and her lips quivering like she's about to cry any second.
Jennie quickly covers her face with her wings.
"What?" Jisoo tries to peer beneath the white wings "Are you crying?"
Jennie shakes her head even if it was obvious she was crying because of the huhuhu sound she's making.
"Yes.. you are!"
"No... I'm not..."
"Why are you crying?"
"Because I made you mad..." Jennie says tearfully...
"Really?" Jisoo raised her brow.
Jisoo takes a deep breath to calm herself, this was the reason she doesn't want to be in relationships because of the baggage and emotion that goes along with it.
If her old self could see her now, she would definitely ROFL and LMAO and LOL as well at who she's stuck with... Her ideal type was someone mature and confident, although Jennie has confidence too much of it, but mature? Jennie needs some serious growing up to do...
But making Jennie cry, feels like when you make a child cry. You get satisfaction for a little bit, then end up feeling guilty, doing anything you can to pacify the tears.
"Yes... if I made you mad, you will break up with me... and if you break up with me I don't know how I can live anymore..."
It sounded so cheesy, but Jisoo realize that that's just how Jennie is, she's passionate and too innocent for her own good.
"No you didn't..." Jisoo groans, pulling Jennie's wing down... Fine... let's... let's play..."
"You're not mad at me anymore?" Jennie says through her sniffles...
Irritated... annoyed... homicidal... suicidal...
"No... I'm not... now let's get this over with."
And Jisoo quickly regrets her decision when Jennie starts flapping her wings excitedly.
"You will never survive in the real world! You just jump over a freeway... that's not realistic!"
"BOOHOO JISOO YOU LOSE... Get over it! Oh... here's the next place I wanted to go..."
Jisoo looks surprise as she saw Jennie taking her into the bookstore. Maybe underneath the kid is a booklover, who's just like her addicted to every kind of books.
Jisoo followed Jennie to the bookstore, and Jisoo was surprised that Jennie seems to be familiar with the bookstore. Maybe they do have something in common...
Now Jisoo wonders what kinds of books Jennie reads...
They pass by the mystery section, romance section, kids section, young adults section.
But in the end, Jisoo should have figured out what Jennie would have wanted to read...
"I should have known..."
Jisoo just shook her head in disbelief as Jennie brought her to the manga section of the bookstore.
"Are you going to buy one?"
"NOPE! There are free ones on the internet..."
It was Jisoo's choice for the next shop they went into...
The two went into a gift shop and Jennie trailed Jisoo to the back of the store, careful that she don't move around too much and break anything. Jisoo wonders if bringing a accident prone kid there is a good idea.
"Mmmmm... that smell makes me hungry..." Jennie pats her stomach as she took a whiff of a cinnamon bun.
"It's this"
Jisoo shoves a cinnabun looking candle in Jennie's face, startling the other girl.
Jisoo ended up chuckling at the sight of Jennie rubbing her nose to get the smell out.
"You like candles?"
"I collect them..."
Jennie stares at the different candles with those pastry aromas designed like cinnabon, apple pies and much more.
But before Jennie can reply, Jisoo's phone starts ringing.
Jisoo stares at the ringing contraption for a little bit, unsure of whether to pick it up. Because in all honesty, today was pretty fun with Jennie, but she knows her friends would hound her if she ignores their call.
"Hello? Were were you guys?! Yeah whatever... We'll be there..."
Somehow the word we made Jennie blush.
"The girls are about to eat lunch... let's go..."
"You're not buying it?"
"No... I'm buying people's Christmas gifts first... I'll buy it later..."
"I have to go back to work..." Jennie pouts in disappointment as she drops Jisoo off to the Chinese restaurant with her friends.
"Okay..." Jisoo says blankly, though she has to admit that she did have fun with Jennie.
Jennie puts on her chicken head back before waving her wing at Jisoo. But just when Jisoo was about to walk in the cafe, she felt the chicken's beak on her cheek.
She had no idea what the hell was happening until Jennie squealed underneath her chicken mascot.
"I kissed you..."
Technically, the chicken kissed her.... But it didn't matter for Jennie... Meanwhile Jisoo have wanted to smack the chicken for it.
"Go before I tie you up and send you to KFC to get fried..."
Jisoo wasn't a big fan of Chinese food, for her they're the same things only named differently. but obviously all her friends were. But she does enjoy or more of mocking her fortune on those fortune cookies. It always amuse her how it seem to tell her something that doesn't even relate to her life.
When the waitress lays their check along with their fortune cookies, Jisoo quickly grabs her before Chaeyoung could even lie and said that the waitress just gave them three.
She breaks her fortune cookie and for once didn't find her fortune funny.
Sometimes the person you really need, is the one you never thought you wanted.
"So, what you got Chu?"
"Nothing..." Jisoo quickly denies while stuffing her fortune in her pocket...
The girls exchange weird looks, they are so used to Jisoo just balling up her fortune and leaving it on the table. But why would she stuff it in her pocket now?
Jisoo never thought that Jennie could ever run out of energy but from the second floor she could see it. Jennie would just stand there and when people pass by, she would suddenly start dancing.
"Huh?" Jisoo finally turns away from the chicken and at her friends.
"Were going to the karaoke, want to come along?"
"Ummm yeah sure..." Jisoo answered while she looks back at the chicken.
It didn't take more than a few seconds for the chicken to look up, catching Jisoo's gaze. Jisoo smiles back at her, raising her hand to wave softly.
She chuckles softly as the chicken presses her wings to her chest and starts spinning around as if she was hit by cupid.
Jisoo's friends were about to ask her why was she smiling. But when they saw the reason for her smile, they decided to leave it alone.
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