《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 2
An election eve poll finds that 52% of surveyed voters plan to vote for Smith, and she needs a majority of (more than 50%) to win without a runoff. The margin of error in the poll is 3 percentage points. Will she win?
For other people the question was enough to pull their brains out, but call Kim Jisoo sadistic because she's the type who always loves a challenge, especially when it comes to her school work...
Jisoo pulls out her headphone makes sure she's hearing right...
Somebody was calling her, and the tone of her mother's voice was something that made her gulp nervously.
Her and Yerim's parents are most of the time easy going (too much if you ask Jisoo) so to hear that stern, serious tone in their voice meant one thing... she was in trouble.
"Mom? Dad?"
Jisoo felt like she was walking to her funeral both her parents are sitting stiff in the couch, with their arms cross, their faces looks stern and Yeri could hardly look at her.
"Is everything okay?"
"Sit down here now, we have to talk..."
Jisoo gulps worriedly again before sitting in the couch across her family.
"W-what's wrong?"
"I'm so sorry, unnie..." Yeri apologizes tearfully...
"Don't say anything Yerim..." Their father raised his hand to silence Yeri... "What is this rumor we heard about you having a girlfriend? Is it true?"
Oh God... Oh God... Oh God... If you can hear me now, it's me Kim Jisoo...
"Why did we have to hear it from Yerim, rather than you?"
"Mom... dad... I can explain..."
"Stop... you can explain later..."
Jisoo can't hardly bear to look at her parents, she couldn't bear the thought of giving them all this shame.
"You can explain after we throw a PARTY!!!!"
Jisoo and Yeri exchanged shock looks as they see their parents getting off their feet and started jiving, her mom throwing confetti at her while her dad is blowing a birthday whistle...
"W-what?! I... I don't understand..."
"There is nothing more to understand, Chu, me and your mother have always been worried that nobody would want to date you because you always have that stick up your hiney..."
Jisoo raised her brow. "Stick up my hiney?"
"Yes... sweetheart... you are so young, but you act so serious..."
"Aren't you even upset that I'm rumored to be with a girl?"
"Well...ummm...Maybe if your girl looks like a dude, we would be upset... but how can you not like someone as adorable as Jennie?"
Jisoo's whole vision darkened at the thought...
"And besides girl on girl are the in thing now... like you know... ahhh..." Her dad scratches his forehead to think...
"Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez..."
Jisoo smacks her forehead hard...
"But come to think of it, at least were sure you're never going to be one of those teen moms..."
Jisoo shakes her head in disbelief...
"The only thing we are upset about is that you didn't tell us about it..."
"I didn't because its not serious..."
"Nonsense! We would love to have Jennie as our daughter in law... Such a cute girl with those small cat eyes..."
"Awwww... you and Jennie will make such beautiful babies... in fact, it's a website called how my baby look dot com and look this is how our future grand kids are going to look... ..."
Jisoo grits her teeth as she saw how her and Jennie's future child would look like...
"And now that you think of it, why don't you invite her over our house next week for dinner?"
"Are you kidding me?! No..." Jisoo flat out refused
"Jk... sweetheart, JK..." Her mom chuckles "You don't have to do it..."
Jisoo let out a sigh of relief, finally her parents are done with this horrible joke.
"You don't have to do it, because we already did"
"MOM!" Jisoo growls furiously "I can't believe you guys did it!!!"
Her mom starts chuckling again, she just enjoys seeing her oldest daughter so annoyed.
"Ok, ok... we didn't... Yerim did..."
"Yerim?" Jisoo shakes her head in disbelief...
Yeri hangs her head low in embarrassment...
"I'm sorry unnie..."
Jisoo just raises both her hands in surrender, not wanting to take part in any of this.
"I have enough... good night..."
Those were the three words that were enough to ruin Jisoo's day...
Kim Jisoo was never a morning person, and this choding who always seems overdose with happy pill is making it worse for Jisoo.
Jisoo growls in reply before walking ahead of the girl, the choding of course never gets a hint and starts skipping beside her.
But then Jennie's scrawny arm shot up to the sky, raising her hand like a school girl excited to tell her class what she did in the weekend.
"Why do you need to raise your hand? You can just talk you know"
Jennie actually didn't know why, she just automatically does it...
"I just want to say, do you know that when a member of AKB48 graduates a new member joins? It's like they're boss level in those video games... no matter how much you shoot them, they keep on regenerating..."
Anime? And now video games? God... why do you have to pair me up with such a choding?
"But I'm proud to say..." Jennie announces "That I already memorize 18 out of the 48..."
"Good for you..." Jisoo says in a deadpan tone...
"So, I was thinking..."
Uh-oh... Jisoo immediately thought as Jennie says that, Jisoo hate to admit that Jennie was a freaking genius who could weasel herself into any deal. And their levels of reasoning are so different that Jisoo always ends up at the losing end.
"Since I get to memorize around 18, and I have to memorize all the members to hold your hand does it mean, I can hold your pinky?"
Where does Jennie find these ideas?
"I mean, it's only fair, right? A pinky would be equivalent to 10 members..."
Jennie gasps so cutely at the idea that blink inside her head.
"Now that I think about it.... I can hold two fingers... since I memorize 18..."
"You will when you get to tell me all members..."
"But... it's just your pinky..."
"Your thumb?" Jennie tries to negotiate
"Nooo..."Jisoo almost snaps back "Why do you even have to pick me up? I'm not a kid... I could go to school on my own... I don't need someone to hold my hand while I'm crossing the street..."
"I do..." Jennie murmurs softly...
Jennie turns to Jisoo with those fearful look in her eyes.
"That's like my biggest fear, that when I cross the street there is just some car that's going to speed out of the corner and smash into me and I would end up rolling around to my death as other cars just run right through me."
"Are you-" But Jisoo stops when she saw the look in Jennie's eyes, it was obvious that the kid wasn't kidding. It also explains to why Jennie would stick so close to her when they cross the street.
Jisoo just let out a sigh and walk ahead, this girl is just making her speechless way too much.
"I don't know how to say this, Seul..." The red haired girl shoves her BFF playfully.
"Use words... that's what people use to talk..." Seulgi says irritatingly before shoving her lunch in her mouth...
"Such a sarcastic girl..." Joy slaps Seulgi in the arm before joining the girl for lunch. "I have been noticing that Wendy Son had been checking you out..."
Seulgi raises her head and catches the crescent eyed girl staring at her, before pretending to look elsewhere.
"She's not looking at me..." Seulgi scoffs before taking a bite of her chicken "She's looking at you because your head looks like an over fertilized apple..."
"YAH!" Joy pushes Seulgi again "such a meanie... my hair is my artistic creation..."
"Why don't you get a canvas and put your artistic creation there like normal artists do?"
Joy just narrows her eyes at the other girl.
"Anyways... I have like this brilliant thought... how about you ask Wendy out on a date?"
"Yes... I mean... and then you hook me up with her friend..."
"Which friend? Chaeng? Or Lisa? Because Jisoo is out of the question... my sister might be delusional in thinking they are in a relationship... but my sister loves that dark skinned snob..."
"No... her other friend, Irene..."
Seulgi felt like her whole world collapse around when she heard that, sure Joy was her BFF but she was too shy to even admit anything to anyone about her true feelings. Jennie just found out because she was talking in her sleep and Jennie accidentally heard it.
Seulgi clears her throat, trying to "I didn't know you like her..."
"Hmmm... she's kinda cute..."
"No... she's beautiful..." Seulgi murmurs under her breath.
"So, what you think of the plan?"
"I'm not sure about it..."
"Oh c'mon! Don't you like Wendy?"
"She's alright..." Seulgi shrugs and focuses on her food.
"Alright? Wendy Son, can't be just alright... she's so cool... Don't you like her awesomeness?"
"I.... ummm..." Seulgi growls, she rather not say anything, but she knows how pushy her BFF is, if she remains quiet, Joy would just bother her with aegyo nonstop...
"Fine... fine..." Seulgi says in surrender "I do like Wendy..."
More Gasps...
And some more... gasps....
OMO! Seulgi thought this scene where you talk about a person and they happen to be behind you only happens in movies or K-dramas... But obviously it doesn't because there was Wendy and Irene standing right behind them...
"Oooooohhhh..." Joy coos...
"Shut up..."
Sometimes Lisa and Chaeyoung wonders why they even try to sympathize with Wendy. Even if the girl is sobbing right now there in the cafeteria, it's obvious that she have enough love for herself to get her by.
"I always ask myself this question... Why?" Wendy cries out...
"Why what?"
"Why did God made me so damn beautiful?" Wendy starts crying...
Chaeyoung almost spits out her lunch at Wendy's words, but the shikshin that she is thinks it's such a waste of food so she didn't.
"It's like I can't help it if people just falls so naturally for me... I mean why wouldn't they? I would fall in love with myself too, if I were in their case."
"Gosh if she could marry herself, I bet she would..." Lisa whispers to Chaeyoung.
"Now Irene thinks I'm her rival... And Irene doesn't play nice... she'll murder me..." Wendy sighs so heavily... "I'm sorry, why am I burdening you guys with this..."
Lisa and Chaeyoung exchanged gasps... Did Wendy cared for once about them?
"With our levels of beauty, you two can't probably relate to anything that I'm saying right now..."
"Let's see how pretty you are with a chopstick shove up your nose!"
Chaeyoung should really stop the violent Lisa from jumping on Wendy, but being the shikshin that she is, she sees this as an opportunity to grab from their plate.
"Ummm... Watanabe Mayu?"
Yeri nods as Jennie got the right member of the AKB48... She should really question Jennie about mitosis right now, but instead she had been quizzing Jennie the girls name for a few days now...
"Ummm is that Oku Manami?"
"Ummm... no it's Ono Erena"
"Oooohhhh..." Jennie slaps her forehead "I always get those two confused..."
Yeri hands Jennie the stack of AKB48 pictures and Jennie put it back in her Kkuma bag.
"Oh? I think unnie wants to talk to you..."
Jennie turns toward their classroom door and there is her girlfriend's BFF motioning her to come over...
"Yes unnie?"
Jennie turns and saw a tall looking blonde girl with tall girl Chaeyoung, the blonde girl starts to circle Jennie eyeing her like a hawk looking at a chick.
"So, this is the kid you were telling me about, Chaeng?"
"Yup... yup... this is Jisoo's girlfriend... Jennie... this is Lisa... She's friends with me and Jisoo too."
"Hello unnie..." Jennie bows so low, she looks like she's about to break.
"Jennie... Lisa is our ticket to getting Chu to like you..."
Jennie's eyes widen in anticipation...
"Unnie? Are you going to turn me into a beautiful swan?"
"Wae?" Lisa scoffs "Do I have a thunderbolt scar in my forehead?"
Chaeyoung and Jennie look at each other confusedly.
"I don't think so... I don't have magic powers to do that..."
"Lis... don't be mean to the kid..."
"I'm not saying I can't help you out... I'm saying that would be hard..."
Jennie pouts in disappointment, staring down on the ground to hide her disappointment.
"But that doesn't mean that its impossible..."
Jennie looks up, her cat eyes filled with hope.
"We don't want Jisoo to fall for you because you suddenly look like Cinderella in the ball, we want Jisoo to like you even if you're cleaning up the floors and talking to animals..."
"How are we going to do that?"
"Hmmm...." Lisa has her I'm thinking of something really awesome look in her face "I call this plan mirotic..."
"Mirotic? Like the TVXQ song?"
"Yes... we will do it slowly, drop little hints... so little that Jisoo won't even notice it... Then, all of sudden... BAM!!!!"
Lisa gets too excited about her plans sometimes...
"Jisoo didn't even know what got into her, and yoooooouuuu... will be under her skin... like the song..."
"Chaeng... so, what are you doing now?"
"Ummm me?" Jennie points to herself.
"Yes... you... what are you doing to win over Jisoo's heart right now?"
"Ummm... I try to bring her flowers, and ummm... I walk her to school everyday..."
"Then, don't..." Lisa flat out says it.
Chaeyoung and Jennie looks confused again...
"Tomorrow don't pick her up or anything..."
"B- but why? If I do that she might think I'm insincere and gave up."
"Just trust me on this kid..." Lisa smirks...
"Don't worry Jen..." Chaeyoung pats Jennie's shoulder sympathetically "In Lisa we trust..."
"Irene?" Wendy says cautiously as she sees Irene busy painting her stick person on the canvas.
"Don't come near me... I have a paintbrush and I'm not afraid to use it..." Irene says threateningly...
"It's a paintbrush, what are you going to do, paint me to death?" Wendy jokes trying to lighten up the mood.
"No... I will shove it in body parts you don't even know existed..."
Sounds painful enough for Wendy...
"Please... Irene..." Wendy raises her hand showing her surrender "I'm sorry it turned out this way. "But I can't do anything if God just curse me with this awesomely beautiful face that everyone seems to fall for."
Irene raises her brow in an are you effing kidding me manner.
"But think about it this way.... this is good..."
"How is it good?" Irene sounds doubtful.
"Since all of Seul..."
"Seulgi..." Irene corrected her
"You don't have the right to call her a nickname like that, her name is Seulgi..."
"Alright... alright... Seulgi... since Seulgi ummm you know... likes me... ACK!"
Irene breaks her paintbrush into little pieces.
"Sorry... I got anger issues my therapist said, go on..."
"Well... yes, as I was saying, it's good... I know this is impossible but I was thinking if I turned her off and sort of push you a bit for her to notice you and before you know it, she's so into you..."
"Seulgi into me? hmmm..."
"Yes... I'm going to make fool proof plans on how to make sure Seulgi sees you... So, are you up for it?"
Irene narrows her eyes, doing this would mean she's joining forces with her rival. But just like everyone said, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
"Hmmm... Wendy Son... you have yourself a deal."
"Hmmm... That's weird..."
Jisoo thought as she came out from her home that morning and didn't see the bouncy skinny girl jumping all up on her face.
Jennie should be there right now, but she wasn't...
Jisoo didn't like how this was going... No, specifically she didn't like how she was feeling. Shouldn't she be relieved that Jennie wasn't there to pick her up that day?
"Yeah.... Yeah... this is good..." Jisoo tries to prep herself up, trying to deny something. "Like finally, the girl leave me alone..."
Jisoo started walking, turning her head back every so often.
She stops when she realizes what she's doing...
Is she expecting Jennie to be there? She didn't know where she was going, but she almost got there when she stop at a street.
A street with speeding cars and trucks...
"I wonder how Jennie got to school..."
Wait... did she just wonder about Jennie?
"Hey Chu..."
Chaeyoung and Lisa were her bestfriends but they just irritate the hell out of her sometimes... Either that or it's not just her day today...
"What is it?" Jisoo almost snapped at them, growling as she skims her notes.
Lisa and Chaeyoung nods at each other, figuring out the obvious.
"You PMSing or something? You seem bishier than usual..."
"I'm not... I'm just... just..."
What are the right words to say?
"Nothing it's nothing..."
But Chaeyoung and Lisa just smiles because with how Jisoo is acting it was obvious that there is something...
"Did something HAPPEN today?" Lisa says emphasizing the word.
And when she saw Jisoo froze, she knew she got her point across.
"N-nothing..." Jisoo denies before getting her attention back to her notes.
"Well, maybe you will feel better if you come with me and Lis and Wendy, were going to the karaoke..."
"Ummm no..." Jisoo turns towards the window and sees Jennie with her rilakkuma backpack on her way home. "I would have to take a raincheck for today... you guys go ahead and have fun..."
Jisoo starts gathering up her notes and went ahead of the two, when Jisoo was out of sight. Chaeyoung smiles at Lisa...
"You did it again, Lis..."
"This is just the start, Chaeng..."
It felt like walking to her death...
Jennie looks up and shivers in fear as she saw how far her walk is to get to the other side... Jennie felt her phobia disappeared for like a week when she was walking Jisoo home. Even if Jisoo wasn't holding her hand when they cross the street, still she never felt more protected than having Jisoo by her side.
But Jisoo wasn't there anymore...
This morning she ran to get to the other side, she could do it again right now...
"I'm Jennie... Fighting..."
Jennie starts hopping on her foot like a boxer about to get on a ring...
"I can do this..."
She looks up at the traffic signal
10... 9...8...7...6...5
She gulps as she felt it coming closer.
She could feel herself starting to sweat...
She gulps again, hoping to gulp her fear along with it...
Kim Jennie fighting...
But before she could take a step she froze when she felt someone holding her hand.
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