《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》Day 9


*Ding Dong Bing Bong* "A body has been discovered, now then after a certain amount of time has passed the class trial will begin!" You woke up immediately. *A body? At this time?* The clock said 12:00 a.m. "Wait. This is Monokuma were talking about, what a bitch!" This alarm sound was the body discovery announcement. You sigh, *at least it got me up.* You thought as you get ready.

You walk outside, looking around. Then you spot Maki. So, you walk closer, and see Shuichi and Kaito. Kaito was the first to notice you, "Well look who showed up! Hey Y/N!". "Hey Kaito" You wave. Shuichi waved at you. Then Maki spoke, "So you did come, I'm surprised." You were confused, "Surprised? Why would you be surprised?" Maki gets closer and holds up one of your arms, "I don't think you could do a push-up." "Wow, I didn't expect to be roasted- But, for your information, I can do a push-up." Kaito butted in, "Well? Everyone 100 push-ups!".

The four of you dropped down and did a plank. "Ready, Set, Go!" Kaito said as he struggled with the first one. *Up, down, up, down, up, down* You repeated in your head as you did the push-ups. Maki, who was next to you, was counting. "174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181-" She went on and on. You didn't count but you were sure you went pass 100. So you stopped and sat down. Maki stopped at 287. Shuichi barely made it to 30. And Kaito? He just got to 4. "So, should we just sit around? Talk?" You suggested. "That doesn't sound bad." Shuichi spoke. After that, the three sat down. But, something.. no no. Someone interrupted y'all. You got up, to see who the person was. Upon closer inspection, you realized it was Tenko.


"Oh, hey Tenko." You say as she motions you to come closer. Then Tenko speaks, "So, its about Angie's Student Council. I'm really there because of Himiko, but besides that Angie is really brainwashing everyone. Because of that I need a favor, tell everyone over there to help me reason with Angie, to not do this. I'll wait here." You nodded and walked over to Maki and Shuichi. "Uh, hey Tenko wants to reason with Angie not to do the ritual, but she needs more people." Maki and Shuichi look at each other and back at you, "Yeah, we'll go."

The three of you followed Tenko to Angie's lab. When Tenko got to the door, she knocked twice. You then heard Angie's voice, "Who is it?" it rings. "Tenko, Tenko Chabashira." The door opens. She looks around to see the three of you. "What are they doing here, Tenko?" Angie says. "Angie, me and those three need a talk with you. And, its very important." Angie looks up at Tenko, "Ok." Angie walks in the lab and the four followed. But, you all didn't realize the door was left open..

"Angie you need to stop." Tenko spoke. Angie's head turned, "Stop what?" "The ritual, I don't think its a good idea." Angie stared at Tenko, "Why isn't it a good idea?" You step in, "It could be a trick. It is a motive after all." "Yeah, we are not totally sure if this thing even works." Tenko said. "So we shouldn't do this ritual." The sound of footsteps made Tenko turn around. Along with the rest. The person was Himiko.

"Himiko?" Tenko was shocked. Himiko looked surprisingly mad. But, that's what made Tenko grip her shoulders. "Nyeh...?" Himiko looks at Tenko, who was on the verge of tears. "Please, snap out of it! Aren't you a mage?" Tenko said. "That hurts...let me go." Himiko struggled under Tenko's grip. "Himiko, why can't you see that you've been brainwashed? If you can't even see that, then... you're not a real mage at all!" Tenko yelled out. "Wh-What?" Himiko stopped struggling after those words. "Feeling angry? If you are, then show it! Get mad! Get upset! Yell at me! Just fight back already! Do something!" Himiko didn't say a word. So, Shuichi stepped in, "Tenko... let's just leave it be for now..." "...Ah!" Tenko yelped as Himiko pushed her off. Himiko still didn't say a word though. Tenko yelled out to Himiko, "I'm so sorry! I can't believe I just yelled at you!" Himiko walked out of the room. This is where Tenko's and Himiko's relationship shattered into a million pieces. And this all happened in front of you.

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