《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》Afternoon of Day 8


You and Miu walked to the dining hall, seeing everyone gather at the dining table. Angie and Kiibo were in the kitchen, cooking. You could hear Tsumugi going on a rant on her favorite character from 'Assassination Classroom'. Tenko was teasing Himiko, Kokichi was trying to scare Maki, which she ignored. Kaito and Shuichi were talking about how they would be the best bros whenever when they get out of here. Korekiyo was in his own world. And..Kiibo was trying to help Angie.

"Alright where should we sit?" You turn to Miu. "Whatever the fucks open, a seat is a seat." Miu shrugs her shoulders. You nodded and sat down between Maki and Kaito. Then, with the helpof Kiibo, Angie came in with everyone's plates of food. While Kiibo set down silverware and drinks. It was spaghetti. You could see Korekiyo's eyes light up with excitement. *Hm, seems to like spaghetti.* You thought as you picked at the food. Of course you always felt bad when people didn't see you actually enjoy it. Because news flash, you're controlling an A.I. right now, but no one except Miu knew this. You just had to accept the fact, you looked picky.

Many warned you everyone was worried about your health, since in their eyes you haven't ate since the third day. Well except Angie, who gave you food that one day. You just stared into space. *I wonder who will kill next, who will be killed? How will they be killed? Will it be stupid? What if someone kills me.?* You thoughts caused a certain someone to snap you into reality. "Are you ok?" You turn to Maki. "Oh uh. Yeah! I'm fine, just thinking that's all." You quickly answered, making her look at you in a manner of suspicion. "Well, you're thinking too hard. You haven't touched you food at all. Are you sure you're ok?" Maki looks at you in concern, yet again from all the times she asked the same question. "I'm sure." You give her a firm answer, but she didn't let go. "Can you at least tell me what's wrong?" You shift your eyes to Miu, who was mouthing 'No!'.

*Damn it, this is where shit hits the fan. You know what suck it up, just say I'm fine. Alright? She will know when she needs to know.*


"I'm fine, seriously. You don't need to worry about me." You gave a smile. "Wipe that smile off your face, there's clearly something wrong. There's no doubt about it." Maki crosses her arms, "So? Just tell me." The word 'fuck' went though your head a million times. "I gotta go." You quickly get up and grab Miu's arm. "OW! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING ME?" Miu yelled out as your dragged her out of the room.


There's no doubt about it, there it something wrong with Y/N. I'm not going to let it slide. "I'm fine, seriously. You don't need to worry about." Y/N smiled. They don't understand, I *do* need to worry. They're one of the closest people to me. But, my cold personally strikes again, "Wipe that smile off your face, there's clearly something wrong. There's no doubt about it." The words just came out of my mouth, I didn't mean it in a rude way. It just came out like that, "So? Just tell me." I could see them get visibly nervous, looking away and sweating bullets. They opened their mouth and came up with the dumbest excuse, "I gotta go." It was just weird to me, I thought we were close. I saw them drag Miu by the arm and Miu screamed out curse words. Did I do something wrong? I knew this 'cold' personally would get me in trouble one day. Are they mad? These thoughts ran though my head. But that asshole, so named 'Kokichi', snapped me back to reality. His voice was an alarm clock, so annoying. "Ooo, Y/N has something to hide.~" Kokichi announced to the table. "We have eyes you know?" I say coldly, staring at him. He flinched. He kept quiet after that, which was weird for his character. He would usually make a dumb comeback like, "Just keeping out for the one's who can't [see]" or "Well, not if i take them out!" But, he didn't, weird.

Nevermind that, I need to find out what's wrong with Y/N. "Have y'all ever noticed anything.. weird.. about Y/N?" I say awkwardly. "Yes, they're acting quite odd." Korekiyo said. "I'm worried about them. Do you think they ever ate in the past few days?" Tenko looked down. "I gave them food just two days ago! They ate just fine." Angie said. "Maybe we shouldn't get into their business. Let's just leave them be." Shuichi said wrapping noodles around his fork. "'Let them be'? If we're smart, we would just force some food down their mouth. But, why that bitch Miu?" Kokichi puts his arms behind his head. "Kokichi let's try to listen to Shuichi.. I mean who knows maybe they have a secret!" Tsumugi exclaimed. Secret? "That would make sense." I calming say. This whole time maybe I've been overthinking it. Personal space, something everyone needs at sometimes. If they want to share with Miu, that's fine personal space. Great job Maki, you been overthinking. "Let's just hope they eat one day." Tsumugi says.


"Why the hell are you dragging me?! My arm!!" Miu yelled out as you dragged her to Miu's lab. "Key?" You put your other hand out and Miu rolls her eyes, but gives you the key. You let go of her arm, unlocking the door to the inventor's lab. "Ugh, my arm hurts like a bitch now!" Miu grabs the side of her arm, rubbing it. "Fuck, Maki is onto us. What do we do?" You pace around the room. "Just deny anything they throw at you. It's that easy, if they see you with the V.R. set, no they didn't. Just, say they're lying or something." Miu crouched down to grab bandages for her arm. "I don't think they would believe me." You stopped walking. Miu looked at you, "What reason do they have not to believe you? Last time I checked you're not Kokichi." "Yeah but-" Miu cuts you off, "Yeah but nothing, just deny anything they say about you, ok?" You sigh, "Ok."

It was almost nighttime, just having a chill time with Miu. Talking about some annoying people, though it was mostly Miu talking about Kokichi for half an hour. "Ok ok, enough about Kokichi. But, you wanna play like truth or dare?" Miu's eyes lit up. "AW! FUCK YEAH! I'M ASKING FIRST!"

"Alrighty, truth orrr dare?" Miu ringed out. "Truth. I'm scared of what you'll do if I picked dare." You*were* talking to Miu Iruma, the most pervy girl ever existed. "Ugh, boring. And I wouldn't ask you to do anything *that* bad. But, Is it true that you have a crush on anyone in this 'school'?" Miu wiggles her eyebrows. "True." You stated. "WHO? WHO? TELL ME!" Miu yelled at you, "You didn't ask me who it was. So, I'm not answering that question." You stuck out your tongue, "Anyways, truth or dare?" "Uhhhh. Dare!" Miu smiled when she said that. "Alright, I dare you toooo... I don't know. Tell me your crush?" You said, it was a boring statement/question but, whatever, "WHAT? NO I'M NOT TELLING YOU." Miu lashed out, "I mean.. I don't have one! Cuz, you know no ones deserves this beauty!" Miu smirks. You didn't hang onto the question. Instead moved on. "Now your turn, truth or dare?" Miu blinks, with a cheesy smile. "Ugh, dare." Miu's eyes widened, "Fuck yeah! Anyways, I dare you," Miu poked your chest. "to tell me who's your crush." You look at the time. Just a minute until the nighttime announcement, now if you time this perfectly. "Well, it's someone and their name is M-"

DONG DONG BING BONG! It is now 8 p.m. which means it is officially nighttime! Go to your dorms and get a good sleep, sleep tight with your arms tied and make sure those bed bugs don't bite! Night!

"Damnit, you're really smart to put that shit on me. But, i'll let it slide. Let's go to our dorms." Miu gets up off the floor and you follow suit.

You both walk inside and go to your dorms. Miu said goodnight and shut her door. Carefully looking around to see if anyone was there, you unlock your dorm room and reveal your true self. You shut the door, and take off the V.R. set. The A.I. fell to the floor, and you drag it into the closet. You grab your Monopad and set an alarm for midnight, for the workout session with Maki, Kaito, and Shuichi. And Tenko also had something to tell you. You turn off the lights and lay down on the bed. *3 hours, that should be fine for me.*

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