《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》k so her sisters a bitch












(your pov)

It's been a while since I've started dating Nobara and Maki. I still haven't told them what I wanted to talk about when we first started dating. See, the thing is, whenever I'm with Maki, we could just be training, talking or just doing nothing and I always feel like someone's shooting eye daggers at me. And whenever I'm with Nobara and Maki's watching like when we're training, I feel embarrassed to be tripped by Nobara.

Anyways, it's been a little bit since Itadori died and I'm still not getting over it.

"Couldn't they have put in a few more vending machines?" Nobara questioned. "They can't. There are only so many workers who can come in here" Megumi answered. I rolled my eyes. "Then why bother putting them there if barely anyone comes here" I scoffed.

"Huh-" I said, looking to my right side. A woman with a dress revealing part of her right leg stood before us, next to her was a big beefy man with a purple shirt that barely fit him. "What are you doing here Zen'in senpai?" Megumi asked. Nobara turned to him. "Oh, she's one too?" She asked. "They do seem similar. Are they sisters?" She questioned again. I shrugged.

"What part of them looks similar??" I mumbled. "Yes, they're twins" Megumi said. "Twins??? Those two look nothing a like!" I exclaimed. Nobara rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that, Fushiguro-kun. You make me sound the same as Maki." The woman said. I rolled my eyes. "And what's so bad about that??" I questioned. She turned to me. "Call me Mai" She said with a smile.

"Tch" I scoffed. "So these are the pinch hitters for Okkotsu and the third years?" The beefy man asked. I looked at him. "We came here with the principal because we were worried about you. Your classmate died, right? Was that rough? Or did you think nothing of it" Mai asked. "Itadori's death has nothing to do with you so stay out of it before you join him!" I yelled.

"Hush, Y/n. What are you trying to say?" Megumi asked. "It's ok. Some things are hard to say out loud. So I'll say it for you" She started. I rolled my eyes. "The fact you're a cunt who sticks her nose where it doesn't belong??" I mumbled. She rolled her eyes. "Vessel' Makes it sound nice, but it just means he was a half cuse monster. Having such a tainted inhuman being inside you brazenly calling himself a Jujutsu sorcerer must've been revolting, right?" She said keeping that same smile.

"Aren't you feeling better now that he's dead?" She continued. "YOU- SHUT THE HELL UP!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ITADORI OR WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED! SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE YOU'LL BE ASKING HIM YOURSELF!!" I yelled, Megumi and Nobara holding me back. "Y/n, it's fine. It's the same situation with Maki from those weeks ago" Megumi assured.

"Yeah well at least she had SOME remorse. This bitch is asking for an ass beating!" I yelled. The beefy man clicked his tongue. "Mai, don't bring up such pointless topics" He said, walking over to us. "I'm only here to see if these guys are fit to take Okkotsu's place. That's all I want to know" He said, throwing his jacket to the side. Megumi and Nobara let me go by the time he stopped but Nobara still held my hand.

"Fushiguro, was it?" He asked. "What kind of woman is your type?" He questioned. An irk appeared on my face. "Really? Our type in women is the only thing that makes us fit to take Okkotsu's place?!" I asked. "Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here and drag Okkotsu- or at least the third years into the exchange event" The beefy guy said, ripping off his shirt. I rolled my eyes.


"By the way, my type is a tall woman with a big ass!" He said.

"Why do I have to talk about my taste in women with a guy I just met??" Megumi questioned. "He's right. That's a tall hurdle for an antisocial guy" Nobara said. Megumi tilted his head with an irk. "You be quiet. This is confusing enough already. You'll just make it more complicated" He said. I rolled my eyes. "I know answering that question isn't THAT hard. Just tell em your type and you're good" I mumbled.

"Kyoto, third year. Todo Aoi. Introduction over" He said with a smirk. "Now we're friends. Hurry up an answer. If you prefer men, that's fine too." He said. I widdened my eyes and snickered. "Imagine he said Ayesha Erotica's emo boy" I whispered to Nobara. She snickered. "Dude shut up! That's not even funny!" She whispered back. "Hush you two" Megumi demanded.

"A person's fetishes reflect everything about them. People with boring taste are boring people themselves. And I hate boring men." He stated. "The exchange event is where my soul can be free as blood boils and flesh clashes. Who knows what I might do if my last exchange event ends up boring me" He said, getting in a battle stance.

"Hey, aren't the Jujutsu High schools four year schools?" Nobara asked. "Only third years and under can join the exchange event" Megumi answered. "As an act of kindness, I'll let you off only half dead right now. Answer me, Fushiguro. What kind of woman is your type?" Todo asked. I rolled my eyes. "Is this some kind of comedy routine?!" Megumi questioned.

"Is that your summer uniform?" Nobara asked Mai. "Ticks me off but it's nice" She continued. Nobara's unarmed. Fushiguro Megumi, you best avoid conflict or else you'll get a second ass kicking and this time there won't be any letting off as half dead. I thought as Megumi sighed. "I don't have a particular preference. As long as she has unshakable character, I won't ask for more" He answered.

I looked at him with my hooded eyes. Mai chuckled. "Not a bad answer. If you said a woman with big tits, I would've killed you." Nobara said. "Shut up" Megumi said. I huffed. A tear ran down Todo's cheek. "I knew it. You're boring, Fushiguro" He said, getting ready. He ran at Megumi and- elbowed him I guess? In his face. Megumi blocked it but it didn't do much since he was knocked back by quite a bit.

"Fushiguro!" Nobara yelled. She tried running after him but Mai stopped her, hugging her around her shoulders. "Poor Fushiguro-kun. Even a talented second grade sorcerer is nothing more than a first year against the top grade Todo-senpai. I'll have to confront him later" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Take your arms off my girlfriend and you can do it now" I held a kunai to her ear.

"Tch. I thought you and Maki were similar but I guess not. Maki's a hundred times prettier." Nobara said. That I agree with. I thought. "Are you not sleeping enough? You've got open pores" She continued. "I'll teach you how to speak to others" Mai held a gun to her side.

I held the kunai closer to her ear. "And I'll teach you how to keep your hands off others" I whispered. Mai smirked and turned to me. "Feisty now are we? A real cutie at that" She said. I kept the same bored expression. An irk appeared on Nobara's face. "You keep your dirty thoughts about her to yourself. She's mine" Nobara said. Mai rolled her eyes.


I kicked the gun away just in time for Mai to pull the trigger. "Oi!" I swung my kunai at her. "You pull that trigger one more time!" I yelled, continuing to swing it at her. She eventually caught my swing and punched me.

She turned away and pointed the gun at Nobara. I got out my Mangekyo Sharingan and started for Mai. "Hm?" She asked. I tackled her to the ground and punched her in the jaw. "Beat her ass Y/n!" Nobara yelled.

I eventually stopped from my knuckles hurting so bad. It was hard to tell who's blood was who's. Unfortunately, Mai pointed the gun at my stomach. "Copy style: Heavenly Cruetly" I said, looking into Mai's eyes.


"Huh?" Mai said. Suddenly she was in a space where the sky's had been turned upside down. The blood quickly rushed to her head as she was held by her ankles with black shadowy chains from above. You walked up to her, your feet on the ground where they should be. "You don't just start a fight and then lose. It's embarrassing for everybody" You said. your eyes were glowing red with your black Mangekyo Tomoe.

"What the hell is this?!" Mai asked, trying to break free. She moved her hands to her pockets. Only to find nothing. "Looking for this?" You asked, holding up her gun. "How the hell-" She started before a terrible pain waved over her head. Almost all her blood had been pushed towards her head and it was going to explode if you didn't release the Genjutsu.

"I'll let you go. On one conditon" You said, walking closer to where you were face to face. "The hell you will!" She yelled and reached to punch you. Two more chains came from the ground and attached to her wrists. "Ah ah ah, let me speak" You said softly.

The blood rushing to her head was increasing and you were taking your sweet time. "You promise to keep your hands away from Nobara, and I'll release the Genjutsu. Fight and retaliate, and I'll just let your head explode" You said. You held your pink over to hers for her to cross.

"Pinky promise? What are you 5?" She asked. "I never break my pinky promises" You smirked. She scoffed and cross her pinky with yours. The chains disappeared and she fell down.


I got back up from where I was sitting. Mai held her head, wailing in pain. "Tch. You won this time. But you won't trick me the next time we meet" She said, getting up and scratching her head. I chuckled. "Oi! What's so funny?" She aimed her gun at me. A polearm moved her gun away from me. "What are you doing to my errand runners, Mai?" Maki asked.

The pressure in my chest was relieved at the sight and I allowed myself to breath. "Oh my. You're such a loser I didn't even notice you, Maki" Mai said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah I've got a story for Maki since you wanna talk about losers" I said. "No. Save it for when you're all fixed up. You're looking pale and you've got a little blood trickling out your mouth" Maki pointed out.

I wiped my mouth and sure enough, blood was trickling out. Mai chuckled. "Now now, Mai. We're both equally losers, y'know? All you can do is imbue objects with cursed energy. And you've got shit for cursed techniques." Maki said. I snickered. Mai looked at me. "Better than having no cursed energy at all. My neck's getting sore looking up at others all the time, so it's nice to look down on someone like you every so often" Mai shot back.

"Ah, forget it. We're both at rock bottom and it's pathetic. Nobara, can you stand?" Maki asked. I looked at her. Shit. I hadn't even realized that one of my swings hit her in the head. "No way. She won't be getting up for a while. Her little girlfriend here hurt her pretty good-" Mai said before Maki put her polearm in her face. "What? You wanna fight?" She asked.

Right after she said 'fight,' Nobara came up from behind and put Mai in a chokehold. "Nice support, Maki-san!" Nobara said. I rolled my eyes. I saved your ass and you praise Maki?? I questioned. "Yep. Good job" I said bluntly. "You put a bunch of holes in my brand new tracksuit. Leave that uniform of yours behind. I'll make it my summer uniform!" Nobara yelled. i rolled my eyes yet again.

"I'll put holes in your body next time. Also, you won't be able to wear this with those long legs of yours" Mai said. I forged a katana and put it in Mai's face. "Next time, I'll just let your head explode for hours and hours nonstop. How's that for putting holes in people's bodies?" I asked. Nobara's arms wrapped even tighter around Mai's neck. "Leave it!" Nobara demanded.

"We're leaving, Mai." A voice said. Nobara and I looked over to see Todo standing there. "What?! No way.." Nobara said. "Oh, there's my jacket" Todo said. Nobara got up and backed away near Maki and I. "Where's Fushiguro?" Nobara asked. "Don't worry, the others are with him" Maki reassured. "Looks like you're having fun." Todo said. Mai got up.

"Quit joking! I'm just getting started!" She said. "No, you're not. Unlike you, I still have important business here in Tokyo" Todo said, diging in his pockets and pulled out a couple tickets. "A personal handshake with Takada-chan!" He yelled. Maki, Nobara, Mai and I all looked at him. "Uh.." I said.

"Who knows what I might do if I miss my transfer and can't make it to the event hall?" He asked, taking his jacket and flipping it over his shoulder. "Come with me, Mai" He turned around and started walking. "Ugh! You're so selfish." She groaned. "Can't believe I lost the lottert for the usual one in Kyoto" Todo said. "Don't go thinking you'll get off this easy at the exchange event." Mai turned to face us.

"Quit acting like you won! Leave your uniform behind, damn it!" Nobara yelled. Maki took her polearm and wacked Nobara in the head. "Cut it out, idiot. Winning or losing here hardly matters. We'll beat them up at the exchange event" Maki said.


"Hey, Maki-san.." Nobara started. "Is it true what she said? That you don't have any cursed energy?" She asked. "It's true" Maki sighed. "So I can't even see curses without these glasses" She continued, taking off her glasses. "That's why I use cursed tools. They already have curses imbued in them. I can't pour my own cursed energy into them to do things like you all do" She explained.

"Then why are you a Jujutsu sorcerer" I questioned. "To spite them" She turned around. "I can't wait to see the looks on my family's faces when I become a bigshot sorcerer," She smiled. My face set on fire again. Holy fucking SHIIIIIIIIT!! She's so HOTTTTTTT!! I thought as she continued speaking. "after all the years they spent looking down on me" She tilted her head back.

I stopped for a moment. "Huh? What's wrong?" Nobara asked. I stopped and stared into Maki's eyes. Her honey gold eyes were so beautiful.. "Come on, let's hurry over to see Shoko-san" Maki said. I ran over to her, along with Nobara.

"I respect you, Maki-san" Nobara said. I let my head rest on Maki's shoulder. "That so?" She asked.


"Oi- Shoko-san, these two need fixing up" Maki said. Shoko turned to us. "Really? Again Y/n? How many times must you come in here??" Shoko questioned. Nobara and Maki looked at me. "Huh?" Nobara asked. I looked around nervously. "Eh- sometimes when you guys are at the library or doing other stuff, I go out in the training field and practice my abilities with my sharingan" i admitted. Maki looked at me. "Tch. Idiot. It's a wonder how you haven't gone blind yet" She said.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a wonder how you haven't died to a curse yet. Having no cursed energy. No wonder Mai said you're a loser" I mumbled. "What was that?" Maki questioned. "You heard me" I got up. "Well I'd like to see a person like you, all stubborn and stupid, try to go on missions involving special and 1st grade curses and make it out a live" She said. I grit my teeth. "Tch" I scoffed.

"I wonder how you have any friends. You're as stubborn as I am" I shot back. "Uhm..do they always argue like this?" Shoko asked Nobara. "Nope. This is the first time I've seen them argue like an old married couple" She answered. "Oi, cut it out. There'll be no arguing here, not in my office" Shoko demanded. I looked at her then back at Maki and sat back down.

"It's a wonder how I fell for you" Maki mumbled. i rolled my eyes. "I couldn't care less if you did or not. Not like I'd love you back anyways" I said. Shoko chopped my head with her hand. "Enough. Stop talking and let me focus, would you?" She said. Maki huffed. "Uh..ok! Yeah let's just talk this out later on.............at the dining hall" Nobara nervously suggested.

"Tch. Whatever" I said.


I got to the the hallway where my room was and huffed when I saw Maki walk out. She turned to me. "Listen-" "Shut up. I don't need and explanation. Train and get blind all you want. Not my problem" She demanded. "Oh so that's it? Just acting like you didn't say you fell for me?!" I questioned. "Tch. I thought you said you couldn't care less. Why's it bothering you now, huh??" She walked over to me. I gulped, searching for a reason why it did.

"I dunno, maybe because you're my girlfriend?!" i said. "Oh yeah? So is Nobara. How bout you go over to her and fuck her again, why don't you" Maki suggested. I slapped her across the face. "How dare you?!" I said. Maki hissed at the sting on her face. I looked at her for a few more seconds then I pulled her into a hungry kiss.

She pulled away hastily and smirked. "Let's not do this out in the hallway" She said. I nodded as she picked me up and carried me into her room.


Maki set me down on her bed and pinned my arms above my head. "What? Not going to the dining hall?" I asked. She chuckled. "I'm not hungry for food" She smirked and started kissing down my neck.

She eventually got down to my hips and slowly pulled down my pants. "Hurry up, would you?!" I said. Maki slapped my clothed thigh harshly. I hissed at the sting. "That's what you get for slapping me earlier" She said. My breath hitched as she came back up and sloppily kissed me. I moaned when she slipped in her tongue and added teeth.

She giggled and pulled away. I whined. "Makiii-" She stuck her finger in my mouth. "Shut up" She demanded. i nodded and she continued sliding my pants off.

Soon enough, they got off and she trailed up my thigh, licking it. I giggled at the feeling of her tongue on my skin. She eventually got to my panties and stopped. "Huh?" I said. Maki's smirk grew wider as she ripped them off. "What's 1,000 minus 7?" She asked.

I gulped. "993" I answered. "Good" She said. "Now count down from that by 7" She demanded, which I happily obliged.

986, 979, 972, 965, 958, 951, 944, 937, 930, 923, 916, 909, 902..

I chanted the numbers as Maki messily ate me out. Sometimes the numbers would be replaced with moans, not that she cared. My mind closed everything out, so it was just me laying on her bed while she was doing her thing.

Every number I said, it was like I saw the numbers float in my head like counting sheep. "Stop." She said. I stopped, not even realizing I'd came on her tongue. She was looming over me, a thick- I'm guessing 8 inch purple dildo sat between my legs. She kissed me before sliding in the strap. My cum coated her tongue and I moaned at the taste- also at the feelings of the strap being 8 inches inside me.

"Maki-" I said before she started sucking on my tongue like a fucking lolly pop. The fake veins of the dildo rubbing my walls in all the right places. "Hm? Tell me what you want, baby" She said, slowly thrusting in and out.

"I-" She stopped me by slamming into me. An embarrassingly loud moan came from my lips. "What? Use your big girl words" She cooed. I gasped and wrapped my arms around her neck. "I want it. I want it all. Please, Maki I need it" I begged. She smirked. "Need what?" She asked. "I need your cock please Maki!" I squealed. She gripped my thigh and bottomed out.

"That's not my name" She said. "Just fuck me already, god damn it! I need it! I need it so bad mommy, please!" I pleaded. She giggled. "Alright, I'll give you want you want, princess" She said. She started thrusting in and out quicker. My moans increased to crescendo at the feeling.

"Oh my god, Maki" I breathed out. She smirked. "Go ahead, let em know who's makin you feel good" She said, going even faster. She grabbed my hips and slammed into me at a rough pace.

A knot formed in my stomach while she took my legs and put them over her shoulders. "Ma-MAKI!!" I screamed at her impossibly deep thrusts. Her hands still at my hips and stomach still pressed to my tensed up one.

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