《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》the proof-










(your pov;))

"Prove it."

I took a few seconds to think of something. Rolling my eyes, I walked up to her, grabbed her by the collar and smashed my lips with hers. I slotted my tongue in her mouth, rubbing my tongue against hers and she moaned at the feeling. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in to deepen the kiss. Heat rushed up to my cheeks and ears.

I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. "Good enough?" I asked breathlessly. Nobara was catching her own breath as well. "Think I need a little bit more" She said before going for another one; which I, for some reason, happily obliged. This time, she was the one sliding her tongue in. My hands traveled to her waist; gripping it. She smiled in between each kiss.

"Now is it enough?" I asked. She nodded and hugged me. "I love you" She whispered in the crook of my neck. "I know" I whispered back.


"You're not pissed off about me not saying it back?" I asked. She shook her head. "For real this time" She said with content in her voice. I sighed. "Alright..you, Maki and I are gonna have a talk later on" I said. "Ok"

"But for now, let's just stay like this" She said. "This feels good" She continued. "Yeah" I replied.


"Huh?" A voice asked. I opened my eyes to find Maki standing there with Panda. "Wha-" "What's this? A scissor fest?" Maki asked. Nobara chuckled and pulled away. "Panda? You mind?" I asked. He nodded and walked away. "It's cuz I'm a panda isnt it? rgsbgfhwe" He grumbled while walking away.

"So..Maki.." I started. "You like Nobara" She cut me off. I frowned. "Let me finish" I said sternly. Maki crossed her arms.

"I,,,understand that the two of you've taken actions indicating that.." I gulped. "That you have...feelings. I think" I said sheepishly. Maki scoffed. "Well what do you wanna call them?" I questioned. No answer. "Alright then" I said.

"Just some moments ago, Nobara confessed her love to me..quite frankly, and as bad as I feel for it..I do not love her back" I nervously said, squeezing Nobara's hand. She smiled at me. How does she smile knowing I don't love her? Tch. Whatever. "Now, Maki. Anything that you'd like to say?" I asked. She hung her head low. "So Nobara's got more balls than I do, huh" She chuckled.

"Well, now that you mention it. Yeah" She continued. "Well?" Nobara asked. Maki sighed. "Y/n, I like you as well. And, someday, I do hope that you return those feelings" She said like she was a robot. Not that I would've done it any differently. "Hold on now," I started. "I said nothing about not liking either of you" I said. "So you do have feelings?" Nobara asked.

"E- yeah. Kinda. I do I just don't love you the way you do me" I said. She nodded with her eyes closed. "Now, Maki. Yes, your feelings are mutual" I said sheepishly. She smiled. "Oh!" Nobara said. We both looked at her. "What ?" I asked. "So maybe this could be a polyamorus thing? Where Y/n's with the both of us?" She suggested to Maki. She looked at me then at Nobara then nodded.

"Eh-" I said. "Why not" I hung my head low in embarrassment. "Kugisaki," Maki started, holding her hand out. "What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine" She said. Nobara smiled and shook her hand. "What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine" She repeated. I jerked both my eyebrows. "Granted, knowing she doesn't love me is a bit of a pain, but I can deal with it" Nobara admitted.


"So. I guess I'm with the both of you now" I said quietly. "Mhm" Maki hummed.


Later on before the dinner, I decided to text Maki and Nobara.

(with nobara)


hey, nobara

yeah bbg/j ?



i wanna talk to you and maki ab smn after dinner k?

yeahh ok

whats it ab ?

youll see lmao


(with maki)


i was just ab to text u😭

u couldnt wait any longer??








i gotta talk w u and nobara after dinner


hasnt even been 12 hours and ur already dumping us


i just gotta talk but it does somewhat involve that tho ig


so it IS the bachelorette that gojo was talking ab????


ykw im breaking up w u

so childish smh


no ur not


no im not

lmaoo now gtf down here

im not saving u some chocolate milk if ur late



I rolled my eyes and slightly laughed at the texts and rolled out of bed to run to the dining hall.

When I got out my room, I saw Inumaki heading for the dining hall too. "Tuna tuna?" He asked. I narrowed me eyes. "You're on" I said.


Me and Inumaki took the turn to the corridor before the dining hall. Nobara and Panda saw us running towards the room.

"Run! There's only one chocolate milk left!!" Nobara yelled. "Shit for real? I thought there was two" Megumi said. "Yes now hush" Nobara said. I giggled at that.

I sped up past Inumaki and grabbed the chocolate milk on the counter. "Okkaka!" Inumaki exclaimed. Panda, Maki, Nobara and Megumi all looked at him. "Woahhhh" "Watch your language!" "Language!" "Watch it young man!" Everyone was saying. I chopped him in the head. "Better luck next time, buddy" I said before sitting with Maki and Nobara.

Megumi looked at us conversing about whatever. "You seem a lot happier" He said to me. I sighed. "Well- not really" I replied. Nobara looked at me. "For real??" She asked. I shrugged. "I dunno. Something felt off about that mission.." I said. Nobara and Megumi went quiet. "It was just a mission, Y/n. Something we always get" Megumi said sternly.

I rolled my eyes. "Really? Do you really think that? Come on. I thought it was a bit fishy. Letting us handle a curse womb that turned into a special grade?! Letting 1st years do that?! Now I don't have the proof to back it up, but when Gojo said that the higher ups wouldn't shut up about a cursed object and that he said he'd go sight seeing when Itadori ate that finger, it got me a little suspiscious, maybe the higher ups didn't like that Itadori's execution was postponed and decided to throw us that mission" I explained.

"But they do realize that if Itadori died right then and there, there might not be any other person capable of being Sukuna's vessel, right?" Megumi asked. "That's what I was thinking. But nOoOoOO the higher ups are just a bunch of cowards who had no idea that Itadori had more control over Sukuna than they thought!" I slammed my fist on the table, lightning washed over it.

Megumi sighed. "O....k...c'mon Y/n, let's go get some fresh air" Nobara said, patting my back. "No, I don't need fresh air, what I need is Itadori back!" I shouted. Nobara huffed. "Well obviously that's not an option, so just let that thought go and face the truth! Itadori's gone! Nothing any of us can do about that!" Nobara yelled. "If you think that then I think you should just leave. Forget about 'us.' Just go" I said roughly.


A tear rolled down her face. Everyone looked at me with shock. "You two..are dating?" Megumi asked. I sighed as Nobara ran off. "Yeah. And it hasn't even been 12 hours yet." I said sheepishly. "She'll be fine. I'll go talk to her" Maki said, getting up and walking after her.


(Maki's pov)

I walked around looking for Nobara and found her on the stairs outside the training field. "Oi. What do you think you're doing, being rough on Y/n like that?" I asked. She looked at me with a tear stained face and red eyes. She looked away with shame.

I sat down with her and looked at the stars. "Y/n can be so stupid sometimes. As well as stubborn" Nobara started. I chuckled. "Yeah, she can be. But it's fine" I replied. She hung her head low. "I wonder what Y/n was gonna talk to us about" She said. I shrugged. "Maybe it is the bachelorette. Y/n choosing between one of us in the end." She continued.

"Well, we can find out if you come back to the dining hall" I said, getting up. "Tch, no way. She's pissed off at me because I reminded her of reality" She scoffed. "Well, at least apologize. There's no way this relationship can work if you two can't work out a simple argument" I suggested. "Pft. I'm not apologizing for being civil" She said. I rolled my eyes.

"That makes you just as stubborn as Y/n then" I said. ... "You love her, right?" I asked. "Yeah" She mumbled. "Well then, if you really do love her, then you should apologize. If you expect her to return those feelings, then she should know that you'd see the situation from your own point of view" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Why should I? It's not like I've got anyone special to lose other than her" She said.

I huffed. "Well if you're gonna be like that then expect a break up tonight. I don't know what else to tell you" I said sternly before walking back to the dining hall.

With Nobara following short behind.


(back to your pov)

I sat at the table with my head down and plate pushed away. "It'll be fine, Y/n. It was just an argument, everyone has them, no matter the relation" Panda reassured me. I stayed silent.

"Tuna mayo" Inumaki said. I looked up and saw Maki walking in the dining hall with Nobara walking in shortly after.

"Hey.." Nobara said quietly. "Hi.." I said. "What do you say?" Maki asked. Nobara flipped her off. "I'm uh...uh..." Nobara said. I sighed. "I'm sorry for shouting. And I'm sorry for saying all that. I hope you can................forgive me" I said sheepishly and stiffly. "Tsk. I forgive you" She said quietly.

I slightly smiled and hugged her. "Now what do you say?" Maki asked. Nobara scoffed. "Me apologizing really means that much to you, huh?" She questioned. Maki nodded and Nobara rolled her eyes. "Surprised you're not letting this be, since you like her too. Letting Y/n dump me and keeping her for yourself" Nobara said. Maki shook her head. "I'm not really one to stand in the way of people's happiness" Maki said.

"Well then....I'm..sorry..?" Nobara said. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry for what?" Maki crossed her arms. Nobara scoffed. "Do I really have to say it??" She questioned. "y e s" Maki said. "Go on. Say it" She pressed. Nobara rolled her eyes.

"Imsorryforsayingthoseharshthingsandifyouwannabreakupthatsfinebutpleasedontbemadatme" Nobara said in one breath. I chuckled on the inside. "It's fine. And no, we're not breaking up" I slightly smiled. She looked up at me. "Really?" She smiled with stars in her eyes. I nodded and hugged her. "I love you so much Y/n" She said.

"Mhm" I hummed.









(lemon warning- or is it lime💀idk the difference)


I set Nobara down on my bed and kissed her neck. She giggled at the feeling of my lips against her skin. I trailed down her neck and took off her uniform. I hummed. "Hmm..You like that?" I asked as I fondled her tits. She moaned as I pinched her nipples. "Mmh~ yes" She moaned out.

"Yes what?" I questioned, pinching harder. An embarrassingly loud moan came out her mouth. "Yes mommy" She gasped. I smirked as I took off her bra and took one nipple in my mouth and tortured the other one with my hand. She continued moaning out as I kept on suckin her right tittie. Her breathing got heavier and heavier with each lick, suck and pinch of her nipples.

"Oh my god Y/n" She said. I bit down on her nipple. "That's not my name" I said. "Sorry mommy" She said quietly. I pinched her nipple even harder. She moaned even louder.

"What do you want?" I asked. No answer, only moans. I bit her nipple again. "Answer when you're spoken to" I demanded, pulling away. "You"

"Duh. But what do you want me to do" I questioned, leaning over her. She gulped. "I want you to touch me, while I touch you" She pulled her lip between her teeth and smirked. Heat pooled at the bottom of my stomach as I got up and directed my face to her pussy and my pussy over her face.

"You ready?" I asked. She didn't answer and instead started fingering me through my panties, drawing a moan out my mouth. I basically ripped off her panties and started pumping my fingers in and out. (she pushed urs to the side but im not gonna write that cuz im lazy💀)

Our moans filled the room. I slurped on her while she drew zigzags on my candied cunt. "Mommy..mommy I'm gonna cum" She moaned. "Do it. I'm close as well..!" I said before releasing on her face. "Nobara!" I screamed, curling my fingers to that spongey spot inside her. "Mommy- fuck!" She screamed. She came all over my fingers and tongue.


"How was it?" I hummed, holding her and laying down. "Great. That was probably the best time I ever had in my life" She praised. "Glad you had a good time" I chirped, kissing her head.


The both of us woke up to knocking on our door. "Oii! Get up! We're gonna train in 45 minutes so get dressed" Maki demanded. Nobara sat up; tits hangin out. "Shit! I forgot Maki's right next to us! Do you think she heard us last night?!" She whisper yelled.

(a/n: yall i just found out my ex bf went to my elementary school and i found his yb photo from when he was in 4th grade💀💀💀💀)

I looked away sheepishly. "I mean...it's possible?" I said. "Fuck!" She yelled. "It's fine, it's fine. I'll just find a way to get you to go out unnoticed" I said, getting my outfit on.

"But doesn't Inumaki-senpai always walk out with you?" She asked. I looked up as I finished brushing my hair. "Don't worry. You'll just have to be a bit late!" I said.

Nobara peeked out the door. "Any sign of Inumaki-senpai?" I asked. "Nope. All clear" She held her thumbs up behind her. "Alright, see ya in a little bit" Nobara said before closing the door behind her.

(narrator pov rq)

Nobara looked in the direction of the dining hall, which was just a small walk and a turn around the corner then there you were. She started walking before she heard a door open.

"Hey, Kugisaki. Whatcha doin down here? Thought your room was further up closer to the dining hall?" Maki asked, closing her door. Nobara stopped in her tracks. "Uhm..decided to talk to Y/n for a sec. That's all" She said with a nervous smile. Maki just stared at her. "You're not slick, Nobara. And these walls aren't all that thin either. I heard you two last night while I was trying to sleep" Maki crossed her arms.

Nobara furrowed her eyebrows. "What?? I don't know what you're talking about" She lied. Maki rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I don't mind, as long as you two keep it down and don't do it every night" Maki said before walking towards the dining hall. Nobara sighed and tapped your door. "Maki knows" She said disappointedly. You rolled your eyes. "Whatever" You said, opening the door.

(back to ur pov)

I walked with Nobara down to the dining hall and sped over to Maki. "Good morning" I said. "Sleep well?" She asked me. Heat rose up to my cheeks. "ShshshfahSHUSH!" I whisper yelled. Maki chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not telling anybody." She said. "Not telling anybody about what?" Megumi asked. I looked at the table in embarrassment. Maki glanced over at me and smirked.

"Nothin" She said and continued eating. Megumi shrugged and drank his milk.


At training today, Panda forced me to choose between Nobara and Maki to train with. "Ugh, why're you forcing me to pick? I've been training with Maki for the past week so I don't see the point" I complained. "Becausee, you also need to spend quality time with your girlfriend" Panda said. I rolled my eyes. "I'd be spending time with my girlfriend regardless" I mumbled. "Huh?" Megumi asked.

"Eh- we'll tell ya later" Maki grabbed my hand and took me off to train. "Tch, you didn't tell them about you and I as well?!" I questioned. "I thought you told him!" She said. "I thought Nobara told him!" I replied. "What the hell?! Why wouldn't she tell him?!" Maki exclaimed. "Because it's Nobara. I think that she thinks cuz she confessed to me first, she's had me first" I explained.

Maki gripped her polearm. "Whatever" She scoffed. I looked at her with a confused smile. "What are you, jealous?" I teased. She narrowed her eyes. "No. I don't get jealous" She said. Which was obviously a lie. "Liar" I said. She rolled her eyes. "What ever" She hissed.

I got my Mangekyo Sharingan out and we began training. I dodged her polearm swings and kicked her foot. She caught herself, but dropped her polearm. "Tch. I thought you had the mind to not hold back" I said. She smirked. "Well, truth be told I don't think you can handle me" She got up close.

"And what makes you think that?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I just know it" She whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes. "That charm worked a couple days ago but now it's just old" I said. It did in fact work on me and I was having the lewdest of thoughts right now. "Oh you wanna test that?" She asked. "Tch" I scoffed. I formed my usual katana in my right hand.

"I'd be careful if I were you. Don't wanna accidentally put you in another genjutsu" I joked. She rolled her eyes. "Not at all funny. That shit was scary as fuck" She said. She swung her polearm at me again and I grabbed it this time. "Oh, tug of war I see?" She asked. "Nope" I smirked. I took a part closer to the middle and picked it up, lifting her off the ground.

"Eh?? Woah!" She said, falling off the polearm. "Shit!" She said as she hit her head. "Damn it, you ok?" I asked, helping her up. "Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks" She smiled. I slightly smiled back before dragging her to the bathroom.



"You don't think that's a little too big??" I questioned. "Nope" Maki replied. I rolled my eyes.

"That ice pack could cover your entire forehead." I crossed my arms. "Hush. You're just being dramatic" She said, putting it on the side of her head. "Whatever. When your entire head turns into an ice cube, don't say nothin" I said. She chuckled. "C'mere, idiot" She pulled me by the neck and kissed me. A smile formed on her lips. "Normally people would say something like 'i love you' but, since this is new, I'll just say I like you" She joked.

"Oh my god, so you're in like with me?" I giggled a bit and so did she. "Yep" She chirped.


"You're ridiculous" I kissed her cheek.






;)))))))))))))))))) yeahhhh hope u liked the mini lemon i wrote lmaoooooo

anyways ily^^ have a good night/day and stay safe!!

wc: 3427

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