《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》Wait, they're actually called curses??


Y/n L/n

Age: 16 in a few months

Height: still 5'5

cursed technique: (u named it urself lmao) lightning fist (not that interesting but ur not that interesting either so :/)







(your pov)

"Tch, how long is this gonna go on??" I asked as I watched the gym teacher throw some ball on the field. "The gym teacher challenged Itadori! If Itadori beat the challenge, he wouldn't have to join some team!" One beefy guy exclaimed. I looked at him. I'm pretty sure you can guess what would happen if he didn't beat the challenge. I rolled my eyes. "What's happening again?" I asked. The beefy guy and a smaller girl looked at me.

"Oh- the gym teacher challenged-" "Yeah yeah he challenged Itadori somethin but why??" I interrupted. They blinked at me. "The gym teacher said he needed someone with physical capabilities like Itadori" The girl answered. I scoffed. "Forget I asked" I murmured. Next thing I knew, people were cheering Itadori's name. "Tch, the hell's up with people? Why're they cheering Itadori's name?? Is he that popular??" I questioned. "Hey, aren't you his best friend?" The beefy guy asked. I rolled my eyes.

"What if I am?" I said. A few moments later, they measured like 40 meters or something?? I dunno, I wasn't paying attention. But I do know it hit the soccer goal, with was like all the way across the field. "Woah" I said. I'm genuinely impressed by his throw. "That was a pitcher's throw" The beefy guy told the small girl. I looked at them. "What about a pitcher's throw?" I questioned.

They looked at me again. "The gym teacher said Itadori can throw the ball however he wanted to" The smaller girl answered. "Oh" I replied. Y'know those times where people tell you stuff and you don't know how to respond to it so you just say 'oh'?


I got a text later on after school saying for me to go to the gate. "Tch, what's goin on now??" I questioned as I got up and walked out the door.


Me and Itadori stood in front of a gate to the school. I looked at him. "Tch, how long you plan on standin there?" I asked. He looked at me then proceeded to break the gate with his own two bare hands. "Oh. Good job, superman. Now let's go" I said, running past him.


I ran up to find a tall slender boy with black spikey hair like a sea urchin fighting some curse. He had wolves right next to him, looked like an alpha male if you asked me.

Itadori jumped through the window and punched the curse. (tbh i forgot what happened lmaoo ima have to rewatch it) I looked at the scene before me with half lidded eyes.

Itadori grabbed two other students and carried them off a few feet away from the curse. The slender boy killed the curse and his wolves fucking ate the rest.

"I want to ask what you're doing here," The slender boy started. "But good job" He praised Itadori. "Why so haughty?" Itadori asked. I rolled my eyes. "By the way, what's that munching on the curse?" Itadori continued. He was talking about the boy's wolves munching on the curse's remains. "My shikigami. You can see them too?" He answerered. "Normally a curse can't be seen. Not unless you're on the verge of death or in special places like this" He continued.


"Yeah, that makes sense. I've only seen a curse once and that was a few years ago when my friend Y/n here killed it" Itadori beamed at me. I looked away. "Tch" I scoffed.

"You guys aren't scared, are you?" The boy asked. I shook my head. "Not the first time I've killed one of these disgusting things" I replied. "Well, I was scared for a bit" Itadori started. "But did you know, people really can die" He finished quietly. I arched a brow. "The hell do you mean 'people really can die?' No shit, bird brain that's why it's called death" I scolded.

"Huh?" The slender boy asked. I rolled my eyes. Itadori looked at the girl in his arms. "So I atleast want the people I know to have proper deaths" Itadori added. "Not that I really get it myself" He continued, picking up the girl. Something almost fell out her pocket before he caught it. "This it?" He asked. "Yeah" The slender boy answered.

"That's the special grade cursed object, Ryomen Sukuna's finger" The slender boy continued. "Dude, gross what the hell? It looks like it's been up your grandpa's ass" I joked. Itadori chuckled. "It's a miracle it didn't get swallowed" The slender boy said sternly. "Why the hell would anyone wanna eat that thing?" I questioned. "Does it taste good?" Itadori chimed in. "Don't be stupid" The slender boy said.

"You'd do it to gain stronger cursed energy" He continued. I looked at Itadori. "Cursed energy? What is this, Naruto?" I questioned. The slender boy scoffed. "Tch. It's dangerous so hand it over already" He demanded. "How do we know you don't want stronger cursed energy?" I crossed my arms.

The boy looked at me. "Sure, sure" Itadori said. As soon as he was about to hand it over, a curse appeared from the ceiling. "Huh??" I asked. The boy widdened his eyes and pushed Itadori out the way. "Run!" He yelled. Me, Itadori, the girl in his arms and the boy's wolves got knocked back from the debris.

The curse turned to us with the boy in it's hand. "Fushiguro!" Itadori yelled. Fushiguro, huh? I thought. Fushiguro put his hands together and said "Nue" But before anything happened, the curse threw him to the wall. The shikigami melted away as Fushiguro fell down the wall.

Eventually, the power went out and Fushiguro got thrown out the building. The curse, still chasing after him. "Shit!" I yelled. Itadori ran after the curse and punched it. "Itadori!!" I yelled. "Itadori! Why can't you two understand to take the students and run?!" He questioned. "Because, you don't get to play hero today knowing damn well that there are people here who can help you!" I yelled. "You're in big trouble yourself!" Itadori yelled, dodging the curses attacks.

Itadori grabbed onto the curse but was dragged and thrown away. "Only other curses can exorcise curses! You can't beat it!" Fushiguro yelled. "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!" I yelled and drew an axe formed from lightning. "No don't!" Fushiguro yelled. "Is this time time to be saying that?! You're going to die at this rate!" Itadori yelled. The curse tried dragging Itadori again but he jumped off just before anything else happened.

"If I went home now, I'd have nightmares!" He yelled, kicking the curse in the eye. "Besides.." Itadori jumped from the curse's attack. "I have my own troublesome curse already!" He continued. "Is he gonna.." I questioned. I ran up and slashed out the curse's eyes, giving Itadori time to think this over.


Itadori threw the curse up in the air. "You idiot! Hand it over or you'll be eaten too!" Fushiguro yelled. "Doesn't look like he can!" I yelled. The curse had Itadori in it's hands. Itadori pushed himself from the curse's other pair of hands and reached the finger; catching it with his mouth. "YOU-" I yelled. "Tch, that idiot" I said, taking the axe and swinging at the head. Not that it would've done anything.

He held himself from the curse's teeth and eventually tossed it in his mouth. "There is a way to save everyone!" He yelled. "I just need some cursed energy, right Fushiguro?!" He continued. "Don't..." Fushiguro muttered. "Don't do it!" Fushiguro screamed. He was too late by then. Itadori had already swallowed the finger whole. "Ohh dude how do you swallow that finger?!" I questioned with disgust.


Itadori burst out the curse's hands and landed on the ground before us. The curse ran after Itadori. Weird marks formed on his arms and face. He did a weird uppercut without even touching the curse and it immediately started to disentegrate. Long ass nails appeared on Itadori's fingers. Was it Itadori? How would I know. He opened up two pairs of eyes. One pair in the right spot and two right underdeath them. Then chuckled.

"Ah, I knew it! The light feels best in the flesh!" He said as he ripped his jacket off. I arched a brow as I watched. "Tch. What kinda pills is he on??" I questioned. "They're not pills.." Fushiguro said. "It's Sukuna" He finished.

"A cursed spirits flesh is so boring! Where are the people? The women?!" He yelled. An irk appeared on my face. He climbed up on the railing of the building. "What a wonderful era to be in" He said. "Women and children are crawling around like maggots" He said.

"Marvelous! It'll be a massacre!" He yelled before his own hand grabbed his chin and dragged him back to me and Fushiguro. "What do you think you're doing with my body?" He asked. "How are you able to move?" He continued. "I mean, it's my body" He answered.

"Don't move. You're no longer human" Fushiguro said. He did something with his hands. "Under Jujutsu Regulations, Itadori Yuji, I will exorcise you as a curse!" Fushiguro yelled. "NO!" I screamed. I changed my axe into a katana and attacked him.

"What are you doing?! Let me exorcise him! He's not human and he's a threat to everyone!" He yelled. "Shut UP!" I said, almost hitting his arm. "You don't know that!!" I yelled again. Fushiguro frowned. "Yes I DO!! He swallowed Sukuna's finger and now he's been taken over!" He yelled. "Tch, and how do you know that?!" I questioned, jumping behind him and going for his back.

"It's evident! The marks on his body?! His voice?! His demeanor?!" He yelled. I stopped for a moment and got a good look at him. He had a point. He looked different from the Itadori Yuji that I knew. "K..But still. I won't let you exorcise him!" I yelled. Fushiguro groaned. "Ughh..when are you going to get this?! He's not your boyfriend anymore, he's a curse now! He has to be exorcised and if you don't let me, everyone will die!!" He exclaimed.

I widdened my eyes. "You think you can just exorcise him after assuming our relationship?!" I yelled. I threw my katana at him. Abruptly, he dodged. I rolled my eyes and formed another one. "Does it matter?!" He yelled. "To me it does!! Do you have any idea how much he means to me?! Do you?!" I yelled. "I don't know, and I don't care! As long as he's alive, everyone is in danger of him!" He yelled.

I scoffed. "WILL YOU JUST LISTEN FOR ONE GOD DAMN SECOND?! YOU SAW HOW HE PULLED HIMSELF BACK FROM THE RAILING!! HE HAS CONTROL OVER SUKUNA!! I DON'T GET HOW YOU'RE TOO BLIND TO SEE THAT!!" I screamed. Fushiguro stopped and stared at me. "And if he get's all 20 fingers?! How can you be sure he's got control then?!" He argued. I arched a brow. "20?" i questioned. "Yes, 20. He has 4 arms and 4 eyes" Fushiguro said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I won't let you kill him!!" I yelled. My katana faded as I went to kick him. Lightning circled all around my ankle and foot. "Huh?!" Fushiguro yelled. "What kinda cursed technique is this?!" He questioned just before I kicked him into the building. "I originally named it lightning fist but I guess the whole fist part doesn't mean a whole lot now" I said, looking at my foot.

"Wooooww" A man said behind us. I turned to look at him. He had white hair with a blind fold and wore an outfit somewhat similar to Fushiguro's. "Who the hell are you??" I questioned.

"Me?" The man pointed at himself. I rolled my eyes. "No, the clouds. Yes you, dumbass!" I scolded. He chuckled. "Gojo Satoru" He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes again. "Tch. You look really weird smiling like that with your blindfold on" I said. He chuckled again. "Ohh I see. You're a smart mouth, aren't ya?" He smiled again. I frowned. "The hells the matter with him??" I asked.

Fushiguro stood up. "He's just naturally annoying. Like a menace to society." He answered. I looked at him. I made a gun from lightning. "You stay down" I demanded. Fushiguro rolled his eyes and got back down. I turned back to Gojo. "So what's your deal here?" I asked. "Oh nothin," He started. He came down from the railing.

"Just came to see what the hell you're doing to my student" He smiled again. I gulped. "Student?" I asked. "Oh yeah, he's from this place called Tokyo Jujutsu High" Gojo said. I narrowed my eyes. "Tokyo Jujutsu High?" I questioned. Gojo nodded. "The hell's that about?" I questioned. "I'll tell ya on the trip there" He grinned. "What? Are you out of your mind?!" Fushiguro yelled.

I changed the small gun into a huge ray gun in his face.

"Nope" Gojo giggled.

And that, is what started my whole journey in the Jujutsu world.



omgomgomgomgomgogomgomgomgomgomgomgomg why am i proud of this breh

in knee ways,

have a good day/night!! ily and stay safe^^

wc: 2243

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