《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》Prologue 3


ayeeee we finally at the last prologue ;))))))))


Y/n L/n

Age: 15 (a week before your birthday)

Height: 5'5






(narrator pov)

August 19th. The day your heart had been ripped out your body.

The bus dropped you off from school per usual. You walked home from the curb, saw the street light show a red convertable. You wondered, for, unknowingly, the last time ever, who your dad had brought home this time.

You adjusted your black beanie and took out your key- but you didn't need to.

The door was already opened.

(your pov)

"Dad?" I asked as I neared the doorway. I balled up my fist and lightning washed over it. The closer I got to the door, the slower I walked. I heard crunching in there, so I thought my dad had broke something.


An ugly creature was in the living room, feasting on my dad's instestinal organs. A lady's body lay still on the carpet. My eyes widdened and my blood ran cold. My heart was beating at 1,000 miles an hour. Blood painted all 4 walls surrounding us.

The ugly creature just kept on munching at my dad. And I just stood there. Immobile.

The creature realized I was there and turned towards me. I watched as it slowly moved to me. Naturally, I walked back. Slowly. The lightning disappeared off my fist as I got back on my bike and rode to the end of the street.

"Come on damnit, work!" I hit my right fist. The creature was getting closer and closer with every hit. I looked up at it. It's teeth covered in my dad's blood. I imagined my blowing the creature to smithereens, and a blade of lightning appeared in my hand. Along with another me. "Huh?" I asked. The clone looked at me. "You thought of destroying it, right? So let's do it" It said confidently.


Some how, a wave of bravery washed over me as me and my clone ran to the creature. Her and I slashed an x on it's chest. My clone looked at me. "Join blades with me" She said. I nodded as we can to it, our blades touching and we ran them straight through the creature. The creature began fading away, eventually.

I looked at my clone, only for my to see nothing. I blinked in confusion. Then I remembered.

"DAD!" I screamed as I walked in the room. His still, breathless body lay in my arms. "Don't you fucking die on me! Nope! Not happening!" I yelled. I slapped him in the face to wake him up. But nothing worked.

Realization took over me as I watched red and blue lights reflect in his lifeless eyes. Two police officers walked in the room, their guns at the ready. They saw me holding my dad's body, crying over it.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" One of the officers asked me. I looked at him. The officer backed away. Apparently my eyes were red and I had 2 comma like markings circling my pupils. "Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked me again. I nodded. "I'm ok" I said quietly. The second officer escorted me to his police car.


Itadori ran into the station and saw me, wrapped up in a blanket like a burrito. "Y/n! You ok?" He sat down next to me. I didn't say anything. I just shook my head. "What happened?" He asked. "Her dad and- mom, I guess, got eaten by somethin. We don't know what, though" The officer said.

"A curse." I mumbled. Itadori and the officer looked at me. "A curse?" Itadori asked. I nodded. "A curse at my father. And that slut was not my mother" I looked at the officer. "A curse, upon this world, one who inflicts pain, ate my father and that slut he brought home!" I yelled. Itadori and the officer looked concered. "Uh..ok..let's getcha home, alright?" Itadori asked. 'Thank you' He mouthed to the officer. The officer nodded and walked off.


I'll kill them all.


Itadori sat me down on his couch. "Here, got you some water" He handed he a bottle. I took the bottle and held it in my lap. "So what happened?" He asked. I looked at him. My face was as pale as ever and I was still cold from shock. "I walked home from the bus stop, I found that my door was open so I got my lightning bullshit ready, and I walked in and the next thing I know I was running from the creature that killed my father! It was horrible Itadori, it was so bad!" I cried to his shoulder. He hugged me tightly and stroked my hair and shushed me, telling me it's ok.

"But it's not ok! Where am I gonna live?! I'm not staying in that blood covered house! Not where he was killed! It'd be a constant reminder that I'M the only one who managed to stay in that household!" I yelled. "You can stay with me" He smiled. I looked up at him. "Really?" I asked with a tear stained face. "Yeah! That way we both won't be lonely!" He grinned.


The next week was horrid. I walked with Itadori home everyday instead of taking the bus. My birthday was spent with Itadori, which wasn't the worst thing in the whole world. Better than spending it alone in that house.

Itadori got me a better phone. Mine was cracked from when I destroyed the previous curse. He also got a picture frame. In it was a picture of me and him. "Why do I need this??" I questioned. "That way, if something happens to me, you'll always remember me with that!" He grinned. I looked at him with disgust. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Thanks, Itadori" I hugged him. He beamed. "Anytime" He said warmly.


A year went by, and me and Itadori were at the school after hours. Isn't that great?

"So what am I here for?" I asked. "Remember how you told me about how you wanted to kill them all? The curses?" Itadori asked. I nodded. "Well, there's one in the school!" He yelled. I widdened my eyes, remembering the sight of my dad's half eaten body. Itadori grabbed my hand and up the building we went.





(end of prologue 3)



anyways, have a good day/night!! ily and stay safe^^

wc: 1101

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