《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》Prologue 2


Y/n L/n

Age: 13

Height: 5'3








(narrator pov)

December 15th. The day it happened again.

The school bus dropped you and a couple other kids off at the curb, which was far from where the actual bus stop was; but you didn't mind. The curb was closer to your house than the stop, so it was fine.

You wrapped yourself even tighter in the scarf around your neck and walked home. The street light showed a blue car infront of your house. Wonder who dad brought home this time. You thought as you neared the doorway.

For most kids, it was a joy coming home at the end of the school day.

Not for you.

Your dad was always bringing home a new girl everyday. You wondered if he'd brought home all of Tokyo's female population ranging from the ages of 20 to 45. Sometimes you'd be curious on the special days where it was actually a good day for you. Other times, most of the time, you didn't want to deal with the whore he brought home with him.

Your dad never hit you after your parents devorce 4 years ago. He grew up with it and the though of him hurting you scared him, so that was at least one good thing about him. But it wasn't your dad you didn't wanna deal with. It was the girls he brought home.

Note, not all the girls he brought home with him were horrible. Some were nice to you, though you never gave them the same respect. You found it difficult to, if they were only gonna be there for the next few hours before your dad tells them to leave. It's not that you didn't like them, (you very much didn't,) you just didn't care.

(your pov)

I walked home from where the bus dropped us off. The street lamp that showed a blue car in my driveway reminded me that someone new was already in our house.

Walking through the door, I saw a woman standing in the kitchen washing the dishes as if she lived here. Tch, it always pisses me off when they come into my home and try to act like my new mom all of a sudden. I keep categories of all the types of girls my dad brings home. So far I've got:

-Mean whore

-nice, but a whore

-nice and not a whore


-tsundere and has only slept with a few guys


-ayo housewife??

I've got 74 under the nice whore, 13 under the mean whore, 53 under the tsundere, 6 under the nice and not a whore, and 0 under ayo housewife.

"Oh, hello! You must be Y/n" The lady announced from the kitchen. "Uhm, who are you?" I questioned. I always do this with my dad's hoes to fuck with them. "Oh, I'm Sakada" She said with a smile. She seems nice and is doing the dishes, which normally I would've been doing if my dad and his hoe were upstairs in his room doing guess what.

"Tch, whatever" I said before going upstairs.

"Dad, your hoe's doing the dishes for me" I said as he walked out the bathroom door. He chuckled at my announcement. "Y/n, Y/n, don't call her that"

"It's what she is" I replied. Before I walked into my room, my dad stopped me. "Hey, you mind stayin at your friend, Itadori's place for the night?" He asked. I looked at him and scrunched up my nose. "So it's gonna be one of those nights, huh?" I asked. He nodded, his ears and face red with embarrassment. "You'll get it soon enough one day, Y/n" He said. He pat my shoulder before going downstairs.

I rolled my eyes and got out a bag for my clothes and other stuff.



ye ?

mind if i stay w u tn ?

YEAH !! :D



I sighed as I packed some clothes and flopped on my bed for a couple minutes. "Why is my dad such a player?" I asked myself before getting my headphones on. (a/n: if u dont listen to cherry waves by deftones, i recommend it its so good istg)

I walked out the door with my maroon red jacket, my black baggy sweatpants, my vans and my bag and my headphones on. I got on my bike and rode for Itadori's house.

I knocked a couple times before he called for me. I looked to my left to find Itadori walking his bike back and waving at me.

He eventually got up to his door and unlocked it. "Sorry, I was visiting my grandpa" He said. "It's fine" I replied, walking through the door.

"So why's your old man got you stayin here for the night again? Is it one of those nights?" He asked that last part with half lidded eyes. "Yep. And this time his hoe was washing the dishes for me" I told him. "Oooof so another fake mom hoe?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied.


I took the bowl of cereal he offered me and sat down on his couch. "Jeez, why can't he just pick one and stay with one?! Don't get me wrong, It's not that I don't like having you around, I love having my best friend over here, but seriously! I'm getting a lil worried!" He exclaimed. I looked at him. "It's fine. He can't stay with one because he's concerned if I like them too. Now stop being such a worry bear" I chopped em in the head.

He chuckled and turned on a movie.


After the movie ended, he got up and stretched his arms out. "Hey, Y/n, wanna go to the park?" He asked. I looked at him. "Sure why not" I got up.

Me and him got on our bikes and raced towards the park.

"Jeez, how fast are you?! Are you a fucking car?!" I asked, out of breath my the time I caught up to him at the park. He chuckled. "Maybe" He grinned.

Me and him sat on the swings for about 15 minutes, talking about random stuff.

"Tch, I remember one night in 5th grade, I was spending the night at my cousins house, and for her lunch the next day she made a peanut butter honey and ham sandwich" I said. Itadori gagged. "What in fucks name is that sandwich bruh" He cackled. "I dunno but she tried getting me to make one too" I said. "Pfffft. Ewww, peanut butter and ham?? I get pb and honey or honey and ham but really???" He questioned. I shrugged.

I rolled my eyes once I saw another ugly creature. "Tch, what does it want?" I asked. Itadori looked at me. "You can see them too??" He asked. "Yeah, remember in 4th grade?" I said. "Ohh yeahh" He said, stroking his chin. "Whatcha gonna do about this one?" He said. "Punch it" I answered.

"Watch and learn, punk" I joked but I didn't smile. I ran over to the creature and punched it with my fist, already flowing with lightning. The creature was sent flying back at least a hundred feet. Itadori just stared. "Woahhh" He said in awe. I turned to him. "Cool isn't it?" I asked. "How did you learn to control that??" He questioned, looking at my fist.

"Last time I saw it, your fist was still glowing in 4th grade" He stared. I shrugged. "Just kinda did" I said. I honestly didn't even control it, I just thought of punching the creature, and the lightning turned up on my fist.

"Man, you like some sorta super hero now!!" Itadori beamed. I slightly smiled. "Not exactly" I said.


"So you got a crush on anyone yet?" Itadori asked with a blush. I looked at him. "Nope" I said blankly. He looked down. "Ok" He said quietly. "Why? Do you have a crush on someone?" I asked. He looked at me; his cheeks were beat red. "I- uh- no!" He stammered. I looked at him with a knowing smirk. "C'mon, Itadori. You can't lie to me" I pressed. He rolled his eyes. "I kinda do have a crush on somebody" He mumbled.

"Oooh~ so who is it?" I teased. Still not smiling. "I- Jennifer Lawrence!" He yelled. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried holding in a laugh. "Tch, really? Jennifer Lawrence? There's so many other hot women out there that you can crush on and you choose her??" I questioned. "Well who do YOU think is attractive??" He questioned. I looked away and thought about it. "Hmm.." I said.


We got back to his house shortly after. "Need any help with your homework?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Nope! Don't have any. Can you believe it?!" He beamed. I lifted a brow. "Really? Good for you" I said, patting his back. He grinned then turned back to the tv.

Soon enough, 3 o'clock rolled around and I felt my eyes getting heavier. I eventually turned off my phone and rolled over in bed. I looked out the window and stared at the street light. I rolled my eyes at it staring back at me and rolled back over to my phone.

I stayed on my phone for another hour or so before I almost dropped it. I scoffed at my tiredness.


(end of prologue 2)


ooooooooooof sorry for the bad ending and sorry it was so short lmao

anyways, have a good day/night!!! ily and stay safe^^

wc: 1609

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