《King of the magical Britain》Meeting with the Lawyer


Getting ready for the meeting with his lawyer Harry dressed in his new Robes and tied his hair in a pony. Taking copies of his documents he went to his floo and a minute later he was standing in the hall of the law firm he choose. Turning around he noticed a secretary he went to her and told her about his appointment with Mr.Greengrass. after a few minutes he told him he could go in.

Walking into the office he noticed the nice elegant decorations and the tall, sandy blond man standing behind his desk. "Well met Lord Potter. I'm happy to see you." Bowed Mr.Greengrass lightly, Harry inclined his head "well met Mr.Greengrass I hope we can work well together and please call me Harry. May we begin?" Eliot gesture to sit "very well Harry, then please call me Eliot. Firstly here is o contract, please read it first and then sign it here" taking the contest from Eliot Harry spend the next two minutes looking trough it, nodding satisfied Harry sign and gave it back.

Eliot took it to his fail of the Potter family "so how can I be of service?" Harry made himself comfortable and took his documents out of it. "Firstly as you well know my godfather Sirius Black will have his trail in 3 days. He is innocent, here I have a Copie of my parents Will when it's clearly stated but the Potter Will was sealed until a few days ago. Also he is my sworn Godfather so he couldn't to anything to hurt me. I only wish for you to make sure his trail goes fairly and without someone looking for excuses to being him back to prison." Eliot nodded a took the Will seeing the paragraph about the secret keeper and gestures for Harry to continue. "Second I would like to bring charges against Madam Dolores Umbridge. She used a Blood Quill in her detonations as well as the truth serum on a few and tried to put me under the Cruciatus Curse. I have the scar to prove it and am not the only one." here Harry showed the back of his right hand were the scar *i must not tell lies* was on display. "Thirdly i would like to do something about all these books that are using my name, I'm sure we can't burn them all to at least stop the printing of more and classify them as fantasy.


And gave a comment or something that would state I will begin suing these reporters that slender me." Eliot was making notes and nodding his head along the explanation " The last two won't be a problem. I will just write a statement to the papers that without you contest they can't use your image or word as well as slander won't be tolerated just facts. As for the books we can write to the companies about using you image and name without you contest, they will need to give some percent of the income of them and also write to the shops that sell them to classify into the fantasy section. With the charged against Mme.Umbridge it will take more time I will need to gather evidence and speak with other kids together with they parents but it can be done." Harry smiles and nodded

"that would be alright I have also something special but that will take time and you may be skeptical about it. I would like for you to build a case against Dumbledore." Now Eliot was shocked the golden boy wants to press charges against the Headmaster. "Why would I need to build a case against the headmaster?" So Harry took a huge breath and told him his life story not telling about Riddle or the soul. After he was done Eliot needed a few minutes to compose and calm himself down. "I will begin and make sure it's solid. With that our meeting comes to an end. It was really a pleasure to meet you Harry." Stood the lawyer up and bowed, Harry doing he same bit him farewell.

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