《King of the magical Britain》Severus Snape


"Now here is all the research Lady Potter did. in potion. Now I will leave you both alone since you have much to discuss." Ragnarock handed the thick folder to the man, bowed and walked out. Silverfang taking the seat of his Lord, open a file and took a ritual dagger out. "Now Lord Prince first we have to make sure you are you as well as free of any Charms and Potions." hading the dagger and some parchment to Severus he told him to drop 7 drops of his blood. Severus was not believing he was unter any thing but did as was told, took the dagger and nickt his finger. Few minutes later the parchment glowed a slightly silver and black writing appeared. Silverfang took it and stared reading out loud.

Severus was enraged, how dare he?! I will show him!! Grr.. Calming down Snape turned to Silverfang "can we do something about them?" the goblin nodded "yes. We can do a cleaning ritual, maybe that first and the discussion about the Prince accounts later?" Snape nodded at that and followed the goblin when he beckons him to follow.

15 minutes later they were back in the office. "Now Lord Prince you mother was in fact disowned but not you. Your grandfather in his Will named you the Heir to the Prince Family. At the time you were 16 years old and the Headmaster of you school which also was your magical guardian for a year told us you would contact us if you would want to take the responsibility but until then he would be your proxy. As I understood it you didn't know about it?" Snape was again thanking for his Occlumency shields because his anger would be explosive. "No. I thought both my mother and I was disowned. I didn't even receive a letter. So what am I do about it?" Silverfang was already getting a box out of a drawer and moving it towards his client. "Of course it's your birthright, you have to just put the ring in and if it's accepts you, you will have full control and can withdraw the proxy anytime."


Severus glanced at the gray box and opened it, in the middle of it lay a fairly big ring with a metal band and a black Stallion in the middle. It was elegant. Taking it he put it on his right pointing finger and he felt a warm feeling enveloping him. The ring adjusted itself and Snape looked up at now his account manager."I would like to have a list with everything from the vault. As well as the investment, if they make money leave them be if not sold them. I will be seating in my seat at the Wizengamot so please inform my proxy of the change officially also a change in last name from Snape to Prince is required. I would like to have a copy of test, my grandfather's will and the letter my magical guardian send you. Thank you." Silverfang nodded and sorted the documents his client is asking for.

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