《King of the magical Britain》The Potter's Will executed


4th, August

Ragnarock was executing today the last Will of the Potters. Sending everybody mention in it a massive and a summon to accepted what was given to them.

Professor Minerva McGonagall and Filius Flitwick sat both in the great hall eating breakfast with other colleagues that stayed behind in the castle for the holidays.

Both looked up when they noticed two identical owls coming towards them. Taking the letters and giving the owls a treat both broke the same deal at the same time. Both letters were quiet the same.

Dear Minerva McGonagall/Filius Flitwick,

The last Will of the late Lord and Lady Potter was unsealed and executed.

we the Gringotts Bank summon you to receive what was left to you.

With regards

Lord Ragnarock

Potter accounts manager

Lord of the British Goblins.

Both were shocked and looked at each other, everyone thought that the Potter's Will was lost after all now it states in the letter it's was sealed before. Both thought the same thing there weren't many that could order it.

Remus was still in Potter Manor when his letter came, reading it he had to wonder what everyone else would think about the issue since most think it was lost.

Sirius was thankfully in his room when his letter came. Reading it he had to laugh thinking there wasn't anything anymore for him since Harry was already emancipated but since he knows both his best friends wanted to treat Harry as his own there may be something he could still to. I wonder what Harry's face will look like when I propose it to him, I will be able truly to call him mine son... Sirius got back to reading his family journals that the owl interrupted him.

Neville was sitting in the parlor drinking tea with his Gran when the letter came.


Dear Heir Longbottom,

The last Will of the late Lady and Lord Potter was unsealed and executed.

Since Lady Alice Longbottom is unavailable her share of the Will goes to you as the only son and heir. Please come and receive what was left.

With regards

Lord Ragnorock,

Potter accounts manager

Lord of the British Goblins

Reading it out loud he was quiet shocked although his Gran didn't appear to be, giving her a questioning look she smile slightly "Lily and you mother were best friends, they were the godmothers of each other's sons. I'm not surprised he left something for Alice, actually if my memory serves me right Alice was supposed to take care of him if Sirius couldn't, but then most thought the Will was lost and Albus already took him were he said young Harry was safe. Even when I asked to take him he told me I already had you and I'm not getting any younger although I disagreed with him, I could have handled you two." Neville nodded and fall in deep though.

Severus Snape was brewing Potions in his home in Spiner's End when a hoot from the window interrupted him. Casting a stasis in his brewing and going to open the window, he noticed the letter was from Gringotts. He didn't know what the goblins would like with him but he broke the seal and started reading.

Dear Lord Prince,

The last Will of the late Lady and Lord Potter was unsealed and executed.

We the Gringotts Bank summon you to receive what was left to you. The Prince account manager Silverfang would also like to speak with you.

With regards

Lord Ragnarock

Potter accounts manager

Lord of the British Goblins

Severus was quite shocked reading it he thought the Potter's didn't leave a Will. Forgoing his potions he went to his bedroom to change into clean robes and went his floo. What would the Potters leave me and why Lord Prince?"


Arriving at Gringotts a moment ago he went to a teller bowed slightly greeted him a showed him his letter. The teller escorted him to the office and left.

Going in he noticed two goblins one older and more regal looking, bowing and giving the traditional greeting again he waited for them to began. The goblins bowed back, "I'm Lord Ragnarock and this is Master Silverfang but you first business is with me. Both Potter's mention you in their Will. First Lord Potter:

Hearing it Severus became speechless the first time in a very long time. Potter actually apologizing to me. I didn't even know I needed it. Bracing himself for Lily he went out of his thoughts. Ragnarock noticing he had the man's attention continued " now as for Lady Potter:

Now Severus had most in his eyes and his heart became lighter. He didn't know it before but he needed that consolation.

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