《King of the magical Britain》An unexpected Letter


4th, August

The next morning eating breakfast Harry received six different letters.

The first one was from Neville, there was one from the Ministry and Ragnarock, from McGonagall and from the lawyer firm. The last one was a mystery to Harry.

Opening that from Neville first Harry smiled reading it.

Dear Harry,

You don't have to apologize to me. I did what a good friend is suppose to do. What is imports is that everything enden well. My Gran didn't have any objections for me to visit you for a few days, so I will be coming on Saturday, two says after the trial.

Yours Neville

Your god brother

Asking for Didi he said "make sure we have another guest room ready for Saturday we will be having a guests for a few days." Taking the next one from McGonagall Harry nodded his head at the end.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I'm delighted to know you are finally taking your schooling more seriously.

Yes it is possible to still change your electives. For both subjects you will have to get tested in which year to put you. Both test will be happening am 28th August at 10 am.

I wish you luck.

Prof. Minerva McGonagall

Making a note in his head not to miss the date of the test Harry took the letter from the Ministry which stated he could redo his exams on 26th August at 9:30 am. in the Department of magical Education. Making yet another note he took the letter from Ragnarock telling him it wasn't a problem and he Harry is now a proud owner of the Daily Prophet. Now he took the important latter from his hopefully future lawyer.

Dear Lord Potter,

I have to confess I found myself surprised to receive you request. When you reentered the magical world I wrote you a letter to ask if you would like my firms service once again but your magical guardian answered you don't need such things. If you have the time Lord Potter please come by mine office today at 13 o'clock. We can discuss a new contest and my service.


With respect

Eliot John Greengrass

Son of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Greengrass

Looking at the time Harry saw it was already nearing 10 am. So he head 3 hours before the meeting. Looking at the last letter he noticed a green silver crest with snakes and he suddenly had a strange feeling in his stomach. Checking the letter for any curses, jinxes etc. even if the wards wouldn't let them by, he took the letter after it appeared clear.

Dear Harry James Potter,

I'm sure you are surprised to receive a letter from me, I too was surprised to wake up looking in my twenties again.

After sorting out my memories and looking trough old papers, I'm in need of thanking you. I lost myself and my mind and did much more damage to our world that it already had. Even if making a Horcrux wasn't exactly out of free will.

I also need to thank you for giving me my birthright back even if I didn't deserve it.

I won't apologize to you for your parents death, it would make them meaningless and disrespectful. I thought you may appreciate my thank you gift, I'm working on for the trail of your godfather's.

Now I'm going back to the goals I wanted before insanity touched me as well as making the war political, because this world needs change. I also disband the Death Eaters although not all, some of them are out of control. Thought you would like to know.

Could you tell me your reasons for giving me a second chance at life and not destroying me completely? Also would to care to share what is going on because I can feel there is something, we both know you aren't as golden as everybody likes to think.


Yours truly

Tom Marvolo Riddle now Tomorr Slade Slytherin

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Respected House of Slytherin

Lord of the Ancient House of Nara

Folding the parchment back again Harry sat there completing what to do, he will answer to it he is to curious about the real Tom not to. With that he took his letters and walked to his study, where he is standing more and more time.

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