《King of the magical Britain》Harry's first plans


Harry after parting with his godfather and honorary godfather went to his study to write more Letters and maybe think about his plans in more detail.

Sitting behind my desk in a comfortable chair I still don't know how to compose a later to the lawyer. I need him for Sirius case, these books about me as well as Madam Umbitch I mean Umbridge.

Dear Mr. Eliot Greengrass,

My Name is Lord Harry James Potter and my account manager told me your law company Greengrass&Smith were in the past lawyer of my family. I would like to ask of your service one again. I have more then one case I need a lawyer for, but the first would be my godfather's trail. I want it to be fair and without interferences. So you understand that I would need to have your answer and probably a meeting quite quickly. I hope we will work together.

With respect

Harry James Potter

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black

Sealing it with my Potter seal I put it to the side now a short letter to Ragnarock.

Dear Ragnarock,

How is the progress with the shares? Do you think it would be possible to have them until Sirius's trial?

may your blade be sharp and body strong


Sealing it I went to the window and called for Hedwig she will always come. Not a minute later she sat on my outstretched arm. Petting her softly "here a two letter, that one first and then you can deliver to Gringotts. Good girl" tying them up she went into the air. I watch her for a moment and then made myself comfortable in the chai again.

Now about my plans, there are so many. I need to decide what to do with the crown but I will visit the castle first maybe there would be portraits I could speak to. The Ministry as it's now can't be tolerated for long. Hogwarts needs a update too although that will be more difficult with the old goat there. I really need to read about my family and the royal line but that's again the castle. Maybe I could go there after the trail or maybe Tomorrow I will decide in the morning.


I will make some notes what I want to accomplish.

1. An orphanage for all magical children

2. Pre school with Wizarding Etiquette, History and Culture

3. More rights for magical races

4. Wizarding Traditions legal and in use again

5. Hogwarts Update

6. possible more magical villages?

Well for now it would be this but I'm sure there would be some more, even now that's pretty hard to accomplish, I will need support and some help in making detailed planes. I also need to do researched but in that Remus would be better, good too if he won't be busy. I also need to retake my OWLS and change my subjects. I need to write two letters again.

Dear proffers McGonagall,

I would like to ask if it's possible to change and drop other subjects? If yes then I would like to drop divination, astronomy and care of magical creatures but take both ancient runes and arithmancy, I studied both subjects individually.

Have wonderful holidays Professor

Harry James Potter

That I'm sealing too with the Potter crest and know about O.W.L.S I need to write to the Department of magical Education.

Dear Examiners,

I would like to ask for a chance to retake my O.W.L.S before the next term of Hogwarts begins.

Harry James Potter

Lord of Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

sealing it I took it to the side to wait until Hedwig comes back. Now I can go to library talk with Remus and read my books further.

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