《King of the magical Britain》Daily News


Walking out of the building he started walking towards Diagon Alley since the law firm was a bit to the side from the Alley. Only 5 minutes later he arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, noticing already many guests he walked with a fast pace to the bricks and into Diagon then straight to the office of Daily Prophet.

Harry straighten himself and held his head high before walking in, looking around he noticed a secretary from sorts, noticing the director's office at the end of the hall he walked with confidence in. The older plumb man jumped at the sudden intrusion and started yelling "what do you think you are doing walking in like that? How do you think you are young man?" Harry just stared at him until he stopped, finally he said " Since today I'm the owner of this newspaper. And if you don't want to lose you job you will shut up. Do you know who I'm?" The man now took his time to observe the boy in front of him noticing the expensive robes and booths as well as his Lord's ring with the Potter crest, he blanched.

"Lord Potter, I'm so sorry for not noticing. What can I do for you?" Harry just gestured for him to follow and bit went to the main room were all reporters had they desks, Harry stood in the middle and clapped loudly. "Please gather around all, I have announcement to made." All the workers were a bit confounded who this young man was and why he was here but did as they were told. Harry seeing he had everyone's attention he began.

"Good Morning to you all. My name is Lord Harry James Potter and from today onwards I'm the owner of the Daily Prophet. Since today there will be changes around here and these who can't adept can handle in they resignations letters. Firstly instead Daily Prophet we will be named Daily News. Every reporter will have to use normal Quills or dictate Quills but I don't want to see any Quick-Quotes-Quills. Since I was the victim of this papers slender as well as fantasy story's from today every reporter has to write only facts and true. You have to check you informations and have evidence for it. You can ask questions but don't slender anyone if it's just based on speculation or rumor. Everyone can sue you if you tell lies about them or Quote them without then contest, Understood?" Looking around he noticed a few reporters were relived and quiet satisfied with the news but Rita was looking quiet sour, grinning he continued. " Now this newspaper is the most popular one in the magical Britain. I want the first page to be always about most important news, scandals and changes. There will be a political, academic, gossip and sports pages. Every page will have two reporters who takes what I will let you decide since you know your strengths in writing. In the next issue on the front page there would be the announcement about our change and apology to all victim's of slender. You can write about me as well even if I do something wrong or scandalous but only if it's true and facts. Although my lawyer will make a statement about using my name, image or words without my permission. Now have a good day all. Rita a word please," Harry nodded to them and beckon Rita to the direction's office. Gesturing for them to sit down he explains what he wanted from her and the director. " First Director Tyl I want you to actually be a director of this newspaper. I want you to check on reporters and they articles. Obey the rules I set and don't let the ministry or lord's bribe you if I found out otherwise I will find someone competent to run this." The director nodded his head and was actually very happy to finally not be owned by the ministry. Harry turned to Rita "now Rita we both know you love to cause scandals and slender people. But you need to have evidence of what you write as well as permission for the quotes you use. I know about your animagus form and I have a special assignment for you would you be interested?"


Rita has a curious glint in her eyes so she nodded. "Wonderful. I want you to find everything you can about Albus Dumbledore. I will tell you everything about my life as well as Hogwarts years. There will be many scandals but I want you to check the facts. You should use you skill and check his childhood as well alright?" Rita had already an evil smile on her face " I will find his every secret, it may take time but I can start with articles about your Hogwarts years."

Harry had a small cold smile on his lips and started to tell her his adventures.

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