《King of the magical Britain》Letters


Harry's day behind his desk in his study and thought it over how to write the letter to DMLE but after a minute he decided first to write to his friends and godfathers.

Dear Padfoot,

I have much to speak about with you. I don't want to write it in a letter since some of it it's rather sensitive information that I don't want Dumbledore to know at least for now.

I would also like to caution you about him, don't trust him Siri! I will explain everything, once we meet. I was in Gringotts and accepted my ring, due to the Heir status I can get you a trail so await a Ministry summon. I left the Dursley's and I won't return there, where I'm now it's much safer. I don't have many people I trust for now, the only one's are you, Moony, Twins, Luna and Neville. Please be patient I will tell you everything. If but only IF you will be left alone in Grimmauld Place or nobody will notice you missing I send you a portkey together with this letter with the password "Grimm" it will take you to me, you will recognize it here.

Love you

Your godson HJP

Harry placed the letter to the side together with the portkey in a hand-band and began the next one.

Dear Moony,

I have much I would like to speak about with you. I'm not at the Dursley's anymore but I'm somewhere much safer and somewhere you would recognized. But please don't tell anybody about it except Padfoot, Twins, Luna and Neville. DON'T trust Dumbledore! I will explain to you everything, I promise but trust me in this. As heir to the black family I can request a trail for Padfoot, so he should be free in the near future. When you are free and out of orders radar use the portkey I included with the password "Pack" to come and see me.


Love you, stay safe

Your honorary godson HJP

Putting this letter next to Siri's with another hand-band but in another color. Now the next letter.

My dear Moon,

I'm sure you already know half the things I'm going to write. I would like to meet you since I have so much to explain. I would also like to spend some time with you and others before we have to go to Hogwarts. I included a portkey for you with the password "Moon".

Be safe and love you

Your brother HJP

Harry was sure this letter was unnecessary since he knew Luna somehow already knew about his all. He put it with the other letters together with the earrings that were the port key. And began to write a letter again.

Dear Neville,

I would like to thank you for stopping me doing something stupid before the summer and preventing a possible death for someone.

I also would like to invite you to visit me in my current home for as long as you would like and your grandmother allows. I have much to explain and maybe will need some help. I included a portkey for you with the password "plants".

Love you

Your god brother HJP

This letter was with a male chain for the neck and now the letter before the last.

Dear Demon Twins,

I hope you don't jinx me for it but I spoke with Gringotts about your business and I made them send you a investor contract, I hope you both accept because you are brilliant at what you are doing and this world definitely needs more laughter! On another note I have somethings to explain that I found out that aren't good news. I would like for you two to visit me when you are free at my current location. I included a portkey for the both of you with the password "demons". Hope to see you soon!


Love you

Your little brother from another mother HJP

Sealing that letter and putting it to the side with both chains finally Harry began the last and most important letter for the DMLE.

Dear Head of DMLE,

as Heir Black I formally request a fair trail with the use of Veritaserum for my Godfather Lord Sirius Orion Black. I'm sure you can check my claims when I say he didn't receive one before and I won't believe him to be guilty without hearing it under the potion from his mouth, he is my sworn godfather after all. If you need to find him I'm sure he will present himself after a summon in the Daily Prophet if you promise his safety until the trail.

With all the respect

Heir To the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Harry James Potter

Sealing the last letter with the black ring. He took them all and went to see if Hedwig arrived in the owlery.

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