《King of the magical Britain》Author's Note


From this point onward I will refer to Riddle as Tomorr. Some of my Characters will be a bit of OCC but I will try to somehow not change them too much. But this is a fanfiction it means I can change whatever I want. Also the Nara family I took them from Naruto that it's also not mine!

Also I know I didn't update my other two fics but like I said somewhere I'm new to writing and I had an idea but then this idea stopped, but I'm very thankful for all the nice comments and I never even thought it would be popular like this since I'm a completely amateur. I will try to complete it. But for now this fanatic I'm writing right now "King of magical" won't get out of my head!

So I hope you like it as much as the others. Comment, you can write critic but please be civil about it.

Warnings: there will be some bad language in the future as well as bashing of characters since these are my favorites type of fanfic and also Mpreg some in the long away future.

Enjoy!! And Thank You! :)

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