《King of the magical Britain》Amelia Bones of the DMLE


Walking into the Owlery Harry noticed right away the beautiful snowy white owl sleeping on one of the perches. Slowly as not to startle her Harry came closer and started to let her on her chest, slowly her eyes flutter open and she glared at him. "I'm sorry girl. I know I said to find me at the end of the day and then I stayed at a hotel but it was important. At least you had a wild hunt. For now this is our home, but it could change. Are you up for delivering a few letters?" Hedwig gave a hoot and a looked that clearly stated he offended her by asking "yes yes you are the best owl. Now the letter for DMLE First please Hedwig. And be careful, you don't need to wait for an answer when your are back you can hunt here in grounds and rest." tying the letter up on her Hedwig hooted, pecked him on the Head and took flight. Harry watched her for a minute and then went to the library were he spent rest of the afternoon re-reading his schoolbooks.

In the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the office of the Head Auror sat a not even middle age women by Wizarding standards. Amelia Bones prided herself to be fair and headstrong, you needed to be to get to her position especially as a women. She hated how corrupt the ministry was and she couldn't really do anything about it least she finds herself without a job. She was surprised when out of nowhere a snowy white owl delivered her a letter with the Black's family seal. Being cautious she cast detection Charms for curses, jinxes etc. but it came clear. Opening it and reading she became angry. If that is true someone wanted him in that prison very badly. Calling for one of her Auror she barked "find me everything you can on the case of one Sirius Orion Black as fast as you can and be discreet about it!" not even an hour later the same auror came back with a very thin file. Taking it a bit more forceful then necessary Amelia started to look trough it not even noticing how the auror fled her office, nobody wants to be near a dragon when angry, after all. Rereading the file for three times Amelia saw that Harry Potter was right and his godfather didn't receive even a trail, even if it was after war he should, every other Death Eater did and if it's true that he is a sworn godfather than he couldn't do anything that would hurt Potter. Only now did she notice the second parchment attached to the letter, taking it and reading she was shocked. In her hand she held the Copie of the last will of both the late Lord and Lady Potter, why this will wasn't read 15 years ago she didn't know but decided to find out. Taking 2 parchment she decided to do something about it right away.


Dear Lord Potter/Heir Black,

I sincere apologies for the mistake of my predecessors. This injustice should have never happen. Rest assured I will be personally taken care of this case and I pride myself in being always fair and just. I will make a summon in the Daily Prophet for your godfather to present himself in my office in three days at 9 am. And I promise he won't come to any harm.

I have a question I hope Lord Potter you could answer for me, why was your parents Will never read?


Amelia Bones

Regent of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Bones

Head Auror of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Sealing the Letter with her Head auror seal she began to write the summon for the paper. She will come the bottom of this case if it's the last thing she will do!

In the library in Potter Manor Harry looked up when the wards alter him of a presence. Noticing it was a Ministry owl he took the latter and thank the owl telling her she could rest in the Owlery. Breaking the seal and reading the letter Harry couldn't help the smile that blossomed his face at the end. He put the letter away and got back to his current book in a better mood then before.

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