《✅ Little Ollie's Daddy |The Phantom Series #1| [DDLB] [MXM] [MPREG]》Chapter 11


October 18, 2019

7:30 pm

Pines Residence


Thunder roared and rain came pouring hard, startling him even in the safety of his sturdy home. He was tingling with excitement as he waits for his mom and dad to come home, phone in his right hand while his left is brushing his hair, and sometimes pinching his cheeks.

He received an acceptance mail from a very prestigious art school, one that only accepts 3% of the total students who applied. He's tingling with excitement to tell his parents the good news. Even the live-in servants cannot help but smile and be happy for him.

He received tons of congratulatory greetings and the preparation for the celebration was halfway done. Even the bad weather won't be able to spoil his spirits. Despite the happiness washing over him, he can't help but accommodate the small nagging at the back of his mind. The gut feeling he gets when something bad is about to happen. To validate his concerns, thunder followed by a bolt of scary lightning sliced the dark sky.

He shuddered and found himself pulling away from the window of the balcony, overlooking the huge garden and heavily-secured gate. His feet dragged him to a loveseat situated in the corner of the room, a mini-library behind him and on his right side, a fireplace and a warm and plush rug in front of it.

With his trembling fingers, he dialed his mom's number and was relieved when she answered after two rings. "Mom! Are you alright? Are you guys nearby? Please be careful and tell dad to slow down. It's raining cats and dogs," he rambled breathlessly, only to be replied to by his mother's chuckles.

He leaned into the seat and pouted, then crossed his legs. He heard his father agreeing to his request but the amusement in his voice never disappeared. This is not a funny situation.

"Mom, Dad, I'm extremely worried. Please..."

"Baby. Don't worry, okay? Your dad is driving at a turtle's pace, I had to hold myself back from kicking him out of the car and drive fast and furious style so I can hug my baby." His mother's words made him melt and at the same time, belt out laughter as his father grunted and whined like a child at his mom's playful comment.


"You guys, stop fighting. Dad, keep your eyes on the road, and mom, stop teasing Dad. Do it later."

"Hey!" They both snickered at his dad's protest and burst into laughter.

It all happened too fast.

One moment he's happily talking with his parents, the next he was hearing the screams of 'I love you son', a commotion about someone messing with the brakes, along with his voice filled with fear, anxiety, and quiet sobs. All he can do was listen to his parents panic over the line, and then he heard their sobs, with his parents assuring him that everything will be alright.

"Listen, Ollie. Everything will be fine," his father stated with a rush. "If we don't make it, grab all the documents hidden in the secret room of our library and leave the house. You're not safe there," his father added and he shook his head.

"Dad, p-please, no..." He pleaded in desperation at his parents' resignation, breaking his heart to pieces. His parents were not able to respond to his plea and desperate cries when he heard a huge crash and the line went dead. His knees wobbled and he dropped to the floor, staring at his phone in his trembling hands, blinking so fast, trying to understand what the heck happened.

It couldn't be.

His parents are alive.

The crash did not happen.

His ears are just playing with him.

He nodded and convinced himself that it was just a premonition that played his mind. With a newfound determination, he dialed his mom's number, then his dad's when he cannot contact his mom. He swallowed the bile threatening to spill out of his throat and clutched his heaving chest.

No matter how much he called, no one answered. Every press he made to dial his parents, and every time he can't connect, his heart begins to crack and bleed. He dialed their number fifty times, and another twenty more. Until his phone battery went empty. But the result remains the same.

No one is answering. It's not even ringing.

Just like that, his world came crashing down, trapping him under the debris, crushing his lungs, and cutting off his air supply. His vision started to blur and the ache in his chest started to become dull. He wanted to ask for help but no voice came out, which made him feel like drowning with no help in sight. He gasped for the much-needed air and his head ached with the lack of oxygen.


All too soon he was dragged out of his consciousness. He was not aware when their butler arrived along with the servants to help him get to his room nor heard their family doctor checking him and explaining to their butler that he had a severe episode of a panic attack. It was all blank for him. His mind and his heart went empty. The sounds got distorted and his vision turned hazy. His head throbbed painfully and his ears rang. He can even feel his heartbeat in his head.

Then he drifted to sleep, giving him his much-needed time to escape from the pain. There's this little hope in his heart that when he wakes up, he will find his mom brushing his hair softly and his dad's smiling face with a newspaper in his hand, looking at him and his mom.


January 2020,

Isaac's Clinic,

Haynes' Residence

I shifted from Stefan's lap and tried to even my breaths. My tongue traced my bottom lip for moisture and Stefan brushed my hair comfortingly as I shared my past, slowly and painfully. Stefan's eyes expressed sadness and so much love, melting me into puddles, and giving me enough strength to continue with my story.

"I followed Dad's instructions and retrieved those confidential files. Several relatives showed up for the funeral, but I am aware that they were present only for the will reading, being oh so sweet to me, trying to suck up and get on my good side. When they learned that not a cent was left for them, they all showed their true colors, being all bitter and spiteful, resenting my parents and calling them s-selfish, greedy bastards." I clutched my chest from the sharp pain that pierced me when I remembered those memories.

I couldn't even get the words out because I felt a pain in the back of my throat. It's hard for me to share without getting emotional. They don't have the right to speak ill of my parents just because they weren't included in the will. They have no right to insult and disrespect my parents when they couldn't even defend themselves from the grave.

The emotional pain and the psychological scars from their caustic and biting words left me with deep-seated trust issues.

When Stefan wrapped his arms around me, I came undone. It was the comfort and warmth of his embrace that assured me that everything is going to be fine. It will be hard and will probably take a longer time, but things will go back to normal. It was his promises and sweet gestures that helped me trust him little by little.

Stefan's larger hands massaged my nape while the other squeezed my side, hoping to provide me a bit of comfort which every fiber of my being is thankful for. I feel so crushed and broken; so vulnerable and exposed. Even so, I have nothing to worry about. I can let down my guard and let my walls come down because Stefan will be there to protect me and shield me from harm.

Stefan will see to it that I'm safe, happy and comfortable under his wing. That's just how Stefan is; kind, caring and protective. I let out a deep sigh and wrapped my arms around his neck while he pulled my trembling body closer to his; so close that no air can come in between.

Stefan caged me in his warm embrace and pressed his lips on my forehead then whispered, "Let it go, baby. Daddy is here. I'm here to catch you."

Let go I did.

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