《✅ Little Ollie's Daddy |The Phantom Series #1| [DDLB] [MXM] [MPREG]》Chapter 12


Chapter 12

January 2020

Isaac's Clinic


My heart swelled from too much happiness the moment my sweet boy dropped his defenses. I know how that he trusts me, but receiving proof of that trust--the feeling is indescribable.

It's like being sent to seventh heaven. Because that's what Oliver does to me--his sweet smiles, his cute lashes being dropped coyly when I caught him staring, his soft giggles when I embrace him, and the twinkling of his eyes when he looks at me, like I'm some kind of miracle--everything he does just makes me love him more.

Having him tucked inside my arms, breathing softly, his small hand on my chest and the other wrapped on my side just means the world to me. His entire existence just gives me life. The thought of him being in pain is enough to crush me till I can't breathe.

Now this kind of situation arose. Had Oliver not been holding my hand the entire time as he retells his story while sending gentle squeezes, I would be out of this clinic and sending my regards to Oliver's relatives in the most hellish way possible. I definitely won't hold back and let them taste my rage.

My baby thought that it was in my best interest to add some new details, which definitely arouse my protective instincts to the extreme level, with Isaac present. That's the reason why he did not tell me the kind of harassment he received in his previous residence. Just hearing how they sent death threats and had suspicious people roaming around his compound scaring my baby to break him down makes me grit my teeth and clench my jaw.

I can feel my anger boiling over faster than I can control. They will pay for this. I will make sure to inflict ten times the amount of fear and terror that they did to my baby. I'm pretty sure Devon and Trevor would help me end the lives of my baby's villainous relatives.


Imagining Oliver under his sheets, trembling in fear and anxiety in his own house is making my heart break a thousand times. If only I met him earlier, then I would make sure he's safe and away from all of this pain and heartbreak.

There's no use imagining what could be. What's important is the present. I will make sure that no one will be able to inflict harm on him again. Because Oliver is mine and it's my responsibility as his boyfriend and Daddy to ensure his safety. I won't let him go. Ever. I will protect Oliver with all I've got.

Sensing my distress and anger from how I tightened my hold on his hand unknowingly, Oliver turned on his side and cupped my cheeks, giving me that sweet smile, before claiming my lips, sending my senses into overdrive but at the same time, calming the monster inside of me.

"I'm here, daddy. No one will take me away." My sweet baby whispers, brushing his soft lips against mine, before giving me a final kiss and turning his attention back to Isaac who's blatantly showing his joyful expression over the scene he just witnessed.


Even a clueless person can sense the rage and the dark aura emanating from Stefan, to the point where I had to stop talking and give my undivided attention to my upset and distressed daddy. To be honest, I was on the fence about sharing the harassment I experienced at my old apartment with Stef, knowing his overprotectiveness. I had to have someone who can mediate if things go awry so I asked for Isaac's help.

Because of my emotional state at that time, I also found it hard to tell him about the bad things that happened that led me to move out. I don't want to risk going little here.


However, having Stefan supporting me as I go through all the things that happened a few months ago, the heartbreaking and painful things that broke me that led me to several panic and anxiety attacks-- fueled by my relatives' doing-- just having his hand tightly entwined with mine helped me calm down and prevented me from going into a panic frenzy.

Having daddy beside me is like being draped by a security blanket; safe, warm, and happy. That's why I can calmly talk to Isaac about the things that are weighing on my heart. By the end of our session, I was spent and exhausted: mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Fortunately, Stefan was there to carry 'his share of my burden', as he put it. I have no objections. Being tucked in his warm embrace melted my senses into a puddle of goo as I relaxed in his hold and sighed contently.

This is one of those times where I can't help but question if I'm dreaming, high, or crazy. Because everything is too good to be true. I have a home, friends, and a very sweet and kind daddy to take care of me. It's like all the bad things had to happen so I can feel happy and contented. But I wished my parents were here to witness all of this. They were very excited about me finding someone I will love truly.

They were so supportive about my sexuality, and when they learned about my little side, my heart exploded from too much happiness. Because they understood it. They did not resent nor disown me for it. They were not disgusted and they did not chastise me for it. Instead, they loved me even more and prayed that someone will become my daddy and take care of me just like they did.

I'm a hundred percent certain that if they see me right now, they would be very proud.

"Yes, they will be, my baby. And so much more. And I hope to meet them soon," my daddy gently croons as he tightened his arms around me, and even though I can't see his face right now while I lay on his broad shoulders, I can feel the smile on his tone and the sincerity laced in his voice.

I couldn't even be bothered having thought out loud. Just being in daddy's arms just made everything better and I couldn't be grateful enough. I lifted my face from one of my comfortable places and stared into Stefan's hypnotizing green orbs.

"I love you so much, daddy," I blurted out with a shaky voice, sending all my love and devotion to the most amazing man I have ever met. "So, so much, daddy. So much." I all but cried and kissed him with all I have.

Stef squeezed my sides and in the gentlest and most sincere voice, he replied as he brushed his lips against mine, "You are my life and world, Oliver. The word love is not enough to describe the feelings I have for you. I can't be without you. I love and adore you extremely, my sweet," Stefan confessed huskily, as he bore his enchanting eyes into me, claiming and marking my soul, melting me on the spot, and making me swoon all over again.

When someone told me how they fell in love again and again with the same person, I was doubtful. I don't think that's possible, but Stefan is the living proof of how he broke my principles and proved me wrong.

And I love him more for it.

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