《help wanted - Harry Styles au》Chapter 9
"This weekend went by way too fast." Tina pouted at me as I finished packing up the rest my stuff. I sighed but nodded in agreement to her. I was going home with an extra bag that held some of the things I'd left behind here at the apartment.
"I know.. I really miss being here with you. Hopefully I'll be able to come more often on the weekends." I forced a smile to her. To be honest, I missed being here at the apartment with Tina. As much as I love living with the Styles there's no denying the transition wasn't all too easy. Tina has been by my side for the last 3 years, she's the closest thing I've got to family.
"You better. You want me to drop you off at the house?" She offered, I shook my head no to her. It was quite a drive and I didn't want her to waste her time or gas, besides I know she has a early and busy day tomorrow and I didn't want her to waste her free day on me.
"No, no. No worries, I'll catch the bus back." I slung my backpack over my shoulders and reached out my arms for her to hug. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"I'll see you soon, Mrs.Styles." She teased, after telling her the events that took place at the ER she wouldn't stop calling me that. I rolled my eyes at her and nudged her away from me.
"That's my cue to leave." I laughed. "I love you, bye!" I called as I walked out the door of the apartment.
It was a beautiful day outside, the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, a slight breeze. I smiled happily as I made my way to the bus stop. My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was Harry.
"Good morning, Mr.Styles." I smiled through the phone. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I continued my walk to the bus stop.
"Mrs.Styles." He replied curtly I scoffed through the phone which made him chuckle. I could practically feel the smirk on his face. "What time will you be coming home, Anastasia? Penelope is losing her marbles waiting for you." He laughed.
"I'm walking to the bus stop right now."
"Oh perfect! No need to get on the bus, I'm 10 minutes away from your old apartment. Can you wait for me at a Starbucks or something?" He spoke cooly through the phone, his voice sounded tired.
"I'm actually quite hungry.. Wanna go to the diner?" I kind of missed the food there, it would be nice to see Charlotte too.
"Yeah actually. Sounds good! See you then!" With that he ended the call and I changed directions towards the diner. It was about a 10 minute walk so I would meet Harry there just on time. As I walked I could still feel slight pain from my finger. The stitches were more annoying than I anticipated and it was such a hassle trying to avoid touching it or messing with it in general.
Even with it bandaged up, there was a constant throbbing in the finger and any slight movement could trigger pain. I sighed and shrugged it off, approaching the diner. Just as I thought, I saw Harry's Mercedes pull into a parking lot. I made my way over to them, excited to see the kids after just two days.
"Hey, you." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. My body stiffened slightly, Harry has never gave me a full frontal hug before. But I relaxed into his arms and returned the hug. He pulled the backpack off my shoulder and the duffel bag in my hand and placed them into the car before opening the back door.
"Hello my babies!" I greeted happily as I poked my head into the car, unbuckling Danny as Harry unbuckled Pen.
"Anastasia!!" Penelope cheered happily. As soon as Harry unbuckled her she was trying to crawl out of her seat to me. I laughed at her actions, Harry pulled her back and out of the car, placing her on her two feet. I grabbed Danny and the diaper bag and made my way around the car to properly greet Pen.
She wrapped her arms tightly around my legs.
"Can we build the fort tonight?!" She asked excitedly. I nodded my head with an eager smile.
"Of course!! I've been thinking about it all weekend." I pinched her cheek.
"Mama." Danny spoke in my arms, once again I froze. There's no way. Did he just called me that right now in front of Harry?
"N- No. Danny... It's Ana, remember? Ana." I sighed and booped his nose, not daring to even glance at Harry. I could feel his eyes on me, and I cringed under his gaze.
"Has he called you that before?" My eyes finally forced their way to look into Harry's. His eyebrows were furrowed and I couldn't quite read the expression in his eyes or face. I felt utterly screwed.
"Uhh... a couple of times. At first I thought he was just babbling. And then Pen accidentally called me mommy in her sleep and Danny heard and then.. yeah." I stuttered, having a hard time to form words. There's no way that Harry would be pleased by the news, it was completely inappropriate and I felt like I just crossed a line that was completely off boundaries. Even if it wasn't really my fault.
"I keep trying to correct him, hoping he wouldn't do it in front of you. I'm sorry. I have no idea why he even started." My cheeks were red. Harry's face was the same, hard and unreadable. I wanted to dig myself a grave and dive into it.
"That was his first word..." He started. "He was only 6 months when he said it the first time. A few weeks before Danielle's accident." My heart tightened at his words, understanding why his face was so stoic.
"I'm sorry, Harry. I'll keep working on it so he won't say it anymore." I was embarrassed, I never thought I'd be having this conversation right now. "Here can you grab him for a sec, I left my phone in my backpack." I lied. I needed to step away for a second to collect myself. I held Danny out to Harry but was instantly met by cries, no. Screams.
"Mama! Mama!" He repeatedly said over and over again. I cringed, not wanting to make the situation any worse than it is. Harry took him from me as he continued to cry and thrash in Harry's arms. I grabbed my backpack, looking a little extra hard, I just needed a breather. I have no idea what Harry is thinking at the moment and it absolutely terrified me.
"Okay, let's go." I forced a smile to Harry who was trying to calm down Danny. My heart panned at the sight.
"He really wants you, Anastasia." Harry said. I looked at the crying baby who still had his arms reached out towards me. I sighed and took him from Harry. I shushed him and he instantly stopped crying, laying his head onto my shoulder.
"I'm not mad at you Anastasia." Harry spoke, reading my thoughts exactly. He stared at me and Danny carefully, as if he was trying to assess the situation.
"It's not your fault. And if Danny insists on calling you Mama, well." He gave me the smallest smile, trying to comfort me. "We'll keep trying to correct him. But if he still keeps calling you that.. It'll be okay. We will be okay and we'll figure it out. We'll just have to explain when he's a little older." Harry shrugged. I nodded my head, feeling better.
The situation still wasn't ideal. I could tell Harry wasn't entirely comfortable with it but neither was I.
"Thank you, Harry." I said simply. He nodded, standing in his spot for a second, his eyes still glued on me. He cleared his throat and turned towards the door of the diner and held it open for me and Pen.
Harry could've easily freaked out right then and there, but I was extremely thankful for how understanding he is.
"Hello, welcome in!" We were instantly greeted when we walked in, by a voice I knew too well. Kyle. Oh great.
"Oh, Anastasia! Fancy seeing you here again." He gave me a smug look as he spoke. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes at the time of his voice and the look on his face.
"Hi Kyle.." I greeted back with a friendly smile. "Is Charlotte here?" I asked, hopeful.
"She is, I'll call her out for you." He said. I thanked him and we placed our order and headed to the same booth we sat at the first time we met, just a few weeks ago. It's crazy how it already feels like it's been forever.
Once settled in Harry let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes and let his head fall back on the booth.
"You alright?" Even though he keeps his energy up for the kids I could tell he was exhausted, like I suspected earlier on the phone. Harry simply nodded his head, opening his tired eyes and looking at me.
"Actually no." He let out a chuckle. "I don't know why this weekend was as hard as it was for me. I think I've grown so used to you being around to help me, Penelope was not having a good time without you." He poked Pen's cheek, which she laughed at.
"I missed you, Ana!" She squealed.
"I missed you too, bug. All of you." I said truthfully.
"We're glad to have you back at the house." Harry laughed. "I tried my best but don't be surprised when you come home to a mess."
"Anastasia!!!" I heard an all too familiar voice sing behind me.
"Charlotte! Hi!" I stood from my seat and instantly embraced her. "This is Harry, he's the father of these two munchkins. Penelope and Daniel, I'm their nanny." I said proudly.
"I'm glad you got the job. You all seem lovely." Charlotte smiled at them. I nodded my head agreeing with her.
"Come come, I wanna show you what we've done to the office!" She smiled, I knew she actually wanted to gossip about my new life with the Styles. I rolled my eyes teasingly but took her hand regardless.
"I'll be right back." I smiled to Harry who nodded his head, shooing me away to reconnect with Charlotte.
"You didn't mention that he was so handsome!" Charlotte said into my ear as we walked away.
"I know." I giggled, hushing her.
"Heard that." Harry spoke behind us. I turned my head with wide eyes and saw him smirking at me. That grave still sounds so welcoming right now. With flushed cheeks I grabbed onto Charlotte and we darted to the back.
"Soooo... What's really going on there?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head at her.
"Absolutely nothing." I scolded, knowing she wouldn't believe me regardless of what I said. "You're just like Tina." I laughed. "She insists that I make a move on him, but it's completely inappropriate. He's my boss! Besides, he would never go for a girl like me. I mean look at me, I'm so me and he's so handsome and put together and he's also sooo much older than me." I continued to ramble on. Charlotte looked at me, amused. "What?" I laughed.
"Sounds like someone has a crush." She shrugged, taking a seat in her office chair. "All I asked was what's going on, I wasn't insinuating anything my dear." She chuckled. "I don't blame you though, he's quite attractive." She shrugged again.
"Also. I don't know what you mean by girl like you. Anybody would be lucky enough to have you, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll let yourself be happy. I'm not saying that Harry is the one that'll be the lucky one, but maybe he will be. He's older than you, sure. But does it really matter? Don't let something so minor be the reason to close off the opportunity completely." She raised an eyebrow at me. I knew where she was coming from, but there was absolutely nothing going on between me and Harry.
"Yeah.. I guess. But there's no crush. Especially knowing what I know, that family has a special place in my heart for sure. But Even if I were to form a crush on Harry, it wouldn't lead to anything at all." I had to admit that there was a fuzzy feeling that I got when Harry smiled at me or even touched me in general. It also didn't help that Harry and I have somehow formed this weird flirty relationship, but I've convinced myself that that was all it was, a flirty friendship.
"Alright well, I don't want to hold you up. Your food should be ready any moment now, go scurry along. " She hugged me and I left the office, exiting through the kitchen and greeting my old coworkers. I bumped into someone as I was entering the dining room.
"Kyle." I nodded curtly, trying to swerve around him but was instantly stopped when his hand wrapped around my arm. The first thing I noticed was his grip on me, it was firm and too tight for my liking.
"You look well." He spoke, his head too close to my face. "You living a happy life with your new job and new family?" He whispered into my ear.
"Let go of me, Kyle. Stop messing around." I struggled to get out of his grip, not wanting to make a scene.
His grip on me only tightened, causing me to whimper under his touch. I could feel my breathe hitch in my throat, it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. I closed my eyes shut tightly and tried to calm myself down. I felt like I was suffocating. I was having a panic attack.
Not right now. Don't let it happen. Not right now.
"Kyle." I gasped out. "Please, just leave me alone and let me go." I grunted, still at a loss of breathe. I darted my eyes around the diner, we stood just out of eyesight from our table and I let out a small cry.
"I always thought you were fit, but being your manager and all, I could never make a move. But now? Now I can." He chuckled into my ear, his other hand stroking my other arm.
I shut my eyes tightly, tears starting to form. He's not him. He's not him. I kept repeating in my head.
"How about we get out of here, huh?" He pulled my arm towards the door easily dragging me, no matter how hard I tried to get out of his grip.
"Is there a problem here?" My chest felt the tiniest relief as I heard the voice boom through the dining room. I opened my watery eyes and was met with Harry's green eyes, a slightly darker color, his eyebrows furrowed together angrily. His jaw clenched even more when he saw the tears in my eyes. His hands were clenched at his sides and his breathes were deep.
"Help." I could barely get the word out, my throat felt like I was being choked. Harry instantly walked up to Kyle who released my from his grip.
I wanted to collapse, my legs gave out underneath me and instinctively Harry's arms caught me, preventing me from hitting the ground. I clung onto him as if my life depended on it, his touch and now familiar smell was the only thing keeping me in touch with my surroundings.
"If I were you, I'd scram." Harry's voice was deep and stern. He was angry.
"I don't take orders from you." Kyle almost scoffed. "I work here, I'm not going anywhere. " Kyle laughed.
"Not anymore you don't. You're fired." We all darted our heads to Charlotte who stood behind the counter, the angriest look on her face. In fact I'd never seen her this angry.
"Nobody touches a woman like that and gets away with it, especially not in my diner. Get out." Charlotte pointed at the door and Kyle scoffed and flicked everyone off, making sure everyone knew he was mad as he left the building.
"Are you alright?" Harry helped me stand stable, keeping me in his arms to make sure I was okay. I could only nod my head, my breathing was starting to become normal once again.
"I'm fine.." I said softly. "Thank you Harry." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist and he held me against him tightly.
"You're alright, Ana." He whispered into my ear, trying his best to calm me down. "I've got you.. Let's go back to the table, the foods there already, maybe it'll help you feel better." Harry guided us back to the table, Penelope was drawing on her kids menu, with Danny next to her in the highchair.
Harry let me sit in the booth first and he sat next to me this time, changing where he normally sits which is in front of me. Harry kept his hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly almost as if he was scared if he stopped I would fall apart. I probably would. There goes that fuzzy feeling in my stomach.
Once we were back at the house Penelope continued to insist that we build a fort.
Harry tried to convince her that we would do it another day and that we all just needed to rest. I know he was only saying this because he was scared that I still wasn't okay.
"Penelope.. we can do it on Friday, okay? I think everyone's just tired today." Harry tried to reason with her. Penelope stood her ground and shook her head with the biggest pout on her face.
"But daddy-" Pen begged.
"I said no-" I could tell Harry was also getting tired of repeating himself to the toddler.
"It's okay." I spoke up. Harry looked at me and gave me a knowing look, as if to say that we really didn't need to do the fort tonight.
"It's okay, we did tell her that we would do it tonight. It's okay, I'm okay." I nodded, giving Penelope a small smile. I looked back at Harry and he was reading my face, trying to see if I was really okay.
"I'm okay." I said once again to him. "Promise."
With a sigh of defeat Harry nodded his head, giving Penelope the okay to get everything we would need.
"Come on Daddy! Anastasia!!" She screamed as she pulled out all the blankets and pillows she could find.
We chuckled at her actions, I sat on the couch watching Danny squirm around on the carpet, Harry sat next to me. Ever since the incident at the diner, he refuses to leave my side, to make sure I was okay. He was overreacting but I appreciated his actions. Danny pulled himself up, gripping the other couch to stand on his feet.
"Good job Danny!" I cheered him on. He giggled and stepped closed to Harry and I. "Very good, baby. Can you come walk to Dada?" I scooted to the edge of the couch, Harry following my actions. Danny held onto the couch tightly, taking another step closer to us.
"Come on, bud." Harry encouraged him beside me. Danny giggled and let go of the couch, swaying on his feet, but still taking a step forward.
"Oh my god." I said under my breathe, knowing what was about to happen.
"That's it, nice and steady." Harry said, his voice shaky, he was trying to keep his cool. He held out his hands encouraging Danny to come to him. Danny's arms were up, he tried his best to keep his balance as he continued to take steps to us. Harry and I both held our breathe, Danny walked into Harry's arms and we let ourselves celebrate. We were instantly on our feet, Harry held Danny in his arms and we cheered.
"Oh my gosh he just walked!" I laughed, pinching Danny's cheek in my fingers.
"You did so good, baby." Harry smiled. We both smothered Danny in kisses and he giggled.
"Heyyyyy, where's my kisses?" Penelope spoke from the corner of the room, holding more blankets.
"Your little brother just took his first steps!" I laughed, Penelope walked over to us and dropped the blankets on the floor.
"I walk everyday." She spoke sassily. We chuckled at her sass but knelt down and gave her hugs and kisses as well.
"Okay okay, let's go build your fort, then we can have a Disney movie night??" I raised an eyebrow at her and she nodded with excitement. Harry put Danny back on the floor and we picked up the blanket throwing it over the couch, we grabbed some chairs from the kitchen and did our best to make a makeshift fort for Penelope, laying down a bunch of blankets and pillows onto the carpet, once we were all settled we turned on the TV.
Harry sat beside me, I had Penelope snuggled to my side and Danny snuggled to Harry's. Tangled began to play on the screen and we'd sing along to the songs and laugh at the silly jokes. Every now and then I'd glance at Harry, and sometimes, he'd already be looking at me.
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