《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 7: I Put A Spell On You



The four kids and Binx walked towards the town hall where a Halloween party was taking place.

"Oh, great. How are we gonna find mom and dad in this place?" Max groaned.

They entered the town hall and went up the stairs where the party was being held. There were a number of people dressed up in costumes and a band of guys dressed as skeletons were singing up on a stage.

"I'm gonna find mom." Dani announced, walking off with Binx in her arms.

Max, Allison and (Y/n) looks around for a moment, until Max felt hands on his shoulders. He jumped and turned to see his dad standing behind him dressed as Dracula.

"Oh, Dad." Max sighed.

"It's not Dad. It's 'Dadcula'." He introduced.

"Oh my goodness, who must these charming young blood donors be?" He asked, taking Allison and (Y/n)'s hands and kissing them.

"Dad! Something terrible happened!" Max yelled.

Dave immediately dropped the act and his face fell. "Dani? What's wrong?"

"No, Dani's fine."

"Excuse me. Come here." He dragged Max away from Allison and (Y/n).


"Mom?" Dani called.

She turned and saw her mom dressed as Madonna, doing a pose.

"Mom? What are you supposed to be?" Dani asked.

"Madonna. Well, you know...don't you think?"


"Shoot, Max." Dave said.

Max hesitated to tell him.

"Look, whatever it is, just tell me."


"Come here." Dani waved her hand, and Jenny leaned down.

"This cat here, Binx. He can talk. Our friend (Y/n) is over 300 years old, and dated a witch. My brothers a virgin, he lit the Black Flame Candle. The witches are back from the dead and they're after us. We need help."

"How much candy have you had, honey?" Jenny asked.

"Mom, I haven't OD'd. They're real witches. They can fly and they're gonna eat all the kids in Salem. They're real!"

"Alright. Let's just find your father..."


Meanwhile, Winnie, Mary and Sarah also entered the party.

"Slither about." Winnie ordered.

Winnie looked around, and he froze when he saw (Y/n) wandering around. He smirked, showing off his fangs, and strode towards her.


(Y/n) moved through the party, pushing past people trying to find the rest of her friends. She stood on her tip toes and saw that Max and Dani's parents were off to the side, seemingly arguing with Max, Dani and Allison.


She started to push through the crowd to get to them, but her wrist was grabbed and she was yanked backwards into someone's chest.

"Hello, my little woman." A voice purred in her ear.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she turned to see Winnie smirking down at her.

"Winnie." She gasped.

(Y/n) tried to step back, but Winnie pulled her back into him, and wrapped an arm around her waist, trapping her to him. His other hand kept a firm grasp around hers, and he started dancing with her.

"Thou hast been very naughty tonight, my sweet. I may just have to punish thee." He hissed.

"Winnie, please stop doing this. I'm begging you!" She pleaded.

Winnie sighed. "I don't understand why thee is being so difficult. We could be together forever, like thou always wanted."

"Winnie, we're talking about killing innocent children." (Y/n) said.

"Yes we are...And?" He obliviously asked.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at him, and Winnie just smirked down at her, and pulled her even closer.

"You know...this reminds me of our first kiss in the graveyard." He whispered. "Remember? I held thee in my arms just like this."

A small smile crept onto (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded. "You told me you loved me that night."

"Thou can imagine how surprised and lucky I felt when thou returned my feelings."

"How could I not? You were always so sweet and kind to me." (Y/n) smiled.

"We could have moments like this for an eternity if thou would just tell me where my book his, my sweet." He smiled, showing his fangs.

(Y/n) frowned and scoffed. "I don't know why I'm trying. All you care about is your stupid book."

She tried to pull away from him but he kept a tight grip on her.

"(Y/n), I've been parted from thee for 300 years. I'm not going to let thou go so easily." Winnie told her firmly.

"Winnie, just let go." (Y/n) demanded, trying to pull away from him again, but he still wouldn't let her.


"Hey, guys, I love you, but enough his enough. Just calm down."

"They're real they're gonna come."

"Don't you see how crazy this sounds?"

Max, Allison, and Dani were arguing with their parents about the witches, trying to convince them that what they're saying is true.

Dani looked around the room, and spotted Winnie and (Y/n) and her eyes widened.


"Max! Max, they're here! They've got (Y/n)!" Dani shouted.

Max and Allison turned and saw Winnie holding (Y/n) to him as she struggled in his grip.

"Here. Hold this." Max handed the book to Allison.

"Max, where are you going?"

Max climbed onto the stage and grabbed the microphone from the singer.

"Cut the music, cut the music!" He ordered.

They stopped playing and everyone turned to look at Max.

"Will everybody listen up, please?" Max spoke.

Winnie and (Y/n) stopped moving and looked up at Max as Mary and Sarah joined them.

"Your kids are in danger. 300 years ago, the Sanderson Siblings bewitched people."

Winnie, Mary and Sarah covered their faces from the crowd.

"And now they've returned from their grave." Max announced.

The crowd laughed.

"Hey, I'm serious. It's not a joke! I know this sounds dumb, but they're here tonight. They're right over there! And Winnie has his girlfriend (Y/n) captive!"

Max pointed in the crowd and everybody turned to look at the Sanderson Siblings, and a spotlight was shown on them.

Winnie scowled but stepped forward. His arm still wound tightly around (Y/n)'s waist.

"Thank you, Max..." Winnie growled. "...for that marvelous introduction."

Winnie smiled and turned to the crowd.

Winnie threw his arm up dramatically.

He looked down at (Y/n) with a predatory gaze and she looked up at him with wide eyes.

"No! No don't listen!" Dani screamed, covering her ears.

Winnie faced the crowd again.

(Y/n) tried to slip away while Winnie was distracted.

He snagged her hand and pulled her back to his side.

The crowd laughed in excitement.

The lead singer put his hand on Max's shoulder.

"Good joke. Happy Halloween. Thanks." He smiled.

"No, man, I'm serious!"

"Yeah, yeah." He dismissed Max and lead him off stage.

Winnie threw his hands up and spun around, before grabbing (Y/n)'s hand again and dragging her up onto the stage, with Mary and Sarah following behind

Winnie took both of (Y/n)'s hands and pulled her to his chest and began dancing with her, while Mary and Sarah sang backup

Mary and Sarah: "Gone, gone, gone, so long!"

Winnie pushed (Y/n) out, and twirled her back in, so her back was up against his chest, and started swaying them side to side.

Mary and Sarah: "So strong, so strong, so strong."

(Y/n) ducked out of his arms and tried to run off the stage.

Winnie grabbed her waist and pulled her back. He grasped her chin and made her look at him, and smirked.

Winnie started walking forwards making (Y/n) walk backwards.

Winnie pointed at (Y/n).

He pointed at himself.

Dani, Max and Allison huddled together as they watched the display.

"Binx, where are you?" Dani called.

Mary and Sarah: "Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out. He ain't lyin'"

Billy Butcherson came up behind the three kids and tried to grab them, but the ducked and ran.

Winnie twirled (Y/n) under his arm and came up behind her as they faced the audience, and got close to her ear.

Mary and Sarah came on (Y/n)'s left and right sides.

Mary and Sarah: "He's vicious."

Max, Dani and Allison tried to warn Dave and Jenny to cover their ears, but they weren't listening.

Billy suddenly came up behind them and they had to run for it again.

Winnie sent (Y/n) a wink, and pushed her towards his sisters, who each grabbed one of her arms.

Mary and Sarah came right behind Winnie, still holding onto (Y/n).

The crowd copied them.

Crowd: "Ah-say-into-pie-oppa-maybe-uppen-die."

Crowd: "In-kama-koray-Ah-ma."

Max, Allison, Dani and Binx managed to get away from Billy and escape the Town Hall.

Crowd: "Hey."

Crowd: "High."

(Y/n) shook Mary and Sarah off her and made another attempt to slip away, but Winnie saw her.

Winnie grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, wrapping his other arm around her waist and dipping her down.

The crowd cheered at their performance and began dancing again. Winnie pulled (Y/n) back up, but didn't let her go.

"Dance, dance, dance until you die!" Winnie laughed.

(Y/n) put her hand on his chest and tried to push him away, but he just looked down at her in amusement.

"Oh no. You're not going anywhere my sweet. You're going to help us track down my book."

Before she could respond, Winnie scooped her up, and threw her over his shoulder.

"Sisters! Come along. I've got one thing I want back, now we must get the other."

Winnie marched off the stage and through the crowd, with his sisters right behind him, while (Y/n) kicked and screamed at him, demanding to be put down.


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