《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 8: High School Hell



Dani, Max, Allison and Binx ran down the street to escape the witches. Binx lead them down an alleyway, that lead to the back door of a fish restaurant, and they paused to catch their breath, when Max suddenly turned and kicked a nearby trash can in frustration.

"This is really bad!" He shouted.

"Max, come on. Calm down." Allison soothed.

"I can't! This is all my fault. I lit the Black Flame Candle, I brought the witches back, and now they've captured (Y/n). Who knows what they're doing to her."

"I wouldn't worry about (Y/n) too much, Max." Binx told him. "Winston may be evil, but I know he'd never actually hurt her."

Max turned to look at Allison. "I want you to take Dani back to your house and don't let her out of your sight!" He ordered.

"Max, I'm not leaving you." Dani insisted.

Binx looked behind them and his eyes widened.

"Uh-oh." He mumbled.

The three kids turned around and ducked behind some crates just as the Sanderson Siblings came down the alley, Winnie still carrying (Y/n) over his shoulder.

"I smell..." Mary began.

"Yes?" Winnie encouraged.

"Winnie, I smell..."

"Yes, yes?"

"I smell...scrod. Scrod. It's a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with lovely breadcrumbs, a little bit of margarine or olive oil is good."

Winnie glared at her, and dragged her out of the alley by her cape, and Sarah followed not far behind.

Allison peeked out from behind the old stove she was hiding behind, and grabbed the handle to the door, and accidentally pulled it open.

She tensed at the loud noise it made, before relaxing. She gazed at the inside of the oven and a smile crept onto her face.

"I have an idea..." she announced.


The three witches, and (Y/n) approached the gates surrounding the high school.


"What is this place?" Mary asked.

"It reeks of children." Sarah noticed.

"It is a prison for children." Winnie deduced.

Sarah and Mary went ahead to investigate, and Winnie walked behind them, carrying (Y/n).

"Winnie, can you put me down now?" She asked.

"Sorry my sweet. I can't trust you to not run away. Besides, I'm quite enjoying the view..." he purred.

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide and her mouth fell open in shock. "Winnie!" She exclaimed, hitting his back.

Winnie smirked and rolled his eyes, but set her down on her feet anyway.

"Very well. You can walk from now on, as long as you stay within my sight. And if you try to leave, you're going back over my shoulder." He tucked his finger under her chin and lifted it to look into her eyes. "Do we have a deal, my sweet?"

The girl just blushed and nodded.

"Excellent." He grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it, before linking her arm with his.

"Shall we?" He asked, and lead her inside the school.


Inside the high school, Max was sitting at the desk in the principal's office, holding the microphone that projected announcements all over school.

He howled into it and lowered his voice to sound scarier.

"Welcome to High School Hell. I'm your host, Boris Karloff, Junior." He introduced, before laughing evilly into the mic.

"It's time to meet out three contestants, Sarah, Mary and Winston Sanderson. And let's not forget their lovely hostage, (Y/n). Read any good spell books lately." He mocked.


The three siblings and (Y/n) were wandering through the halls, looking in every room for them, when Binx stepped out into the hall from a classroom.

He hissed at them, and Mary barked back.

"Hag tracks. (Y/n), stay close." Winnie ordered.

The three siblings stood in a line while (Y/n) stood behind them.


"Get him."

The three began doing their strange walk and followed Binx into the library, (Y/n) following right behind them.

"Hello. Welcome to the library." A voice spoke in the distance, before repeating the same phrase in French.

Winnie, Mary and Sarah flinched in surprise at the voice, and began to follow it, while (Y/n) tried not to laugh.


The four made their way to a room where a bunch of art sculptures where. They peeked around the corner and noticed a metal door that lead to a metal room. They could hear the voice coming from in there, and smiled triumphantly.

They dashed around the corner and into the room laughing victoriously, but pushed when they saw a strange box, where the woman's voice was coming from.

The siblings glanced at each other in confusion, and (Y/n) looked confused as well. She wasn't sure why someone would have left that in here. She didn't have much time to question it however, because before she could blink, Allison appeared from behind the door, pulled (Y/n) out, and closed the door, locking the Sanderson Siblings inside.

The sound of the door closing made the three witches yell in surprise. Max, Dani, and Binx appeared next to the two girls, and Allison hit a button.

Turns out, the room they were trapped in was a giant kiln, and Allison had turned it on. Soon the kiln started filling up with fire, and the three witches screamed and cursed them out as they burned.

(Y/n) stood behind them with her hands over her mouth and had to turn away from the scene.


Green smoke flew out of the school chimney as Max, Allison, and Dani cheered and celebrated outside the school at their victory over the Sanderson Siblings. The three joined in a group hug, and started skipping down the road with glee, as Binx and (Y/n) followed behind them.

Binx climbed onto a nearby tree, and Max looked up at him, and smiled. "We did it Binx. We stopped them."

"I've wanted to do that for 300 years, since they took Emily." He sighed.

"You really miss her don't you?"

Binx looked down sadly.

"Man, you can't keep blaming yourself for that. It happened so long ago." Max told him.

"Take good care of Dani, Max. You'll never know how precious she is until you lose her." Binx advised, hopping off the tree.

Max watched him start to walk away and called him back. "Hey, Binx. Where are you going? You're a Dennison now, buddy. One of us."

"Come on, Binx. Let's go home!" Dani cheered.

"Home." Binx whispered happily, before racing off after Dani.

Max smiled, but it turned to a frown, when he saw (Y/n) walk by with her arms folded over her chest.

"Hey...(Y/n)?" Max called after her.

She turned to face him, and he could see her eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm...I'm so sorry...I...know how much you cared about him...I guess we really didn't think about how you would've felt when we...uh...you know..." he rambled sheepishly.

(Y/n) sighed deeply. "It's okay Max. I'm not angry at you."

"You're not?"

"No. I knew Winnie wouldn't have changed his plans, no matter what. He was always stubborn like that. I just have to realize that the sweet and kind Winnie I fell in love with is gone, and that he's been gone for quite a long time."

Her eyes started to well up with tears again, and Max came over and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, why don't you spend the night at our house. It's almost morning anyways." Max offered, as he rubbed her back.

"I'd like that." She sniffled.


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