《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 6: The Hunt for Children



Winnie, Mary and Sarah landed outside the gate of the cemetery and gripped the bars, looking in.

"They're here. I know they're here, but where are they?" Winnie rambled. "Sniff them out Mary.

"They're, they're...oh, I can't. They've gone too far. I've lost them." Mary reported.

Winnie grabbed her ear. "I'll have your guts for garters girl! Confound you!"

He released Mary, and out his finger to his chin in thought. "Very well. We must outwit them. When Billy the Butcher gets here with my book, and (Y/n) we shall be ready for them."

The three began to walk down the street to continue their task.

"Let us start collecting children."

"Why?" Mary asked.

Winnie stopped walking and rolled his eyes. "Because, you great buffoon, we want to live forever, not just until tomorrow. The more children's lives we snatch, the longer we shall live!"

"Right." Sarah agreed. "Let us fly!"


"Wait!" Mary exclaimed. "I have an idea. Since this promised to be a most dire and stressful evening, I suggest we form a calming circle." She took their brooms and leaned them against the wall.

"I am calm!" Winnie bellowed.

"Oh, brother, thou art not being honest with thyself are we? Huh? Huh? Come on. Give me a smile." Mary encouraged.

Winnie smiled sheepishly, and nodded his head in agreement, and the three siblings stood in a circle.

They linked arms, closed their eyes, and spun around, looking to the sky with their eyes closed.

"Think soothing thoughts. Rabid bats, Black Death. Mummy's scorpion pie." Mary listed.

The three stepped out of the calming circle. "Mother." They sighed, and looked down at the ground.

Suddenly, someone honked a horn and the three siblings screamed and stepped back as a bus pulled up next to them.

The doors to the bus opened, and the bus driver looked Mary and Sarah up and down.

"Bubble, bubble. I'm in trouble." He flirted.

"Tell me friend, what is this contraption." Winnie asked.

"I call it a bus." He answered.

"A bus."

"A bus?"

"And it's purpose?" Sarah asked.

"To convey gorgeous creatures such as yourselves to your most forbidden desires." The bus driver whispered.

"Oh, we desire children!" Mary told him.

The driver chuckled. "Well that may take me a few tries, but I don't think there'll be a problem. Hop on up."

"Marvelous." Winnie clapped.

The three grabbed their brooms and climbed onto the bus.


"Come along. This way!" Binx called behind him.

He lead the four to a ladder that lead to a manhole cover.


"Up the ladder." He instructed.

Max looked up the ladder, before grabbing onto it and started climbing.

He opened the manhole cover, and Binx climbed out, but didn't notice the bus, being driven by Sarah, coming at him.

"Binx look out!" Max warned, ducking back into the sewer.

"Binx?! Are you okay?" (Y/n) called.

The four of them climbed out of the sewer and saw Binx laying flat in the road.

"Oh my god..." Max muttered.

"Binx! No!" Dani cried, hugging Allison.

"It's all my fault." Max scolded himself.

"Max, it's not your fault. Binx is going to be fine." (Y/n) reassured him.

Sure enough, Binx started to re-inflate and stand back up.

(Y/n) pointed at him. "See, look."

"I hate it when that happens." Binx complained, as he stood up. "I told you, I can't die. Dani, are you alright?"

The girl nodded.

"Okay, then let's go."


Mary suddenly stood up from her seat and screamed for the bus to stop. She leaned down to Winnie.

"I smell...children."

"Marvelous." Winnie smirked.

Sarah stood up from the bus driver's lap and started to walk away, but he grabbed her arm.

"Hey, cupcake. Don't I get your phone number? You're area code? You want my route schedule?"

"Thou wouldst hate me in the morning." Sarah told him.

"No I wouldns't." He insisted.

"Oh, believe me, thou wouldst." Winnie cut in.

"Party pooper." The guy muttered, and Winnie glared at him.

The three exited the bus to see children running around in costumes collecting candy.

"What is this? Odds bodkins." Winnie recoiled as children ran around him.

"What is that? Who are these?" Mary asked in fear.

"Hobgoblins." Winnie said, shooing people away with his broom.

One little girl dressed as an angel curtsied at them. "Bless you." She said sweetly.

The witches screamed as she ran off.

"Oh, I am very confused." Mary confessed. "I smell children, but I don't see children. I-I've lost my power!" She wailed.

"Enough, enough, enough." Winnie lightly slapped her. "We are witches. We are evil. What would mother say if she could see us like this?"

The three looked down at the ground again. "Mother." They said.

Behind them, a man dressed in a devil's costume laughed evilly.

The Sanderson siblings looked at each other with excitement. "Master!" They exclaimed, running over to him.

They stood in front of the man and began bowing.

"What kind of costumes are these?" The man asked. "The Sanderson Siblings, right?"

"At your service." Winnie confirmed.


"Haven't seen you for centuries. But what the heck, why don't you come in? Come into the nonsmoking section." He offered.

"I can't believe it's him." Mary whispered to Sarah as they went inside.

Winnie was about to step inside when some children came up behind him, and he hissed and growled, scaring them off.


Allison, Max, Dani, and (Y/n) spotted a police officer sitting on his motorcycle and ran towards him.

"Officer! Officer!"

"Officer! We need your help." Allison said.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

The three girls looked at Max and urged him to tell the cop what happened.

"Well, uh...well you see, I just move here. Well you see, it's like this...I broke into the old Sanderson house and I brought the witches back from the dead. I even have the book." Max held it up.

"You lit the Black Flame Candle?" He asked.


The cop got off his motorcycle and gestured for all of them to stand on the sidewalk.

"And he's a virgin." Dani added.

The Officer looked at Max. "You're a virgin?"

Max looked a little embarrassed but nodded.


"Look, I'll get it tattooed on my forehead, okay?" Max snapped.

"Officer, this is not a prank." Allison told him.

"Hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community and you punks pull this? Get outta here." He ordered.

The four scurried off, with Binx following behind. Shortly after they left, the man started laughing, and a woman came up next to him.

"What's so funny Eddie?" She asked.

"Just a bunch of kids pulling my chain. They thought I was a real cop." He explained.

The woman laughed as she and the man got on the motorcycle and drove off.


"I want you to meet the little woman." The man dressed as the devil said.

"He has a little woman." Sarah whispered.

"Sounds tasty." Mary commented.

"I want my little woman." Winnie muttered.

The devil man kneeled next to a woman sitting on a recliner clicking through channels.

"Oh Petunia face..." the man got her attention.

"What?" She whined.

"Will you stop clicking? We have company."

The woman leaned forward to snap at him and the Sanderson Siblings saw she had long colorful things in her hair.

Mary gasped. "Satan has married Medusa. See the snakes in her hair?"

The woman looked over at the Sanderson Siblings and the three stepped back a bit.

"My three favorite witches." The man introduced.

"Aren't you three a little old to be trick or treating?" She snapped.

"We'll be younger in the morning." Winnie told her.

"Yeah, sure. Me too." She replied sarcastically.


Outside, three little kids dressed as the Sanderson Siblings saw the brooms leaning against the fence and decided to take them for their costume.


Winnie was checking his reflection in the mirror. He wanted to make sure he looked presentable when he saw (Y/n) again, to make her realize what she was missing.

"Forget the children, I'm serving you from my cauldron." The devil said. "Winnie! For you." He handed him a candy.

"Master, I thank thee. What about the book?" He asked.

"We'll get to the book later. Mary! Go long!" The man threw a candy at Mary and she caught it. "Yeah! You could be a tight end."

"Master, will thou dance with me?" Sarah asked.


Winnie made his way into the kitchen and picked up a mallet.

"Ah! A torture chamber!"


"Honey! I've lost five pounds according to the bathroom-!" The man's wife came downstairs and saw Sarah dancing with her husband.

"Okay! That's it. Party's over." She declared."Get outta my house! Get outta here!"

"Calm down, pudding face." Her husband reasoned.

"Shove it, Satan." She snapped.

"Ooh, thou should not speak to master in such a manner." Sarah scolded.

"They call me master."

"Wait till you see what I'm gonna call ya."

"Now, take your Clark bars and get outta my house!" She yelled.

"Make us." Winnie hissed.

"Ralph! Sick 'em!"

A small little dog dressed with wings barked and ran at them, making them scream and run out of the house.

They stopped at the fence and saw that their brooms were missing.

"My broom!"

"My broom."

"My broom."

"Confound it!" Winnie stomped down the sidewalk, with his sisters in tow.

"Look! It's the chocolate covered finger of a man named Clark." Mary said, holding up the candy bar, and taking a bite. "Ugh, it's candy. Why would the master give us candy?"

"Because he is not our master. And these are not hobgoblins." Winnie grabbed a kid and lifted his mask off.


"A child!" Mary declared.

"Weirdos!" The kid yelled as he ran off.

"Sisters! All Hallow's Eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes and run amok." Winnie realized.

"Amok! Amok, amok, amok, amok, amok." Sarah sang, until Winnie hit her in the gut.

"Oh, Winnie, just one child." Mary pleaded.



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