《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 5: Cemetary Chase
"Confound it!" Winnie yelled, stomping his foot.
He stuck his hands out to the water and tasted it.
"I'm dying!" Sarah cried.
"Shut up! It is but water!" He realized.
"Most refreshing." Mary commented, after tasting it herself.
"You idiots! The boy has tricked us, and he's stolen my lover and my book. After him!"
The three siblings rushed out of the house, but paused when they came to the asphalt road.
"Tis a black river." Mary said.
"Perhaps it is not too deep." Sarah wondered.
Mary and Winnie pushed her onto it, and she screamed, but quickly stopped once she realized it was solid.
"Tis firm. Tis firm as stone." Sarah reported.
The other two cautiously stepped onto the street as well.
"Why, it's a road. Sisters! My (Y/n)! My book!"
The three siblings stood next to each other and started walking in a vertical line. Suddenly, they heard the blare of a horn and the lights of police cars. They stopped walking and started to panic and run back.
Max, Allison, Dani, and (Y/n) followed the black cat to the entrance of a graveyard.
"Woah, Woah, Woah. This is a graveyard." Max pointed out.
"It's hallowed ground. Witches can't set foot here." The cat explained. "Follow me!" He hopped through the bars of the gate, and the group followed him.
"Over here. I want to show you something. Give you an idea of exactly what we're dealing with."
The cat lead them over to the grave of William Butcherson.
"William Butcherson? Lost soul?" Max read.
"Billy Butcherson was Winston's friend. But he found him trying to court his lover, (Y/n). So he poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle, so he couldn't tell his secrets even in death."
"Winnie always was the jealous type." (Y/n) muttered to herself, but the others heard her and turned in her direction.
"You're the (Y/n) from the story. You're Winnie's girlfriend." Allison realized.
"W-Well, I...I don't know about girlfriend...but...I-it's complicated." She stuttered.
"And you must be Thackery Binx." Allison told the cat.
"Yes." Binx confirmed.
"So the legends are true."
"Well, come along. I want to show you something else."
Firemen came out of the Sanderson home seeing that there was no fire.
"Damn teenagers." One swore.
"I hate Halloween."
Neither of them noticed the Sanderson Siblings crouching in the bushes, watching them.
"Who...who are they?" Mary asked.
"Boys." Sarah replied with excitement.
"Witch hunters. Observe, they wear black robes, and carry axes to chop the wood to burn us."
"Hold me." Mary whimpered.
"What a pretty spider." Sarah noticed, picking up a spider and eating it.
"Sisters! Let me make one thing perfectly clear. The magic that brought us back only works tonight, on All Hallows' Eve. When the sun comes up, we're dust." Winnie explained, as they creeped back out of the bushes.
"Fortunately, the potion I brewed the night we were hanged would keep us young and alive forever."
Winnie briskly turned around and started heading towards the house.
"Unfortunately, the recipe for that potion is in my spell book, and the little wretches have stolen it, along with my sweet little (Y/n)." Winnie seethed.
"Therefore, it stands to reason, does it not, sister's dear, that we must find the book and (Y/n), brew the potion, and suck the lives out of the children of Salem before sunrise?" Winnie asked.
He threw his hands up for emphasis. "Otherwise it's curtains! We evaporate. We cease to exist! Dost thou comprehend?" He snapped.
"Well, you explained it beautifully Winnie. The way you sorta started out with the adventure part and then you sorta slowly went into the..." Mary rambled.
"Explained what?" Sarah asked.
Winnie sighed in exhaustion, before dramatically turning. "Come! We fly!" He exclaimed, walking into the house.
"Because of me, my little sister's life was stolen. For years (Y/n) and I waited for our lives to end, so I could be reunited with my family. But, Winston's curse of immortality kept me alive, and his potion of life kept (Y/n) alive as well. Then one day, we figured out what to do with our eternal lives." Binx explained.
"Now, I'd failed Emily, but I wouldn't fail again. When Winston and his sisters returned, we'd be there to stop them."
"So for three centuries, we guarded their house on All Hallow's night, when we knew some airhead virgin might light that candle." (Y/n) added.
"Nice going, Airhead." Dani snapped.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry, okay? But come on. We're taking about three ancient hags versus the 20th century. How bad can it be?" Max shrugged.
"Bad." Binx emphasized.
Allison started opening the book, but (Y/n) closed it. "Don't open that."
"It holds Winston's most dangerous spells. He can't get it." She urged.
"How did you ever end up falling in love with someone like Winston?" Allison asked. "He doesn't seem to be your type."
"Well, he wasn't always like he is now." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. "Winnie and his sisters were labeled outcasts in our village, because they were different. They were always suspicious that they were evil."
"But I never believed any of that, so I was always kind to them. Especially Winnie. And in return he was sweet to me. Of course, that made me an outcast too. One day some boys were picking on me, and Winnie came over and scared them away."
She smiled a bit at the memory.
"After that, we became friends, and then slowly, we became more than friends. He treated me like I was the most important thing in his life. But then he and his sisters were chased out of Salem and discovered that they were witches. That's when Winnie got his book." (Y/n) gestured to the book Allison was holding.
"They started learning magic, and I helped covered for them. But then as the years went by, Winnie started using more darker magic and spells. I was a bit skeptical about it, but he wasn't exactly hurting anyone, so I never said anything." She defended.
"But as we started getting even older, I mentioned to Winnie that I wished we could be together forever, and he told me about the 'Life Potion' where you could be young and immortal if you stole the life force of children. I told Winnie 'no' and that it wasn't worth it, but he didn't listen."
"I was standing out in the garden one day, when all of a sudden, my gray hair and wrinkles disappeared, and I was young again. I immediately knew that Winnie had made the potion and rushed to his cottage. That was they day he was hanged."
"I thought about trying to find someone to bring him back, but the more I thought about it, I realized that if Winnie did come back, he'd want to continue to steal the souls of children, and no matter how much I loved him, I couldn't let that happen. He's not the same man I fell in love with."
(Y/n) let out a deep sigh. "So I teamed up with Thackery and devoted my life to trying to stop people from lighting the candle to bring him back, but clearly I didn't do a very good job." She glanced up at Max.
"Okay, I get it, I'm sorry! But, if Winnie needs the book to do the spell, then let's torch this sucker." Max suggested.
He grabbed the book and placed it on the ground, and opened the lighter and tried to burnt it, but it didn't work.
"It's protected by magic." Binx told him.
Three voices cackled behind them. They all turned to see Winnie, Mary and Sarah flying on their broomsticks above them.
"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus!" Winnie laughed.
The group ducked down by some rocks as the siblings kept laughing.
"Sarah. Mary." Winnie pointed to two different directions and the sisters flew off.
Sarah came down lower and looked at Max. "Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be the friend." She purred.
Allison picked up a branch and started swinging it at her. "Take a hike!"
"Book!" Winnie called, and the book started rising into the air. "Come to me!"
"'Fraid not!" Binx jumped onto the book, lowering it back down.
"Thackery Binx, thou mangy feline. Still alive?" He mocked.
"And waiting for you!"
"Oh! Thou hast waited in vain, and thou will fail to save the friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!"
Binx hissed at Winnie in anger.
(Y/n) picked up the book and held it in her arms. "Winnie, that's enough!" She snapped.
Winnie's gaze fell over to her and he smiled. "(Y/n), you have my book! Excellent work, my sweet. Now, give it here." He held his hand out for it.
"Are you going to use it to make the Life Potion?" She asked.
"Yes, of course. My curse only lasts till sunrise, so I need that potion to keep us all young forever. So that we can be together for eternity." He told her.
"Winnie, I don't want you sucking the lives of innocent children." She said firmly.
Winnie's jaw clenched. "(Y/n), my sweet little thing, I am beginning to lose my patience with you. You will give me my book, and you will come back to the cottage with me and I will make the potion and we will suck out the lives of all the children in Salem!" He snapped, and held his hand out for the book once more.
(Y/n) looked up at Winnie, and then glanced down at the book, then at Max, Allison, Dani, and Binx, who were all giving her pleading looks. She looked back up at Winnie and narrowed her eyes at him.
"No." She said firmly.
Winnie's eyes widened in shock and he withdrew his hand. "No?! What do you mean no?!" He asked incredulously.
(Y/n) didn't respond and kept glaring at him, and Winnie narrowed his eyes. "Very well. If you don't want to give me back my book and come with me, then I shall make you!"
Winnie flew towards them, and they ran, swerving through graves, and dodging Mary and Sarah, and Winnie on their brooms.
"They can't touch us here, right?" Max asked.
"Well, they can't." (Y/n) answered.
"I don't like the way you said that." Dani whimpered.
"Unfaithful friend, long since dead. Deep asleep in thy wormy bed. Wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet, be not shy. On thy feet, so sayeth I!"
The ground started to shake and the coffin of Billy Butcherson rose out of the ground, and a zombie version of him broke out of the coffin. His hair was all disheveled, his clothes were ripped, and his skin was green and his lips were sown shut.
Billy shook his head and looked over at Max, Dani, Allison, Binx, and (Y/n), who looked back at him, and then at each other before screaming and running away.
"Hi. Hello, Billy." Sarah waved, and he smiled up at her.
"Catch those children, and my (Y/n)! Get up! Get up!" Winnie ordered.
Billy frowned at him but got up anyway.
Binx led them to a hole in the wall that led to a tunnel and he jumped down it. "In here!" His voice echoed.
Dani, Allison and (Y/n) followed after him, but Max stayed back a moment, as Billy walked towards him. Max grabbed a branch and pulled it back. Billy's eyes widened and realized what Max was about to do. Max released the branch and it flew forward, knocking Billy's head off.
"Yes!" Max cheered, before ducking into the hole as well.
"What is this place?" Max asked, as he dusted himself off.
"It's the old Salem crypt. It connects to the sewer and up to the street." Binx replied.
Max looked around and saw a bunch of skeleton bones around.
"Oh, don't look up Dani." Max warned.
"Don't worry, I won't." She reassured him.
"Relax. I've hunted mice down here for years."
"Come on. We need to keep moving." (Y/n) said.
"Oh, cheese and crust, he's lost his head!" Winnie yelled as he watched Billy's body try to locate his head. "Damn that Thackery Binx. Damn him!" He cursed.
Billy found his head and picked it up, attaching it to his body.
"Billy, which way did they go? Billy, listen to me. Follow those children, you maggot museum. And get my book, and (Y/n)!" Winnie ordered. "Then come find us. We'll be ready for them. Quit staring at me! Get moving down that hole!" He barked.
"Damn, damn, double damn!" Winnie cursed at the sky, as he and his sisters flew off.
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