《Hocus Pocus》Chapter 4: They're Back!



"Legend has it that the bones of 100 children are buried within these walls." Allison stated, as they walked by an old stone wall that surrounded the house.

"Oh great." Dani complained.


They walked up the steps that lead into the old museum and opens the front door. The place was covered in dust and cobwebs, and was incredibly dark.

"I can't see a thing." Dani reported.

"There's a light switch here somewhere." Allison said, feeling along the wall for it.

Max blew some dust off a display of lighters and picked one up and lit it. Allison found the light switch and the whole house lit up.

"So here's the original cauldron, and upstairs is where they slept." Allison began telling them all about the old house.

She walked over to a display case that had Book in it.

"And this is the spell book of Winston Sanderson. It was given to him by the devil himself. The book was bound in human skin, and contains the recipes for his most powerful and evil spells."

"I get the picture." Dani commented.

Max looked over at a candle that was on display.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's the Black Flame Candle." Allison whispered.

Max walked over and read the plaque. "'Black Flame Candle. Made from the fat of a hanged man. Legend says that on a full moon, it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween night.'"

Max pulled out the lighter he took and held it up. "So let's light the sucker up and meet the old witches. Wanna do the honors?" He asked Allison.

Allison smiled and rolled her eyes. "No thanks."

Suddenly, a black cat jumped onto Max's shoulder and he let out a scream.

"Ah! Get him off!" Max fell to the floor and the cat jumped off of him. "Stupid cat!" Max snapped.

"Okay, Max, you've had your fun. It's time to go. Come on Allison." Dani said fearfully.

"Max, she's right."

"Oh, come on. It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus." Max shrugged.

"Max, I'm not kidding this time, let's go!" Dani whined.

"Hey!" A voiced shouted making them all jump.

(Y/n) was standing in the doorway, an angry and scared look on her face.

"What are you guys doing here? You can't be in here." She scolded.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, I thought you were on your way to work." Max pointed out.

"I am. My job is to make sure idiots like you don't light that candle." She looked over at Max.

"Jeez, I knew you were a believer in spooky stuff, but I didn't know you were that into it." Max chuckled.

"Make all the jokes you want Max, just do not light that candle." She warned him.

Max out his hands up, and acted like he was about to leave, but as soon as (Y/n) began to turn around, Max opened the lighter and lit the candle.


"NO!" (Y/n) screamed.

But it was too late. Max lit the candle, and the flame turned black.

"Oh no." (Y/n) whispered.

Suddenly, all the lights in the room burst, and the wind started to pick up. Then, green light shined through the cracks in the floorboards, and the floor began to shake.

They all began to scream and tried to keep their balance on the bouncing boards, when everything went very quiet.

"What happened?" Max asked.

(Y/n) let out a sigh and glared at Max. "A virgin lit the candle."

All the candles in the room lit up again, and a fire sprouted up underneath the cauldron, and in the fireplace.

A loud, maniacal laugh filled the air, and the four of them barely had enough time to find hiding places before the door burst open and three figures walked in.

"We're home!" Winnie announced. "Oh, sweet revenge! You see sisters? My curse worked perfectly." He bragged.

"That's because thou art perfect, Winnie." Mary praised.

Max and (Y/n) peeked up from behind their hiding place.

"Winnie." (Y/n) whispered.

The three walked around the cottage and Mary pointed at the cauldron. "I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you? Oh, I knew it!"

"My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" Sarah exclaimed, holding a rat tail.

"But who lit the Black Flame Candle?" Winnie asked, looking over at the candle.

Winnie gasped and walked over to the display case where the book was and tapped on the glass.

"Wake up. Wake up sleepyhead."

The book slowly opened its eye and looked up at Winnie.

"Oh, I've missed you. Come on, we've got work to do."

"Winnie...I smell children." Mary announced.

"...sick em!" Winnie replied.

Mary slowly walked around the house, sniffing. "It's a little girl." *Sniff* "Seven, maybe eight and a half."

"Let's play with her!" Sarah exclaimed.

They crept towards the counter with the register where Dani was hiding.

"Come out my dear, we will not harm thee." Winnie cooed.

"We love children!" Mary slammed her hand on the counter and Dani shrieked and stood up.

The three looked confused at her outfit.

"I thought thou'd never come, sisters." Dani said, pretending to be a witch.

"Greetings little one." Winnie said.

"''Twas I who brought you back." Dani lied.

"Imagine. Such a pretty little...child." Winnie forced out.

"Look at her. And she's so well fed, isn't she?" Mary commented, poking at her. "Plump, plump. Shish kebaby."

Winnie came over and linked Dani's arm with his.

"Tell me little one, what is the year?"

"1993." Dani responded.

Winnie sat Dani in a chair and gasped.

"Sisters! We have been gone 300 years."

"Well, Winnie, how time flies. When your dead!" Mary joked.

The three siblings laughed and Dani awkwardly joined in as well but stopped when she saw how they were looking at her.

"Well, I guess I'd better be going..." she tried to get up but Winnie pushed her back down.


"Oh, stay for supper." He insisted.

"I'm not hungry." Dani said.

Mary leaned down menacingly. "Oh, but we are."

Dani tried to get up and run, but the sisters grabbed her and picked her up, carrying her over to the cauldron.

Max went to stand up, but (Y/n) pulled him back down.

"Wait, I'll distract them. You grab Dani and run." She told him.

"What? No! (Y/n) don't-!"

But it was too late, she was already moving.

"Winnie!" She exclaimed.

All three siblings paused and Winnie slowly turned around and saw the girl standing there, his eyes growing wide.

"(Y/n)!" Winnie exclaimed.

"Put her down."

Mary and Sarah dropped Dani to her feet and Winnie slowly stalked towards (Y/n).

"My, my, my. Look at you. You're here. And still so young." Winnie's eyes roamed up and down her figure. "Although, I must say, I am not a fan of these...strange new garments you are wearing. I much prefer you in those tight little corsets. Let's change that, shall we?"

Winnie waved his hand, and green light surrounded her for a moment, and when it dispersed, she was back in her outfit from 300 years ago. (Y/n) gasped and looked down at herself, and Winnie hummed in approval.

"Yes, much better." He purred, and grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his chest. "Oh, how I've missed you, my sweet."

"I've missed you too, Winnie." She confessed, cupping his cheeks.

He leaned into her touch and sighed contently.

"Sisters! Brew the potion to suck the life out of the child. My beautiful (Y/n) and I have 300 years to make up for."

Winnie picked her up bridal style and started carrying her towards the stairs that lead up to the bedrooms.

Mary and Sarah began to pick Dani up, who started screaming again.

"Wait, Winnie-!" (Y/n) started.

"Hey!" Max popped up from his hiding place, and got their attention. "Let go of my little sister." He demanded.

"Roast him Winnie." Mary said.

"No, let me. Let me play with him." Sarah insisted.

Winnie scowled and very reluctantly set (Y/n) back down on her feet

He walked over and stood in front of Max, and shot green lightening at him, knocking him to the floor. Max groaned in pain, as Winnie walked over to him and used his magic to drag him across the floor, and then stand him up so he hit the wall.

"Haven't lost my touch, sisters, see?"

Winnie turned Max around and used his lightening to lift him up into the air, as he yelled in pain.

"Max!" Dani cried, and tried to help him, but Mary pulled her back.

(Y/n) ran over and grabbed Winnie's arm. "Winnie, stop it. Leave him alone!"

"In a moment my sweet, in a moment." Winnie waved her off.

Meanwhile, Allison grabbed a broom that was hanging up on display and snuck up behind Mary.


She turned around. "Well, hello."

Allison hit her with the broom, knocking her back, and then grabbed a pan from over the fireplace and hit her in the head.

Dani was now free, and grabbed her bag of candy, and charged towards Winnie.

"You leave my brother alone!" She screamed and hit Winnie and Sarah with her candy bag.

Max fell to the ground, and Winnie came up behind Dani to grab her.

"Why you little-!"

Suddenly, the black cat from before jumped onto Winnie's shoulder and she released Dani to try and get him off.

"Get him off! Get this beast off me!"

(Y/n) grabbed Dani's arm and rushed them over to Max and helped him up.

"You guys gotta go, now!" She said firmly.

Allison and Dani ran out the door, but Max climbed up to the loft just as Winnie managed to get the cat off him.

"Hey!" He yelled, gaining their attention.

"You have messed with the great and powerful Max, and now must suffer the consequences."

(Y/n) face palmed, while the siblings looked at him in confusion.

"I summon the Burning Rain of Death." He declared, pulling out the lighter.

The siblings looked at each other to see if either one knew what he was talking about. Max lit the lighter and held it under the fire sprinkler in the ceiling setting off the other sprinklers.

The three siblings began to panic at the downpour from the sky.

"It's the Burning Rain of Death!"

"The Burning Rain of Death."

"Come on you fools! We must get under shelter!"

Winnie grabbed (Y/n)'s waist and pulled her and his sisters under the loft to escape the rain.

Max jumped down from the loft and slipped on the water, falling on his back. The black cat climbed on his stomach and glared at him.

"Nice going Max." He hissed.

Max's eyes widened. "You can talk."

"Yeah, no kidding. Now, get the spell book." He ordered.

Max got up, and picked up a display sign, and used it to break the display case the book was in.

"My book!" Winnie shrieked. "Don't! He's going for my book! Stop!"

Max picked up the book, and ran over to where (Y/n) was and grabbed her hand.

"Come on!" He pulled out from under the loft, away from Winnie, and out of the door.

"(Y/n)! Give her back!" Winnie shouted, and tried to run after her, but Mary and Sarah held him back. "Bring her back to me, boy!"


Max ran out of the building with the book in one hand and his other gripping (Y/n)'s wrist.

"Max! Max, over here!"

"Come on! This way!"

Allison and Dani called.

Max and (Y/n) ran in the direction of their voices with the black cat following behind them.


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