《love or host - tommyinnit》chapter 15- among us


i crack my knuckles, waiting for wilbur to start the call. i quickly type out a message saying that i was going to get water and i'll be back in a few seconds, and wilbur responds with a thumbs up emoji. i head downstairs as quickly as possible, grab a water bottle, and run back up the stairs. i almost miss the last stair, i'm trying to run so fast.

by the time i get back, everyone's already in call. it's exactly who tommy said it would be: wilbur, tommy, tubbo, schlatt, nihachu, quackity, fundy, karl, and scott all in the call. i take a deep breath and join.

"-chose her for a reason. she's super chill. you guys will like her," i hear tommy say as i join.

"oh, really?" wilbur eggs on. "surely she's not just-"

"shut UP you nimrods!" karl yells, trying to talk over wilbur.

"she's here, you idiotas," quackity says in an obscure mexican accent. i laugh quietly.

"yeah. hey guys," i say, still laughing.

"hi, val!" tubbo exclaims. i giggle.

"hi, tubbo!" i respond with equal enthusiasm.

"to those of you that haven't met her, this is the girl that won my love or host," tommy says proudly.

"yup, hi, i'm valerie, it's nice to meet you guys," i say, smiling, even though they can't see me.

"hola, señorita," quackity says, keeping up the obnoxious accent.

"hola, señor. cómo estás?" i respond, grinning. quackity gasps.

"¿puedes hablar español?"

"sí, sí."

"she's a keeper, tommy. she's a keeper." i let out a hearty laugh. i like him.

"okay, big q, stop hogging her. valerie, i'm fundy, hey, how are you?" fundy asks awkwardly.

"i'm doing well," i say. "how about-"

"don't talk to him, val," wilbur warns. "he's a furry." i gasp and fundy groans.

"you're joking!" i exclaim sarcastically. "a furry!"

"hi, valerie," karl says. "my name is-"

"aren't you friends with mr. beast?" i interrupt. i regret it as soon as I say it, i hope I don't sound like a fangirl. however, karl lets out a gasp of happiness.

"she knows me! she knows me!" he says gleefully. i smile at his happiness.

after i introduce myself to everyone, scott sends out the among us code. i join and change my character to purple with black cat ears.

"you're like corpse with your cat ears," tommy says.

"choke me like you hate me but you love me," i say in a deep voice, earning laughs from everyone.

"low key wanna date me when you fu-" quackity begins, being quickly cut off by wilbur shouting "hey hey hey."

we start the game and i get my role, crewmate. i run around, doing my tasks, hardly running into anyone. suddenly, niki walks up to me. i smile.

"hi, niki," i say, even though no one can hear me. suddenly, a dead body is reported.


"noooo!" i shout. "¿quién mató a mi amigo español?"

"what the hell does that mean?" wilbur asks.

"who killed my spanish buddy?" i translate. i look in the discord to see quackity wrote a message.

quackity: @valerie VENGARME!

i laugh. avenge me.

"so, where was everyone?" scott asks.


"val and i were in shields," niki says. "we can vouch for each other.

"true," i say.

"i was with valerie half of that game," tommy says. i raise an eyebrow.

"no you weren't," i say suspiciously. "i was alone most of that game until i found niki."

"well, no, we-"

"tommy you're lying, it's definitely you." i laugh.

"shit," he says, smiling.

"vote him out vote him out," fundy chants. we all vote for him, then get the message.

Tommy was an Impostor

"POG VALERIE!" tubbo shouts. i grin.

the next round starts, and it's peaceful, like last time, until karl vents through electrical and kills me.

"stupid mr. beast boy," i murmur to myself. the among us chat has a notification, and I check.


"serves you right for voting me out, bitch," tommy writes.

"not my fault you're a terrible liar," i type out. as soon as i hit send, my dead body is reported.

"valerie?" karl says. "who would've killed valerie?"

"you did, you son of a-" i sigh and don't finish my sentence.

"i think it's niki," fundy says. "she was with valerie last round, and was probably was with her this round, too."

"what? no i wasn't," niki says. "i was with scott a lot this round."

"that's true," scott says. "so who did we not see this round?"

"wilbur," tubbo and schlatt say in unison.

"seriously? no, i walked by fundy once, remember?" wilbur pleads.

"that's not much of an alibi," karl states. wilbur groans as everyone votes him out.

Wilbur was not an Impostor

"well oopsie daisy," schlatt says in a monotone voice.

"dead vc?" tommy asks in the chat. quackity, tommy, wilbur, and i all join the dead vc.

"VALERIE," tommy shouts as i join. i laugh.

"yes, tommy?" i respond innocently, floating around and doing my tasks.

"you ratted me out."

"that's what you're supposed to do in this game."

"aye man, stop attacking mi chica," quackity says, bringing back his accent.

"I DON'T SPEAK ESPAÑOL, BIG Q!" tommy shouts.

"he said 'stop attacking my girl.' though i hope you didn't mean it like 'girlfriend,'" i tease.

quackity gasps.

"no, man, no. you're my friend. mi amiga de habla hispana. that's it, man." i laugh.

"gracias, amigo."

"STOP TALKING SO I CAN'T UNDERSTAND!" quackity and i laugh.

"sorry, tommy," i say, wiping tears from my eyes from laughing.

"you won my love or host, not his."

"i know, i know. i haven't forgotten."

soon, tubbo catches karl venting, and it's game over. crewmates win.

"POGGERS!" wilbur shouts. i hear niki giggling and clapping her hands.

"by the way," scott says. "is anyone streaming?"

"yeah," tommy and wilbur both say. my heart stops.

they've been streaming the whole time?

i get a discord notification from tommy soon after.

: I forgot to mention i was streaming earlier because all my friends are streamers and never mind, so I don't have to tell them. If you're not okay with it, just tell me and I'll end stream. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you.

i smile at how considerate he is.


: i was caught off guard, but i'm fine with it. can't wait to watch me rat you out in the vod :)

i decide to look at twitch to see tommy's stream. it has 360,000 viewers.


i laugh, screenshot the title, and send it to him,

: damn, i'm not apart of the crew?

: I can still use your name for clout, and you bet I'm using that to my advantage.

: clout? how are you getting clout off my name if i don't stream or anything?

: You seriously have no idea how popular you are in my community?

i sit back, stunned at what he just said. popular? why would i be popular? i knew i was growing somewhat of a platform, but "popular" is a stretch.

: what are you talking about?

: My fans love you. In the stream this morning all they asked was "Where's valerie? How's Valerie? Have you guys been talking? Can you stream with Valerie? I miss Valerie. Are you dating Valerie?"

my jaw drops open. people are talking about me? people like me THAT much?

: no way lmao

: I'm dead serious

"val, tommy, are you guys ready?" wilbur asks, snapping me back into the game.

"shit... yeah i'm ready," tommy says. "sorry, i was just making sure val was okay with me streaming."

"careful saying that around the stans, big man," tubbo says.

"yup... definitely shouldn't have said that... that chat is spamming 'awwww' now. jesus christ."

"cuties," i say smiling.

"who's cute?" tubbo asks obliviously.

"the viewers, of course. who else?"

"i thought you were referring to me and tubbo..." tommy says meekly. i laugh at how embarrassed he sounds.

"why would i say that about you and tubbo?" i ask with a laugh.

"yeah... i don't know why that was the first thing I thought of- CHAT STOP SPAMMING AWWWW! THIS ISN'T CUTE!" everyone on call laughs.

"next round?" scott asks, still wheezing. everyone responds with a yes.

my screen turns red.

impostor with tommy.

"this is going to be fun," i laugh. i walk around innocently, pretending to do my tasks. the first person i kill is niki in electrical.

"i'm so sorry, niki," i whisper quietly. i hop through the vent just in time. wilbur runs up to the body and reports it the second i hop in.

"niki in electrical," wilbur says sadly.

"not niki!" fundy shouts.

"where was everyone?" quackity asks.

"val and i were in weapons," tommy says, covering for me.

"true that," i say, snickering slightly.

everyone says their location, and no one seems suspicious. we end up skipping the vote.

the next round, i end up in admin with tommy, karl, and schlatt. tommy walks in a circle around my character, probably hinting at making a double kill. i walk up to karl, tommy walks up to schlatt, and we kill both of them instantly.

"get in the vent, get in the vent, go go go," i chant as if tommy can hear me. he follows my lead and jumps into the vent. i jump out in the hallway. tommy doesn't pop out right after me, for whatever reason that may be, so i run to navigation and pretend to do a task. fundy's already there, and he runs in a circle around me, waiting for me to "finish my task." once i'm done, i run towards him and circle him as well. then, karl's body is reported.

"double kill, karl and schlatt, in electrical," scott says.

"i'm clearing val, her and i were in navigation and she didn't kill me," fundy says.

"yeah, i can clear fundy as well," i say.

"i think we should rule out valerie, because i was with her most of the game and she never killed me," tommy says. i cringe. covering for the other impostor is a risky move, but maybe we can pull it off.

"true, i think fundy and tommy are the ones i can clear," i say, blowing a piece of hair out of my face.

"scott, did you walk into electrical alone?" tubbo asks.

"yes," scott replies.

"so i don't think it was a self report, since you're positive it was a double kill?"

"definitely, the bodies were practically right next to each other."

"so that leaves wilbur and quackity. i bet it's both of them."

"WHAT?" quackity shouts. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? WHERE'S THE PROOF?"

"the proof is that no one can back you up. plus, wilbur reported niki's body really quickly. i bet it was a self report."

"you're forgetting about yourself, tubbo..." i say. "can anyone cover for you?"

"i have a scan in medbay, please... val come watch me scan i swear-" tubbo pleads. i laugh.

"okay, i say we vote wilbur out this time, since he's not defending himself."

"i'm not defending myself because you guys aren't leaving me any room to talk," wilbur says.

"go on, then."

"yeah, i wasn't with a lot of people, i'll admit, but with that being said, i've been on cams a lot and-"

"not doing your tasks?" fundy interrupts. wilbur sighs.

"i already finished them!" he cries. "come on guys, no no, stop-"

but it's too late. everyone's already voting, and everyone votes for wilbur.

Wilbur was not an Impostor

"uh oh," tubbo says. directly after, scott calls an emergency meeting.

"okay, that leaves six of us," he says. "me, quackity, tommy, val, tubbo, and fundy. we were wrong about wilbur so i say we don't vote out quackity just yet."

"why not?" tommy asks. "he seems way too sus to me."

"i gotta back that up," fundy says.

"guys, if we just all vote for big q, we'll overrule scott's vote," i say. everyone mutters a quiet "true" and the votes start rolling in.

Quackity was not an Impostor

"this is really bad, guys," tubbo says. the second we get back in game, i turn off the lights. they can't call a meeting if we're in a crisis. tommy and i run to lights and camp it, waiting for someone to show up so we can kill them. only one kill left to win.

fifteen seconds until my kill cool down wears off.

i sit anxiously, awaiting the final kill as i watch my cool down go down.




i drum my fingers on my desk impatiently.

tubbo walks into electrical. tommy and i immediately get on lights and pretend that we're trying to fix them.




the lights are back on.

tubbo starts to walk away. i follow him.



the kill button lights up and i click it quickly.


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